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03x22 - House of Sarcophagi

Posted: 01/16/24 08:28
by bunniefuu
What's up, Eddie? He had a vision.

What did you see? It was Frobisher.

He was chanting.

Arise! Arise! He was trying to I don't know summon something.

Arise! And! Rule! Something terrible.

Guys, I think something really, really bad is gonna happen.


Are you all right? I heard such awful noises.

I'm fine.


Don't fuss.

- It's very tiresome.

- Um The noises you heard last night.

That wasn't a normal storm.

I was summoning my ruler, just as I was instructed to do upon waking.

Ruler? Ammut.

You are familiar with the name, huh? The Devourer, yes.

Uh In Egyptian mythology, she was The Eater of Souls.

She is an ancient beast of the underworld.

She has always wished to enter the earthly realm.

But she needs my Our help to do so.


I will do anything.


Okay, so last night I saw Miss Denby coming out of Victor's office.

She had a book under her arm.

So borrowed a book.

I don't get it, Fabian.

Victor was in the kitchen the whole time.

He had no idea she was even there.

She stole it? Okay, I say walk right up to her and ask her exactly what's going on.

Okay, out of all your bad ideas, that is definitely the worst.

Well, we still have to figure out what she and Frobisher are up to.

We don't know for sure that he's awake.

He's awake.

I know it.

So does Denby.

That woman is bad news.

So then we follow her.

We'll see what she does, who she talks to.

We duck and weave and bob and dive.

Stealth mode.

Okay, guys, I was being hypothetical.

I wasn't meaning me.

Wherever she goes, you follow.

- Yup.

- Stealth mode.

Yeah, I can do that.

Ah, finally.

Gonna tell us what this secret meeting is about? Operation Vengeance is a go.

Oh, no.

I had an operation on my appendix, and it made me very woozy.

- I think you'll have to count me out.

- Different kind of operation, Willow.

Any kind of operation.

They're just not fun, make you very woozy.

Okay, let's start this again.

I have the perfect way to get back at Jerome, and I need your help.

- Well, I'm in.

- Okay.


Thank you.

She needs the souls of five sinners, humans, the corrupted With greed, jealousy Spite, pride And anger.


Did you never wonder why you have five Sarcophagi? They will house the five sinners.

Ammut must devour their energy to gain the strength to enter our world.

What do you need me to do? Get me the records of the children in the school.

All of them? The individuals who are most likely to sin.

I will not fail you, Robert.

Oh, Edison, Edison, Edison.

It's Eddie.

Seriously, do you do it deliberately? I know.

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.

No, I wanted to talk to you About yesterday.

Right, when you expelled me.

Yes, I overreacted.

I know, and I'm apologizing.

But, hey.

We don't want to dwell on that, do we? Onwards and upwards.

Per aspera ad astra.

Yes? Jolly good.

I've got a surprise to end all surprises for you.

Meet me at mine at 7:00? I'll be there at 6:59 sharp.

I can't wait.

Guys, Denby just tried to sneak into Sweet's office.

- Wait, first Victor's and now Sweet's?
- Do you think it's about Frobisher? We need to find out what she's looking for.


I've got an idea.

Are we still on for our date tonight, Jeromeo? Our date? Seven o'clock.

You didn't forget, did you? No, no, of course I didn't forget our date, silly.

I was just trying to find a way to tell you.

My assignments are stacking up, and I know how you want me to be a better student, so I might have to cancel.

Like you always say, school comes first.

Of course it does, which is why I'll help you.

It can be a working date.

See you at 7:00, my room.

All right.

Hurry up.

We're already late starting.


Every time.

Ah, Fabian.

Is everything all right? No, Sir, there's been a flood in the science classrooms, and they need you to come straight away.

Get them to tell Victor.

He will deal with it.


Is there something else, Fabian? Mr.

Sweet, I I have a problem with my grades.

I've had no reports of them slipping.

I mean, that's just it.

What? Well, what if they do? Maybe I need some extra tutoring.

We could do that now? No, Fabian, I don't think you need extra tutoring.

You're doing very well on your own, and now, if you'd excuse me, I am rather busy.

No, Mr.

Sweet, I'm so worried.

You hear the stories all the time, don't you? You know.

I mean, first my grades slip.

Then what? Vandalism.

Petty crime.

- I mean, it's terrible.

- Fabian, stress is a natural state.

It's just a case of managing it.

Now, take things easy for two or three days, I'm sure you'll feel a lot better.

No, but, Mr.

Sweet, you don't understand.

You don't understand.

What don't you understand? I've been seeing things.

Seeing things, yeah.

Like what? Dead people.

I see dead people.

Do you think I'm exhausted? You may be a little tired.

Perhaps it's burnout.

You know, you read about that all the time, you know, clever kids who melt down from studying so much.

I mean, that's probably what it is.

It's the pressure.

It's the pressure.

I need to leave.

I need to leave this school right now! Right now! Mr.

Rutter, do slow down! We need to talk this through.

Sorry I'm late, Miss.

Yeah, why are you late? And where's Fabian? That's just it, Miss Denby.

Fabian's had a meltdown.

I just saw him run out of Mr.

Sweet's office and down the corridor.

- Mr.

Sweet ran after him.

- I see.

Ah, now Fabian.


What is it? Are we pushing you too hard? Yes! No.

Do you think I should guard his office? He left it unlocked, and any of the students could just go in there.

Oh, no, KT, I'll go and check on it.

Um Joy, you supervise till I'm back.


Quiet, please! Silence! Thanks.


Sweet, the The truth is that I I still miss Nina.

- Ah, affairs of the heart.

- Mm.

Yes, they can be torturous to recover from.

I know.

I know.


It's all part of growing up, Fabian.

No Mr.

Sweet, yeah, but, I mean, what can I do? Do? Oh, my goodness um What are you doing, Denby? Ooh, look, I really must get back to my office, there's a meeting with the teachers and governors this evening I need to prepare for it but You hang on in there, Fabian.

- It does get easier.

- Yeah, yeah, no, but You see, it's all part of life's rich tapestry.

I need to see those files.

Oh! Miss Denby, what's going on? Oh, Mr.

Sweet, Patricia just ran straight into me, knocking my assignments for marking.

I'm sure it wasn't deliberate.

She just wasn't watching her step.

Be more careful next time, Patricia, or someone will get hurt.

Oh, I helped myself to a few essential items.

Of course.

The desk was just cluttering up my spare room.

Make yourself at home.

Student files.

There's details on performance, contacts, attendance records.

Yes, yes.

These students are always in trouble.

They're hotheaded, rebellious, deceitful.

It should be easy to collect your sinners.


But the sinners can only be captured one by one and at the alignment of the two realms Noon and midnight.

I would be happy to offer myself.

No, the sinner cannot be taken willingly.

They must be unaware.

And a vague sensation of Anger or jealousy or any other emotion will not suffice.

The sinner must be consumed by their sin As they enter the sarcophagus.

I will do anything you need, Robert.

Why does she want to secretly read up on us?
- I don't know.

- I don't know.

We've got to find out.

If Frobisher's awake, it's way too dangerous to keep going to the Gate House.

If this was a movie, we'd send in a surveillance team and bug the place.

Alfie, you're a genius.

- They're lovely.

- Oh, hey, what's up?
- That's brilliant.

- Amazing.

Well, we know the cameras work.

All we need to do is plant them in the Gate House and bingo, we can find out exactly what Denby's up to.

Okay, Denby's gone, but Frobisher could be anywhere.

Okay, I'll get the great hall.

Right now, hurry, close the door behind you! Willow, I am so sorry, but something's come up.

Willow, lovely Willow, let's do this tomorrow instead.

You're more of a Tuesday girl anyway.

- What do I say?
- Oh.

- You're actually early.

- Hey.

Come in.

Voila! Picnic time.

Though I think I may have laid some of it out too early.

Something smells a bit funny.

Look, Willow, you have gone to so much effort.

Sounds like someone's desperate to talk to my boyfriend.

Yeah, it's, um It's my mom, so, uh, look, I probably have to Have to take this.

Just hold on a second.

Come in.

Hey, you.

You're late.

- Yeah, sorry, I was
- Oh, you brought me flowers.

That's so sweet of you.

Of course I did.

Nothing's too good for my Mara.

Come in.


- Somewhere you'd rather be?
- Than here with you? No, no.

Don't be silly.

So what did you want to do today, math or English homework? Actually, I was thinking food tech.

- I've been cooking.

- Food? Mexican dip.


- Mmm.

Oh, oh!
- Are you okay?
- Ah! Oh!
- I thought you liked chili.

I do.

I Gotta go! There you are.

I wondered where you'd got to.

Come on.

Jerome, come on! I made snacks.

Amaze balls.

I mean, yeah, cool

I mean, I knew it was gonna work, naturally.

Doesn't look like anyone's home.

Someone is, we heard footsteps, and they can't be Denby's because we saw her leave.

It's Frobisher.

It has to be.

Oh, not this again.

I don't want to hear it.


Turn it turn it up.

Please, please, let me out.

How's it going?
- Great.

- You know, he deserves this.

- Ooh, dip.

- That's just for Jerome.

Mara? Sorry about that.

Turns out I may actually be allergic to chili.

Oh, well, never mind.

I also made you some homemade lemonade.



I thought I'd cut out the sugar.

After all, you're sweet enough.

Okay, okay.

I think I'm gonna need an early night, but thank you for the Well, that went well.

What? Jerome.

- He does deserve it, doesn't he?
- You're not getting cold feet, are you? No, but me and Jerome were together for a really long time.

And he cheated on you.

Look, you're too good for him.

He's had this coming for ages.

We're turning the tables on him, so what? It's payback time.

Don't mind me.

I'm just doing my pinks.

Are you sure the camera, like, isn't faulty? Shh.

It's probably just feedback.

Someone, please let me out.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that said, "let me out".

Guys, look.

- It's Denby.

- Hello? Who is that?
- Shh, I can't hear.

- Quiet! Quit your sniveling or I'll put you back on rations.

Oh, that was definitely Denby.

She was telling someone to be quiet.

Who? My great

Alfie, you knew he was cheating on us, didn't you? And you didn't tell us.

I didn't approve.

I tried to get him to chose one of you.

And okay, in fairness, he's given me pink clothes so I have been hurt too.

Okay, I really didn't like what he was doing, but I couldn't say anything because I thought it'd be better coming from him.

You're not gonna tell him what we're planning, are you? Please, Alfie.

We're just trying to teach him a lesson.

Your secret's safe with me.

What if we have it all wrong? What if he's the one Denby has locked up? KT, if Frobisher's awake, he's gonna be evil.

Remember what the fable said "Woken into servitude to the underworld".

Just because it's in some old book doesn't make it true.

Maybe Denby's the evil one.

Listen, whoever it is that's locked in there, they're in trouble.

We need to check it out.

I failed him once.

I'm not gonna do it again.

We'll go with you after lights




Someone, please.

Let me out! Someone, please.

Let me out!
- Help.

- Who's there? It's locked.
