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03x03 & 03x04 - House of Truth\Hieroglyphs

Posted: 01/16/24 08:19
by bunniefuu
- The key.

- Hey.

[Dramatic music]

Let me out! Eddie? Eddie? Eddie, are you okay? [Gasping]

What just happened? Oh, it looks lovely.


Make a wish.


Ah! [Cheers and applause]

What did you wish for, Amber? I always wish that Cocker Spaniels could talk.


I once spent a whole summer trying to teach my dalmatian, Precious, how to sing.

- Who's for cake?
- Me.

- Would you like some cake, Jerome?
- Yes.

I'm actually gonna go and get some plates.

Oh, yeah, I'll just help.

Why didn't you tell me you thought Nina disappeared? Hello? That is what happened to me.

I could've helped.

I am part of Sibuna, remember.

It's not really a Sibuna thing.

There is no Sibuna without Nina.

What did Nina write in the letter? Is she definitely not coming back? I haven't read it yet.

How are you feeling now? That evil your grandfather spoke about, he wasn't kidding.

It's I had a vision when I touched that key.

I was in I was in a room.

And there was glowing eyes.

And it was I don't want to.

So what, you just, like, touch things and have visions? I think it's an Osirian thing.

- A what now?
- That's me, I'm The Osirian.

Sounds kind of like a superhero.


Something really bad, really, really bad is going on here, KT.

You need to tell me everything you know.

Thank you, guys, This place is the best.

Oh, it is.

It is the best.

And my birthday has been awesome.

And the bestest present just like you said.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

I never knew you had such good taste.

Alfie, come here.


Who is that? [Chuckling]

That girl that's been hanging around all evening.

What, Willow Jenks? She's the one that had the crush on you, like, three years ago.

That is never Weeping Willow.

[All chuckling]

- Yeah.

- Wow.

- Great.

- Thank you.

You're gonna have to read it sometime.

Yeah, I just can't bring myself to read it.

Look, how do you know it's not another fake letter? I won't believe a word Eddie says.

Ah ha, thanks, Yacker.

Fortunately, not everyone's as cynical as you are.

Come on, let's go.

Fabian, can I have a word? Yeah.

Hey, I challenge anyone to fit more cake into their mouths than me.

I bet I can down this baby in one.






Impressive, impressive, nearly as impressive as your present, say, for Amber.

Where did you dig that one up? Oh.

[Muttering indistinctly]

- What's up?
- Okay, you know that day mare I had? Okay, I had another one, like a vision or something.

Okay, what about? Do you think it could be, like, an Osirian thing? One minute, sorry.


- Look, it
- Chew.

[Muttering with mouth full]

It makes sense.

The house used to talk to Nina, you know, and help us out.

- Maybe it's doing the same for you.

- Okay.

Okay, so if you find a way to make them less creepy, just let me know.

- Cool?
- Okay.

All right, thanks.

- Coffee, Victor? It's organic.

- Oh, for goodness sake, man.

Ooh, careful, Victor! Now look what you've done.

- Where is he?
- Patientia est virtus, Victor.

We've waited years for this moment.

I don't think another five minutes will do us any harm.

- And we were early.

- Yes And now The Keeper is late by some 45 seconds.

[Brush rustling]

Hello, gentlemen.

Having a picnic, are we? Yes, a private picnic.

Oh, I can see you're gonna be a bundle of laughs.

Are you lost, Miss Harriet? The gatehouse is over that way.

Thanks, Eric.

But I know exactly where I am.

I've been keeping something safe for you gentlemen.

You're The Keeper.

So you pretended that Victor's parcel, was actually a gift from you to Amber?
- I panicked.

- [Laughs]

And you know what she's like.

I'm too young to die.

You know how much she loved that bracelet.

But that bracelet, in fact, belongs to Victor.

Yeah, and I always had him down as the pocket watch kind of guy.

So what should I do? Emigrate.

As soon as Victor sees Amber wearing that bracelet He'll go ape.

It's your fault, dude.

You shouldn't be so under her thumb.

Jerome, be a sweetheart and help me clean up.



Stupid parcel.

"To The Keeper, The Seeker, and The Enabler".

What? Weren't you concerned when it didn't arrive? I was told to expect a parcel, containing instructions and an ancient bracelet.

I was not told how it would arrive, only that it would do so on this day.

I thought perhaps you had it.

I am The Keeper of something far more valuable, as you well know.

Yes, and I insist you take us to see it.

Not until you get the parcel.

This is outrageous.

As is your incompetence! Harriet, Victor, remember, we're in this together.

All he had to do Was receive a bracelet and a set of instructions, and then bring them to the meeting.

And bring them, I shall.

Make sure you do.

[Knock at door]


Um, um.


Could you read this out loud to me? I've tried, and I just can't.

Are you sure? Yeah, I think so thanks.

"Dear Fabian" "I know this may seem like the strangest way of telling you I'm not coming back".

"But I know that if I told you in person, I'd just break down and cry".

And then my aunt, she raised me.

And she said I had to come here.

Grandpa insisted, so here I am.

Okay, so you're at a school you've never heard of.

On a quest you don't understand and a key that just, pffw, doesn't unlock anything.


You are good.

- Thanks.

- Although this place is pretty cool.


Maybe not this room necessarily.


All right, where have you tried the key? Everywhere, apart from Victor's office.

Okay, yeah, let's go.

"I found out that The Osirian and The Chosen One, have to be kept apart or terrible things will happen".

"I started to tell Eddie, but then my gran got ill again".

"And that's when I decided I wasn't coming back".




Ah, Trudy, a word, please.

Well, hello, Victor.

Shame you missed the party.


Now, I have been expecting a parcel.

I don't remember anything arriving for you.

- Maybe it'll come tomorrow.

- No, no, no, no.

It was supposed to have arrived [Apple thunks]

Lewis, what are you doing in here? Not eavesdropping, that's for sure.

Um, ha, bedtime snack, you know, I'm a growing boy.

- Get to your room!
- Yeah, okay.

- It is almost time for lights out.

- Mm, yeah, on my way.

Trudy? "You are my first love, Fabian".

"And nothing or no one will ever change that".

"But I'm staying away to protect us all".

"Now it's time for us both to move on".


[Knock at door]

Hey, have you seen Fabes? Thanks, Amber.

Are you okay? Twist and then turn and then pull.

Twist and then pull.

[Key rattling]

It's 10:00! You all know what that means.

[Mouthing words]


It's stuck.

[Mouthing words]

You have five minutes precisely.




- Move, move, let me try it.

- He cannot get my grandfather's key.

- Hurry.

- I want to hear a pin drop.

I hope everyone is in bed.


He's coming.

[Ominous music]

What are you doing? We were just Looking for you.

There's a really big spider in my room, and I really, really hate spiders.

And you know what? You wouldn't think it, but Eddie hates 'em too.

Move away from the door.

Move away! Thought of being actor? You have great projection.

I'll take that.

- No.

- Give.

- That's mine.

- It's mine now.

Go to your rooms.

[Keyboard clicking]

Are you gonna quit with the tapping anytime soon? All I need to do is find an identical bracelet, do a switch with the one I gave Amber, package it up, and leave it somewhere for Victor to find.

If not, I'm toast.

I'd like a slice of toast.

The problem is, I can't even find anything remotely similar.

This thing's obviously pretty old.

[Computer beeps]

Oh, here's one, it belonged to the God Anubis.


Somehow I doubt that was mass

Now stop.

Stop with the tap


[Knock at door]

- Lights out in there!
- Ah, thank you, Victor.

I'll get the key back, grandpa.

I promise.

Listen, Fabes really needs his friends around him right now, and it's down to us girls to look out for him, right? So I've drawn up a rotor.

And one for you.

Thank you.

When Victor confiscates things, he gives them back at the end of the week, right? Wrong.

You're lucky if he ever gives anything back.

I need Eddie.

See, something is going on, she made out she couldn't stand the sight of him, but it's all, "Eddie this, Eddie that".


It sounds like she's still sore of Eddie dumping her.

What? I dumped Eddie, thank you very much.

- But why?
- You really liked him.

Liked, yes, past tense, enough.

I love how it goes with all my outfits.

See how it changes color with the light? Trudy! Toast! Maybe you shouldn't flaunt it so openly, Amber.

- What are you doing?
- [Sighs]

It's Victor.

What if he instigates one of his "no tolerance on jewelry" rules, and decides to, I don't know, confiscate it? Mm, thanks, Alfie.

You're right.

Are you feeling okay today, Fabian? Amber, he'll have a warm croissant and some jam.

Patricia, get him some juice.

No, no, no, Patricia, no, no, Joy, really, I'm okay.

- Is he sick or something?
- Alfie.

- Don't be so insensitive.

- What? [Mouthing words]

Oh, look, Fabian, I've got the perfect thing to take your mind off of Nina.

- Stop mentioning Nina.

- No, look, here it is.

It's like a coded message or something.

- Ooh.

- Oh, Alfie, not now.

- Oh.

- You sure? It seems like the kind of thing Sibuna should be on the case for.


Joy, you know, technically speaking, you're not actually a Sibuna.

Technically, Amber, I think you'll find I am.


How many more times? There is no Sibuna without Nina.

Fabian, I know you feel like this now, but just give it some time.

[Cell phone chiming]

Alfie, can you get that for me? [Cell phone chiming]

Joy, no, I'm fine.

Hello, Amber Millington's phone.

Alfred speaking.


Um I say, the signal's not too great in here.

Let me just move to another room.

It's all right, it's just business stuff.

You don't need to worry about it.

Yeah, okay, if I just close, nearly, nearly Ah, yeah, oh, yeah.

There you go, okay.

Yeah, Pandora From New York Fashions.

Oh, yeah, yeah, no, I'm still here.

No, that's awesome.

No, no, no, no, no, I'll tell her.

She'll be thrilled.

Yeah, give me the number.


Uh no, I'm still trying to eat everything else.

Hey, have you seen Eddie? Um, last time I saw him, he was heading to the bathroom.

I wouldn't hang around with Eddie so much if I were you.

Yeah, I'm beginning to realize that.

Why, why, what's he done now? [Scoffs]

Has he asked you out? Because if so, be careful, he's a rat.

FYI, I know that he's your ex, and this is bound to be awkward, but I'm not even remotely interested in Eddie.

I never even said you were interested.

But even if you were, it wouldn't bother me.

Good to know.

Alfie? You look like you're about to cry, what is it? Meditating.

Dude, you should totally try it.


Where have you been? Who was it? It was a wrong number.


- We need to talk.

- Oh, and she says she's not interested.

Excuse me? Eh, I'm just saying you should be careful, that's all.

And why is that? Because Eddie is the kind of guy, that writes fake breakup letters from ex girlfriends, and passes them off to his best mate that's why.

Okay, Patricia, cool it, all right.

She already knows about the letter.

Plus, I mean, she sort of helped me write it, so What? You pretended to be Nina?
- No, of course not.

- No, Patricia, it wasn't like that.

Do you get a kick out of upsetting people or something? I have no idea what you're talking about, but please back off.

- Oh.

Oh, no.

- Take cover! Patricia's getting riled! Too early for this.

What kind of snake does that type of thing? Who do you think you are? You need to leave me alone.



- Oh.

- Ooh.

Bull's eye.


Yeah, she does that.

- And I do that!
- [Gasps]

That was brilliant.

Whoa, you two are a lot alike.

Please don't insult me.

It was a compliment, actually.


Look, I overreacted in there but I need to get my grandfather's key back.

I can't let anyone else get a hold of it.

- I have to get it back.

- Okay.

- Okay, we will.

- How? We'll wait for the right moment.

When? When is that? When Victor's not in his office.

[Ominous music]

And, designing a wedding dress and outfits for an underwater ceremony, for 15 scuba divers.

Wasn't exactly easy.

I can imagine.

But I managed it, and they loved it.

Fashion school sounds amazing, Amber.


No, it doesn't! It sounds awful! What are you playing at, Mara, filling her impressionable head, with your pro
-fashion school poison?
- Were you listening at the door?
- A little bit.

Amber, I need to talk to you in private.

This fashion school, you had a great time there, right?
- The best.

- Here's the best.

I know.

I did enjoy the challenge it gave me, though.

Well, here's a challenge.

We need to reform Sibuna.

Victor's up to something again.

What? And this is the bit you're not gonna like.

It's about your bracelet.

It belongs to Victor.

Oh, Alfie, this isn't even his color.

Okay So you bought it from him.

Not quite.

- Ah, Trudy, has the
- Yes, the mail has arrived.

- No, there's nothing for you.

- Are you sure? There has to be.

That means someone must have taken it, they must have done.

Well, some parcels arrived for Amber's birthday yesterday.

Yes? And Jerome and Mara hid them.

And Amber opened them last night.

Well, I suppose it is possible That my parcel has got mixed up with those.


Because Mara and Amber would have returned it as soon as they realized, wouldn't they? You have far too high an opinion of the students at this school, Trudy.

It is a flaw in your personality.

Alfie, but I love this bracelet.

And now you're telling me it's what?
- An ancient Egyptian artifact.

- Belonging to Victor? Great.

- Anything else?
- What? Well, stealing bracelets from Victor to give to me I feel like I don't know you at all.

- So where is this note anyway?
- Oh, here it is.

It was taped to the packaging.

And it's addressed to The Keeper, The Seeker, and The Enabler.

You got to admit that's weird.

You do realize Victor's going to come looking for this bracelet, right? And when he does, I need to hand it over and leave you to do the explaining.

[Knocking at door]

Amber Millington.

I want a word with you.

I'm coming in.

[Pounding at door]

Amber Millington.

I want a word with you.

I'm coming in.

I am looking for a delivery that arrived with yesterday's post.

I am told it was taken away with your birthday gifts.

Oh, you got me a gift too, Victor? You shouldn't have.

Could you describe this delivery? I mean, how big was it, any what color? Stand up when you speak to me.

Uh, maybe magazine subscription, yeah? Moustache Wearer Monthly, Pin Dropper's Digest, ooh Dead Crow Enthusiast.

Corbierre is a Raven.

- Stand.

- Um! Um, now that I think about it, I did see your parcel.

Um, but anything that looked like junk mail went into the trash.

Junk? If there's no designer label, I don't risk breaking a nail.


What have you got us into? We need to get that key back.

We'll just we'll go in there, and we'll take it.

No, it's Victor's office.

If he catches us, we're toast.

What's the worst that could happen, right? Okay, look.

He's not in there, right? Okay, just run in, grab the key, run out.

You'll be, like, 30 seconds.

Me? But you're The Osirian, like a superhero.


You know what? Watch and learn.


[Suspenseful music]

[Clears throat]

- Oh, it's the Wednesday.

- Not the Thursday.

- It's not the Thursday.

- No, no.

Oh, we don't have to do it today.



Because we did the thing.

Trudy! I want all the trash from yesterday brought to my office.

Now please.

Later, I'll show you later.

And I will get that key back for you.

I promise.

I still can't believe you gave me a bracelet you stole from Victor.

I need to go and check where he is.

[Cell phone chiming]

[Electronic beeping]

Fashion school.

Delete, delete, delete, delete.

[Footsteps approach]

It is incredibly chic, though.

I'm even starting to like him.

Yeah, and if he wants it back that badly, then it must be important.

It has to be Sibuna territory.

You could design a whole collection based around this.

Yes, if you were going back to fashion school, which you're obviously not.

Even if they did make you an amazing offer which you couldn't refuse.

Well, it doesn't seem like it's something I have to worry about.

If they'd wanted me, they'd have called by now.

So just getting back to the hieroglyphics We're never going to be able to solve this ourselves.

I know.

It's time to go back to the professional.


- I said no.

- Fabian, you love hieroglyphics.

Okay, so Nina can't come back.

That doesn't mean we have to stop.

Nina's staying away so she doesn't put us in danger, so maybe we should stay out of danger.

Look, Fabes, I totally respect that, okay.

And you probably couldn't figure it out anyway, so come on, Ambs.

Give me that.

I'll see what I can do.

Yes, Fabian's in.

He'll crack this code, I know it.

It's just like the old times.

I'm almost glad there was no space for me at fashion school.

Almost? You know, the best thing about school this year No little sister to annoy me every five minutes.

Aw, I miss poppy being around.

She wanted to move schools to be near her dad.

And if I did put that idea in her head, I was only thinking of her.

You are so mean.

I don't know why I put up with you.

Because I save you from boring break times in the library with romantic picnics.

Well, you're definitely bringing out my dark side, Clarke.

I haven't even started my English assignment yet.

And it's due in two weeks.

I never knew you had such a rebellious streak, Jaffray.


And right now, I'm thinking about kissing you in school.

[Glass clatters]

I knew it was a good idea to splurge on pastries.

And when you say, "splurge," you mean "steal from Trudy's cupboard".

You know me so well.


There you guys are.

Do you think I hold Amber back? It wasn't at the forefront of my mind.

I mean, am I stopping her from realizing her true potential? Is she better off without me? Alfie, we're sort of doing a brunch thing here.

Oh, oh, my bad.

Okay, pastry.


See, on the other hand, what's better than dating a guy who can create animal
-shaped food with his mouth? See, watch this.

Snake or lion? Rawer! Grr


- What if we never get the key back?
- Ah, The Osirian will find a way.

My grandfather gave me one simple instruction.

Don't let the key fall into the wrong hands.

- And what's the first thing that I do?
- Hey.

The Osirian is on the case.

All right? The Osirian is starting to get annoying when he calls himself "The Osirian" all the time.


- Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- No hug today?
- [Scoffs]

Look, I have been meaning to show you this.

I've gone back three generations on my Mom's side.

The family tree I thought Miss Denby canceled that project.

She doesn't need to know I carried on with it, does she? Both: Mmm.

Better leave a big space on KT's for the children her and Eddie are going to have.

- Huh?
- Not that it means anything to me.

Patricia, I've explained this.

I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life, and none of them is Eddie.

And the other day, you thought it was Nina he was into.

Like I said, I couldn't care less.

Hello, everyone.

Hope we're all in the mood for the 1500s.

- Oh.

- Mm, I'm feeling the love.

Willow, can you give these out, please? Oh, family tree.

You drew a tree.



- No family trees here, Miss.

- Not even a family twig.

Good because Mr.

Sweet said we're not allowed to do them.

So if there were one, I'd expect it to be got rid of before I saw it, wouldn't I? Don't worry, guys.

For a teacher, she's actually cool.

Oh, Victor, what on Earth are you doing? Ah, it stinks in here.

Thank you, Trudy.

Just leave those two there, please.

- Let me help you with this.

- Leave it! That will be all.

It's got to be here.

I don't get it, I never lose my phone.

Maybe it's under one of your pom poms or something.

[Cell phone chiming]

Oh! Oh! Oh, that's my phone.

It's, uh, well, it's my phone ringing f
-for me.

Hello! This is my phone, my phone.

Oh, hey, hey, oh, Alfie's phone.

Can I help you? Oh, it's Jerome.

My man, Jerome, what's up? Yeah, no, I'm just I'm just by the lockers, just chilling out, yeah.

Okay, no.

I haven't seen it.

He's lost his tie.

No, no, no, no, this is mine.

This is mine.

Oh, you know what? I will speak to you later, Jerome.

You know what? I know I last saw your phone.

Come this way.

It's not here, Corbierre.

My parcel Is not here.

[Phone dial clicking]

Eric, I need to speak to you immediately.

Alfie, are you sure you saw my phone in here? Because I'm really not seeing it anywhere, and it's kind of giving me a bit of an anxiety because, I really need it now and I think you're imagining things.

Because you do that quite a lot you know, with your aliens and stuff.

- Oh, hey
- So, um, I'm really This is really not good for me, my skin.

Say you got an offer from that fashion school
- Not going to happen.

- But if you did,
- you'd turn it down, right?
- I don't know.

But if there's big Sibuna stuff going on, surely that's more important.

More important than accessorizing? Um, have you guys seen my phone? It's pink, has blue diamantes on it.

Well, can you help me look? Thank you.

Um, can you help me too? It's pink.

I got it! I got it! Not my phone keep looking.


What do you think that symbol means? Wild guess, there's a colony of giant talking wildebeests on the moon.

What? No.

No, it means "dark sun".

- I like my answer better.

- Mm.

Dark sun? What does that mean?
- I don't know.

- But you want to find out, am I right? Does this mean you're in, Fabian?
- No, I
- You! You will stay here.


Sweet will round up the rest of the Anubis residents.

Nobody will leave until I have my parcel.

And when I find out who has taken it They will be removed from this school.

I am missing a parcel.

It was addressed to me and delivered to Anubis House.

We don't know where your precious delivery is.

Then we shall have something of a wait.


Ah, I love hanging with these guys.

But you are not a resident of Anubis House.

I know.

I just love the whole Anubis vibe.

Ah, we never have fun stuff like this at our house.


Our odd job man isn't funny like you.

Get out! I am not an odd
-job man! I am a domestic maintenance manager.


[Laughter stops]

[Cell phone chiming]

Is that my phone? Oh, yeah, yeah.

- Must have picked it up
- I'll take that.

Do you think maybe we could get this over and done with? You may leave as soon as I have my property.

So who has it? Mm? [Mouthing words]

You, boy, have you seen my parcel? Oh, no.

Give me your bag.

- Oh
- Give! Ah.


Sweet, please search his locker.


This is our chance.

You can sneak out and get the key.


He just made an entire speech about not leaving.

Come on, Osirian.

[Mouthing words]

You're not gonna find your parcel in my bag.

Do not speak back to me.

I had thought your behavior would improve, now that your American girlfriend has gone, but evidently not.

She was a very bad influence on you, on all of you.

I'm sure she would be very proud of your pathetic defiance.

Yeah, I'm sure she would.

I have your package.



It's in my room, I've had it the whole time.

Then go to your room and get it.

And we shall discuss your punishment later in my office.

Whatever you say, Vic.


[Dramatic music]


Perfect timing.

Couldn't give me a hand, could you? Oh, I have to wait for Victor in his office.

Oh, I'm sure he won't mind you lending a hand to a damsel in distress.

Just leave them at the bottom.

Yeah, I'm I don't want to be late for Victor.


Come on.

Okay, where is it, Corbierre, where is it? [Laughs]

Oh, how can you tell you live in Anubis House? You start talking to a stuffed bird.

Oh, come on.

The key cabinet [Grunts]

- Nothing.

- Who left these bags here? Oh, not again! Eddie's waiting for you upstairs.

Just just go! Ah.

What? Edison! Open this door.

[Knocking at door]

I can't believe I'm phone less.

How am I going to cope?
- You can have mine.

- Oh, that's so sweet.

Although, I guess it is your fault it got taken off me in the first place.

I don't get why Eddie would say he had Victor's parcel.

Yeah, and where does Victor get off saying that stuff about Nina.

"A bad influence" she's not a bad influence.

- You're in, aren't you?
- Of course I'm in, thanks to him.

Yes, this is gonna be so cool.

Yeah, does stuff like this happen in fashion school?
- I don't think so.

- Alfie, I'm not going to fashion school.

Business as usual with Victor this time, then? I have to have it out with him.

He has to understand I'm lost without my phone.

And Eddie had Victor's package? What is that about? Um, I think it's time we told you guys what's actually going on.

[Pounding on door]

If you do not open this door this instant, I will be forced to get my tools.

- I I can't.

- What do you mean you can't? It the door It must have accidentally locked when you grabbed it.

- I swear it.

- Open! [Grunts]

Hold on, just one minute, and I'll be out with your package, okay? You do not tell me what will happen, boy.


- Go, Eddie.

- What on Earth are you doing? Hold on, I'm coming.

[Pounding at door]

That symbol, it's just like the key.

Try it.

[Door creaking]

- Open!
- The house is trying to tell me something.

- Open!
- Yes.

If you do not open this door, I will break it down!
- Package.

Something to give him.

- That is it.

Your father can foot the bill for this.

Three, two One Whoops.

I uh I flipped the latch over by mistake.

Oh, you are going to be so very sorry for this, so very sorry.

But first, the parcel.

Yeah, the parcel You have a choice, Edison.

Either hand it over and pay the price for stealing, or do not hand it over and pay the price for stealing and lying.

- Yeah, I
- Victor.

[Clears throat]

I've got it.

I found it under his laundry, which is yuck, by the way.

I hate people who take things that don't belong to them.

At last Which just leaves us with the question of what to do with you.

The correct punishment, of course, would be expulsion.

- What?
- But As a favor to your father, I will simply keep you here and make you suffer.

Every single move.

I'll be watching you, boy.

Thank you.

Thank you for being so understanding.

[Door slams]

"Dear Mr.

Reader, you are our lucky winner.

You have been preselected for our encyclopedia offer".

- Hey.

- Oh, you did good.

Hey, you did good yourself.


And so if you turn to your textbooks You will find further insights into the science of hibernation.

And the amazing bodily processes it involves.

I can't concentrate.

I'm too excited.

Call me boring, but I'd like maybe one term without a life threatening situation.

Yeah, I think I've gotten myself into one of those already.

Hey, I'd love to help you with the hieroglyphics.

- Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I'd like that.

- Great.

I love it when things go totally Sibuna.

No, Joy, like I said, there's no Sibuna without Nina.

Sorry, all sorted, just a misunderstanding.

Good, good, well, hurry up, take your seats.

As I was saying The slowing down of the body's systems to a point where it can function for weeks, months, even years without feeding is truly remarkable.

[Bell rings]

- Oh, no.

- Why, what's wrong? My family tree, it's not here.

Study later.


You really have changed.

Let's go for a walk.

I want you all to myself this time.

Ah, yes, and you said something about kissing me, I believe.

- Oh, did I?
- I think I've done something really bad.


I'm sure it's not that bad.

It can wait half an hour.

No, no, no, this won't keep.

I've really messed things up for Amber.

If I tell her, she might hate me.

- I don't understand.

Eddie said he'd
- The boy was lying.

My parcel is still out there somewhere.

What? All the years that have gone into this plan, and it falls apart because the mail gets lost? There is no excuse for such incompetence.

I know exactly who has my parcel.

There's only one person it could possibly be.

I should have seen it from the start.

Who? Who has it? The other one that was there when the parcels arrived, the last one of those brats I would have suspected.

Who, Victor? Jaffray Mara Jaffray.

Patricia has been giving me these really weird looks all day.

Have you seen that? Don't we have more important things to worry about like, the key and what we're going to do next? Okay, we keep trying it on different doors, I guess.


Since you were pretty amazing today, we'll go with your plan.

Ah, you know, impressive, right? Yeah, impressive.


And as long as nobody else has the key, nothing bad can happen, right? Right.

KT! You didn't pick up my family tree earlier, did you? No, I Oh, I left it on the chair.


Now Miss Denby will find it, and I will be in trouble.


It's my fault.

I'll swing by Miss Denby's and get it back.

She probably hasn't even noticed yet.

I hope so.

She seemed pretty insistent that Mr.

Sweet didn't want us to do them.

I know.

All this crazy stuff that happens around here, and my dad gets all weird about a family tree project?
- What's with that?
- Mm.

I don't get him.


It's not here.

I've looked everywhere.

Why would my dad hate family trees? It doesn't make sense.

What do you guys do when things get confiscated here? Just take it back, right? Is it Denby's bag? Okay, well, it's got to be here.

We've looked everywhere else, it's got to be somewhere.


What's this?