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02x59 - House of Zodiacs

Posted: 01/16/24 07:57
by bunniefuu
Okay, ready? Whoa! Okay.

One down, five to go.


So once we have all the reflectors on all the staffs, It'll bounce the light, make the constellation shape, And open the door? Cinch.

Uh, not so much.

We have no idea what the reflectors are.

It's like finding needles in a haystack.

There must be a clue somewhere about where the reflectors are.

Fan out, guys.

-tooth comb time.

Guys, look at this.

Good job, Alfie.

Fabian, do you know what this is? Huh? Uh, it's a zodiac chart, But it's not one I've seen before.

Okay, well, then we need to find out what it is.

This might be the lead we're looking for.

Good morning, Jerome.

I do hope you haven't been staking out the frobisher shield.

All night.

No, but, sir, please, just look at it.

I mean really look at it.

Oh, dear.

Yeah, I really don't know.

What you're expecting me to see here, Jerome.

I have studied this gem a lot.

Trust me, no one is a bigger expert, And I am telling you, that is not it The original, I mean.

Ah, you think it's a fake.


You have to launch a full investigation.

No, I don't, Because I've already had the gem authenticated by an expert.

An expert? Who? That that is the original gem.

He's a renowned antiquarian, after all.

And he's got nothing to gain, has he, by misleading us, Hmm? No, I guess not.


There's no match.

It's only half complete.

Look, there are six spaces for symbols to go, But they're blank.

What if it isn't zodiac? What if it's some sort of ancient language.

Or something no one's even discovered yet.

So it's not even online? Something that's not online? Is that even possible? I don't know, okay? I just know that if we don't figure it out quick, There's no way we're gonna get through that door first.

And get our hands on the mask.

Look, let's just keep looking.

There must be something somewhere.

Don't worry.

Sit up straight.

You're hunched.

Look like a lady.

I thought I was pretending to be you.

A better version of me.

And a better version of me sits up straight, Talks properly, Tries to act interested when other people talk, And eats with her mouth closed.

Okay, next: Books and stuff.

Do you mean literature? Okay, if he asks, your favorites, In no particular order: w*r and peace, great expectations Punk and prejudice? Little emo women? Piper, you have to take this seriously.

I am taking this way more seriously than it deserves.

I already know the right thing to say.

And the right way to act.

I know what food to order, Which composers to name
-drop, And the right way to hold my knife and fork.

And you know why I know the right way.

To do these things? Because I'm not you.

You're ready.

Come on, Patricia.

Cab's here! Wow, Patricia.

You look like an angel, Except without wings, I mean Unless you don't have wings, do you? I doubt it.

So angel

The word's "angelic.

" Oh.

I mean, I don't look it, But thanks for thinking it.

I'm blocking your way, aren't I? A little bit.

There you are, Patricia.

Wow, you look amazing.


Shall we? Nothing, not a single hint.

About what the blanks in the zodiac might be.

What's the use? Nina.

It's gonna be okay.

If we keep bashing our heads together, I'm sure we'll solve it.

Look at where we are, Fabian.

We're cursed, haunted by an ancient pharaoh k*ller, And racing a trillion
-old spooky janitor.

For a mythical mask.

Well, when you put it like that There's one thing that Victor doesn't have, All of us sibunas.

We're in this together, and we're gonna succeed, Because we won't let each other give up, And we won't let each other fail.

Good speech.

Really? I hope you remembered it, because I didn't, And I think might need it for the others.


So is today national fall in love day? Because I, for one, did not get the memo.

You inspired me.

I left my notes downstairs.

I'm gonna go get them.

And you definitely think that the gem that's in the shield.

Is the original, right? Yes, no doubt in my mind.

I even consulted a jeweler friend of mine, And he also confirmed that it's 100% genuine.

Is this your friend in beijing? Collector? When you were staring at the gem the other day.

And talking about it on the phone, You know, before it was stolen.

No, not him, Uh, somebody else.

He came in to take a look.

And confirmed that the gem hasn't been switched.

So you must stop worrying.

You're got a lot of weird friends, Jasper.


Buona sera, Luigi.

Nice to see you again, sir.

My son is here with a girl Not a girlfriend, just a friend who's a girl.

She's not quite his sort.

Did I tell you how good you look already? Right.

What are we having?
- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

This is so weird you got your sister to do this.

I'm sure you wouldn't embarrass him.

Menu? I'll have a burger and fries.

Whoa, scrap that.

These prices are a rip
-off! I'll just have the fries.

And can I have some of your finest, reddest ketchup? Joy, you? Yup, now I get it.

I'll have the same, please.



Come on, you crook.

Haven't you got a home to go to? I think I may have identified our next reflector, corbiere.

Hmm? Yes.

Excuse me.

This is my chance to hear what they're saying about me.

Behind Piper's back.

That's probably the weirdest thing I've ever heard you say.

Patricia, get back here.

Well, I'm surprised.

I had no idea she was so delightful.

Well, hey, she surprises me sometimes.

Most of the time, actually.


Oh, hi.

I'm an undercover food critic.

Not bad, not bad.

Uh, yeah, I'll just have some of that, please.

Oh, Patricia, back so soon? Well, come and join us.

And you've changed clothes.

Uh, I liked both tops.

I couldn't decide, so Well, never mind.




What is she doing? Now, where were we again? Ah, yes, tchaikovsky.

Tchai what now? That's very good.

I must admit, I was finding your theories.

About the great composer's works to be rather unconventional.

But thoroughly stimulating.

So please, I'm dying to hear more.

Oh! Silly I am so, so sorry, Victor.

Don't touch! Sorry! Do not move from there, miss Martin.

Stay precisely where you are.

Sorry, Victor, but this history test.

Is not gonna ace itself.

Miss Martin! And I've really grown up this term, Like, a lot.

So you see, I really do deserve a raise, daddy.

Of course I'm staying out of trouble.

Amber, we're in trouble.

I'll need this.

Grab that.

Come with me.

Wh what's Fabian, hide.

Miss Martin, come here at once! Sorry, Victor, urgent girl talk.

Okay, what's going on? I'm in the middle of important negotiations.

- I just had a run
-in with Victor, And look what he dropped.

Ooh, that's The zodiac from the tunnels, yeah.

But this one has the symbols we're missing.

Can you hold, please, daddy? Nina Martin, you have something that belongs to me, And I want it back.

Hurry! Ooh, I've always been into really old music.

The older, the better.

'9os, '8os you name it.

Yes, but you never finished telling us your thoughts.

On the music of tchaikovsky.

Oh, him.

Well Sorry, sorry.

I didn't quite catch that.

Um, yeah, I was just saying It kind of reminds me of this Mac and cheese.


Right, yeah.

He's this plate full of contradictions.

I completely agree.

I mean, is he smooth, or is he, uh, cheesy? Cheesy.

- Ha

He's probably both, right? That's so tchai
- Kovsky.

- Kovsky all over.

Oh, I knew this would end in tears.

Oh, I hate being right.

You have until the count of five.

To give me back that piece of paper.

If you do not, the consequences will be severe.

One, two Three, four Sorry, Victor.

Just had to master Amber's look for prom.

After all, it's, uh It is a very long way off.

True, but, hey, it's never too early to get ready, right? Anyway, I think we cracked it.

Mine, I think.

And if you ever try to pull a stunt like that again My bad, Victor.

What is it, anyway? You got it? Yup.

Fabian? Look.

This is the chart from the tunnel wall.

The zodiac of horus.

That's what it's called.

Maybe we can finally find some info online about this zodiac.

And find out what my egyptian star sign is.

So which other composers.

Have you been secretly studying, Patricia? Yeah, that was kind of unexpected.

Comfort break.

- Again?
- Again? Hmm.

Now, what would your password be? "tutankhamun.

" "horus.

" "anubis.

" "the nile"? "pyramid.

" "mummy.

" "sam.

" "brendan fraser.

" "collector.

" "if you are right about the gem, I must have it for my collection.

" Looks like you've got some explaining to do, Jasper.

That makes two of us, Jerome.

Oh, yes, the kegelstatt's my favorite piece ofof Mozart.

It's German for "bowling alley," of course.

I've misjudged you, Patricia.

You've let your talent go unnoticed.

Ooh, look, it's getting late.

Better order a taxi.

Don't worry.

I'll be back in a minuet.

Okay, what have you done with the real Patricia? Okay, now he's holding her hand.

You didn't need to study up to just impress me and my dad.

Patricia, what are you doing? This is turning into a date.

I want in.

Patricia I'm trying to show my dad who I really am, And, you know, you're a big part of that.

Sorry if I, uh, tried too hard.

No, yacker, just just be you.

Okay, lady, mission abort.

Wh what? Oh! Now I get it! Patricia Williamson, this is YouHave a lot of explaining to do! I have never seen this girl before in my life.

I cannot believe that you gave it away.

After everything I went through: Sweat, tears, goose poo! I could report you for hacking into a faculty computer.

Ha! Just try it, gem rustler.

I'm sorry, but the collector is not someone you can refuse.

If you do well, I've been told what happens to you.

And those close to you.

Please, Jerome, drop this, For Fabian's sake more than mine.

What, and let him just get away and keep it? The only way to get it back is to offer the collector.

Something he wants even more.

Go on.

- The gem once belonged to the frobisher

That makes it irresistible to the collector.

So all we really have to do is to find.

Something bigger and better from the frobisher back catalog.

Then what? Yes, then we would have a bargaining chip.

But I've looked, and the gem.

Is the only thing I've been able to secure.

Well, it's time I was locking up.

Good night, Jerome.

So have you heard of the zodiac of horus? No.

And neither has the Internet.

What about these hieroglyphics underneath the chart? Can we translate those? These symbols predate every known alphabet.

They could contain something vital, And we have no way of translating them.

Great, a zodiac that's not a zodiac.

Can't even tell me who to date.

What if it's not meant to be a zodiac? What if Robert wanted us to see these pictures as clues? So he found the ancient zodiac.

And then chose his reflectors based on the symbols? A goblet, sarcophagus, some kind of clock thing This tells us what the other reflectors are.

Or where to find them.


Tornado alert? Oh, yeah.

Joy's work.

Messy Mercer, we call her.

Look, can I have a word? What's this? A letter from Trudy.

I got it from Jasper's desk.

What? Why? That's stealing.

And your issue is? Something is not right.

Just read it.

"dear Jasper, had to leave suddenly.

"everything's fine.

"just need to look after my nieces.

And their pets for a while.

" Weird.

I know.

It doesn't sound like Trudy, somehow.

True, but that's not what I meant.

I always thought Trudy didn't have any nieces or nephews.

She told me once we're the closest she's got.

Why would she lie? Unless she wants us to know she was lying.

Jerome, look.

The first letter of every line H


"help me"?