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02x53 - House of Heists

Posted: 01/16/24 07:54
by bunniefuu
You won't believe it.

Are you okay?
- Hmm?
- What's wrong? Um Okay, try really hard.

What was it? I don't know.

I don't know.

I remember it was massively important.

Okay, try really hard to remember.

What was it? Never mind.

Unless it helps us with the song of hathor, It can't be that big of deal.

Senkhara's been around for a zillion years, right? She might know it.

Why don't you ask her? That's actually not as crazy as it sounds.

Is it? Is it? What? No! No, no, no.

Oh! Patricia, what are you doing Hey! Patricia! Oh, now you come looking for me.

It's only about three hours late.

It's fine.

"I didn't mean to stand you up.

I was stuck in the bathroom and no one could hear me.

" Right.

Well, I have a news flash for you.

Check this out.

You and me are over.

"I'm sorry.

" Pfft.

Yeah, well, you talk too much! Yeah! So Your folks took Alfie to the hospital? Oh, it's a sports injury.

What sports injury? Cool, right? Alfie cool? Nah.

And you're so cool yourself? Naturally.

What makes you cool? Well, I'm She's called Mara.

I have hot girlfriend.

Mara? Yes, Mara.

Hey, and don't pay attention to anything Alfie says, Because he doesn't know.

I do.

All right? There it is, the ox bell.

Oh, Victor, the very person.

Jasper's out, and I need a manly volunteer.

To help me change a flat tire on the visitor's bus.

Oh, but I Oh, you must help poor Trudy, Victor.

I'll leave with you and then come back.


- Come on, Victor.


While there's still cause for lunch.

This is so not a good idea.

Senkhara? I need you.

Senkhara? I need your help please.


Guess that's just as well.

Time dwindles for you and your friends.

Why do you delay? I was just calling you because I needed to ask You forget.

I am your mistress, girl.

I do not serve you.

But you do want us to finish the task, don't you? I need to find the tune to the song of hathor.

That poisonous melody? You've heard it? I need to find the melody, or we can't finish this task.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Why is it poisonous? Beautiful.

Teachers keep asking me where Alfie is.

I'm running out of alibis.


Senkhara came to my room.

She was standing right there, And she played the song of hathor.

So I was right? Can you remember the notes? Yes.

It's a simple melody.

Just five notes, and Victor and Vera are out.

I checked.

Well? What are we waiting for? Come on.

Let's go! So she isn't really your girlfriend? I thought if she pretended for long enough, She might get used to the idea.

Ask her out.

Much easier.

Bad enough getting advice from a kid, But a kid related to Alfie? Can't keep her off the Internet forever.

Just tell her.

Much easier.

Like it's that simple.


- Oh, no.

- Chick

Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk! Hey, go back to your auntie Nina's room.

Run along.


Bawk! Bawk! So we all remember the tune, right? Even Fabian? Yeah.

Yeah, I got it.

All we have to do is play it right, And then we can all go back to normal.

The Nina, the mask, the Sibuna.


Is that it? I think we did it.

We did it! Everybody out! Coast is clear.

That ceiling is not going to stay up much longer.

I don't get it.

We played it right, didn't we? What are we missing here? Wait.

It's a five
-note melody, right? Yeah.

So how come we were only playing four horns? I guess one of the notes was different.

- Mm
-hmm? Maybe there's another instrument.

We might be missing one.

Okay, what other instruments did the ancient egyptians use? I'll go down to the library, see what I can find out.

Just write it down this time.

You don't want to forget.

Good idea.

As long as you remember me, Fabian.

Hey, some things I could never forget.

Come in.

Listen up, weasel.

I really was locked in the bathroom, And I really would like to make you thinner.

Are you saying I'm fat? Dinner.

Make you dinner.


I am really bad at typing.

Well, this is the first time I've been hit on by a robot.

Is that a yes? You bet it's a yes, baby.


But this is your last chance, yacker.

Come in.

Ah, Jaffray, I was just gonna come looking for you.

Me too.

Good news.

Mick saw our pictures? He was so upset.

There is no australian girlfriend.

- No.

- I felt terrible.

I had to think of something, So I told him I only did it because you.

Can't get a girlfriend, and people were teasing you.

Hold on.

Mara? What? But it's okay, Because the photos made him realize.

How much he missed me.

So we're going to give the whole.

-distance relationship thing a go.

Your plan worked! Thanks again.


Man, they are weird.

Hmm? It's midnight in Australia.

We were dating for one day australian time.

And now she is literally deleting me out of her life.

You think you can delete the evidence.

That easily, do you Jaffray? Fabian! What have you done? Alfie? Are you okay? Amber? Amber.

What? What's the matter? Amber.

What? What's the matter? Fabian! What did you do? I can't remember.

Oh, come on, Fabian.

You're gonna have to give me more than that.

I I'm really sorry I can't.

What? My my artifacts! Jasper, it's the ox bell.

It's been stolen.

But it's priceless.

Yes, and Fabian was the only person on The Scene, And he's suffering.

From a rather convenient memory loss.

It's really not that convenient.

But this can't have been anything to do with you, right? That's what I'm trying to tell Trudy.

And you'd be the last person I'd suspect.

But it didn't look good when I walked in.

Trudy, it's clear that a theft like this.

Isn't in Fabian's character.

All right.

Look, just go back to your room, And we'll talk about this later.

We're gonna have to tell Mr.


I refuse to accept that Fabian is the culprit.

Can we keep his name out of it for now? Please? Who would do this? Yes.

Who? Bravo, Vera.

Very well done.

I suppose we just make a good team, you and I.

Oh, Vera, you've cut yourself.


Let me see.


Now, you were careful that nobody saw you, Weren't you? Don't worry, Victor.

No one could possibly connect me to the theft.


You should get some sleep, Amber.

You need it as much as Alfie does.

No, I want to help.

Might be easier to read if I turn the light on? No.

Please, don't.


So anything about funeral laments.

Or the song of hathor in there, Or do we need to raid the antechamber for more books? Nothing so far.

I'm only up to the 10th dynasty.

It's actually kind of fascinating.

Why didn't you tell me? Okay.

No mention of instruments here, But this book does have the lyrics.

"egypt mourns tutankhamun k*lled by a stepmother's knife "the song of hathor shall declare Senkhara took his life.

" Our ghost lady k*lled King tut? According to this.

Wow! At least we know what we're up against.

Do we? Who knows what she's capable of? And why does she have to pick on us? It's so unfair.

I had a lot of stuff planned, And I'm past it before I've even graduated.

Things could not be worse.

Something really bad has happened.

Worse than this? Yeah.


Wow! Who'd have thought you could cook, you hacker? Nice.

Who'd have thought you could give A compliment.

- Though it is a little like getting romantic with r2

Very cute.

So I know about your dad, But what about America? Your mum? Oh, you don't want to know about her.

-ing! But let's talk about you.

Like when you kissed me.

And it was the best kiss ever, right? Don't tell me it was bad news.

Um, second best, at least? Third? Fourth? You were the worst.

Well, thanks for being so honest.

I don't have to be here if you don't want me to.


You were the first boy I ever kissed.



The ox bell from the library has been stolen.

And I was caught standing right next to the display case.

No way they can pin this on you.

Yeah, but I can't remember.

How come I can I convince anyone I didn't steal that bell.

When I don't even know, myself, what I did.

If you stole it, then where is it? I don't know.

Because you didn't take it.

Well, maybe I forgot where I put it.

You're no thief, Fabian.

Except that time when we stole things.

From Victor's office, the cellar, the attic Don't think about that right now.

Look, how do I prove I didn't do it? We find this bell and return it.

Right, Nina? Are you okay? Is anyone else wondering that the bell might be.

The thing we're missing to finish the task? Who'd take it? Victor? Victor might not want us to finish the task.

Well, we'll see about that.

Okay, now it's definitely your turn.

Tell me stuff.

First you need to tell me.

How you've kissed nobody before me.

Well, um I guess you could call me fearless.

"what are you " What am I what? Huh? That's weird.

It's never happened to me.

It must be jinxed.


But, uh, to answer your question, "what am I doing?" I'm serving you up your second kiss.

If that's okay with you.

It's 10:00.

I want to hear a pin
- And
- Drop! Rude gong.

Well, good night, hacker.

Alfie? I found you a babysitter.

Alfie's brother, you mean.

Look! I'm bouncing really high.

Of course.

I mean, anyone could see that that's not Alfie.

Hey, there, little fellow, what's your name? Flash.

You can call him anything you like.

As long as you watch him till lunchtime.

Remember, he's not supposed to be here, So just don't let anyone see him.

Don't worry.

I'm great with little kids.


Well, I have to go.

Yeah, go.

Me and flash are gonna be just fine.

Doing all the incredibly fun.

Yet educational stuff I have planned.


You be good nowFlash.

Okay, flash, You want to play hide
- Yeah!
- Okay.

You go hide.

One, Two, Three Easiest money I've ever made.

Four, Five.


Lost something? You could say that.

It's just I've been making mental notes.

Well, I'm sure it all makes sense to you.

Oh! You dropped one.

Oh, thank you.

"dear Fabian, "remember that Vera "is going to steal an exhibit.

Love, Fabian.

" Anything important, dear? Uh, no no.



Nothing at all.

Trudy! Fabian, I don't think you should be in here.

Till this case is cleared up.

I have cleared it up.


"dear Fabian, "remember, Vera is going to steal an exhibit.

Love, Fabian.

" I don't think this would exactly stand up in court.

That doesn't matter.

Vera took the ox bell.

That's what counts.

Well, I may have.

One or two suspicions of my own already.

You have to help me, Trudy.

You're the only one who can.

- Hi.

- Uh Eight, Nine, Ten.

Coming, ready or not! Has he been okay? No trouble at all.

Um, where is he, actually? Turns out he's he's really good at hiding.


It's okay, he's, uh He's just under Flash! Tell me you didn't let him leave this room.

Never been out of my sight.

Fun and educational, poppy? I need to go find him now.

I still get paid, right? I can't find little Alfie anywhere.

I just saw him.

I think.

You did? Where? In the wardrobe.

Come on, Alfie.

We know you're in there.

Alfie? Alfie?