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02x71 - House of Forgeries

Posted: 01/16/24 08:06
by bunniefuu
I had a terrible dream last night.

Where Vera was a double Agent, Rufus was a kidnapper, And Fabian's godfather was a mole.

A different kind of mole, ams.

I wish I could say it was all a dream.

Oh, grim faces.

Well, what can I do for you? Well, first you can grovel.

Then you can help us get Trudy and our Dollhouse back.

You shouldn't have told them, Jerome.

He wouldn't have had to.

If you'd been honest with me.

I didn't want to put you in danger.

Trudy got too involved, and look what's happened to her.

I was trying to keep you safe.

Safe, shmafe.

We're gonna bust her out, aren't we? Look, Jasper, We know Rufus.

We go way back.

He's pure evil.

Which is why we need your help.

Well, you're going to help us, aren't you, Jasper? Everyone has an achilles heel, And the collector's is antiquities.

The one thing he wants more than anything else.

Is the mask of anubis.

Yeah, well, you can tell him.

To get in line.

No; but if Jasper tells him he has the mask of anubis, Then he'll want to go and meet him.

And then while he's gone, We can rescue Trudy.

Great plan.

Tiny flaw.

What? We don't have the mask.

But Rufus doesn't know that.

We can use the replica.

Nina, you Okay, Alfie.

You're gonna give the replica a spray job.

Make it look convincing.

Art room, here I come.

What if Rufus knows it's only a replica? - Well, if Alfie does a half-decent job, He won't be able to tell.

No one's seen the original, not even him.

So let's just make this clear.

Jerome, you're gonna take Fabian, me, Amber, and Alfie to the barn.

Once Alfie gives Jasper the mask.

Then we wait while Jasper.

Lures Rufus to the mask.


Patricia, are you sure you don't mind.

Staying here to cover for us? Yeah.

I'll just attract attention if I come.

Sweetie's been taking even more of an interest in me.

Now I'm dating junior.

This is too good.

What's that? Daddy put skateboarding on the curriculum? No.

Have you seen this new blog on the website, Jackal anonymous? It's good, isn't it? I mean, it's okay.

Okay? This thing is gold.

It's like a mash-up.

Of all the best times I've been here.

Here: "bake-off face off," "donkey diner," "sweetie's moves.

" I mean, who is this jackal guy? Well, I'm guessing since he's writing under a blog.

Called "jackal anonymous," it's probably an alias.

Well, he's a kid at the school.

He sends me a few articles anonymously.

And if blogs doing that good, I don't need to know who he is.


Is everything okay? You just seemed really quiet all lesson.

Come on.

Help a new girl out.

It's just boy trouble.

Fabian trouble.

I see.

Yeah, we were close.

And now he can't even look at me.

It's no biggie.

You fell out? I was pushed.

See, I know I should give up, And every time I do, something just draws me back in.

Right loser, aren't I? No.

So what do I do? My mum used to say that problems are like weeds.

They just keep getting worse until you dig down, Find the root, and yank it out.

So what's the root of your problem? Find it, solve it, And you'll have solved your problem.

Thanks, miss.




How did it turn out? Is it okay? I like to let my art speak for itself.

If it gets out that I'm doing makeovers.

For priceless artifacts Nice job.

Let's Hope it's enough to fool Zeno.

I better go and arrange the handover.



Alfie, come on.


Aren't you two going the wrong way.

From my Shakespeare test? Come on, Alfie.

Readiness is all.

And then there were three.

I would have expected Mr.

Lewis here.

To take advantage of a pink eye outbreak, But I expected more from you, Nina.

And if this truancy continues, There will be repercussions.

And now, Ms.

Valentine has set you a surprise Shakespeare test.

You have exactly.

One hour.

I just texted Fabian.

We'll just have to meet them there.

Jerome sent instructions, right? Yeah.


Patricia writes like a crazy.

What's it even say? Mr.

Lewis, First you stage a walkout, And now you're talking during a test.

I do Hope you're not cheating.

Give me that.


"why aren't you at the barn?" Oh.

It's a date.

Well, I'm afraid you're going to be very, very.

Late for that.

Detention after school today, Lewis.

But Mr.

Sweet And no "buts," Or it's detention for Nina too.

Two questions.

One: Why are Nina and Alfie not here yet? And "b:" why do you own binoculars? Actually, don't answer that.

What do you see, Jerome? Well, it doesn't look very good.

Get down! Okay, we're all clear.

So we've got four padlocks.

On a giant barn door.

And no key for Rufus' evil barn.

No problem.

Sorry, Amber.

What are you doing? One useful thing I picked up from my rebel roomie.

For Nina, Trudy, and for the mask.

Excuse me.

Let's not forget my dad's gem.

- Let's go.

- Yeah.

Amber, come on.

Dinner will be delayed this evening, As Vera has had to step out.

We are somewhat depleted in number.

Where are the others? Pink eye.

What? Uh They are just being sanitized, Victor.

Well, if Vera does not arrive to cook dinner, You'll just have to fend for yourselves.

We can cope.

Right, Nina? Yeah, yeah.

Shall we? Guys, did you see Victor's fob? The cover is a reflector.

No way.

Let's Nick it.

No, wait.

We have to help the others first, Especially if Vera's gone awol.

All right, let's go.

The map's in your room, you know.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Must be useful when you're trying.

To break into a stationary shop or library.

Come on.


Trudy? Trudy! Trudy! - Trudy! - Trudy! Untie the rope.

Let's get you out of here.

What are you doing here? It's dangerous.

Danger, smanger.

We're busting you out.

Okay, I have the map.

Let's go.

You may not pass.

Nina, come on.

Let's go.

You still can't see her? Okay, now I see her.

Please, we have to help our friends.

You have one purpose only, And that is the open the mask chamber.



- What about you? - Run, run! What you must have been through.

I mean, look at this place.

Someone really needs to fire housekeeping.

I'm just sorry I ever let that harpy, Vera Devenish, Through the front door.


Did Rufus do anything with the Dollhouse? Oh, he was fascinated by that.

Grown man playing with a doll's house.

Never mind that.

Trudy, have you seen a gem? Look, we've got Trudy now.

Let's just go.

Look, she's right, Jerome.

Come on.

Someone's coming.

- Rufus! - Let us out! Rufus! You're not gonna get away with this.

We know it's you.

Rufus! Wrong guess.

You lose.

Let us out! Rufus! The windows are barred.

It's no good.

We're trapped.

Once again, Agent Millington steps up to the plate.

What'd you do without me? This is my last one.

You can use it to pick the locks.

Just keep me away from all mirrors and cameras upon exit.

Yeah, thanks, Amber, But the locks are on the other side of the door.

This is all my fault.

Technically true.

Trudy, we would never leave you.

We're all in this together.

Don't worry.

Actually, if it comes to it, I am happy for all of us to get out separately.

I don't even mind going first.

Just saying.

Man up, Clarke.

Please, just let us go, And we'll get all the reflectors.

I promise.

We just need to help our friends first.

No, the last chamber is within our reach.

Into the constellation.

But we can't.

Victor has three of our reflectors.

The man has interfered too many times.

He shall do so no longer.

What was that about? I don't know.

But we need to help Alfie.

It's no use.

It won't budge.

We're never going to get out of here.

Yes, we will.


Listen! It's an engine.

It's Rufus.

He's back.

Doesn't sound like his car.

It's getting closer.

There's someone out there.

- Hey! - Help! Help! Help us! Help! Help! Wait! Whoa! Listen, listen, listen.

Help! Don't you think We should Maybe Oh, my gosh! Yes! How cool was that? I knew you'd come, Alfie! Oh, nice one, Alfie.

Oh, no.

What is it? - No.

- Trudy, are you all right? Alfie help me! Can you hear me? Alfie! My dad.

My dad.

Where am I? Oh, no.

My Dollhouse! Oh, no.

Well, he's still in one piece.

What's he doing? Looks like he's following the clue from the mosaic Or the goblet.

And you really think senkhara wants to rough him up? Because, to be honest, I'm down with that.

No! I don't want anyone else hurt, okay? We need to get those reflectors off him.

For his sake just as much as for ours.

But first let's get to that barn.

Oh, no.

Alfie, get the pillows.

Go, go, go.



My side first.


Where am I? Why am I on the sofa? Um, uh Why are you all staring at me? Don't you remember? Remember what? - Uh-oh.

Control alt delete.

Trudy's locked up.

Will someone please tell me what is going on? Trudy, what has happened? You were going for a walk in the woods And there was There was a Big branch.

Yeah, the big branch fell on you.

Don't you remember? Maybe.

Oh, I don't know.

Is that what happened? - Yeah.

- Yes.

Oh, yeah.

What exactly happened? Don't bother her with questions now, Victor.

The last thing I remember was Who won the bake-off? Oh.

You did, dear.

It was a triumph.

Oh, good.

Thank you.

Vera! Oh, Rufus.

You gave me a fright.

Is this really the best place to meet? Those kids Are back at anubis house.

Trudy too.

What if they tell someone what they saw? Well, what could they say? They never saw either of us.

Trudy can barely remember her own name.

So don't keep me in suspense.

Jasper had an artifact for you.

Yeah, he did.

Well? Was it the mask? That depends on whether you are someone.

Who can be trusted or not.

So I will tell you all in good time.

After I have your answer.

When if I have the mask, I want to share that power, that status, With you.

Oh, Rufus.

I don't know what to say.


We'll be rich.

Monetary wealth is trivial.

Compared to the mask's true power.

We're talking about immortality.

Join me in the ceremony of anubis, Vera.

You and I will have the power of gods.

Oh, goodness.

That's quite an offer.

You think about it, And you think very quickly.

I just wanted to leave a message.

Evelyn meridian Martin.

Just let her know that her granddaughter called, And that I'll come visit really soon.


Haven't been to visit in forever.

I'm a terrible person.

No, Nina, you can't be in two places at once.

You visit when you can, and she knows that.

There's other news.

When Alfie broke down the barn door, The Dollhouse It's beyond repair.

I saved you that part.

Elixir vita.


Tis within my grasp.

Just need that final ingredient.

And then we can escape all this together, Victor? Yes.

Who's there? Show yourselves.

Victor, it's so cold.

I demand that you show yourselves.

Victor What is it? Thieves! The prize is mine! Abandon your search, Or you will know no mercy.

Oh Just a dream.

Coming to breakfast, Joy? Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

Just checking my mail.

I got a new one in from Jack jackal.

No, you didn't.

Huh? Um, really? Wow.

Have you any idea who it is yet? No.

And I don't care either.

The only thing I care about.

Is that this website has had more hits than it ever had.


Well, congratulations.

I mean, it's mostly due to my extreme makeover, But the appearance of Jack has helped.

People love him, so I'm keeping out of it.


Um, I'll see you downstairs then.

"american student cuts class and abandons own grandmother.

" Yank that root right out.

No, no, no, no, no.

What is this? There should be stuff here.

Right where this table is, there should be food.

Where is Vera? It's not like her to be even ten seconds late.

For anything.

Maybe we should go see if she's all right? Oh, no Vera? I'll make breakfast.

Least I can remember how to do that.

Trudy, you should be resting.

Oh, it's a great way to recover.

You know, familiarity and pancakes and so on.

Trudy, you remember how I like my bacon, right? Hm? Nina Martin, I have just had a phone call from Mr.


You are to go and see him directly.

Before school, which is now.

Hey, sure it's nothing to worry about.


I mean, what have I done wrong? Unless you count lying and stealing and skipping school.

To follow a 3,000-year-old quest.

Fair enough.

Ah, where is Vera? Vera! Vera.

Vera, are you up here? Oh, Vera, no.

What's happ