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02x86 - House of Stakes

Posted: 01/16/24 08:15
by bunniefuu
Tell me.

I must find the osirian.

Eddie? Eddie, wake up.

Wake up! Whoa.

Bad dream? Remember when me and Mara were ghost hunting? Yeah, well, it looks like the local ghost.

Is hunting me now.

Sounds bad.

Good night.

What? Wait.

Were you dreaming too? No.

You woke me.


My bad.

And you both had the same dream? Yeah, I think so.

Why is senkhara targeting Eddie now? Shh.

who knows? I just think it's best that you keep him.

As far away from this as you possibly can.

Yeah, sure, it's not like he's intrigued or anything.

I've cracked it! The only bit I'm not quite sure of is the last guard.

I didn't get any footage of him, But I've worked out the safest possible moves I can And, yeah, I'm confident.

I have a good feeling about this.



I have a sick feeling about this.

Hey, Amber, think positive.

In a few hours, we'll have Nina and Alfie back.

I never realized how much I'd miss Alfie.

- Oh.

- Really? Oh, that's tragic.

I have a little tear.

Too bad you couldn't miss your boyfriend like that.

- Ouch.

- Uh I know I've been all over the place recently, But I've had a lot of stuff on my mind, okay? Like, um, Alfie stuff? Are you serious? You're really jealous of me and Alfie? No.

Well, he was into Piper, So maybe you're just the next
-best twin.

Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special.

Sorry, but you said, "no secrets.

" You said, "let's share, 'cause that's what couples do.

" I didn't know those rules only applied to me.

Carpe diem et tempus fugit.

There will be an exam next week.

On the 14 stages of development.

For a new medicine.

Please do your homework.

I will Shortly be taking my leave And this time, for good.


Why? I am tired.

For many years, I have waited for someone like you to come.

So that I may finally pass my message.

What message? To my worthless son.

Tell him I am sorry And that And that I was the worthless one, after all.

Give it to Victor.

Beware senkhara.

She means you harm.

Farewell, chosen one.

Before you all go, I have a rather pleasant announcement to make.

This morning, I received an email.

Informing me that the jackal came third.

In that competition you entered, Joy.



That's really good.

Eh, first is better.

But the really exciting news is.

That the winner of the blogger of the year competition.

Is also in this very room, and her name is Mara.


- Good job, scoop.

- Well, that's Typical.

- Well

Very well

Thank you.

I couldn't have done this without you Or Jerome.

I wish he was here.

Mara, I've called Jerome, like, a million times.

It just goes into voice mail.

I know.

I tried too.

I rang Uncle Simon and Uncle David, And he's definitely not with either of them.

Do you think he's okay? Yeah, I'm sure he is.

And he's supposed to be writing something.

For dad's parole hearing.

Really? The lawyer cleared it up for us to go.

To give a statement about how much dad's changed.

Now they're asking us to read it.

Okay, listen.

I'll talk to Eddie again, see if he can remember any more.

As for the other thing, I may be able to help you with that.

Remember that piece I wrote on your dad and Jerome? Yeah.

Maybe we can use it to help your dad.


Come on.

What was it dad said.

About safecrackers having a very good ear? So then big Phil turns the dial, Presses a glass against the vault, And counts the barrels dropping.


Eddie Jerome's Uncle did he say what his name was? Yeah.

Something weird, like, um, Rex or rafe or rollo I don't know.

Something beginning with "r.

" Ring any bells? No.

My uncles have normal names.

Well, if it comes to me, I'll I'll let you know.


Mm? No.


Amber, come on.

We don't have time for a picnic.

If I'm going down the hole, I want to be prepared.

Lip gloss.

Ready? Okay, so Remember, we have to get across to the other side.

Whilst avoiding as many danger squares as possible.

If team Sibuna moves four squares, Then the guards rotate.

And they can only take you if you're on a danger square.


Okay, so I've named each of the guards: The two at the front are Jasper and sweetie.

The two in the middle are Vera and Trudy.

What about the mean one at the back? That's Victor.

I studied the video I took, And I worked out a pattern for each of their movements Which means I should be able to predict.

The square they're gonna point at.


Do we have to call one of them "trudy"? It doesn't look like Trudy.

It's just easier if they have names.

Nothing personal.

Except Victor.

He's the enigma.

I still don't know where he's going to point.

Still, I'm glad we hired you, Joy.


Everybody ready?
- Ready.

- Ready.

Ready as I'll ever be.

For Nina, for Alfie For the mask.



Amber, Fabian: One step forward.

Patricia: Two steps forward.

Yes, just as I thought: Four students enter the library, And then what a surprise all four of them disappear.

They are in those tunnels, and I'm going in after them.

To see if they get the mask? And to discover what happened to Alfie and Nina.

- I'll come with you.

- No! No.

You need to keep watch.

In case Jasper or Trudy come back from lunch early.

Is that the only reason you're not taking me with you? Of course.

Fabian, one square right.

Patricia, two forward.

Amber, one step forward.

It's okay, Amber.

It should be safe.

Well, that's putting her.

Right on the danger square close to Victor.

You said he's the only one you still can't predict.

I know, but I've been watching him.

I think I might have worked him out.

Yeah, well, Why don't you move Amber one square to her right.

So she's on the same square as Patricia? I mean, you can predict that statue, right? No, then we'd be going sideways.

When we need to keep going forwards.

Amber, one square forward.

No, no.

Amber, I really think you should play this safe.

Stop it, you guys! Fabian, do you want to win this thing.

And get Alfie and Nina back or not? If Amber makes my move.

And Victor points to the square I think he will, Then she's safe.

Yeah, that's a pretty big "if," Joy.

Look Amber, make my move instead.

I don't know what to do.

Patricia, what do I do? Don't ask me.

No! No! Alfie! I missed you! Oh, I missed you too, ambs.

Okay, you have to let go now.

Struggling to breathe here.

And you, nins! Oh, wow.

I say this with love, but you really need a shower.

There is nothing I'd like more.

Well, surprise.

The cavalry's here.

We have everything under control, Really, for sure.

You betcha.

What's the point of asking for my help.

If you're not gonna listen to me? Oh, look, I got it wrong, okay? Wrong? Fabian, this isn't chess.

If we make a mistake, someone falls through the floor.

Don't you think I know that? I feel bad enough as it is! So you should.

None of them have signed up for this.

Even Victor chickened out when he knew what the stakes were.

Now, anyway, who knows what would have happened.

If we'd have done your move? Worst case scenario, We'd have lost Amber.

But I would have had two players playing this game.

Instead of one! You always have to be right.

And rub everyone else's noses in it, don't you? And you know why? It's 'cause you're a bully and a control freak.

Yeah? Well, you're a geek and a coward.

You're a witch.


So what do we do now? I don't really think we have much of a choice, do we? Joy I'm sorry.

Okay, let's do this.

Rufus, go away.

I don't want to talk to you.


Well, what's happening down there? It is not going well, Vera.

For any of us.

Okay, we're getting there.

Easy, Indiana.

Your next move will have you land.

On one of those danger squares by Victor.

I thought you had it figured out.

It was a hunch, that's all.

His movements could be completely random, Impossible to predict.


Go on.

You can do this.

What if I'm wrong? Hey, you've gotten all this way.

You're good at this.

Now, okay, tell me the moves you had planned.

I won't do them, I promise.

I just want to know what they were.

One forward, then one right, ththen two forward.

Fabian, no! Yes! You promised you wouldn't move! One of us had to trust you, and it wasn't gonna be you.

You know, you were right.

I've been a coward.

No, you were really brave.

No, I don't mean about the game.

I mean about us.

It's okay.

I think I've known for ages that I've missed my window.

A girl can Hope.



Fabian, look.

"the glittering prize.

" Key to this, I suppose.

"fallen friends.

" This must be the key to the cell where the others are.

No, wait.

I can't get this key out.

Well, uh, maybe it's a choice.

What if we can't have both keys? What if we need to choose between them? What do you mean? A choice between saving our friends.

Or getting the mask.

We have to save Nina and the others.

Put that one back.

- Come on.

- Yes, let's go! Go! Go! I'm glad one of us came prepared.

And you mocked my snack grabbing.

Shame on you.

We're never gonna get out of here.

Nina? Nina? Nina, I'm coming! Fabian.

Hey, roomie.

What took you so long? I knew you'd do it.

Hey, I wouldn't have done any of this.

If it wasn't for Joy.

She's been amazing.

Joy? She's been helping me.

Thanks, Joy.

I owe you one.

It's okay.

Guess we're sort of even now.


The mask.

We need to go get it! Oh It's still locked away.

We had a choice.

Release you guys or release the mask.


First, I'll go visit gran.

Then we'll find a way to open that case.

- All right.

- Come on.

Let's go.

They must have completed the game.

Yes, but where's the mask? Yes.

Yes! It's ours for the taking! We need to break this glass.

I think if it were that simple, Miss Martin and the others would have done it already.

Leave this to me, Vera.

The students will be returning to the house.

We must maintain an air of normality, Or else they may become suspicious.

- But we
- I said leave me! I shall get the mask for us.

Go and find out what you can from those students.

And so where have you been hiding? Here, there, chess club, infirmary.

Um, I took on a paper round.

Come on, Patricia.

I'm not stupid, okay? Oh, and um, Alfie's back.

- Is he?
- Mm.


And Nina, you know, After visiting her gran for three days, Only telling everyone that, Huh, she's gonna go visit her again tonight.

Oh, she's a very dedicated granddaughter.


Patricia, what's going on? Mm? Nothing's going on.

Hey, Eddie, poppy drew up a list, And the only relative she can think of.

With a name beginning with "r" is her aunt, Ruby Clarke.

You're sure it was a man you saw? Yeah.

Wait, no, um, A guy with a girl's name.

Um Rene.

Uncle Rene.

Rene? Yeah, I know.

Poor guy, right? What did he look like? Um, tall, kind of blond, Oh, he had these, like, really piercing blue eyes.

No! No, no, no! Patricia, what is it? Do you know who this man is? Vera? "r.


" Rufus Zeno.

The chosen one has returned.

But without the mask.

We'll get it, I promise.

Your friends had the key, and they discarded it.

In order to rescue me! The mask is unique.

The chosen one is not.

It would appear that the old myths are true.

The osirian? Yes, the osirian.

My patience has run dry with you.

The old one will die first.

At sundown tomorrow.

Gran? No.

No, please! And then who will be next? The pretty girl or the clown? Or the angry girl? Or your precious boy? If you hurt him or any of them The boy may be too important to perish.

Fabian? What do you mean? At sundown tomorrow, you'll know all.

And then I will keep my promise and claim your lives.