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03x19 - House of History

Posted: 01/16/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
How many was it for tea? Uh, it's getting late, Miss.

We really should be getting back.

Such a lack of commitment.

You have been granted special permission to stay late.

Isn't that correct Mr.

Sweet? Yes, indeed, and we really want you four, to be at the very heart of our eclipse day.

Enjoy the rehearsal.

- No, Eddie, Eddie, wait a minute.

- We can't just leave them there.

But the keypad's changed.

The cellar door is locked.

Okay, what are we going to do, sit out in a rainstorm all night? If Alfie, Patricia, Jerome, and Joy are the descended, that means evil is The adults can wake Frobisher
-Smythe, and a terrible evil is unleashed.

- I know.

- Okay.

So let's go to Frobisher's office, go through his diaries.

This is no time for more study.

We're all in danger! Look, my dad's there, okay? He wouldn't let anything bad happen.

- I wouldn't be so sure, Eddie.

- Mr.

Sweet is in this up to his neck.

We need to get them out of there before the ceremony happens.

Yeah, how? I will think of something, all right? The eclipse is tomorrow.

Can you please think faster? Look, arguing is getting us nowhere.

I say we go to the antechamber.

Maybe he left us a clue, something that can help us, anything.

Yeah, it's worth a shot.

- Who are you texting?
- Alfie and Patricia.

Someone needs to tell them who they really are.

Yeah, good call.

It's so good of you to go to all this trouble for us.

Miss Denby, what is this ceremony, exactly? Ah, yes, it's an Egyptian tradition done during an eclipse.

It was thought that it could Well, it's a bit silly, really that it could reanimate mummies.


Uh, could it wake Alfie on a Monday morning, I doubt it.

I'll take your phones, if you don't mind.

They wouldn't have had them during ancient Egypt, after all.

There is no way I'm giving Thank you.


If you want to rehearse the ceremony, let's get on with it.

It's not like it's actually going to work.

Oh, those Rats, I'll be one minute.

That sounded like loud rats, Miss.

Okay, why are you being so rude? I mean, ruder than usual.

Guys, seriously, Joy and I need to do well at this, or we flunk history.

- Goodbye, scholarship.

- Goodbye, school.

Okay, so you've been bribed.

You know, sometimes I think your little hobby has messed with your heads.

Okay, look, I say we just let it go.

They haven't got KT.

What's the worst they can do? What are we looking for? Okay, we'll know when we find it, just push every button, and pull every lever.

This place is full of hidden compartments.

- Hey, what if we call the cops?
- Yeah, and tell them what? That an ancient Egyptologist is about to be woken up? No, that there are four kids being held against their will at the Gate House.

Yeah, and then they'll say, "why?" And then we'll say, "to work on a school project".

Yeah, I don't really think they're gonna send a S.




Team, do you, Eddie? Fine.

Haven't you already searched every inch of this room, Fabian?
- Well, maybe I missed something.

- You? Dude, you don't miss anything.

I mean, if there was something here, don't you think the house would have some sort of way to Telling me.

A hidden drawer.

Pretty good, huh? Well, what is it? Some kind of film canister.

For the Ancient Egyptians, the eclipse was a thing to fear, but it was also a time of rebirth The sun emerging from the darkness.

That's so interesting, Miss.

How about we go and take a look what's in the t*nk room? Uh, is there something you two want to tell us all? No.

Go right ahead.

I won't stop you.

- Well, what is it?
- Actually, I'll save you the trouble.

If you want to know who we are waking up, try the elevator.

Go ahead and look.

Guys, listen up.

This is Robert Frobisher

He's over 100 years old, and tomorrow they're gonna wake him up with a magic bracelet.

Hey, there, Robert! You 100
-old dude, you! So now that we've got that out of the way, can we get back to study, please? Look, I'm telling the truth! Is it like when you were telling the truth about the giant lizard monster you grew in the science lab? No, I had a lot of sugar that day I was overexcited.

Okay, okay, okay.

Listen, I have been thinking about what you said regarding my My girlfriends, and you're right.

I need to choose one.

Yeah, I really think you should choose Mara.

Yes, but you also think that is a sleeping man.

Okay, here it goes.

That's the expedition party.

That's Alfie, Patricia, Jerome, and Joy's great

What are they doing?
- I think they're tomb robbing.

- Seriously? Nice relatives you guys got.

- That's Frobisher

- Great
-grandpa! He does not look happy.

What's that? I think it's a warning.

He is telling people what will happen to them if they steal from the pyramid.

A curse.

What do you mean? I think.

I think it means, um, sleep? Eternity? Sleep for eternity.



Are you kidding me? My great
-grandpa gets cursed because they stole from some tomb? And that's why their descendants are needed for the ceremony! Because Frobisher took the rap for them.

Anything I can help with, Jerome? Just running some astronomical computations, Miss.

Making sure we know the exact moment of the eclipse.

Well, very good, Jerome.

Carry on.

Miss, can you just check over the work that I've done, please? Since when did you know anything about astronomy? I don't.

I'm running my own kind of computation.

What's that, a spreadsheet? Yep, I'm giving Mara and Willow marks out of ten in various categories.

How much they laugh at my jokes, wait on me, let me win video games, you know, the important stuff.

Dude, Mara is the right choice for you, it's obvious.

Now, can we please talk about the eclipse? Obvious to everyone or just to someone who's got a crush on Willow?
- No, dude, this is important.

- Hey, can I just borrow that? I need No, you can't! "Mara, Willow".

What is this, Jerome? Uh All right, so we got a movie.

That helps us how? Uh The Osirian will find a way.

Don't worry, Eddie.

I believe in you.

Thanks, but I mean I mean, we can't get to the bracelet.

We can't get to the descendants.

What else are we gonna steal, the adults themselves? Eddie, that's brilliant.

You marked them on how many chick flicks they own?
- Yes.

The fewer the better.

- That's just random, Jerome! No, no, you're seeing this all wrong, Joy, I am the victim here.

I never meant for this to happen.

One, you cheated on them both, and two, you scored them!
- They're not performing seals!
- I know that Swimming ability, I missed that one.

I know what mark I'd give you out of ten in all categories.

Let's stay calm.

You're not gonna do anything silly like like tell them, are you? Of course not.

That's a relief.

- You're going to.

- Joy, be reasonable.

I can't Tell them before someone else does it for you.

Like I said, quick decision.

This is not at all fun.

I need to get out of here.

Victor, we've been looking for you.

You can't drop a pin.

Not all of us are here.

Don't you think you should investigate that? Are you talking of Lewis, Clarke, Mercer, and Williamson?
- You know we are.

- Yes.

I'm not expecting them back.

Now, go to your rooms.

That's it, then.

They're gonna keep them there until the eclipse.

Yeah, we've got no choice.

Extreme action is now required.

- Agreed?
- Agreed.



We stop the adults from getting to the ceremony.

Tomorrow morning we kidnap Denby, we kidnap Sweet, and best of all It is ten o'clock! You have five minutes precisely And then I want to hear a pin Drop.

We kidnap Victor.

Anyone for cocoa? Always helps me sleep.

And we all need a good night's rest before eclipse day.

Actually, Miss, I appreciate the help, but we have to leave.

Oh, but with the weather, it's frightful.

I can't let you go out in that.

Well, what's the alternative? Well, you could stay here in the guest rooms tonight.

What? Teacher's sleepover.

That is a little weird.

That's so nice of you to put yourself out Miss, to stop us losing the scholarships.

Thank you.

I need to get back.

I can't sleep without my, um Uh, blankie.

Oh, he really panics without it.

Oh, Alfie, that's so cute! I thought we got you off blankie when you moved to big school.

Well, don't worry.

Victor can take care of it.

Okay, the point is, thanks, but no thanks, we need to go home.

Oh, but but I was just about to make cocoa and lock up.

Oh, those bats.

Uh I thought you said they were rats.

Rats, bats, what's the difference? Nuisance.

Alfie, she's left her bag! What are you doing? Patricia, if you blow this grade for us A message from KT.

We really have to get out of here.

- What's wrong?
- All four of us are descended.

Blankie! It's a little late for a run, isn't it? I have to think of some way to get out of Mara's all
-night study session.

And anyway, I am too happy and buzzy to sleep! Well, I'm glad to hear it.

Why is that? I'm supposed to keep it a secret, but I am just busting to tell someone! Well, you know you can trust me.


You have to promise not to say a word.

- I've got a new boyfriend!
- Who's the lucky fellow? Well, he's a little shy.

I'm not supposed to say anything.

Secret boyfriend, eh? Okay, I won't ask you to name names.

No, that's probably for the best.

Just to let you know, I've finished the script for our presentation by myself.

We're good to go.

The script, it's Well, it's very mathematical.

Well, don't worry.

You've got until tomorrow to learn it.

It's only simultaneous differential equations.

Simple, really.

Suddenly I'm really tired.

Come on, Alfie! Come on!
- It won't move.

It's stuck.

- Oh! Hold this! Thank you.

My house, my rules.

What I mean to say is, I've already locked up.

Now, cocoa.

Join? I'll do the marshmallows.

Alfie, if what Fabian says is true If we can't get out of here, then they've got everything they need to do the ceremony.

Hey, guys.

I picked the padlock on the cellar door.

Phase one, complete.

It's eclipse day, everybody! Yay! I've made a special breakfast, eggs sunny side up with moon
-shaped toast, hmm? Oh, well, I mean, we are too excited to eat really, Trudy.

I hope you've all got your eclipse viewers ready.

We may be a little busy.

Did you hear that, Victor? They don't want to see the eclipse.

Really, well Their choice, I suppose.

Some would say the moments after the eclipse are even more interesting.

You might be missing it yourself, pal.

What was that, boy? Nothing.

I didn't say anything.

Come on, Victor.

Let them eat their breakfast.

All right, guys.

It's now or never.

Everyone knows the plan? Sibuna.



Better get these over to school.

And we'd better hurry, because it's 93 million miles away.

Science joke.

I'll explain as we go.


Why won't it open? Because she's made sure this entire place is locked, I told you this hours ago.


Okay, if it doesn't open, then plan "B".

Why don't we just not do the ceremony? She can't make us.

Aside from the adults, attendees need do nothing other than be present.

Oh, no.

Okay, maybe Fabian's wrong.

How can we be the descended, anyway? No, he thought descendant meant one person.

It meant more than one.


It actually is kind of cool.

It would be cooler if it didn't mean we were going to unleash great evil When Frobie wakes up.

Yeah, you're right.

Come on.

- Well?
- Victor.

I've just come off the phone to Harriet.

She says everything is in place.

The descended are fully prepared.


I can scarcely believe the hour is upon us at last.

We should begin our own preparations.

Oh, and, Eric Waking Robert will, perhaps, be the most important thing we ever do.

There can be no mistakes.

They're all straight "A" science students.

Walter, here, even got a "hungh" once.

That's a new letter he discovered which comes before an "A".

Oh, that's impressive.

Oh, I like what you wrote, by the way.

I only had a few small changes I wanted to make.

This is This is all about mythology.

Crazy stories about eclipses.

It's fun, but it won't get us an "A".

Come on.


There must be some sort of secret door somewhere.

She must have locked it somehow.

Guys, will you stop with all this? Thank you for the alarm call.

Look, it's just a silly history project.

What does it matter? Ceremonies Bad teachers, great evil, does none of this ring any bells for you? Oh, no.

How did they There's an e
-mail from me to Mara and Willow! Explaining everything! I didn't send an e
-mail Joy? You said you wouldn't tell! I didn't.

You did.

Wait, we had Wi
-Fi the whole time, and you didn't tell me? I don't think so, Alfie.

Patricia, the only thing that racket will get you is an earache.

Well, I hope you all slept well.

And I'm sure you're all looking forward to the eclipse as much as I am.

- Willow, could you help me with something?
- Oh, I thought you'd never ask! I'm actually better at math than people think.

I just need you to hold the ladder while I put the sun up.

So will your boyfriend be here for the presentation?
- Oh, for sure, will yours?
- He wouldn't miss it for the world.

Hey, Caroline.

Or is it Harriet? I get confused.

What? KT? Maybe we should let the police figure it out? KT, what are you talking about? Who on Earth is Caroline? KT, come back here! What do you mean, police? No one to wake Corbierre.

What on Earth what's the matter? I ate the breakfast.

I ate the whole eclipse breakfast! Come in.

KT? KT, I will find you! No! Help! I have to get out of here! I'm sorry, KT, I don't think there's anyone left in the house to let you out and listen to your little tales.

Help! Looks like you're gonna miss the eclipse.

I have to get out!