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03x09 & 03x10 - House of Trickery\United

Posted: 01/16/24 08:21
by bunniefuu
Come join me for lunch, my darling.

Amber! Amber! Say something, you stupid, stupid girl.

Oh, this is all we need.

Eddie, how many times do you want get caught today? Denby's got to have some I.



What have we here? "Hd".

Worth a shot.

It's all here! Birthday, medical number, bank details.

It's all in one file.

Why would anyone do that? Amber.

Amber, can you hear me? Um, where am I? I don't know where I am.

How did you get in? What are you doing here? People search? It's a website used to do background checks on people.

Joy and I used for our family trees.

You do know that this is a massive invasion of privacy, right? Hit it.

She must've crept in when we went yesterday, but how and why? Isn't it obvious? Trudy didn't take the package after all.

She did.

This website matches Denby's info.

What's that? Looks like an old job application.


"Harriet Denby Born March 4, 1977".

Address is right, says she's a teacher.

Everything matches up Everything but the face.

It's the woman.

It's the one I saw in my vision.

If this is the real Denby, then Who's our Miss Denby? I should go and see Amber, see how sick she really is.

Of course.

I'll ask someone to escort you to Anubis House.

No, no no, it's just along the way.

I'll be fine.


Oh, send my regards to Amber.


Harriet? Calm calm down.

Whatever is the matter?
- You guys didn't find Amber?
- We searched the entire gatehouse.


Unless there's some sort of secret hidey, lair thing.

You guys, this is bad, really bad.

- What did Miss Denby do with Amber?
- Guys, we need to tell Mr.


And Amber's dad.

Okay, let's go.



It's about Amber.

She's gone missing.

Haven't seen her since yesterday.

- What?
- You could have led up to that, Alfie.

Um, Mr.

Millington Apparently Amber's gone missing.

Well, not missing exactly.

I mean, I know where she is.

She's over at the gatehouse with Miss Denby.

It's fine.

I'm going over there now to sort everything out.

Everything's fine.

Well, it doesn't sound fine.

First she's sick, then she's missing, now she's holed up in some gatehouse.

- I'm gonna come with you.

- No.

No, there's really no need.


Sweet, are you refusing to let me see my own daughter? Well please, follow me.

What is going on? I don't know.

Amber, listen to me.

You're not going to get into trouble.

Just tell me what you were doing here.

I don't remember.

I don't remember anything.

But is there anything that might have led you upstairs, say A package? I told you I don't remember.

How did I even get here? She's traumatized.

Shock of seeing him, probably.

Come on, guys, we need to follow Sweet and Millington.

Sweet was acting weird.

Something's definitely not right.

What if Victor's at the gatehouse right now, him and Denby? Well, that's double the reason we should go now.

Is it? But think about it.

No one is gonna hurt Amber while her dad's there.

I don't know, but we should follow them anyway.


I know you're upset.

I mean, we all are.

But if we get caught following Sweet, then this whole thing is over.

Victor will know we're onto him.

- But
- Yeah, Patricia's right.

We have to wait.

Amber's dad will bring her back here, and then we'll know what went on.

We tough it out, act like everything's normal.

Come on, Alfie, you can do this.

- Okay.

- It will be fine.

- What now?
- It's Eric.

He's on his way over with Mr.




Oh, are you okay? Oh, me? No, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Outstanding, actually.

It'll take more than Fregetable Bar's to bring me down.

Are you sure? I'd hate to think we'd made you ill.

Willow, look at this face.

Look at it.

Is this the face of a man who's Suffering.

Argh! Ooh.

Remember All your friends will disappear if you do not do as we agreed.

- Amber.

There you are!
- Daddy.

What on Earth happened? And who are you? This is Victor Rodenmaar, the caretaker.

He lives in Anubis House.

Oh, I see.

And how do you explain all of this? Um I've been sleepwalking a lot recently.

Teenage stress.

It's a very common problem.

And, um, last night, I slept
-walked, all the way here, and then I got locked in.

I'm gonna need some serious retail therapy.

Wait a minute.

You know how much I spend on school fees, not to mention your allowance, and this is how you repay me?
- I was very tired.

- From what, parties? Messing around? I even let you go on that Fashion Camp over the vacation.

I'm sorry for my daughter's theatrics.

It seems Amber owes you an apology.

Go on.

I'm sorry.


I guess I'll see you back at school.

Daddy! Nothing.


May I have your attention, please? Now, I know you must all be concerned about Amber.

Well, after a rather unfortunate sleepwalking incident, she is now resting safely at Miss Denby's house.

She's fine.

There's nothing to worry about.


Why did she lie to her own dad? Look, all I do know is how badly Victor wants that bracelet.

We have to get back to the gatehouse before he hurts Amber.

Yeah, but how without them noticing us? Mr.

Sweet And Miss Denby Suggest that I wait for your memory to return.

I, however Think that returning to Anubis House might trigger it.

And if it does not It will be a sad day, indeed, for all of you friends.

Not only will they disappear from Anubis House.

They will be expelled from the school.

And you will never see them again Ever Ever Ever.

The thing is, Jerome, people sell hot dogs the world over.

What makes yours so special? I'm glad you asked.

Meet Alfido, our multimedia marketing campaign.

AKA Hot Doggy Dog.

Should we sneak out now?
- Yes.

- Go, go, go.




Alfie, stop.

Oh, oh, yeah, sorry, business.

The idea is to not only make money from Alfido hot dogs, but from Alfido toys as well.

There's also Alfido aftershave.

Because women like a bit of ruff

All building up to Alfido The Movie.

I'm a dog who's also a cop layin' down the law with a big, furry paw.

Heh, heh, heh.

- So what do you think?
- Boys I'm not sure.

But the sauce, very good.

Thank you.


- You hear that? He liked the sauce.

- Yes.

- Glad to be of service.

- Thank you.

Wait, you helped Jerome on his project? I didn't think it would be a problem.

Yes, well, obviously it is.

Willow, we're in competition with them.


I'm not very good at competing.

I just want everyone to win.

It isn't her fault.

I asked her to help.

Behind my back?
- Well, not
- Was this before
- or after you ate all my stock?
- Mara, I think you're blowing this whole
- thing a little out of proportion.

- No, Jerome.

All of this is to make sure I didn't win.

You're not the person I thought you were.

I think we should cool it for a while.

Well, hang on a minute, wh Mara.

I told you.

I don't remember opening any package.

Time is running out.

We shall start with your room.

Oh, Victor.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Amber? Miss Millington is unwell.


Sweet has had me bring her home.

Well, I'm having a disaster.

The kitchen sink's leaking.

There's water spraying everywhere.

- Trudy.

- Get to your room.

Alfie, I'm really not sure about this.

Mara's already mad at me.

Willow, look, if I don't do this, I will never forgive myself, so please For Amber.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

When we were looking for a high
-fiber, low
-fat snack, we thought, "who better to look to than the ancient Egyptians?" Clever.

Putting a new spin on an old theme.


- This one's delicious.

- It's called Feseekh.

It's rotten fish.


- It's nice.

- Who knew? What can I say? Great presentation.

- Thank you.

- Well, that's everybody.

Hello? Excuse me, everyone, hi.

Look, I realize Amber's not here, but she wanted to use this project to show off her talent, and, well, I owe this to her.

So if everyone's ready to rock Hit it, KT.

That's right! Amber Millington proudly presents "Foodie Fashion".

Willow is modeling a mouth
-watering chow

It's good
-bye, black dress and hello, snack dress.

And to top it all off, your very own snack hat.

It's fun.

It's funky.

It's Amber.

- Uh, Mr.


- Now, hold on.

I appreciate what you're doing, but that Fashion School is gonna do nothing but fill Amber's head with even more far
-fetched ideas.

I'm sorry.

Look, I don't want her to go, either.

But if you're half as proud of Amber as I am, then, well At least think about it.

They didn't headhunt her for no reason.

She's really talented.

All right Well, everybody, we have some judging to do.

Take a break, but I want everyone back here in ten minutes.

Okay, now's our chance.

Let's go and get Amber.

You three, I need volunteers to help set up the stage.

- But, Sir
- No buts, Patricia.


Come on.

Well, that is it.

As soon as this is over, we're getting back to the gatehouse.

Now, as you know, everyone's business project will be graded as usual.

However, there is a small matter of a special prize for the very best idea.

A brand
-new laptop
-y, computer
-y thing, no less.

So now I'd like to ask Mr.

Millington to please do the honors.

I've made a decision.

After what's happened today, it's obvious this school is not providing Amber with the mental stimulation she requires.

What are you saying? I'm saying that fashion course starts on Monday, and Amber will be there.

When I'm done here, Amber's coming home with me.

Hurry up.

Come on.

We need to get out of here.

It's a great honor to announce the winner of your very first business studies competition.

The winning snack is an idea that asked "What does this place have to offer that no other business could?" The answer is "A taste of Anubis!" Joy Mercer and Fabian Rutter.

What can I say? Perfect partners.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you very much.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and fetch Amber.

Tell Victor he has to find that package immediately.

I'll stall Millington somehow.


- Look, take it.

I've got to go.

- Fabian, Fabian, not so fast.

I've asked KT to take some photographs of you and the winners, if you don't mind.

- If we could hurry this along, Mr.

- Of course.

Now, KT, where would you like everyone? Just around the table.


Victor? Yes.

I'm under here.

What on Earth? Where's Amber? Oh, she's sick.

Didn't you know? Of course, only I need to speak to Victor Now.

There, all done.

Oh, yeah, but what about all this mess? Victor.

Found it.

Although, I still don't remember how I got it, whatever it is, or how I got my hair to look this great.

Rough day, huh? My whole world's upside down.

My dad isn't who I think he is, and Denby isn't who we think she is.

I'm who you think I am I think.

Seriously, KT, I don't know if I can handle all this.

My head's fried.

Listen, what did you say when you found out about my key? You told me you were The Osirian, and if anyone can handle this, it's you.

And you want to find out who that woman in your vision was, right? Yeah.

So we're gonna do whatever it takes to find out what's going on, okay? Yeah, all right.

Whatever it takes.

Come on.

Inside, quickly.

I gave you the package.

What more do you want? Go and fetch Eric.

Amber? The spy hole.

Let's go.

Amber, I have some news.

As you know, your father was never keen on you going to Fashion School.

Daddy wants me to be a pharmacist.

But really? Me on a farm? Ugh.


But after an impassioned plea from Alfie Lewis and one or two other factors.

It seems he's now rather determined that you do go.

Wait, but what about my friends? I suggest you take this wonderful opportunity.

For their sake.

Oh, it's Amber.

So in the end, Amber, you've got exactly what you wanted.

And all you had to give us was one very simple parcel.

I'd call that a bargain.

Alfie, are you okay? What did they say? It's Amber.

She's betrayed us.

Come on, Jerome, I'd like to clear up.

You'd be surprised how much some people can eat, Trudy.

Have you two had a falling out?
- They've split up.

- No, we haven't.

Well, what did you do, Jerome? Why does everyone automatically assume it was me that did something wrong? I need to start hanging out with people who don't know me.

I don't get it, I'd never believe Amber would betray us.


We heard her.

We saw her give Victor the bracelet.

Good evening, everyone.

Your attention please.

Miss Millington has left the school.

What do you mean she's left? She is currently traveling back to America with her father, where she will attend some Fashion School.

You're lying.

Not now.

She couldn't.

She wouldn't.

She didn't even say goodbye.

This can't be happening.

First, she gives Victor the bracelet, and now she's gone? Alfie, Alfie.

Did you know anything about this? What? No, why? Well, you seem very interested in what's happening to her.

- I was just worried.

- Yeah, but you barely even know her.

I care about her.

Is there something so wrong with that? Hey.

Look, Patricia is just Patricia.

She'll get over herself.

It's not just her though.

Look, one thing to know about us Brits, is we hate to show we care.

But some of us like having you around, and we'll look out for you.

- Thanks, Joy.

- Yeah.

Come with me.

No, no, no, no! No! So, Mara and I, well we sort of set up this pact, you know, to look out for one another.

- Like a sisterhood.

- Yeah.


And, well, we think you're really cool.

And we don't have an American yet, so
- We want you to join.

- Really? Mm


And? I'm sorry about earlier.

I didn't really mean it.

See, room for one more.

You guys, that is so sweet.

Oh, KT.

Oh, you're not gonna cry on me, are you? I really don't do tears.

She really doesn't.

- I'd love to join.

- Yay! Meet me in school now.

Is that Amber? What's she got to say? It's an unknown number.

I brought you some cake, do you want it, hey, hey, hey, Alfie! I got cake and everything!
- What a weird text.

- Whoa, crazy text I got.

Meet me at school now?
- You got it too?
- What if it's Victor? Well, whoever it is wants to talk, then let's talk.

And if it's not talking they want to do? Safety in numbers.

Right? Who is it? Mara, it's me.

Can we talk? Jerome, I told you I need some space.

And I know.

I respect that.

I do.

You have every right to be mad at me.

I'm arrogant, I'm selfish And I can't believe I hurt you.

I can't I can't believe I hurt my little Beansy Bob.

Beansy Bob? No.

Whenever you feel like talking.

I feel bad.

Why? Jerome is lucky to have you.

And we're the sisterhood, right? What would KT and Patricia say? Okay, out of all our bad ideas, this is definitely up there with the worst.

It's okay, stay behind me.

And that's supposed to make me feel safe how?
- What, you guys?
- Eddie? Look who's with him.

There's a surprise.

Hey, I thought we were over all that.

- You got a text as well?
- We thought we'd be meeting Denby.

And what would make you think that? No, we just thought that
- You obviously know something.

- Yeah, and I wonder how that is.

- What?
- You heard.

- Yeah, I heard you accusing her.

- Well, maybe we are.

I should have known.

I was right about you.

Right about what? Look, shouldn't we figure out who sent us here? What are you guys doing here anyway? What, like we're gonna tell you anything.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Wow, shouting's really hard work.

Anyway, now you're listening.

Surprise! Amber, where have you been?
- Busy betraying us?
- Okay, spoiler alert.

But after you guys abandoned me in the gatehouse
- That was an accident.

- Details.

Meanwhile, I spent the night in Denby's secret room with this very strange t*nk thing.

The one with the guy hooked up to the valves and stuff.

The what now? We were there.

It's seriously terrifying.

There's a man in a t*nk and I think he's asleep.

Actually, he's been cursed by Anubis.

Miss Denby has a cursed guy in a t*nk in her house? Okay, just checking.

Anyhow, Victor, Denby, and Sweetie have a plan.

They're going to break the curse and wake him up.

And they're going to perform a ceremony.

What happens then? Some great evil is unleashed into the world.

No, no.

One word Denby.

Someone's been on my laptop.

Right now, we don't know who Denby really is.

- Our guess is Victor doesn't either.

- We need to stop her.

What about the package? Why do they want it so bad? It contains the instructions for the ceremony.

The words needed to break the curse.

And you gave them to Victor.

- Wait, you've done what?
- Amber, how could you sell us out?
- You betrayed us.

- And you can't even admit it.

Oh, Alfie.


The package I gave to Victor was a fake.

When Victor and Denby caught me, they knew I must have the package, and they were going to do anything to get it back.

But I had an idea.

I remembered the fortunes KT was going to put in her cookies, so I put them in the envelope.

- But what about the bracelet?
- Please tell me you didn't give them that.

Well, I had to put a bracelet in there.

But then I remembered that I borrowed one of Patricia's.

And you'll never guess what.

It had this really cool moon symbol on it that I used to seal the envelope.

So, I popped it back in the package, wrapped it all up and Gave it back to Victor.


Almost 100 years of waiting, Corbierre.

It's perfect.

Exactly how I dreamed it would be.

But listen, Victor won't be fooled forever.

He'll figure out what I've done at some point and He won't be able to reach me but he might get to you.

You've got to start working together.

It's time to reform Sibuna.

- I'll tell you later.

- It's a good thing KT.

Are you up for it?
- Yeah.

- And you need a new leader.

As the longest standing member, I vote Fabian.

No, no, no, no.

No, I can't be leader.

I'm not The Osirian.

What, you want me to lead Sibuna? I'm a better wing man.

And who better to explain to your dad that what he's doing is wrong? Yeah, bring it on.

My work here is done.

Now, it's time to sprinkle some of that magic in Fashion School.

You have to go now? It's all been arranged.

Sweetie, Denby, and Victor want me out of here.

Did they thr*aten you? What did they say? Don't worry.

But daddy's waiting in the car, I just snuck out to say goodbye.

Well, hello, a hug maybe? You will write, yeah? And show me the photos of you and your cool new friends.

They'll never be as cool as you guys.

Slightly better dressed, maybe.


There's so much I wanted to say.

The way I see it, there's only one thing.

Bye, Alfie.

You guys are gonna have so much fun.

- Sibuna.

- Sibuna.



You're officially a member of the sisterhood now.

Ooh, thanks, guys! What's the matter? Is it Fabian? No, it's just It's nothing.

Life just stresses me out, I guess.

I know how you feel.

You've been having a tough time with Jerome, right? Maybe a bit.

You know what we need? A road trip to Mexico with the wind in our hair and the law on our tails.

- No.

- Oh.

Since Amber left us all of her stuff.

I figured, it's makeover o'clock! Aw.

Come on, what have we got to lose? It might be fun.

Or excruciating.

- I'm in.

- Yeah, let's do this.

- Come on, Patty.

- No.

Come on, come on.

Life without literature is death.

Those who wish to sing, will find a song.

The greatest treasure is worn with pride.

They're just old proverbs.

Where are the instructions for the ritual? I don't know, Eric! But without them This is useless.

All these years of waiting.

Try this on.

Hey, guys, what do you think? Wow.

It's pretty, right?
- You look amazing.

- I think we all do.

Especially you, Patricia.

How do you feel? I feel like the sisterhood rocks.

Oh! Unless these aren't just proverbs.

Hmm? Maybe it was too dangerous To put the bracelet and the instructions in the same package.

And these could just be clues as to where we might find them.

They must be here.

Hidden in this building.

Imagine that, Victor.

Right under our noses, the whole time.

How did you get in here? I had the old key up my sleeve.

Sorry I'm late.

So It's the left hand, yeah? I'm joking.



Yeah, Sibuna's back in town.

Sibuna's back in town.

Sorry, sorry.

You can talk.

All right.

Man in the t*nk.

What do we got? Well, we know there's a ceremony to wake him up, using the bracelet.

And we have the instructions.

Although we don't know what they mean.

Okay, children of children sleep the day by.

Do we think the child is Victor? Oh, what, Victor and Victor, Sr.

? Or Miss Denby and her folks.

Or is it something more obvious than that? Me and dad? Oh? No, look, we don't know that.

But we need to find more clues, if we're going to figure out how to stop the ceremony.

So, I say, we go back to the gatehouse tonight.

- It's the only way.

- What? You mean, go back and see the scary man in the t*nk?
- When Miss Denby's there?
- That's the other thing.

We need to figure out who she really is.

Hey, you guys made me leader.

Wait, wait.

When we get there, what do we do about Miss Denby? We need to get her outside.

Keep her talking.

So who do we know that's good at talking? You're on such thin ice.

- Patricia?
- Sorry to bother you, Miss We were just on our way home and Alfie got att*cked by a rabbit.

I wasn't att*cked.

It surprised me.

That's the word.

I think I broke my ankle.

I'm just gonna take a look.

- Ooh!
- It doesn't feel broken.

It's probably just sprained.

Do you think you can make it to the house?
- He can't.

- Oh, no, it hurts really bad.

I'll go and fetch some ice.

Miss, Miss, please, I What, Alfie? My ankle.

Do you think Miss Denby might have had some work done? Maybe a face transplant? Eddie.


What could you mean? And there's a Web address.

Harriet Denby.

Lovely picture.

The thing about secret doors, they're kind of secret.

So that's what it's for.

What? What? I mean, oh, you've got a key to the door.


You said, "so that's what that's for".

But I've never showed you this, so why do you act like you've already seen it?
- Well, I, I
- Fabian.

Hey, guys, we're kind of on a schedule here.

KT? Fine.

You first.

And then I want answers.

- No way.

- Fabian, have you seen this? What? I said how have you seen this? Do you get visions too? No, no, Patricia took it.

What? I'm sorry, but she thought you were working for Victor.

Well, we all did.

Are you serious?
- Did you know about this?
- What? No.

Can we just look for clues and get out of here?
- I can't believe you guys didn't trust me.

- Well, what did you expect? That is so mean, Fabian!