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03x14 - A House of Prayer, a Den of Thieves

Posted: 01/15/24 21:39
by bunniefuu

afternoon in downtown

Las Vegas, and this is Charlie
Van d*ke telling you it's going up.

And where she stops,
nobody knows, K.I.E.L.

, the Big 1040 on your
dial, bringing you the

Big Top 40 Golden
Oldies in the spotlight on

the local scene, and
calls from you good folks.

Good afternoon, Charlie Van d*ke.

Just hold on there a
minute, Roadrunner, you

said you made eight passes
at the craft table last night?

Eight straight passes and she
still wouldn't go home with you?

Not funny, you stupid turkey.

Okay, Roadrunner, tell
me not to forget the big

welcome today for the
Oshimura Life Insurance Group.

I might be 20 or 30
minutes, Mr. Raynor, so

if you need a lift back to
your apartment right away.

No, no, it's all right.

I'll just be watching out here.

My car ought to be fixed
in about a couple of hours.

Hi, Scott Burgess.

Hey, Julie, how are you doing?

I'm just spreading the word
with some of the acts I've

booked, not that I got messed
for all that fabulous a gig.

Hey, you try your best.

Julie, if we had any
talent, we'd come to you.

Where are you two working?

You're not lending me a hand.

Well, we're just training sort of in the hotel
business, trying to get a feel for it out here.

It's a big change for New York.

This Margaret McCune thing, it's nice to
have something inside to carry you through.

See you tomorrow.

Oh, sorry, Walter.

I knocked the phone off the hook.

Yeah, just get up.

What photo?

Frank Raynor.

Yeah, that's the name.

Look, stall off if you can.

I'll be right down.

How was school today, huh?

We'll talk about it later.

Okay, whatever you say.

Hey, Nick, you're ever meeting
my old buddy Kojak in New York?

Oh, yeah, Theo, right?

That's right, Theo.

Anyway, they spotted a guy downtown.

He wants me to look out for him.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.

You're wearing that suit
with the Thin Lapels again.

What's wrong with thin lapels?

They're coming back.

Everything is coming back.

Hey, Nick,

why don't you grab a patrol car about six and come
down to the station house?

We'll have dinner
together, huh? Play it by ear.

Don't hang yourself up.

I'll be... Listen, you'll tell
me later, huh? Listen, Mrs.

Corden next door said she'd be
happy to come and stay with you.

Everything is cool, really.

How many times did I tell you?

In New York, everything is cool.

Out here, everything is hot!



I forgot your cigars.

Another drink, sir?
Is on house? Yes, sir.

Excuse me.

Frank Lena?

Detective LaGuardia, Metro Police.

They arrested him.

What's that all about?

I can't imagine what it's about.

What happened?

That man is my neighbor.

The cops want him back
in New York for something.



If you get a chance later,

why don't you run down the station,
see what this whole thing is about?

They've got to extradite him.

It could take weeks.

Unless he cooperates,
agrees to go to New York,

which I would take as a very bad sign.

Yeah, Lieutenant Kojak.

Lieutenant LaGuardia, Las Vegas.

Just follow the officer here.

He'll take your picture, please.

Thank you.

Tell that guy his fingerprints.

Looks like a bear licked them off.

A bear licked them off?

Is that what you said, Sam?

A bear licked them off?

He's a counterfeiter, Sam.

Acid, Sam.


Get it? It's easy.

Damn! Yeah,


Aren't you chief of
police of that outfit yet?

How can I be chief?

I got a Chicano partner named
Lopez who talks like Daniel Boone

and thinks that Manhattan South's a
cocktail and Mulberry Street is a farm.

Be nice, compadre.

Be nice.

What's the matter?
You under attack?

What's going on?

The animals are fighting back?

The nature is fighting back at the smog.

We caught a rain.
Remember the stuff?

Hey, Vance.


We need good men who are even
taking retreads if you want to come back.


I'm a whole new man out here.

You wouldn't recognize me.

Total change.

I'm reborn.

You know what they call me out here?

You ready?

Vinnie Baby.

Hey, Vinnie Baby.
How's Nicholas?

You doing okay with the showgirls?

Is his health all right?

Ah, he's doing great.

God bless him.

Chef, he's making noises
like he wants to be a detective.

Anyhow, I'll tell you.

we picked up that counterfeiter.


The one with the asthma?

The one you told me to look out for?

Frank Raynor?

Frank Raynor?

He's the old geezer who counterfeited
the insurance checks for that swindler.

What was his name? Lorimer.

If Raynor would just admit
that, we could wrap this up.

Raynor's 60.

He's sick.

He doesn't want to die in jail.

I'll make him an offer
he doesn't dare refuse.

Vance, brace yourself.

I'm coming out tomorrow.

A quick turnaround.


bring me some fresh mozzarella.


As picked by Road Runner himself,
but first,

look for it today at
stores all over Las Vegas.

Secrets of the executive
player, the inside

story on how you can
beat those pesky ponies.

This is Charlie Van d*ke on
countdown for my last half hour.

Here's the number just for you.

Hello, big spender.

So what do you say, Nick?

Getting the itch to get back
to New York? You're kidding.

I'm turning into a desert rat.

It's him.

He'll never give up on New York.

Claude, I asked a couple of
questions about New York.

That means I want
to hop the next train?

So tell me it's true.

The Clam Bar of McGuinness is gone?

Clam Bar, McGuinness,

Dempsey's, Turf Town,
restaurant, they're all gone.

The cheesecake, no
more? You're kidding.

You gotta go up to 86th Street
to try to get a decent piece.

Oh, I can't stand it.

Mickey, I'm 47th Street.

I used to block my hats.

Tried to get a hat blocked
back out here.

Tried to get a hat blocked back
there. You're kidding me? Mickey's dead.

Unbelievable, Mickey.

He's like a quarter day.

He was sprinkled.
How could he die?

Did you bring me any mozzarella?

You didn't bring anything,
did you? Come on, Frank.

You know what?

I'm gonna tell you something.

I'm one of your biggest fans.

You're one of the best men with
an engraving tool and a racket.

It's not that easy.

Not with the asthma.



Solid rock, right?


No, sir, I'm just
here for my health.

I'm not into anything.

Well, you wanted New
York on a lot of charges,

and I want to nail this Loring
with your testimony, right?

I can help you, Frank.

Yeah, but if he gets
off and comes after me.

It's not like that.

This Loring is a smart accountant
who's figured out an angle to steal

a half a million dollars
using your force checks.

Now, if we don't nail this guy, he's
gonna steal another half a million,

maybe the whole
country for all I know.

You remember that guy nailed
on Hester Street that he knows?

You know, the one who
fought the off-track police list?

Hey, would you call it
with your credits a minute?

So when do you
want me to go back?

Well, the trial's already started,
you know, and I need your testimony.

You better be on the plane
with me in the morning.

You sign this,

you wait on extradition.

Well, if I don't sign.

Lock you up until your
papers come through.


The sooner I get it over with, the
sooner I can come back, right?


Mr. Rayner.

Oh, Julie.

I'm sorry you're in trouble.

I wouldn't let me
see you yesterday.


This is Lieutenant
Kojak from New York.

I'm Judy Norris.

Excuse me, I'll
follow through on this.

Mr. Rayner and I,

well, we're neighbors.

Can she get some clothes
for me from my apartment?

He's leaving in the morning,
flight time from New York.

Get him back here
as soon as you can.

I'll have Detective
Follmer as a company.

Give me, say,


If anybody ask about me,

tell them I'll be back soon.


Let's go, Mr. Rayner.

What's he going back for?

Try and stay out
of jail, I guess.

I'll bring you stuff
in a couple of hours,

Mr. Rayner, and don't

personal power.

Something wrong?

Are you all right?

I've got no pills with me.

You got something?

Well, I think we can find you
something downstairs to help you out.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Miss did that for

That's right.

He spent two weeks
cooking pasta in the kitchen

of this joint on
Sullivan Street, right?

And then he poisoned his Tony Fionna
right in the middle of his Fettuccine.

That was around
the corner from St.

Anthony's Church.

What are you
talking about poison?

I nailed it, and the
restaurant offered me a job.

My egg plant b*mb
with John was fantastic.

I'll bet you never cleaned up.

He never cleans up.

Come on, I think
we better get going.

Nice meeting you, John.

Nice meeting you.

Vince, one second.

This Rayner,

are you sure there's nothing
we want him for out here?

I don't know why.
We've got no charge against him.

I checked pretty
good last night.

Even the description on
a couple of complaints.

Okay, I'm taking
your word on it.

I didn't poison anybody.
He's jealous.

Hey, you coming to the airport?

No, the bus goes by here.

I grabbed it outside sometimes.

Well, look, if Vince
ever brings you to New

York, you guys should
crash out of my bed, right?

Let me tell you
something, Nicholas.

I'll show you New York
like you never saw it before.


Especially the police lab.

Unc says you got
a great new lab.

Got it.


You all right?

You better check that out.

You sure you don't want to stay home,
skip school today?

No, I'm okay.

I'm... What?

Is anybody going to sh**t at you?

Nobody sh**t at cops.

Not on purpose.

Don't worry.

Whoever it was broke into an
empty room on the 20th floor.

Six shell casings were left behind.

There's no prints.
They must have used gloves.

They're checking the room out now.
Looking for witnesses.

The works.

Look, Sam, do me a favor.

Not the kid off at school, huh?

And then have a couple of men
check out Raider's apartment.

It's at 240 Center River Drive.

Probably off Paradise Road.

Look for counterfeits.

Ink, plates, paper, a dress book.

Anything to give us a lead
on what he was up to out here.

Then I'm going back to the
casino where we picked up Raider.

And then I want to
talk to that girl, Susie.

The one who brought him his clothes.

Julie Lauren.

She books talent works
out of the drop of Canada.


Off to school, Nick.

Say goodbye to Teal.

See you, Bill.

See you, Nicholas.

Take it easy.

I love you, baby.

So long, Mom.

Talk to you later.


You two got something going, right?

You know something?

In all my life I never got
up out of bed before noon.

What do I have?
A job?

Now he's my life.

I see him off to school.

I wait for him to come home.

I cook for him.

We talk a lot.

We rib each other.

We get along good.

He's a lucky kid, Vince.


I'm lucky.

He's a god.

I water him.

He keeps me alive.

Hey, look.

I'm sorry to dump this all in your lap,

but if one guy can take
care of it, I know it's you.

I'll do what I can from New York, right?

Have a good trip to you.

Say hello to the boys
at the Manhattan South.

You got it.

And to the guys in Betzenhurst.

We're working nice.
Anybody else in the room with David?

Anybody suspicious?

Anybody even talking
to him?

Sorry, Vince.

What's the story?

I don't know.

I don't know.

My cop friend from New York told me
that Raynor was as smart as an alley cat.

Alley cat.

Alley cat.

Alley cat.

I don't know.

A comma fitter with a shaky hand?


Maybe he's looking to
make a buck some other way.

Maybe he was cooking up a scheme.

Maybe his partner who afraid he would talk.

That way they got one
more shed left to split.

Come on, Vince.

It's got to be something else.

Look, cops in New York
dream about retiring to Florida,

and crooks dream about
knocking off casinos in Vegas.

Just keep on your toes.

We'll inform all the
other places right away.

Our pit boss is supposed
to know these things.

Okay, Vinnie, we'll do what we can.

Roger, this is the bank from
table nine from about two

yesterday afternoon till six
while Raynor was playing.

Looks like the dealer was right.

Raynor broke three
new hundred dollar bills.

Kenny in accounting
swears they're not counterfeit.

And he's better than any treasury agent.

Okay, we got three crisp new ones here.

Consecutive numbers, none counterfeit.

Elsewhere this evening we've got
little league action under the lights.

And right now, have we got music?

Does the desert have sand?

Does the roadrunner have fleas?

Do you know we got music?

Forget it, dummies.

Anyway, you know how hot it
was the first day I got to Vegas?

You're supposed to ask...
How hot was it in Vegas, Mr.

Hackl? You know how hot it was?

It was so hot, my wife melted
in my arms for the very first time.

Thank you, Mr. Hackel.

Yeah, I'm just getting warmed up.

Van d*ke, please.

My dance is my big finish.

Thank you, Mr. Hackl.

You used to work at Kafka 20 years ago.

You still auditioning?

He's a funny man.

Oh yeah, we'll take a
detective to know that, Mr.


Call me Vince, please.

You like comics, Vince?

How about trapeze

I love them.

Well, I may have a package deal
for you, too, for the price of one.

Ready when you are, Van d*ke.

And now, something special for
all the servicemen in our audience.

Good balance, nice touch.

Thank you, Mr. Van d*ke.

You're terrific.

Just like this whole town makes
the rest of the world look very sane.

So, what brings you here?

Your neighbor, Mr. Raynor.

Look, Julie.

He's dead.

My God.


He was shot on the way to
the airport a couple of hours ago.

Listen, Julie, I gotta ask
you a couple of things.

At the station house, Raynor said,

Tell my friends I'll be right back.

What kind of friends?

I guess just everybody we've
been working with this past month.

All the volunteers have
been helping us out.

Trying to organize things for
Margaret McCune's visit on Saturday.

Mr. Raynor was a believer, you see.

A believer? In what?

One day last month, Mr. Raynor
ran out of pills for his asthma.

I heard this awful wheezing and
coughing coming from his apartment.

I went over and started talking to him.

Trying to convince him he
could cure it with personal power.

That's what Margaret McCune teaches.

You know, that's funny.
That's why I'm out here.

My sister's kid, Nikki,
he had asthma very bad.

I used to live with him.

And when she died, I left for
York and I brought the kid out here.

Like miracles, the air out here.
Not right away, of course.

Personal power worked
almost overnight with Mr. Raynor.

He hadn't taken a pill in almost a month.

He was a sweet man.

Julie, you see anybody going
in and out of his apartment?

Did you ever hear of anything unusual?

As a matter of fact, maybe
that wasn't his apartment.

About two weeks ago, I heard a man's voice.

I only heard a couple
of words, not very much.

Like what?

Like, you owe me, we
made a deal, you'll pay.

A real deep voice.

I don't remember very much.

I thought somebody was
having trouble paying the rent.

That's important, huh? Yeah.

That's very important.

Well, I'll try and think
exactly when it was.

Thanks, Julie.

And if you hear or think of anything
else, give me a call, huh?

I will.

To a nice lady, Julie.


Hi, Julie.

Hey, hello, Julie.

Well, we just about got this
town buried under with posters.

I think we ought to get down to the convention
center and get a pass for the trucks

so we don't have to worry about
the parking stuff tomorrow night.

Yeah, sure. Just tell Mr. Willis
if he needs to to check with me.

Thanks, Julie.

Hey, I have some awful news.

You know Mr.

Raynor? Frank Raynor?

Yeah, huh?

He was shot and k*lled this month.

Oh, no.

Well, that's awful.

Vince LaGuardia, white courtesy phone,
please. Paging Mr. Vince LaGuardia.


Now, Larsen informs me
that sometime after midnight,

it looks like two individuals broke into
the Golden West sporting goods on Kingman.

They swiped a r*fle and
shells used to k*ll Raynor.

They did a pretty slick job getting
by that alarm we're investigating now.

No prints? Nothing?

No, it doesn't look like it.

Oh, there's a couple of mattresses,
air mattresses, missing, too.

Air mattresses?


Okay, if you want me to check your
medication, I'll call them my address.

Paging Mr. Vince LaGuardia.

LaGuardia, I'm coming.


Vince, this is Sam.

There's a rumor around the
city that a Joe Tory from Chicago

is gonna be up to his
toupee in some funny money.

So, now watch out.

Dumpy Joe Tory? Really?

You know, I helped run
him out of New York once.

Where is the boat?

Oh, about 50 feet from me.

He just got himself married
to some leggy dancer.

Keep an eye on him, Sam.

I'll get in touch with you later.


Okay, get him out of there, Rocky. Come on.

Let's get to that hotel.

Hello. I'll meet you there.

I'm gonna double-check
Raynor's apartment myself.


Zingara. Zingara.

You make great radios.

Keep up the good work.

Nice, huh?


Five, Sebastian. You had the locks.


Yeah, we heard. What's his name?

His name is Frank Raynor.

I want all the records we got on him.

Prison records, prison cellmates,
all known acquaintances.

In fact, the name of anybody
who would have wanted him dead.

Who are you looking for?

The man is a counterfeiter.

He's had things to hide all his life.

But he's not worried about letting you
and Sam come here to the apartment...

and check out his clothes.

He's gotta have a stash somewhere.

Some secret hiding place.

What do you got here? Gas in the fireplace?

No, it's just a regular fireplace.

It doesn't even work very well.

These fake logs, they
come with the apartment.

No, he must have bought them himself.

Well, it doesn't make sense.

Gas logs and no gas?

It doesn't make sense.

Plates for $50 bills.

That must be the deal I
heard someone shouting about.

Julie, you think you could recognize that
voice if you heard it again?


It's a very distinctive voice.
I'd recognize it anyway.

Do me a favor. Call my office.

Let me know where I can
get in touch with you later.

If anything you want.

Anytime you want it.

Thanks, Julie.

But, Nick, she's supposed
to be sitting for you.

She was watching TV, but she's asleep now.

Think I should see if
she wants to use the bed?

Nick, I love you.

Love you, too.

That old Tory, he's still playing poker.

Wonderful honeymoon, right?

Who did he bring with him from Chicago?

Loomis Brothers.

The Loomis Brothers.

Come on. Get the cards together.

We got a new game coming up.

What is it?

Joe Tory.


I hear congratulations are in order.
Who's the lucky lady?

No wonder my luck is bad. Look who's here.

What are you doing in Vegas?
You're supposed to be in New York.

Well, I was walking around Columbus Circle
one day and Christopher Columbus says,

Go west, Goomba.

Hey, fellas, you ever hear any stories
about this guy running me out of New York?

They're a crock.

LaGuardia going to Chicago
was the best move of my life.

And what about coming out here, Joe?

What kind of a move was that?

I came out to get married.

Ain't she beautiful? Look at that.

And what's it to you?

Oh, you want an invite?
You got it. Get him a drink.

We're going out to the station now, Joe.

Get away from here. What's the beef?

I want to question you.

That's enough.

But I'm with my friends. I'm busy.

Come on, LaGuardia.
This is my wedding night.

Come on, dealer cards. Come on.

Hey, LaGuardia.

Wait a minute.
You got no reason to do this.

Call Shecky.

You tell him I want that lawyer
at the station right now. Hurry up.

This time, LaGuardia, I'm
going to run you out of town.

I'm going to sue you. Personal.

Anything you say from now
on, Tory, I may hold against you.


Now, move.

Get your rights at the police station.
Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't worry.

Is that neck still bothering you?

Tension's off.


We'll give these girls a take care of us.

J.O.'s hell.

It's heaven over there.

Dan, what about the cops? They're
going to poke around and talk to Julie.

Nobody knows Raynor sent for us.

Nobody's going to figure
that out for the next 24 hours.

Don't worry.

I don't want any more of your lip!

LaGuardia, listen to me.

Why are we winging this
in the middle of the night?

You got a pretty good case against Tory.

Just work it out with the D.A.
in the morning.

Lieutenant, I got a very good case.


These $300 bills were
found in the possession

of Frank Raynor the
day before he was k*lled.

These $300 bills were
found in the possession

of Joe Tory when we
picked them up tonight.


The serial numbers are
from the same identical bunch.

It's only four numbers apart.

Coincidence, LaGuardia.

Okay, it's something. I buy it.

What else?

The $50 plates we found
in Raynor's apartment.



They're etched.

But they still need to
be tucked up a lot by him.


Word leaks out from shit counting.

Tory's coming in to make
a big buy of counterfeits.

I say he was buying from Raynor.

Raynor didn't come through.

Tory taught him a lesson.

It's a theory.

Prove it.

I am crying.


I know you got pigeon
feathers in your head for brains,

so I'm gonna respect your limit of
intelligence and save your butt for you.

Don't talk to me like that.

I'll talk to you when the
only tongue you understand.

And you touch me one more time, and
I'm gonna tear your arm out of a socket.

Now, I'm gonna make you a deal.

You owe me.

You're gonna make
me a deal?


You say what?

You're gonna make me a deal?

I owe you nothing.


Ms. Lorraine.

Take this down, Sam.

Your name, please.

Julie Lorraine.

You live at 240 Center
Rita Drive, Apartment 55,

adjacent to the apartment formerly
occupied by one Frank Raynor?

Yes, I did.

Would you tell us what
you heard approximately

two weeks ago coming
from his apartment?

I heard an argument between him and
some man with a deep voice who said,

We made a deal.

You owe me.

You'll pay for this.

Did you a few minutes ago, without
seeing who made the statement,

hear a similar remark come
from this room?

Yes, I did.

It sounded like exactly the same voice.

Would you swear to that in court?

That's the voice.

Thank you, Ms. Lorraine.

Wait a minute.

Let the record indicate that
the voice as identified by Ms.

Lorraine is that of
one Joseph Torry.

Wait a minute.

What are you trying to do?

Stiff me for k*lling Raynor?

We're going to book you for it, Joe.

I want you locked up.

I want you off the streets.


This stinks, LaGuardia.

This stinks, you hear?

You got something to say or you
just want to complain?

He's wrong.

I'm going to tell you
what that was all about.

I gave Raynor 20,000 and hundreds
about two months ago when I was here.

He was supposed to... Well, he
was going to make something for me.

What, the $50 plates?

I ain't saying what it was, but
you think I'm that dumb, huh?

Anyway, I come back
here a couple of weeks ago

and I find out the lousy
bum gambled it all away.

Well, you got the plates.

He lost his touch.

They're not the very best, Joe.

Anyhow, he swore he'd
get my money back to me.

He said he was already
working on some other angle,

that he brought some friends
in from New York to help him.

Well, he was scared stiff,
so I figured he wasn't lying.

Now, those bills you took from me,

that's the rest of the money
I was going to pay him.

I took it all out in one
bunch, you understand?

When did he say he was
going to pay you back?

The day after tomorrow, Sunday morning.

Today, I find out he's shot.

So I put the b*mb out of my mind.

I get married and I'm
sitting there trying to

make up a few bucks for
myself and he roused me.

Now, that's the truth.

So, look, if you want to put me on some
machine and test me, go right ahead.

Only don't hang me up
here forever, LaGuardia.

Okay, well, hold him.

Check it out.

Nice try, Vince.


But Torrey was a good possibility.

He may be still behind it.

Unfortunately, the two animals I
figured out to be the trigger men

also happened to have pretty good alibis.

Listen, Theo,

Torrey said Raynor was going to pay
him back tomorrow morning with interest.

I'm back to the caper theory.

Something big today.

Couple of other guys.

Probably the K*llers.

Well, I'm not making
much headway at this end.

All I've got is a few names.

Guys who bumped with Raynor
when he was at Attica for a while.

About a dozen of them.

No offense.

We'll get the photos to
you on the first flight, okay?

What about Lorimer?

Well, you're going to hate me for this.

Lorimer confessed to the
swindle charges late yesterday.

He's no heavyweight.

Not one to plot an
assassination, I'm sorry.

Okay, Charlie Van d*ke
back with the local news.

And it feels good vibes in Vegas today.

It's because of evangelist Margaret McCune.

That's right, the good lady hits the
convention center tonight for her annual visit.

And this time all donations go to rebuild
the church's Carson City orphanage.

Roadrunner's going to be
there tonight, right, Roadrunner?

Personal power, right on.

Look at the podium.

The entire auditorium
can see you from here.


Look it.

My, my.

Julie, how good to see you again.

Oh, goodness.

Hello, Doctor, how are you?

Reverend, how are you?

How nice to see you.

You remember Ted Packering,
the ranger's things for me?

Oh, you as well, last year.

Hello, Ted.

Julie, I understand you've got us
all the entertainment we'll ever need.

Oh, everybody's been pitching in.

These are two volunteers that have
been helping me out the last few weeks.

This is Mr. Burgess and Mr. Scott.

How do you do, Lou Scott?

Nice to see you.

Joe Burgess, how are you?

They're going to help backstage
with the sound equipment and stuff.

Oh, the security people are back there.

I better check things out.

Say, Ted, do you think
the donation will be big?

Well, with a full house,
I'd hope for a half a million.

That's what we promised the school.

That's certainly what
we've been praying for.


Do you recognize any of them?

Bug sh*ts, half of them 10 years old.

Now, you give this guy a tan,

mustache and some sideburns, how
are you going to spot him?

Joe Boyce.

Five years for robbery,
seven for felonious as*ault,

possession of a deadly w*apon, equal.

This dude's right on for
what we're looking for.

All right, get him pretty fast.

Circulate it to all the casinos and hotels.

Every place with the usual cash problem.

All right.

Oh, uh... What happened to the personal
effects that cleaned out Arena's apartment?

We're having public administration.

Gentlemen, as we've discussed,

first of all, we count the
money here at the tables.

Then, as we're filling the sacks,

you men take it out to the truck.

Okay? Let's get going.

Thanks, Sam.

Nick, why don't you grab a
cab and come down here?

Bring a couple of hero sandwiches.


We'll eat together.


Ladies and gentlemen,

and children of all you wonderful,
wonderful, generous people

who have come from all
over the great state of Nevada,

here she is,

one of the great humanitarians of our time,

Mrs. Margaret McCune!

So, how many people even
knew Raynor was arrested?

Everybody in the casino.

Anybody watching on
the streets, waiting for him,

Julie, some of the people
he was working with,

you know, the volunteers on that, uh,
Margaret McCune thing, lots of people.

Well, it's a hard one, Unc.

Yeah. Yeah.

And all I can do is sit here
and wait for a phone call.

The nugget, ripped off for half a
million bucks by some g*n-crazy nuts.

Who knows what?

If you will be perfect,

go and sell what thou hast,

and give to the poor.

Damn that, Mrs.

How does that figure into it?

It doesn't, Vince.

Your brain is going soft.

Hey, this guy takes the
same medicine I used to.

How's that?

Well, it's here, on his autopsy.

There's all this stuff
about the trajectory of the

b*llet, and here, contents
of the stomach includes

substantial traces of a
diophiline-type compound.

I used to see that all
the time in my medicine.

Let me see that.


That's funny.

What is?

Well, Julie said that she cured
Raynor of his asthma, mentally.

You know, the Margaret
McCune thing, personal power.

I said to her,

being out here worked miracles
for you, but not right away.

She said that it worked
right away for Raynor.

He hasn't taken a pill in a month.


That's what you say.

Maybe he was just being nice to her.

But why be nice to her?

You called him a loner.

So what's he need her for?

Good point, Nick.

Good question.

Why don't we grill her?

The only thing you're going to
grill is a couple of frankfurters.

Now, you wait here, and
hold down the fort for me.

Ah, come on, Uncle.

Can I go? Hey, hey,
hey, hey. We got a deal.

I do the deciding.

Now, I've been fair with you
up till now, haven't I?


Why did Raynor play up to Julie?

Good point, Nick.

Good point.

When are you going to get
a haircut?

Tomorrow, Nick.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Sam, give me a lift to
the convention center.


And to one man,

he gave five talents.

To another two...

And so, dear, dear friends in
the wonderful state of Nevada,

before we begin the services tonight,

let us once again demonstrate
the wonderful generosity

which made possible the
children's orphanage in Carson City.

And through your contributions,

let a new and finer one rise
like a phoenix from the ashes.

God bless you and life.

Dear friends,

from the bottom of my heart

and on behalf of the
thousands of homeless children

whose hearts will be
warmed for ever and ever.

Mary, hands on the table.

Real easy.

It's not the kind of power.

It's not the kind of accomplishment
that means a single thing to him.

A decision.


That's what reveals the man.

Julie, something is
bothering you about Raynor.

I figured maybe he was
using you so he could hang

out with you backstage
at one of the casinos.


The only place he wanted to
be is right here tonight for this.

Ask Scott and Burge
if they're in the office.


Listen to this one.

When the Son of Man shall come into the
world and all the holy angels worship him,

then shall he sit upon
the throne of his glory.

All right, let's go.

Come on.

Is that where they caught the money?

Yeah, but this door shouldn't be locked.

Is there another way out of there?

Yeah, I think there's a
stairway after the roof.

Sam, get on the radio.

Raise hell. I'm going outside.

This is Sam Lope.

It's all available units.

Do you copy?
Conviction of the world.

For I was a...

I was thirsty and you gave me drink.

I was a stranger
and you took me in.

Naked and you clothed me.

I was sick and you visited me.

I was in prison
and you saved me.

I was thirsty and
you gave me drink.

When saw we thee a
stranger and took thee in?

Or naked and clothed me?

Or when saw we thee sick or
in prison and came unto me?

And he shall answer and say unto them,

Verily, I say unto you,

Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto product of these to these,

my brethren, who have done it unto me,

then shall he say also
unto them on the left,

Depart from thee,

in person, into everlasting fire
and from the dead for his angels.

Okay, pennies from

easy does it.

Hit the wall.

Back on the tracks across the road.


It is also written
in the book of St.

Matthew, Come unto me, all ye
that labor and are heavy laden.

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me,

and ye shall find
rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light.

So, you see, he is with us in these
moments of decision about our lives.

He wants the burden to be easy.

You know what else is from Matthew?

It is written,

My house shall be the house of prayer,

for ye have made
a den of thieves.

But you don't let that happen, did you?

We didn't let it happen.

You forgot your sandwich.

I'll preach you this caption
of a man eating a sandwich.

Las Vegas detective Vince LaGuardia,

also credited New York
police for assisting in the arrest.

That's it?

That's it?

Look, Frank,

the newspaper's got
it as, you know, Vinnie,

he named each and every
one as by name, I'm sure.

That's the kind of guy he is.