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02x64 - House of Whispers

Posted: 01/16/24 08:00
by bunniefuu
Like I said, I, uh I might have gone a bit wrong.

Victor, you ruined this poor lad's trick.

You ruined the poor lad's trick.

Leave us.

Are you all right, Victor? You look pale.

Was it valuable? Alfie, I can't believe you ruined our only chance.

At getting through that hidden door.

What's the matter, Nina? Don't you believe in magic? Alfie.

Why did you do that? Well, I couldn't do a standard disappearing trick.

He'd always assume we had it.

I had to make him believe it was destroyed.

You didn't think to share? I needed your reactions if he was ever gonna buy it.

But how? Okay, I knew I needed two smashed amulets.

To fool everyone.

So I took the fake amulet, Wrapped it in a handkerchief, And put it up my sleeve.

I then made a decoy amulet out of Clay, I dropped the decoy from my sleeve, Picked up Victor's real amulet, Placed it into the trick pouch, Finally dropped the decoy amulet into the handkerchief, And that's the one I smashed with my shoe.

After I showed Victor the broken Clay pieces, I just took the real amulet out of the trick pouch.

And slipped it in my pocket.

But I had to make sure Victor saw two broken amulets, So I deliberately dropped our fake amulet on the floor.

And stamped on it.

So he couldn't get a closer look at it.

But the real one was safe the whole time.

Alfie! It's been moved.

Someone's been in here.

Are you sure? Yeah, Nina's right.

Someone's moved it away from the wall.

Maybe you should lock it up to be on the safe side.


This is one thing we cannot let Victor get his hands on.

What are you doing? I'm going back to the academy.

I left you a note.

But I said I want you to stay.

I know you do, And I'd love to.

But I've realized something.

If I stop now, Then I've closed the door on a whole world possibilities.

If I finish, I can do anything.

And if you fail? Who cares, right? Hey.

I want you to have something, Something to remember me by.

Like I could forget.

Cab's waiting.

Friends forever, right? Forever.


Piper, listen.

Oh, no, no.

I've been thinking about it all night, okay? Just hear me out.

I just think it's wrong that Patricia doesn't know, you know? Know what? Well, that we kissed.

We kissed.

Well, I may as well get Dolly fixed while I'm out.

You think the amulet can be repaired? Well, it's worth a try.

My fixer can also tell us which is the real one.

We can't let them get away with this.

It's sabotage.

They must be punished.

Yes, and justify it how? Oh, Lewis will get his punishment.

I don't know how they're getting down to the cellar.

But I think I may be able to make it more difficult.

To do so.

What are you going to do? I have a little sabotage of my own to do.

A Dollhouse? It's all I've got, okay? You want me to ransom Trudy with a toy? You don't understand.

It was Sarah Frobisher

And look at this.

It did all that on it's own? Well, where is it? Have you got it? Do you know how big that thing is? I can't just shove it down my pants.

And walk out, you know.

I need everyone to be out of the house.

Even then, there's always Vera.

She'll look the other way.

What? Why? Nothing.

No reason.

What's Vera got to do with this? Nothing.

Uh, I just meant, why would she care if you took it? Look, one way or another, We will get that Dollhouse.

And then I had to pretend to be Piper.

While I hugged him good

And he still hasn't come clean to me yet.

Yes, he has.

The real me.

I mean, what kind of relationship can we have.

If it's not completely honest? You pretended to be Piper.

Him honest, not me.

So what are you saying? What happens if he doesn't confess? Then we have a problem.

We have a problem.

Okay, so each opposite pair of symbols.

Equals one object.

But that object could be anything or anywhere.

Good, this isn't gonna take long at all.

At least there's only six reflectors.

And at least we get some help.

Each object will have a falcon symbol on it.

So we'll know if we found the right thing.

That's if we find them.

We have to if we want to get to the mask first.

And look, I think I already know what one of the symbols is.

See that? It's a cup bearer.

The cup? But I thought you said the cup of ankh.

Was in Vera's room.

I didn't say this was gonna be easy.

Why can't just one thing be easy? Hello? Where is it? Who would take it? Have you got it? I'm sorry, Jerome.

There's nothing here.

What? No.

No way.


Alfie Lewis.

Are you welcoming everyone home like this? No, Just the amazing alfredo.

Hey, Victor.

What if he lets you smash something of his? That would make you square.

We shall never be square.

This is none of your concern, Clarke.

What's that? It is a feather duster.

I want this entire house cleaned from top to bottom.

And feel free to use your magic powers, alfredo.

And it had better look amazing! Meh.

Uh, going out, Vera? I'll be back before dinnertime.

Don't get into any trouble.

Okay? Vera's gone out.

It still looks like an attic.

I don't see a falcon symbol.

Inside? Uh, the base? Nothing.


I don't get it.

The charts, the cup, and an ankh.

No, but wait, the ankh is the symbol for medicine.

So are we looking for some kind of medicinal goblet? Someone's coming.


I see.

Well Things have gone from bad to worse.

Victor's lost the amulet.



And you? But you have to keep pushing.

I'll worry about Victor, and in the meantime, Those foolish kids can do the rest.

Don't worry.

I have the measure of this household.

Soon they'll all be dancing to our tune.

Well, you have to keep pushing.

I'll worry about Victor, and in the meantime, Those foolish kids can do the rest.

Don't worry.

I have the measure of this household.

Soon, they'll all be dancing to our tune.


What was he doing? What was she doing? Whatever it is, we know they're not working together.

But, Fabian, it sounds like It sounds like she's onto us.

It it's like She's the enemy.

This place gives me the creeps.

Let's get out of here, like, now.

Come on.

Want one? No, thanks.

Don't know where you've been.

What's your problem? I'm looking at him.

All right.

Listen up, people.

It's time for a shakedown.

This website is stepping it up a gear.

There's a whole world of eyeballs out there, And it's our job to grab them with our hot, punchy stories.

And after some regrettable lapses.

In journalistic standards, we need a new identity, Starting with the name.

So from now, we call it the jackal.

- Isn't that a bit tabloid
-y? Don't worry, we won't be printing any lies.

Or conspiracy theories on this website.

Not anymore.

Which reminds me Mara, Mr.

Sweet told me.

That your Vera retraction.

Was going to be your last posting on this website.

And, Eddie, I want you to write an article.

On the history of the school.

My exhibition bid and footage is an invaluable reference.

Check it out.

Ooh, you need to spool through several hours.

Of excellent raw footage.

Yeah, I don't spool.

I had an idea for an article.

It's the human interest piece on Oh, thanks, Mara, put this human isn't interested.

But if you want to contribute, You can always help Eddie out with his article.

Yeah, that's Inspired, chief.

I mean, we'd make a great team.

Fine, but you watch all the footage.


Bad news, guys.

The cup is not a reflector.

Ah, I thought the bad news was Vera.

I always knew she was evil.

What? You loved her.

Okay, Mara said it, and she was right, And they put her on trial for it.

When do we get even? And she definitely said, "the teenagers will do the rest"? And she definitely called us foolish? What does that even mean? That we're stupid, obvi.

No, I mean, does she know about the tunnels? Does she want what we want? Who was she talking to? How does she even know any of this? Well, we're not exactly subtle, guys.

I smashed an amulet with a shoe.

In front of five people at a dinner party.

And who moved the Dollhouse? Victor or Vera? Well, look, we just have to be more careful.

So is there any good news? Yeah, we have the amulet, and we can try the secret door.

We'll go down tonight.

Well? Could he repair my amulet? Um Sort of.

Sort of? So so this is our one? I'm afraid not.

They're both forgeries.

Your fixer recognized it as his own.

What? So where is the real amulet? Still with the amazing alfredo? Outsmarted by Alfie Lewis.

Well, you have to admit, it was a clever trick.

He must've smashed our fake and then a crude fake of his own.

To make us think that the trick had worked.

And the real one he kept.

So it still exists! It seems that Alfie is quite the confidence trickster.


Oh, I got this fixed.

Where do you want it? Oh, put it anywhere.

I'm going to search Lewis' room right now.

He is going to regret messing with me.

Look on the bright side: At least Victor didn't make you dust down here.

This better work.

It's another tunnel.

Oh, good, 'cause we haven't got enough of those.

Yeah, mix it up a bit, frobisher.

Well? Have you got the Dollhouse? No.

The collector has just called me.

We're running out of time.

He's growing impatient.

How do you know it's a he? What are you talking about? His voice is Disguised.

Some sort of device in the phone maybe.

Jasper, I just went to Vera's room.

No, no, no, Vera has got nothing to do with anything.

How do you know? The housekeeper? The idea is absurd.

Should we leave string or bread crumbs or something? Shh.

I think we might be at the end of it.

Come on.

The truth is, we don't even know who we're dealing with.

So until we know more, we shut up and play the game.

Please, Jerome, you know what's at stake here.

Wh what are what are they Okay, if that's what you want.

Please, just let me go! Eddie, what were these doing back in the room? Of course the secret tunnel leads to the library.

The ibis on the amulet is the egyptian God of knowledge, toth.

I like to call it a dead end.

Yeah, wake me up when we find an amulet.

For the God of shopping.

Guys, at least it's giving us a place to hide the cup.

What now? We focus back on finding the other reflectors.

We should stake out the Dollhouse.

Maybe Sarah will finally have a clue for us.

The God of knowledge.

It's only led to more questions.

What was Jasper doing talking to Jerome? I'm sure he's not the enemy.

We don't know that.

He lied to me.

He didn't lie to you.

He just Hasn't told you.

Isn't that the same thing? Mara! Oh, come here.

I just wanted to say thanks.

For being such a great reporter partner.

We haven't started yet.

Yeah, well, I wanted to tell you I know we're gonna be great together.

I'm still not going to watch all the footage, you know.

Yeah, I know, we could just, you know You and me, working together What is going on? Thank you.

What is going on? What do you mean? Why are you mad at me? Because you kissed my sister! Wh how did you know? Twin telepathy, buddy.

Okay, I apologize.

I'm sorry, okay? I thought she was you.

I'm not into her; She's not into me.

That's not why I'm mad at you.

You just said that's why you're mad at me.

Oh, read between the lines.

I don't know what the lines are! There are no lines.

You didn't tell me.

That's it? I just want you to tell me stuff.

I think I should know if you kissed my twin.

Or, I don't know, Eddie, the fact Mr.

Sweet's your dad.

You could've just told me.

You're right; I know that now.

So you can trust me, right? Not to do anything stupid? Yeah.

I'm sorry.

Okay, from now on, we won't keep stuff to ourselves.

Okay? Except the whole dad stuff, though, right? Of course.

Oh, man.

Well, if it isn't sweetie, Jr.

Junior! Junior! Junior! Junior!