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03x01 & 03x02 - House of Arrivals\Presents

Posted: 01/16/24 08:18
by bunniefuu
Welcome, welcome.

A new term.

A new leaf.

Hey, dude.

You're not Nina.

Yeah, not last time I checked.

How you doing, roomie? Good to see you, Eddie.

I'll get the door.


- Well
- I Yeah.

- Good to have you back, son.

- Thanks.

Nose clean this term, Edison.

Call me Eddie, and I'll consider it.

So did you see Nina?
- What?
- At the airport? Dude, you got to play it cool.

- Jerome!
- Hey! Playing it cool? Not a brit thing.

Come on gross.

Come here.


Hi! Guess we don't need to ask how your vacation was.

Oh, it was awful, wasn't it, Jerome? What are we hiding from?
- I'm not hiding.

I'm hanging.

- You're weird.

- Nina here?
- No, not yet.

No? Hey, guys!
- There he is.

- Hi! What a day to get stuck in traffic.

Trudy's cookies might all be gone.

This is a disaster of epic proportions, guys.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Alfie.

Haven't you had enough sugar? No! Come on, guys! Cookies! Honey, we're home!
- Hi!
- Hey! Hi! Excellent! Hello, Amber! Oh.

All my lovelies back again.

Hi, Trudy.

Um, where's Nina? Is she here? Not yet.

When's she due? I'm not sure.

I tried messaging her, but That girlfriend of yours is really bad at keeping in touch.

It's not just me, then?
- Alfie!
- Hey, baby! Oh! Where's Patricia? Someone mention my name? Hi.


This is an entrance hall.

It is not a meeting room.


Same old Victor.

Oh, Amber, have you heard from Nina? Can't get through.

- Not a peep.

It's a bit rude, actually.

- Mm.

Oh hey, I saw your post about going to fashion school this vacation.

Was it amazing? It was fashion
-ating, and New York is totally amaze.

They think I have a special gift.

Dude, did you get taller, or is it just the hair? Thank you, Alfie.


Trudy, I have missed your peanut butter cookies so much.

You know, one night, I dreamt I was one.

Anything else you missed while you were away, bubs? Um Blueberry muffins.

So come on.

Eddie? Spill.

The America trip? Where did you go? What did you see? Did you and Eddie bond like superglue? Or trade insults as par? Where is Eddie, anyway? No idea.

Come on, where is it? Jacket.

Jacket! Jacket.

You must go to the Anubis Estate.

It's all been arranged.

- What? But
- Shh.

Listen carefully.

Take this.

A great danger is about to be unleashed there.

- Danger?
- You must stop it.

I'm too old.

The burden now falls on you.

I'm so sorry.

Gramps, what is this key for? What is it that I have to do? You must stop it, KT.

You! No, grandpa Hey.

Eddie, what is it? What's up? Eddie I think I just had a Daymare.

The day I have been waiting for is almost upon us, Corbierre.

Today the great secret will be revealed And I fulfill my destiny.

- He was in our bedroom, hiding.

- I wasn't hiding.

I was hanging.

I mean, who would I be hiding from? Who indeedy?
- Patricia.

- Hey.

Well, anyway.

Fabes, did you and Nina have a fab time in America? Um I never got there.

I couldn't afford it.


And then you wonder why she hasn't answered any of your texts.

- Oh, come on, it's really expensive.

- If someone had treated me like that Game over.

Well, Nina understood.

Anyway, it just means I'm really, really looking forward to seeing her now.


Hey, look, it's Sweetie.

I mean, it's Mr.




Trudy, you don't look so good.

Everything okay? Why's Sweetie in the house? Trudy, what's the matter? Pay attention, please.

I have an announcement to make.

I'm afraid some of you may find this rather bad news.

- What do you mean, "bad news"?
- What? What is it? What's happening? It's regarding Nina Martin.

What about her? Missed her flight? Is she sick? Tell us! Nina's not coming back.

I'm sorry, that's all the information I can give at the moment.

I'm sorry.

- How did she
- Trudy!
- She would never leave
- Did you know
- Did she not tell you this?
- Has she said anything I can't say I shall be sorry to see the back of Nina Martin.

Well, it does get us out of a tricky situation.

Sever shortage of beds.

I thought we might have to put the new American girl in the cellar.

I'll have her moved over from !sis House, and then it shouldn't take long Yes, yes.

Fine, fine now um If you don't mind, I have rather a lot of work to do before, um Before? Tomorrow.

And what's so special about tomorrow? It's the start of the new term, of course.

Of course.

Careful! Keep the noise down!
- Oh, no!
- Jerome! If you'll excuse me What is going on? She wouldn't just not come back.

Not without saying anything to anyone.

- Did she say anything to anyone?
- No.

I'm just gonna go and finish unpacking.

I mean, I messaged her a few times, but nothing.

Maybe you not making The America trip upset her more than you thought.

Where is she, Amber? Come on, Jerome.

Willow? Oh, hi, Mara.

I just love this room.

And guess what.

It faces east, which means my head would face west, which means What? I'll take it! I've been on the waiting list for a room at Anubis House, for like, two years.

Is it true that this place is, like, totally haunted? Where do you want this, Mara? Hi, Jerome.


Sorry, but if Nina isn't coming back, then I'll be requesting that bed.

I'm in a triple at the moment.


I was so looking forward to sharing with Amber too.

She's, like, amazing.

Who is that? Got to be somewhere.

Come on.

Where did I put it? Where did I put it? Clang! Lost something? Oh.

Yeah, I was looking for my What do you know about writing a letter from a girl's perspective? What are you trying to say? You know what? Never mind.

Forget it.

Okay, so, end of last term, you two were all loved up.

You go quiet on me during the summer, and now, you're acting all, like That.

What gives?
- We split up.

- Shut up! It was a mutual decision, and we're both totally cool with it.


I mean, as a cucumber.

As two cucumbers who are just no longer together.

- Right, Patricia?
- Right.


Well, I'm so cool with it, I'm practically a Popsicle.

Any news? Something's not right.

It's not like Nina.

It's as if she's disappeared.

Did you ever find what it was you were looking for, Miller?
- Funny.

- Whoa! Oh! Watch where you're You.

I am so sorry.

Are you okay?
- Oh!
- Hi.

Sorry about that.

I guess I'm just a little clumsy, I guess.

I'm KT.

Totally new here.

You're taking Nina's place.

Nina? I'm not sure.

This is where they told me to come.

I'm staying in !sis House tonight and moving in here tomorrow, apparently.


Welcome to Anubis House.


Wow, this place is so cool.

Is everything here from a museum or something? No.

Only Victor.

Yeah, I heard about him.

Anyway, I thought I'd bring some stuff over tonight, and Are you sure you're okay? Huh? Yeah.

Am I okay? I hope I didn't interrupt anything.

No, you're fine.

That's a relief.

Um, where should I? Oh, sure.

Just through there, and I'll bring these in.

I've seen you before.

Really, I have.

It's possible.

Where are you from? No, it's just You're the girl From my dream.

Oh, please.


- Got to go.

- Okay.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

I'll see you later.

What is going on here? I was just I was just leaving.


It is 10:00! You have five minutes precisely And then I want to hear a pin Drop.

It's my birthday.

It's my birthday! Uh, what's Jerome doing with all the mail? It's all for Amber.

It's her birthday today, and we're pretending Was that the postman I just heard?
- No!
- Yes.

I mean, yes, but with no deliveries.

The postman came to the door without any mail? Yes, he wanted to apologize for not bringing anything.

Right, Trudy? Should I help you get breakfast ready? What? Oh.


Thank you, Mara.

- No mail?
- There has to be mail.

I know, right? There really isn't.

Birthday fail.

No mail I don't understand.

No presents.

No cards.

No birthday breakfast.

Not even anything from my so
-called friends, Fabian.

Great birthday this is.

It's your birthday? I mean I mean, it's your birthday! Yay! Happy Birthday.

Ambs Just admit it, you forgot like everybody else.


Not no.


So where's my present? I Will go and get it.


Come on.

No word from Nina? Something's going on, Amber, and I intend to find out what it is.

And then will you buy me a present?
- So what you make of the new girl?
- She seems fun.

I like her.


Yeah, well, Eddie's certainly taken to her.

- Hey.

- Hey.

It's Amber's birthday.

I know.

- Mara told me.

- I haven't got her a present.

- I did.

- Sell it to me! Make it worth my while.

I'll give you double what you paid for it.

Triple, and it's a deal.


"To Amber".

"Happy Birthday".

"Love, Amber".

Good morning, everybody.

My name is Miss Denby, and I'll be teaching you History and Business Ed this year.


And you are?
- Jerome Clarke.

- Alfie Lewis.


Sit down then, please.

- Did you get my present?
- Yeah, it's all sorted, babe.

This had better be good, dude.

So anybody else new like me? Welcome.

Do you want to tell the class a little bit about yourself? Okay.

Um, I'm KT.

That's short for Kara Tatianna.

Blame my parents for that one.

Um, I'm from The States.

- Oh, we never would have guessed.

- Shh.


And I'm here on a scholarship, and I'm really excited about this place.

Oh, and I move into Anubis House later today.

Thank you, KT.

It looks like KT really is taking Nina's place.

So continuing on the theme of "who am I," I thought our first project together could be about family trees.

Ooh! Oh, do you Have a sick grandfather? And if you do, did he leave you a key? Are you sure you're okay? I'm trying to Um, hey! Uh, KT! Do you happen to know Nina Martin?
- Nina who?
- She's American.

I just You know America's huge, right? You don't say.

I just thought, what with you taking her place um
- You seem kind of worried about this girl.

- Yeah, I am.

She's my my girlfriend, and she's not answering her phone, and I found out she's not coming back, and then you turn up Do you think she might have, well Why is that the first thing everyone thinks of? No! Just uh! Just in case any of you have forgotten, which I'm sure you haven't, several of the items on this birthday list can still be bought in town.

This lunchtime.

She's messaged me!
- Nina!
- What'd she say? Is she okay?
- She says all is explained in the letter.

- What letter?
- Well, I don't know.

- Well, ask her.

Um "What letter?" KT? I know I'm not stalking you, okay? But I really need your help right now, okay?
- Okay.


- Please, can we just go over here? Okay.

Okay! She messaged me back.

"Ask Eddie".

- Eddie?
- Where is Eddie? Okay, if you were a girl I mean, you are a girl.

And you had to write a letter dumping a boy.

I wouldn't.

Kinda have to do that thing face to face.

Yeah, I know.

Say you couldn't Then I'd call.

Okay, say you didn't have a phone.

Right, who doesn't have a phone.

Ah, anyway, the point is What would you say to a boy to break up with him? Um, we're not compatible.

Thank you.

Yeah, yeah.

I don't have time for a relationship right now.

I think we should be just friends.


I love you, but I'm not in love with you.

And the classic Um, it's not you It's me.


Yes, yes.

Thank you.

Still determined to write a letter from a girl's perspective.

I wonder why that could be.

And who could she be writing to? A lovesick British boy perhaps.

Out of my way, Jerry.

Game on.

Hey, have you seen Eddie? Um, yeah.

He was just here.

That's weird.

Weird as in not normal? Boy is that a relief.

He's been pretty strange with me.

Well, that completely normal.

The boys are here are pretty strange, but don't worry, you'll get used to it.

Oh, careful.

That's, uh, valuable.

What's in here? A dead body? Just get it upstairs.

I said be careful! "I'm really sorry".

Yada yada yada.

"Lots of love".

Come on, Eddie, dude, just tell the guy.

Tell which guy what? Ah Fabian, obviously, that Dude, he needs to pick up his socks.

He's smelling up the place.

It's ridiculous.

I'm Well, Gramps.

I'm here.

There really was a key.

It will soon be time.

Wait That key, what's it for? This guy.

This is your granddad, isn't it? Please give it back.

That guy was in my dream too.

He was the guy that told you to come here, wasn't he? And then gave you that key and said if you came here, there was a great danger.

- That you had
- Students are not allowed in the house during lunch break.

Did you hear what I said? I was just unpacking.

You're Victor, right? I'm KT, the new girl.

Everyone says that this is the best house.


Get back to school immediately.

Both of you.

Yes, of course.



KT, wait.

No parcel.

Just irritating students.

Why has nothing arrived? Why! Hey, KT.

Will you talk to me for a second? Hey, listen.

In the dream, your grandfather, he He was really sick.

Wait, he didn't Did he? Yeah, he did.

I'm sorry.

I didn't He was very old and he'd been sick for a while.

So Look, I I don't blame you for being upset with me.

It's just I know he sent you here to stop a great danger and Eddie.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Ooh, Eddie, are we still on for lunch? Yeah, sure.

Definitely more glitter.

And Amber's coming by the way.

If Nina was here, I know she'd be organizing a little soiree for me this evening.

What with it being my birthday and all.

It's your birthday? Ooh.

You should have a party.

Well, exactly, Willow.


I was in the Himalayas last year for my birthday, and I didn't have a cake Or presents or anything.

Just like you.

But I had the love of my family, and we lit a fire, and we sang songs Willow! Your present for your birthday which I totally remembered.

Oh, Alfie.

At least somebody cares.

-flavored dental floss.

No, no, no.

I didn't say a real present.

Oh, you! Amber! You still owe me for this! Rutter? Looking a bit down in the mouth.

Anything from Nina? Yeah, apparently there's a letter.

Eddie knows all about it, but he's been a bit hard to track down.

I understand your torment.

If you had the letter, you'd have some answers.

That must be very hard.

Yeah well, if Eddie had a letter, he'd have given it to me by now.

Oh, perhaps.


Or You could check yourself.

- I'm not going through his things, Jerome!
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Suit yourself.

I'm just saying that no one would blame you if you did.

I've had some very good reports back from your mother.

She seemed very impressed with Patricia.

- Why did you two break up?
- Ask Patricia.

Oh, well.

There's plenty more girls in the sea.

You know what I mean.

Anyway, it might be wise to concentrate on your studies this term
- Instead of girls.

- Can't wait.

Speaking of which, how's the new teacher?
- Miss Denby?
- She's fine.

Making us do this family tree project thing.

- Family tree thing?
- History class.

Would it be hysterical if they found something, like, totally embarrassing about our family or something? So every person in your class is doing this project? Investigating their ancestors? Yeah.

Pretty much.

No! No!
- No, no, no!
- Dad, what's up? Ah.

Right, um, get back to class, I think.

- I have a whole
- Come, come, come.

Class awaits.

- Go, go, go.

- But I Go, go, go, go, go.


Um your bag.


- Shh!
- Hey! Eddie had the letter in his bag.

Not really a reason to give me whiplash.

No, why didn't he give it to me? He's my friend.

We even share a room.

He's had the opportunity, and look.

It's fake! Something's going on.

It's full of spelling mistakes, and she hasn't even signed her name at the bottom.

So Nina gave Eddie a fake letter to give to you And Eddie hasn't.

This doesn't really make sense.

No, I think Victor and sweet are part of this.

Fabian, what are you talking about? Eddie is Sweet's son.

He's so keen to patch things up with his dad, I bet he does whatever he tells him.

That really doesn't sound like the Eddie I know.

Why don't you just talk to him? Well, we can't.

He'll tell sweet that we're on to them.

This letter is a fake.

Maybe it all is, including the messages I got from Nina.

I don't know, Fabian.

Patricia, when Joy went missing and no one believed you, how did you feel? Okay.

What do you want me to do? Cover for me.

This afternoon.

I'm gonna go back to the house and do some snooping.


Not everyone is here.

Does anyone know where the others are? Fabian's at the doctor's.

It's personal.

I really don't think I should say any more.

Oh, right.

- Oh, Victor I
- Not now, Trudy.

Trudy! Weird.

There's nothing on your dad's side beyond your grandfather? But there has to be.

Maybe the records were destroyed or something.

Do you guys actually find this stuff interesting? I've had more fun cutting my toenails.

This is so boring.

Just like my birthday.

Look Amb's, I'm gonna get you the best birthday present ever.

I promise.

Miss Denby.

A word in private, if I may.

This family tree project you've got the class working on.

- Yes?
- Close it down.

- But why?
- It's not up for discussion, Miss Denby.

Put a stop to it immediately, or I will.

Is that understood? Okay, everybody.

Computers off.

The family tree project is officially canceled.

- Yes!
- But why? I have absolutely no idea.

Orders from above.

Oh, Patricia.

Find anything? Information about The Chosen One.

Mainly stuff we know already.

Someone born on a certain day, special powers, blah, blah, blah.

Sarah Frobisher
-Smythe features pretty heavily.

Oh, she was the original chosen one, wasn't she?
- Before Nina.

- But No clues as to why they want Nina.

What are you doing? You thought Eddie was in league with them.

I'm just finding out whether you were right.

Patricia, you can't just go through people's things.

Watch me.

No No way.

What is Eddie doing with Nina's locket? I told you.

He knows more about her disappearance than he's letting on.

But he's the Osirian.

The Osirian and The Chosen One are meant to be on the same side, aren't they? His role is to protect her.

What are you doing now? Just a hunch.

The two
-timing, double
-crossing little rat.

- What?
- Yeah, Eddie does have something to hide.

They've been emailing each other.


"Eddie, I'm serious.

We can't be together anymore".

Nina and Eddie had a summer romance, and she's given him that locket to remember her by.

- She wouldn't.

- And now Nina feels guilty, and that's the real reason she hasn't come back here.

How could they? You got me a present.

It's beautiful.

Thank you, Willow.

It's genuine Indonesian silk made from moth silk saliva.

That's so nice.

So About the room, then.

I've always been a huge fan, and I know we'd get on brilliantly.


What are you doing here?
- Moving in.

- I don't think so.

But it's meant to be.

- No.

- Yes.

- No.

- Yes!
- No!
- Yes!
- No!
- Ah, ah, ah, ah!
- What's all the commotion?
- Please may I share with Amber again? This room absolutely needs me.

I refuse to get involved in politics on my birthday.

No, Willow, it doesn't.

Back to your own house, please.

I'm sorry, Amber.

I tried my best.

I'm sorry, Amber! I did have KT down for this room, Mara, but I suppose.

Hey, I'm cool with anything.

Oh, thanks, KT.

That's so lovely of you.

Okay, good, then.

KT, your room's now this way.

Where are they? I'm getting pins and needles.

Happy birth I need a word with you.

Dude, we're about to yell "Happy Birthday".

- Fabian, you need to get down
- No.

Or you'll spoil it.

Get down.

Get down.

Get down! See if the key opens this.

Come on.

You know you want to.

That door's always kept locked.

Yeah, I realize that now.

It's Amber's birthday, and we're celebrating with a few sandwiches.


Hey, I don't have anything for your birthday.

Don't worry.

Neither does anyone else.

They're coming!
- Finally.

- Squee!
- I'm so excited.

- Shh.

Do I have to? I'm allergic to white sliced bread.

Oh, guys, this is awesome! And there's cake! This part here's from us, and all these arrived this morning.

Daddy didn't forget me! One, two, three Fabes, whatever it is, save it.

This is about Amber.

No, no, this won't wait.

Eddie? I know about the summer romance.

The what? Well, that's the real reason Nina hasn't come back, right? I have no idea Don't lie to me! I know everything! You've been emailing each other.

Oh, and she gave you this.


Uh, um She would never Give away her locket.

Something's going on, and you're gonna tell me.

Okay, dude, you need to back off.

I need to know.

Okay, okay, just I'll tell you everything, all right? Just not in front of an audience.

You might not like what you hear.

Hello, people.

Party's this way.

Let's go.

What was that about? Poor pig.

Ah! What are you doing down here, girl? I I Got lost? There are places in this house which are strictly out of bounds.

If you are ever found in any of these places, your punishment will be most severe.

Do you understand? Nod if you understand.


Now get out of my sight.

What was all that about? I've never seen Fabian act like that.

Too much sugar.

Yeah, well, maybe he has good reason to get on Eddie's case.

Excuse me.

Special day here.

Can we have a little more focus on me, please? Sorry, Amber.

Are all those from your dad? Um, no, just this one.

The rest are from me.

From Amber, to Amber, with devotion.

Via daddy's credit card.

You bought presents for yourself? Of course.

Just in case my real presents left me feeling underwhelmed.


I mean, oh! How lovely, Patricia! Thank you.

Mm? Mm.

So you're saying all of this is because you're the Osirian.

Nina said The Chosen One and the Osirian needed to be kept apart.

So there wasn't anything between you? No! No She just gave me the locket.

Okay, she said it had to be here, and I needed to bring it back.

And she asked me to give you a letter.

Yeah, but it was a fake letter.

That's probably because I maybe kind of lost it a bit.

You what? I told you you might not like what you hear.

So you you faked the letter.



And I'm really, really sorry, okay? I am going to find that letter, though, okay?
- I could use a little help.

- Yes.

Who's there?
- Eric.

- I thought as much.

As soon as I saw the date marked in your diary, I knew.

You absolutely have to go.

I'm meeting someone.

You can't stay here.

I know who you're meeting.

What? Impossible.

Um, The Seeker? How You could not possibly know that.

Unless I am The Seeker, Victor.

You! Oh, now that is to die for.

I don't remember ordering this, though.

Well, you've opened all of ours.


Me! It's from me.

I knew you'd like it.

Oh, Alfie, I love it.

All this time, and you didn't say a word.

Like you, I was sworn to secrecy.

- Your father?
- Yes.

So you're the great enabler.


But where is The Keeper? More to the point Who is he?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What? What, you got Plane ticket.

Look, let's just face it.

It's gone.


It's got to be here, man.

No way.


Ha! Yes! Here you go.

I'll leave you to it.

What's Victor hiding down here? Grandpa.

- The key!
- Hey! What? Let me out of here! Let me out! Eddie? Eddie? Eddie, are you okay? What just happened? This season on House of Anubis These students discover a secret so big Something really, really evil is going on here.

It will take everything they have to unlock it.

I have a bad feeling about this.

But little do they know they're not the only ones with a key.

Now I've got you.

How is everyone connected? My great
-grandfather's expedition party.

- There! The descendents.

- The one's they need for the ceremony.

Who will be taken to the dark side? She's working with Victor.

I shall not fail.

And what on earth are they about to awaken? A great evil is about to be unleashed.