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03x16 - House of Close Calls

Posted: 01/16/24 08:25
by bunniefuu
Chessie em hotep.

Chessie em hotep.

Chessie em hotep.

Chessie em hotep.

Chessie em hotep! Has it worked?
- Is he awake?
- Say something.

You say something.

You're The Osirian.


Hi? Oh Eddie he's in a t*nk he's not going to hear that.

Okay, calm down.



-Smythe! Hello? Hello? Nope.

Nothing, okay, he's still sleeping.

Are you sure? No, no, no, it has to have worked, surely? Okay give it up Fabian, clearly we did something wrong.

No! Then can we please get out of here? This place is giving me the creeps.

Are we forgetting something? Uh, your fabulous idea to have us locked in here, remember?
- Hi.

- Hey J.

Making hot chocolate I see, trouble sleeping?
- Yeah, Willow doesn't stop talking.

- Oh! Really?
- Talking, about what?
- Oh, you know Willow stuff.


Willow stuff what's Willow stuff? Oh nothing, it was just a girly chat.

- What are you doing?
- Uh, making a sandwich.

I fancied a sandwich, would you like a sandwich? Not really my kind of snack.

Oh! Yeah sorry.

Would you like me to make you something? No I've gone off the idea.

Here have my hot chocolate.

Thank you Mara
- I don't deserve you.

- Aw, of course you do silly.



Leopard head.



Snap! Oh it looks like I am victorious once again.

- I am allowing you to win!
- What on Earth are you doing?
- We need to get to the crypt now.

- Miss Denby do you mind? I saw those infernal children heading there, that's where they've taken Robert.

- Come along you two
- Someone's coming, listen.

It's coming from that way.

Here's the crypt.

- Watch your step.

- It's Victor.

Right, well no door handle.

How do we get in, ideas? What do you expect me to cast a spell on it, I'm not a witch Victor.

- Well, you
- Uh, we need a bit of brute strength.

I'm sure those kids have something to do with this.

That's not possible Harriet, and we've been through this The children are all accounted for.

Stand aside there! Mm! Ah! Oh.

My goodness that's well sealed.

Probably hasn't been opened for years.

Well then, we'll have to force it.

- Have you found the key?
- Yes I have it.

We have to get back to the crypt and get them out.

Why don't we go down to the crypt the tunnel way? We have a problem, the cellar door's been Victor

Oh, still on lock down.

Ready for a little midnight hike? Ninja's and midnight hikes are just like that.

- Oh! Sorry.

- Oh, careful.

- Where's Victor anyway?
- Not here, that's all I care about.

Don't you think this feels a little bit too easy? I never worry about too easy, come on.

Hurry up Fabian, we need to get out of here.

Oh! I can't open it.

We need something like this.

Step aside.

Come on Patricia, come on! Shh! Shh! They'll hear us! What are we going to do? Eddie, over here.


- Take this lock the door.

- What?
- That door.

- All right.

You think the ritual worked? Of course it worked, Fabian knows what he's doing.

-Smythe will be awake and telling them stories of the olden days.

Evil stories.

KT's grandfather was pretty specific about the "evil" part.

Ah! Okay, here we go.

Okay, we just have to hope that they don't get through before Patricia comes.

- Ah!
- No, no, no, Victor not like that.

Lever it.

- Whoa.

- What are we going to do now?
- Uh!
- Come on put your back in to it!
- Remember what I said about too easy?
- Yeah? Yeah, scratch that.

Come on you stubborn Look at Victor he's really going to town.

He's crazy determined to get in there, he's on fire.

That's it Alfie!
- Where are you going?
- Follow me.

Mm Mm Mm! Oh, this is terrible, I must have got a virus.

Oh no, is it sending out spam, screen freezing up? No, I sent Amber a friend request and I haven't had a reply.

What other possible explanation could there be? Um I can think of one, maybe Maybe it was when I clicked on the link to win a unicorn.

Well I've got study to do so Hum Mm Mm Willow! Do you mind? I'm trying to get in a zone here.

Hum Mm Mm Hey, Jerome didn't confirm that we were in a relationship either.

Ha! It's got to be a virus.


Got to be a virus.


What are you doing, where are you going, and what's the capital of Bulgaria? It's on my geography test, I can never remember that one.

- Just give me your phone.

- Okay, I can look it up later.

But we should probably concentrate on what the others are doing right now.

This is your plan!? Seriously? The alarm will bring Victor and his cronies racing over here, and in all the chaos We sneak out and break the others out of the crypt.

- Exactly.

- Bring on the chaos! That's a fire alarm, and we're trapped, in a crypt That's locked.

Don't worry it'll be miles away.

Actually I think it might be coming from the house.

It's cool, stay calm okay? We'll be fine.

Bet Yacker had something to do with it.

Fire alarm! It's a fire alarm! Ignore it, I think I felt it move, we're nearly there.

We have a duty of care to those students, and as long as they are in this school they are our responsibility! Robert, is our responsibility! Come on you stubborn
- Corbierre!
- What? Corbierre.

Uh! Ah! Okay everyone, don't panic and no running on the stairs.

It may just be a routine fire drill.

You mean you got us out of bed for no actual reason? Well, no.

We don't know that for sure.

It may be a practice, it may be a real fire.

I just don't know yet.

We'll just have to keep calm.

Everybody keep calm.

Everyone keep calm! Squee! Amber accepted my friend request! Ten times! It is working.

Oh no.

Mara! Oh! Oh! Fire! Oh no.

I don't know how long it's been going on! We could get burned alive, and I get heatstroke! Oh! Oh uh, perhaps I should check the cellar Trudy? What? No! Look, the boiler might have overheated or something.

No, step away from the cellar door Patricia.

Step away from the cellar door Patricia.

- Lewis, is this your doing?
- I don't know anything about it dude.

Squee! Out of my way! Out of my way!
- Out of my way! Out of my way!
- Oh! Willow relax.



Stop! It's okay, it's okay.


- Alfie, Alfie a little help over here.

- Oh, yes.

Move aside! Oh Victor thank goodness, as you can see No running on the stairs Victor.

Alfie and Patricia, stop! Stay here please.

Are you coming in here? I just need everyone to stay together, Jerome come back here.

- I'll go get him.

- Oh good idea Alfie I'll go get him too.

- Whoa!
- Jerome, get back to the entrance hall.

Where do you think you're going? Well? I'm still waiting, where were you going? Uh uh, my ears are very delicate Miss and the alarm could permanently deafen me.

- And why should I believe that?
- What?
- See, he's going deaf already Miss.

- There's no fire.

Someone set off that alarm deliberately! And they shall pay dearly for their effrontery.

Well, the alarms stopped now, so you can both go safely back inside.

- Or risk a long term detention.

- Oh, harsh.

Well you heard that.

Well you'll be relieved to know it was a false alarm.

But we still need to follow procedure, so everyone stay still until I do a head count.

So now we're in trouble for setting off the alarm, and we can't get back to the crypt, do you have a plan "B"?
- That was plan "B".

- Well then we better have a plan "C".

- Jerome!
- Ah!
- Hey!
- Silence! What is this? Uh, thanks Victor, wouldn't want to lose that.

- What, what is it?
- Nothing to worry about Miss Denby.

- Hand it over Williamson.

- But it's mine.

I found it ages ago, and you know what they say, finders keepers.

I do not believe in sayings, give! The fire alarm, it stopped.

I think it worked, Victor and ** cleared off.

Yeah, or they could be on the other side of that door right now.

Yeah, they could be.

Listening to us.

Guys, it will be all right, okay? We'll get out of here in no time.

Patricia will probably be here any minute.

Well, maybe there's another way out.

Yeah the uh, emergency, emergency exit.

All crypts have those.

I hope that was just a false alarm, I'd hate to think that any of the others got hurt.

What if they did? Alfie and Patricia were the only ones that knew we were down here!
- I don't know just
- Hey, hey, hey.

Enough with the "what if's", okay?
- Okay.

- Okay.

Okay, now let's help Fabian look for a way out.

There's got to be a clue around here somewhere, there's always another clue.

- Right Fabian?
- Yeah.

Yeah, there's always a clue.

- Willow?
- Yes.

- Jerome?
- Ahem.

- Mara?
- Yeah.

- Joy?
- Yes.

Ooh! Welcome to Anubis House, there's always something going on.

- Alfie!
- Mm, guacamole.

Did you order that to go? He
-he hoo
-hoo! And with Eddie, with KT and Fabian, at the hospital
- That should be everyone.

- Thank you Trudy, right! Off to your rooms in an orderly fashion.

What are we going to do now? Victor's got the key to the crypt.

- I don't know, try and get it back?
- Well, meet me here I said quiet! Alright everybody, calm down calm down! I'm here now! Oh good, we're saved.

Oh thank heaven.

My, my, my Another fine mess Clarke Where were you anyway? Um, me and Alfie went to hospital, to visit Fabian.

We just got back in when the alarm was going off.

- What?
- Look, I know you've reformed Sibuna.

Patricia, on ones at the hospital, thanks for the memory by the way.

Look, you know you can be a part of it.

- I just though what with Fabian
- I'll sit this one out thanks.

I just hope whatever you're doing you get them back.

Yeah, they'll be back soon.

I just have to figure out a way to get to them.

Still no signal.

Hey guys What about this?
- A stick?
- Hmm.

- Spear!
- What are you going to do? Well in ancient Egyptian tradition the spear, or scepter.

Or stick.

Represented power or domination.

- So
- So?
- So
- So?
- Um
- Try prying the door open.

- Little help?
- Yeah.

Two one
- Ah it's not moving.

- Oh! You know um I was thinking You think the ceremony failed because of me? No way, you're The Osirian.

I'm not so sure I know what that means anymore.

Well it means you're part of the team.

You guys were doing just fine before I got here.

I hardly think nearly losing my girlfriend twice, to an ancient Egyptian curse qualifies as doing "just fine".


Eddie, I spend hours online and in the library finding stuff out.

It's my thing, but you, you just get on and do it.

I guess.

Osirian or not, Sibuna needs you Eddie.

I guess, I kind of need you guys too.

What are we doing up here? We need to get back to the crypt now.

Harriet, I said this will wait till the morning.

Look what happens when we turn our back for a moment.

- Oh hardly chaos, it's just a fire drill.

- Not a drill.

Somebody set that alarm off deliberately.

Yes, I hope you're going to find the culprit and expel them.

I'm not going to draw attention to the incident at all.

Why ever not? Because I do not want to advertise the fact that we were all away from our posts.

Yes, we must keep up appearances just until the end of the week.

Yes, and we must get Robert back in his rightful place by then.

There is still one more thing outstanding.

- What's that?
- The small matter of the key.

- Or specifically, Miss Denby's key!
- Where did you get that?
- The Williamson girl had it.

- How, how did she get hold of it? Well if anyone can answer that question for us Harriet, I suggest it might be you.

- Give it back!
- No.

No, you're clearly not capable of looking after it.

Any more than you're capable of looking after Frobisher

No, I shall be keeping a hold of this from now on.

Oh, don't be absurd! I had everything perfectly under control until I came to this school, full of incompetent staff, and feral children.

- Oh yes, always somebody else!
- No, no, no, now please! We have all had a long night.

Could we try to maintain a modicum of dignity? We must get Robert back! Yes Harriet, tomorrow! And that's finale.

Now would you please go home and get some rest? Goodnight Victor.

Goodnight for them Corbierre.

Not for us, there's still work to be done.

Maybe we should put him back on the trolley.

- Why?
- I don't like where he is.

- It's like staring at me.

- I see your point.

In fact, you know what? I just wish I knew why the ritual didn't work.

I mean I thought we had everything covered.

Hey, if anyone could figure it out Perhaps we weren't supposed to move him.

You think maybe he was in the Gate House for a reason?
- Hey.

- It could be.

- Uh
- Go.

- Whoa, there we go.

- Okay.

You know I really thought Patricia would have been here by now.

KT you're freezing.

- I've been warmer.

- Here.

We should make ourselves comfortable.

Get some rest.

Don't worry, if she can't get to us tonight, I'm sure she'll be here first thing.


Oh, you better not have gone to sleep Alfie.

Oh! No way! How am I going to get past that? The key! Oh.

If anyone is there, show yourself! Oh no, Patricia