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02x05 - Wall Street Gunslinger

Posted: 01/15/24 21:16
by bunniefuu

They want the "meat", you understand?

You have until
Friday at five, after

which you choose
with broken legs.

I want the "smear", understand?

Now get out of here, disappear, deal with it.

Get out of here, you creep.

Bonds welcome, Mr. Jonathan.

Thank you, Frank.

Yes, yes, it's me, Frank, yes.

It's on the way.

He wears a blue cardigan

sweater, brown pants,

and is accompanied by a guard.

Yes, the guard is with him.

That makes us partners directly, right?

Yes, that makes us partners directly, Frank.

Now he leaves, there is a guard with him.

He has a blue cardigan
sweater and brown pants.

What, blue?

Blue cardigan
sweater, brown pants.

Well, where is it?

Look at him there, the weak one.

Take it easy.

Burn it with the stick.

Hey old man, excuse me.

Do you know how I could get to Canal Street?

You know, I seem to have lost my way.

Hey, old man!

Hey dad, I dropped something in your cart.

- Hey, that's mine!
- Shut up, old man.

Rob a poor old man!

Ok, I got it!

Okay, shut up!

We're leaving!

To break up.

See you at the appointed place.

Hey, get in the car.

Get in the car!


Let's go!

This is car 723, requesting
additional cars at Wall and Pearl.

Come on, drive! Go on!

One b*llet, fired at close range,
through the left side of the abdomen.

Any witnesses?

Yes, three, there with Saperstein.

What did they see?

Two g*ons overturned his cart,
shot the old man and ran away.

Was there a fight?

Not. I say that one person took

something, the
other took nothing.

There are his things, the cart.

Okay, one of you go over
there and check out the story.

There must have been a thousand...

- Do what I told you.
- Yes, lieutenant.

What's up with all this?

These are his things.


It's in Yiddish or Hebrew or something.

You hang them on the wall for decoration.

where is his hat

I haven't seen any.

A Hasidic Jew without a hat?

Someone must have taken it from him.

And this on Wall
Street, it's that beautiful?

OK, check if he has
relatives at this address.

If not, bring a rabbi from
the nearest synagogue.

Someone from the morgue
should be available for an id.

I understand.

Pick up all this stuff
for fingerprints, right?

Lieutenant, this is
Patrolman Warren.

Three blocks from here,
there was a robbery of

a messenger who works
for a bond brokerage firm.

I followed some guys here,
who were carrying a package.

I've lost them.

When I heard that
someone else was

hit here, I came to
see what was going on.

Thank you, officer.

Knox Mining Company.

They must have thrown the
package into the old man's cart.

Or maybe it was related to them.

Knox Mining Company.

Okay, check with the
fakes and bonds folks.

Check the series and number.

share, that's a quarter of

a million dollars burning
your hands, Crocker.

Go ahead.


Did you take a look at the old man's face?

Do you think he was related to them?


I have some witnesses here.

Which of you saw the K*llers?



what is your name miss


"Wind Fern".


I was standing right where it happened.

But I didn't see when they
fought or when he was k*lled.


A man was beaten here, and

you stood there,
and saw nothing?

I lost my job.

I was meditating.

Well, I'm sorry!

Were your eyes open or closed?



whoever will be your guru...

you had to look at something.

What were you looking at?

To a pair of
pigeons making love.

I was thinking, how can they be
so happy and I feel so miserable?

OK, you heard a g*nsh*t,

did you look and what did you see?

A guy was rummaging through
his pants and he had a g*n.

The other gathered a lot of papers.

I didn't see their faces, sorry.

What kind of papers?

A lot of small papers.

Then they parted, one left
there and the other left there.

"Fern in the Wind".

Oh, that's nice!

- Thanks!
- Thanks!

Thank you, officer!

And when you're finnish doing what you're doing,

-... follow me with a car.
- Okay, lieutenant.

Section, I'm car 723 Manhattan.

Can you give me cherries for a penny?


for another quarter, I'll give
you a little absinthe here.

- Oh yes?
- Yes.


You didn't see some guys come
by with some papers, did you?

No, no, there was only one guy,

I saw him running from there.

I thought he was involved
in these sh**t,

so I went after him.

He went to the sports club.

He stopped there and pulled out a g*n.

A black limousine drove by,

he stopped it, jumped into the car, and took off.

And did you see who was in the limo?

Yes, there was an old man in front.

He was the driver and there was
a good looking boy in the back.

So you didn't manage to remember
the registration number, did you?

The registration number, of course, I
only remembered the first two letters,

Z I, that's all.

Yes, thank you.

There was a black limousine
in front of the sports club.

Registration number, A to Z.

It must be a rental, right?

I'll check with the limo service.

Okay, do that.

It's like I told you no booze.


What would I want and in vain!

All right.

Now, if I understand
the message correctly,

it seems that these
two young gentlemen

they maximized the
necessary effort, with a

very good chance of
minimizing the results.

It also looks like there may
be an item or two missing.

Ask them.



So, as I said, the
package has been opened.

How do we know if the package is still complete?

How could I check that anyway?

I don't know what was supposed to be in it.

Anyway, I don't want to say more.
It was bad.

He doesn't know anything,

they didn't stay on the old man.

Let's check now to see if anything is missing.

In the meantime,

whoever hired these two
gunslingers should be worried.

If they ever get busted
for m*rder, they'll

put his name out
there in two seconds,

if the police offer them the slightest favor.

I understand, sir, it's really
about my neck in the game.

I will personally take the necessary measures.
There will be no such possibilities.

None. I promise.

See that it is not.


Why don't you stay there until I get there too?

He'll be here in a couple of minutes.

Sir, you can't park there.

It's okay, I'm working on a case here.

Black limousine with driver,

young man behind

another guy with a g*n to his head?

Yes, sir, that's the car, right there.

Who the hell told you about that?

Well, Mr. Grenfell returned after 10 minutes.

He said no harm was done to him.

No harm, right?
Two million dollars

in bonds, two guys
with broken heads,

an old man k*lled, and

you say no harm was done.

Where can I find Mr. Grenfell?

Upstairs, sir.

Okay, you take care
of the driver over there.


Mister. Grenfell?

Yes I am.

Excuse me, I'm
police lieutenant Kojak.

Everyone has a badge these days.

Do you have anything else?

Come here, son, and bring
your sword with you, yes!

An armed fugitive took
your car this morning.

How come you didn't report this?

what happened lenny

Someone borrowed my car this
morning when I was leaving to pick you up.


He is Sheikh Ali de Quadin.

He's... the last of the 40 thieves.

Sheik, he's one of
our police lieutenants...

Theo Kojak?

And this is Lenny.

- Theo?
- The best seller around here.

The last gunslinger left on Wall Street.

I understand, well two gunmen, a
little while ago they k*lled an old man.

If, Lenny, your wonderful
salesman had reported,

we would now have
an honest identification.

I didn't know anyone was k*lled.

I just found out about this a few
minutes ago from one of the members.


Excuse me.

Come on, Kojak.

The last thing in the world I want

is to be involved in a mob-style robbery.

And why in a mob-style heist,

and not on a job for the Lone Ranger?

Twenty million dollars.

Who gets away with this kind
of chilling stuff every week?

We both know the answer to that.

You start looking
for misinformation

here, and you know what you get.


The chance to put a lid on the operation.

You get the chance to vacation
in the arid land of Jersey.

Sheikh, I hope you are following all this.

You do business with me, everything will be beatiful.

You do business with bad people,

you will lose a hundred million.

A hundred million?

A small part of our state treasury,

which we were hoping to invest
before Monday's assessment.



do you have anything specific to ask me?

Yes, I particularly want your cooperation.

I also want the route taken by the
criminal. And I called him criminal, son.

I understand.

Honestly, I kept my eyes closed.

As for the route,

my driver might
know better than me.

Look, I'd appreciate it if you'd
let us get back to our game.

I suppose you can call me at the office,

and, to ask me the same questions again.

You will come up with the same answers, right?

Lieutenant, you're

done, or you just like it

stop by and check out our style?

I'm going to check your vision.

Let me understand now.

Here's an Arab with a sword
on a dance floor swinging his

sword through your Jewish
face and you don't even blink.

So what you're telling me
is that I'm a guy with a g*n,

and you close both eyes, right?

I'm not buying that, sonny.

- Hey Ali!
- Yes, lieutenant.

Why don't you fix him with that knife of yours?

Of course, my pleassure.

So, we pulled over
here, and we stopped

for a few minutes
to look, you know?

And when we looked back...

when we look back,
this guy left the package

in a car parked there and left.

what kind of car

Oh, it was a cheap sedan, light green

Green Brewster, we used to call it.

You see, he left,
and a dark-skinned

guy, the Mediterranean type

came out of that building

got into the car and left with the package,

- but without...
- Okay. Crocker!

And then I left.

See what you can find out about
the green Brewster car over there.

and then return to the station

and get some air conditioning in
your nose too, from a taxi in New York.

We have millions of these.

This happened, you
see, as I told you.

hey who am i talking to? Nobody?

Yes, lieutenant.

Two guys from "stocks and bonds".

The two from the "brokers
and shares" Service there

claiming to be Sergeants
Way and Collins, Lieutenants.

Yeah, well, take care of the driver here.

Lt. Kojak, Manhattan South Precinct.

Sgt. Way.

How are you sergeant nice to meet you!


Collins, you have to be the top
two best dressed guys in town.

What is this, "Brooks Brothers"?

You're not doing too bad either, Lieutenant.

What do you think, Collins?

For one from the murders?


Yes, well, my tailor is a k*ller.

Meanwhile, we have a dead body on our heads, right?

Homicide related to a
securities case, right?

Two guys beat a messenger

and abandon
their car in traffic.

It was open.

So they put their securities
in an old man's cart.

When they return to claim
them, the old man does not

know what is happening,
he resists and they k*ll him.

Lieutenant, I'll get the driver

to take a look at some photos,

but he swears that his boss
saw him better than he did.

Gorgeous! Go ahead.

wanna come with me buddy

Okay, it's about Grenfell.

He used his car to disappear.

Do you know him?

Of course, everyone here knows him.

What is his reputation?

At what level?

Well, when you do business at a very high
level like he does, how can you be sure?

He made more money than almost
any other American under the age of 30.

He traded five million
dollars in securities

in one hour, when it began.

Oh yes, I know him!

Jet plane, castles

in Switzerland,

and all the other little toys.


I want you to put a tail on it.

He and this Arab.

And don't you worry, he knows what you're doing.

I do not understand.

A big man like Lenny?
Oh no, he doesn't want to be messed with.

He or his great client, Sheikh Ali.

If he wants us to stop blowing his neck,

Hes gonna come up with an ID.

He got to be a witness.

I think you can pick it up at
the Manhattan Sports Club.


Go with Collins.

Yeah sure. Listen, lieutenant.

The expense of following a
big guy like that around town.


Well, those must be handled
by your department, not mine.

Do you got a calling or something?

Lieutenant, the
newsagents in the area

haven't seen anything
about the green car,

and I talked to forensics, they
don't have any usable fingerprints.

We didn't get any fingerprints
from the limo or the abandoned car.

The guys must have been wearing some gloves.

Which means you still have
to come up with an ID, right?

What's up with you
guys down there?

Don't you ever come up with
something we can hang on to?

You never come up with a positive answer?

It's hard, believe me.
We do everything we can,

but it's not like
investigating a family crime.

So maybe you can solve
the m*rder pretty quickly.

If we catch the guys who did it,

if they decide to talk,

if we can get Lenny and the
driver to come up with identification,

then maybe they'll
tell us who hired them.

Come on guys, let's go!

where do you want to go now

We go to the brokerage
house that hired that messenger.

come on


- Hello, doll.
- How are you?

- Good.
- I'm glad to see you.

Oh, Sheikh Ali!

How are you?

You're looking great today.

Oh, thank you, Felicity!

You have wonderful company.

I have to go and get lunch.

You will break Felicity's heart!
You can't do that.

Oh, I just want to talk to these people.

Don't worry about it.

I'm giving you a chance to sell me
your portfolio before I buy from them.

You would do well, otherwise
you will make a big mistake.

Because there is no
possibility as a Jew

to deceive an Arab
in such a business.

Risk the negative publicity?

No way, do you understand?

I understand, but I also have to look at the price.

I'm going to you too, beautiful...

- Thank you, Salam.
- Shalom.


- Charming guy.
- Take a seat.

- He's charming.
- I'm hungry, let's eat.

Follow the sheikh,
I will stay with him.

Yes, two beautiful places.

Someone is going to stop him
from doing the deal, I know that.

How the hell did they find him?
I thought I had him covered.

Will buy anything that looks good,

he will throw it in a bank and
forget about it over the years.

The biggest brand in town.

If the smart guys take it, what do I do?

Should I tell him he's connected to the mob?

Your height!

hello mr Paul?

- Yes.
- Oh!

I'm glad to see you.

Get on.

- Oh, how are you?
- I'm glad to see you.

My pleasure!

How about we have lunch?

Well, I'm hungry.

I'm in charge of
routing, lieutenant, which

means I have the
scheduling of the messengers.

Yes, which means you are in the perfect place

to sell the information
outside, right?

I suppose so.

The same position as a policeman to
whom you can bribe a few hundred dollars.

What a nasty way to put it.

Not everyone does that, do they, lieutenant?

Yes, and again, what's your name?

Mister. Templeton.

Hey, Mr. Templeton, who else
could receive a messenger?

Anybody can check the work charts.

The guys who pack the orders,
the guards, any other messengers.

They wouldn't be the ones who take
them to the street, the moneylenders,

so someone in a
room like this gives in,

and at one point jump
of 20 million dollars.

Did you lose 20 million?

We are still redoing
the calculations for the

second time, but this
is what it looks like.

Most are mining shares,
South African and Canadian.

There are some in insurance, but

in brokerage, they
are the majority.

Who bundled the package that was robbed?

It was Frank Lockland, he's up front at the reception.

Oh thank you, you were very nice!

Hey, Frank, we're potera.

Are you getting high?

What did you say, sir?

I can see that everyone else
has their sleeves rolled up.

If anybody suspects me of something, then I
would like them to come out with evidence.

Oh come on now!

What wonderful "Zapatos" you have there.

And what are these pricks, warts?

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm clean.

That's all I need to know.

If you have something to
tell us, you better do it now.

Get this lad out of here!

Idiot cop!

I've been through this before, Lieutenant.

We'll put it in and
check everything.

It won't get us anywhere.

Follow me and we'll talk privately.


Yes, would you like to get me a black coffee?

"Unenhanced", no sugar.



Fine, thank you. Crocker.

I heard the call.

They seemed to be our guys with the robbery.

Yes, there they are.


I noticed that municipal bonds
had a decrease yesterday.

No doubt it's just a technical adjustment.

Oh, I didn't know you
were big on stocks.

Hey, look, we have a
board meeting this afternoon.

It would be awful if you
couldn't represent us.

Oh, and it's doable.

I thought you were going to say that.

Hey, Theo, I heard
Tracy went on two belly

dancing dates with the
Sheik of Quadin last night.

The Sheikh.

Was there anyone else there?

Yes, a big trickster named Paul Paulus.

Tracy put her name
on the bills she paid.

Paulus was contradicting
the sheikh on some figures.

Who is Paulus?

One of the tricksters
who plays in

the same league
as Lenny Grenfell.

Businessman, multimillionaire.

Even a possible
candidate for mob ties.

But go ahead and prove it if you can.

The money guys in this g*ng
are tougher than my wife's cousins.

Paulus, Grenfell, just two
of several others like them.

Build a wall of money around themselves.

They fight with each other, support each other, make schemes.

Sometimes they even
make trouble for each other.

But we have no way of
knowing everything about it.

How, guys from "covered"

can't infiltrate
the millionaires?

With great difficulty.

I want to join that club, Frank.

We get nowhere working up from the bottom.


Take 10 million from
minor expenses and profit.

- Crocker.
- Yes?

Next time Collins calls,

let me know where Grenfell is at once.

I understand.

And the kid who made the bonding at the brokerage?

And the parking lot attendant?

Who said he saw nothing.

I don't want us just dropping them.

Yeah, we're checking
all their alibis,

who they've been in
touch with, everything.

But even if they talk, and
that who knows when, how

high to the leader, do you
think they can really lead us?

Come on, Frank, will you spare me?

I want to start a small business myself,

one that will open
doors for me, or I swear

I'll fall straight into
the next depression.


municipal bonds had
a decline yesterday,

just a technical
adjustment, no doubt.

call the general

to bring back from the
morgue all Lenny Grenfell.

Somebody call the SEC.

I want to know
everything I can about our

kid, with all his
tricksters and sheiks,

and their wretched
attitude I can't stand.



Are you telling me these aren't from the police?

Why is this guy following me?

Well then, how about
the guy chasing Lenny?

I talked to my friends at City Hall,

they will call him in a minute.

What is it?

Is it because I am Arab?

Because I was seen with you?

I want you to explain this.

Sheikh, I apologize profusely,
this is very embarrassing...

It's embarrasing for me too.

Excuse me.

Look, take it easy, there's
nothing to worry about.

I can't calm down.

Come on, relax.

Do you want to excuse me?

I have a tip and I have
to get back to the office.

And, take care of the sheik.

Yes, I will.

- Come on, sit down and relax.
- Yes.

Look at this.

Look at him.


It bothers you?

What do you want?

Cooperate, Lenny, you know, you're wasting my time.

And you're ruining my reputation.

Surveillance is one thing, but...

You should have immediately reported
that your car was used in a crime.

Then charge me with something.

Stop the harassment.

You know more about
yesterday than I will ever know.

Do you know where Don Kleinman is, Lenny?

What are you talking about?

Kleinman, Kleinman, Kleinman...

The only Kleinman I know was the
principal of my elementary school.

That's it!

Dean Stanton, your
adviser at Harvard University.

Jasper McGee, your
business school roommate.

Your father died of
coronary occlusion in 1956.

He was a CPA in Miami.

- What is this?
- What are you?

An Aquarius?


I thought so.

I just went through your file,

it's almost two inches thick.

I thought I had to give you
a chance, that I had to risk it.

Any guy whose life is like an

open book, any
guy who's a Virgo,

he can't be part of the mafia.

Me in the mafia?

Yeah sure.


Yes, could you call back in 10 minutes?
Is this seat taken.

Thanks a lot!

The phone was, I
thought it was a periscope.

Yeah, well, somebody's got to be

captain numero uno
on Wall Street, Lenny.

You're really "macho" enough to know that.

I started to keep my mouth shut.

I know I can be done, look that easy.

I'm going to pick up this Arab

for loitering past massage parlors.

I'm gonna make him hate this town.

I'm going to make him move all
his business to Zürich, Switzerland.

Kojak, it's special.

- Don't push him away. - Yes.

What makes it so special?

All they are looking for is just a good price.

I can't leave out someone
pretty heavy on stocks like him.

Yes, including the stolen shares.

It's a prime target.

It's not just me, it's
not just my owning.


I can tell you who your competition is.

Let's see, 20, 30 million.

It would be worth something to you.

Well, tell me, we'll see.

I'll be honest with you, tell me.



It's Paulus, isn't it?

There are rumors.

How does a guy sell stolen and
tracked stocks to get rid of them?

Because most people turn
around and point to someone else.

You lose...

but don't blame Paulus.

Not if you like life.

If a guy puts me 20,

tracked stocks, I put
a g*n to his temple

and you will hear the loudest
expl*si*n you have ever heard.

You? Do not make me laugh.

Because I am a rich Greek,
and I came here to invest millions.

Did you know that?

What are you talking about?

I will deceive Paulus,

I'll beat him at his own game.

You're crazy.

It will come after you, and it
won't be through official channels.

Which means he's in the mob,

exactly what I'm
trying to prove.


Well, count me out.

Hey Lenny, if I'm wrong,

you take Paulus out of circulation,

and you put your hand on your sheikh.

There are 100 million.

Millions of Arabs.

One hundred million.

I do not smoke.

It is not wasted.

Keep trying to find the
sheik for mr. Paulus, Linda.

And if you can't find him, let him know that
he needs to call us to close the deal today.


Oliver, I think the sheik will

find this portfolio

Gold Star, Plumber Oil,

Afro Copper, Yukon, Knox Mining.

About 30% stolen,

and washed to enter legality.

And Knox was just taken off the
street yesterday. how long is there

About six million.

Try "Psytech", see if they have
recorded them on the computer.

I'll read your serial numbers.

Okay, done.

Four, eight...three.

"Psytech" sounds like a
college on the moon. What is it?

It's a computerized
information bank where

all stolen stocks are
listed by serial number.

They could all be recorded up to
date, even those stolen yesterday.

There's something on
this list of stolen securities

which you asked Paulus
to procure for you?

Let me see.

Yes, Knox Mining, yes.

You see, there are many
veins in their copper deposits.

- Knox Mining?
- Yes.



Theo, read me a serial
number from the tracked list.

Four, eight, one, zero

You probably understand,
Paulus has one of these too.

If I had doubts that
what he is selling is

stolen, I would simply
check in the computer.

That tells me everything.

I don't get it.

If Paulus tries to hustle
you into a business,

how is that stopping you from
checking them out on "Psytech"?

- He can not.
- Look here, Knox Mining.

Already reported stolen.

There must be an scheme somewhere.

They didn't waste much
time recording them.

So we do the old computer
double recording trick.

Let's try.

And when the sheik goes

to check on "Psytech",

do you know what to do

Sure, I deliver exactly the
answers we want them to receive.




Look, I don't have time for this.

To stay here, to go
to court, to have the

newspapers that write
that Sheikh Ali bin Hashim,

the Sultan of Quadin, was
almost tricked by a crook?

No, no, no, I don't want you to go to court.

I just want you to introduce
me to Paulus as a friend,

a new tycoon in the
international money market.

Let's see... Makropoulos,

George Makropoulos.

But you have no money.

which I look forward to
investing in the right businesses,

and I'm only in town for one day.

Well, a line of credit that,
of course, you will support.

As good as gold!

I checked.

I'm dead when Paulus comes to check.

Look, once I make the deal, once

I leave him with
some obligations,

you call Paulus.

You tell him I ripped you off.

The fact that
you're going to throw

everything at me
won't do you any harm.

Wait a minute, I don't understand.

Explain this to me.

He will try to sting Paulus.

That's right, baby!

You are crazy, Kojak.

No, no, no, I'm not Kojak.

I am... Kirios Yorios
Macropoulos, Greek from Athens.

Come on, come on!

Don't you have anything better to do?

Wait for the pension!

Hey, I said leave it.


Yesterday I was a banker, now I'm a driver.

Just a technical readjustment.

You are right, sir.

I have a strong suspicion that
everything you have to do is illegal.

oh why

The Sheikh introduced me
as a rich, handsome Greek,

and supports me with a line of credit.


That's all I need, Frank.

Oh, come on, Theo!

These letters of guarantee
from these banks are fake.

Yes, but I don't know that, Frank,

Lenny swore they were good.

Okay, so what if Paulus gets caught?

He will call the people
from "Fake Bonds"

the moment he realizes
that he has been deceived.

Well... I simply tell him that
he can take back his bonds,

I'm just trying to keep
American capitalism safe.

And why wouldn't they call the police?

Because he's a crook.

Then he'll come right after you.


Lenny will call an hour after I leave,

they're going to blame
me and say I'm a fraud.

Okay, we're going to the hotel
now to put microphones in your room.

Do you have the recorder on you?

Oh yes!

where is my hat

Oh sure, no, not that, you fool!

Here you go.

This is yours.

Are you ready?

Where do I stay?

At the "Plaza" and we will have
you under constant surveillance.

And don't worry, if Paulus makes
a move, we won't let him hurt you.


Whether he makes the
deal or threatens him,

make sure you have everything on tape.

Right, ready?
Where are my stuff?

Excuse me.

- Lieutenants.
- Yes?

You know, you should
shorten those sleeves.

Oh, seriously, at $100 per
centimeter, I better leave it as is!

Come on.

Good morning.

- How are you, Mr. Alvin?
- How are you?

Ah, he is Mr. Makropoulos.

Good morning.

He wants to talk to you about
what we talked about on the phone.

This city stretches more vertically,

wouldn't want you to get
lost trying to find our office.

Well, send Boniro to Corsica,

and personally
inspect the property.

Excuse me, I have to go, bye.

Your Highness!


Everything is ready, I received
the exact portfolio you asked.


Mister. Makropoulos.

Mr. Makropoulos, I'm Paul Paulus.

Yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Paulus!

Sheikh Ali says you are...

interested in investments for some Greek
clients who wish to remain anonymous.

Yes, yes, yes, this is...

that's the thing.

That's about it, Mr. Paulus.

I'd rather talk about business.

Fine, fine.

Mister. Glenfell is...

As the saying goes?

... the one who
"tunnels" me, no,

channels my funds when I'm here.

- Yes, he called this morning.
- Oh, yes!

Look, I thought

that since you and Mr.
Glenfell you already seem

to know each other, you
could do business with him.

That's... not true, is it?

Well, yes, well, you see...

these stocks,

they will be in a box from Switzerland,

where will they'll cool...

until things calm down.

Unfortunately, Mr. Glenfell has no...

what do I need, you understand, right?

Oh yes!


However, since I don't
know you personally, perhaps...

Sheikh Ali could countersign
your letter of credit.

Yes... yes, of course.

Then it's as good as gold.

Your Highness,

if you look at this
list, you will see

that it is everything
you asked for.

If you like, you can
use our network to check

"Psytech" to make sure
everything is "kosher".

Make sure everything is "kosher"?

- What this means?
- Kosher?

Now, Mr. Makropoulos,
is there a particular

line of securities that
you are interested in?

Yes of course.

As much value as possible, for as
little money as possible, of course.

You understand that, don't you, Mr. Paulus?


Actually, I have some
very interesting stuff...

All the bonds we know are stolen

they come "clean" on this computer.

We need to talk, baby!



I'm Felicity.

How are things going
with those mining bonds?

The sheik will buy them
at any moment, don't worry.

And we will give another 500 to
the Greek he brought with him.

what greek

The bank millionaire with
Lenny, the sheik's friend.

A bald guy with a bad accent.

What friend of the sheikh?

He doesn't know anyone in this town.

He said his name was Makropoulos.

Look, we'll talk later, okay?
I have to call Athens, check.

They're probably calling now, okay?


Yes, it's a very good circuit,
I can hear you fine.

No, no, leave it.

I know Makropoulos has good credit.

I just need to know exactly
where it needs to be now.


Are you sure?

Did those people see him there last night?

Very good.

And what's your name?

Okay, Jean.


Allow me to countersign
this letter for you.

Here they are.

- Everything is in order, Your Highness.
- Here you go.

Yes, thank you!


That's yours, I think.

Well, maybe we'll meet
again, Mr. Makropoulos.

Yes, I'll go now.

Your Highness, in the future,

if you want anything else, just
call me or give me a telegram.

My pleasue!


The real Makropoulos
is in Caracas this week.

This is a con artist.

I just called Crissy.

Hold him until he gets down.

Sign this, please, Mr. Makropoulos.


We have to set an example in this regard.

Just quietly get into the limo.

Very quiet.

Crocker, I'm Stavros, are you receiving me?

Did you see what happened?
All of it?

Yes I saw. Go ahead!

No passport.

No wallet.

You're traveling pretty empty
for a millionaire, my friend.

Well, that's ridiculous.

We go to the Plaza, where I have everything.

No no no!

We go where I want.

If you have any
accomplices, I want them to

learn a great lesson
from your disappearance.

Crocker, we just
turned east on Canal St.

Got it, we're right behind you.

Stavros, I just caught a traffic light.

Where are you now?

We return to Lafayette.

I think I'm headed for the Brooklyn Bridge.

I'm Stavros, we're on the bridge.

Where did he report he was?

We're on our way.


I'm Stavros.

I'm Stavros, do you read me?

Where are those support cars?
I'm on the keys.

Keep going.

Give me a piece of rope and
find a tarpaulin to use on the ship.

Okay, align the ship.

I would like to give you a little advice.

Don't try to hold your breath.

Breathe deeply.

Draw as much water as you can.

That's how you finish quick.

This is very nice.

Why not?

Okay, I can't wait.

I'm going without you.

All right, hold it right there.


Deal with this guy!


Take the Greek!



Throw it away!

Get up here.

Drop your weapons!

To the wall, to the wall!

All right, come on, pick them up!

Hands up, come on!

- Keep them up there!
- Take care.

Ok, let's go!

Surely, you were about to suffer.

Well, what where you thinking about?

Because I care, all right?


is that your coat

So why?

You have to shorten the sleeves.