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01x06 - Home is for Healing

Posted: 01/15/24 20:27
by bunniefuu

Hey, Kenny, who's
the nifty little blond?

Val and Gary's daughter.

That's Lucy?

Ah, Lucy.

You're gonna tell
me how to think?

Gonna give me the lessons
you should've been giving

when I was 4 years old?

I couldn't leave your daddy.

He'd leave you. He's
always running away.

He ran away from J.R.

He ran off and left you.
He ran off and left me.

Mama, please come
back to Dallas with me.

I don't ever wanna
lose you again.





Uh, Val, why did you do that?

You're right.

No, no, no, it's... No, I know!

Karen talked me into buying it,

and it just isn't me at all.

Honey, I... I liked
it fine. Really.

Oh, come on, Gary,
you're just saying that.

I'm not just saying
that. I really did.





Uh, yeah, hello?

Bobby? How are you?

No, what...

What's the matter?

Yeah? How did she take it?


Just a minute.

Uh, Lucy, she found out.

About us getting
remarried? Yeah.

Bobby, what...
Let me talk to him.

Bobby. But, uh...

Well, call her to the
phone. She'll talk to me.

Okay. Yeah, I understand.

Yes. I'll be there
tomorrow. First thing.

And... And Bobby,
help her, please.

Yeah, I will.



I've gotta go to her.

All right, we'll both go.

No, Gary. You
better let me go alone.

I'll bring her here, and
we'll make it right. You'll see.


GIRL: Got any plans
for vacation, Lucy?

Not really.

I should use the week to
study 'cause I'm flunking biology.

BOY: Oh, biology should
be a snap for you, Lucy.

Is that supposed to be funny?

No, not at all.

Hey, listen, any time you
need any biological help,

you can depend on me.

GIRL: Wait a minute. I have
something to say about that.

Ha! See you guys later. Oh, God.

Lucy, I gotta talk to you.

I got nothing to
say to you, Mama.

Look, baby, I know we
should have told you,

but you gotta hear me out.

I'm through hearing
you out. You don't care.

Care? Oh, Lucy, darling.

Your daddy and me
care more than you know.

That's why we
didn't tell you right off.

Oh, yeah, I get it.

You guys care so much

that when you got remarried,
you didn't even tell me about it.

When you moved into
the house in California,

you didn't ask me
to move with you.

That's how much you care.

Well, we were just
trying to be careful.

Now, listen to me, Lucy.

I don't wanna
listen to you, Mama!



Mama, why didn't you tell me?

Mama, why did everybody at
Southfork know except for me?

Mama, why did I have
to find out by accident?

How could you not tell me, Mama?


I want to tell you why, baby.

I need to tell you why.


Hi, Gary.

Hi. Sid's out in the shop.

Fine, thank you. How are you?

I'm sorry. How's it going?

It's going all right.

Hey, do you know where Val is?

We were supposed to go...

Dallas. What?

Yeah. She left last night.

My brother Bobby called
us. Seems Lucy found out.

About you and Val remarrying?

Yeah, we should've realized

she'd find out sooner or later.

Oh. I guess she was
pretty upset by it, huh?

Ha-ha, I'd be furious too

if my parents had
remarried each other

and hadn't told me about it.

Hi, hon. Oh, hi, honey.

Val call yet?

Ah, patience, patience.

I gotta get washed up.

Okay. How come both
of you didn't go to Dallas?


Hell, I've never had a real
relationship with my daughter.

Val, even with
all the obstacles,

has made it her business
to keep seeing Lucy.

Oh. Val's trying to get
her to come here, huh?

Gary Ewing, line one.

Gary Ewing.

Yes, Mr. Golden.

Yes, I've got your plates.

Well, I could do that,
but if you bring it in,

I'll be happy to put
them on at no charge.

Yes, sir. Any time. Sure. Bye.

Can we bring you
back some lunch, Gary?

Uh, no, thanks.

Okay. See you. Bye.



Gaylind to the service area.

We got remarried because,
well, we weren't happy being apart,

and we knew that we
could never find out for sure

unless we tried
living together again.

Yeah, but I still
don't understand

why you didn't tell me.

Well, because your daddy, he's
so much more careful than me.

Yeah, that figures.

What figures?

That Daddy didn't
want me to come home.

Oh, now, that's not so, honey.

Daddy could always find
a reason not to be with me.

No, Lucy.

He was just worried that
we might not make it together.

And he was worried
what that would do to you.

To have your mommy
and daddy get back together

only to see them break up again.

Now, you do understand
that, don't you?

We want you with us
now, more than anything.

I believe you do.

No, Daddy too.

Come on home with
me, Lucy. You'll see.

It'll be okay. I promise.

It'd be wonderful.

Come home.




There'll even be a little
daylight left when you get here.

No, but I'll take care of it.

I can make a bed.

Yeah. I'll pick you up there.

Yeah. Oh, I love you.

Okay, honey. Bye.

I sure hope that was Val.

It was. Lucy's coming.

Hey! That's great news.

Is she coming for good?

Well, she's got a
week's vacation.

Then she's gonna
go back to Dallas,

finish the school year,

then move out
here in the summer.

Terrific! Yeah.

Well, I mean, this is it.

The showdown. Judgment
Day. Moment of truth.

Just be a father,
Gary. Yeah, but...

No buts!

Look, when my older
daughter came to stay with us,

I figured I couldn't
act like a father

after not hardly ever
seeing her for all those years.

But I was wrong.

Because a father is exactly
what she wanted all along.

Yeah, but Lucy's an
adult. Well, almost.

Well, don't adults have fathers?

Don't worry. You'll work it out.

Gary Ewing, line one.

GARY: You wanna stop, Val?

Oh, yes, please.
LUCY: Why, Mama?

You've never seen
the ocean, have you?

I see it.

Well, yeah, but we
mean really see it.

The ocean's the first sight
your mama wanted to see

when we moved out here.

Well, it's not the first
sight I wanna see.

What is, darling?

Home, of course. Oh.


Oh, hi, Ginger. How's
kindergarten life?

Noisy. I bet.

Oh, your flowers
are prettier than ever.

Oh, aren't they?

They're for Val
and her daughter.

Oh, is she here?

Yeah. They're on their way.

Gary's picking them
up at the airport.

I wonder what
she's like. Hi, Ginger.

KAREN: We'll soon find
out. GINGER: Hi, Diana.

Oh, these are the
only vases I could find.

I told you to get me
the big yellow one.

It's filled with Magic Markers.

Which could not, under
penalty of law, be removed?

I didn't think of it.

[MIMICS] I didn't think of it.


Why don't we go over
and put these on the porch.

You pick some more.
We'll do two, huh?


Hey, listen, I
wanted to tell you,

I took your advice,
and it worked.

What advice? I give so much.

About putting my
foot down with Kenny,

not going to any
more of those parties.

And how did he take it?

Tomorrow night, we're going
to the movies, getting a pizza,

and take it down to the
beach, just like we used to.

Oh, that's wonderful!

You know, we had some
of our best times there.

Talking and...

Not talking?

And not talking!


How come yours is so
much better than mine?

What are you trying
to do, show me up?

They're better, because
I'm more artistic than you are.

You want me to rearrange yours?

Either that or I'll
rearrange yours

to make it look as dull as mine.


Oh, they're here!

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, they look like sisters.

GINGER: They're a good case

for having kids
while you're young.

Hi, Karen, Diana, Ginger.

KAREN: Hi! This is Lucy.

Hi. Nice to meet
you guys. ALL: Hi.

Good thing you came
home when you did.

We were just about
ready to rob your house.

Oh, what beautiful
flowers. Look, Lucy!

Oh, they are pretty.

Hiya, all. ALL: Hi.

Excuse me. Let
me get through here.


This your first visit
to California, Lucy?

It sure is.

Maybe Diana can show you around.

You know, some of the
places the young people go to.


Yeah, on Sunday, my friends
and I are going down to the highway

to protest the transport
of nuclear waste in trucks.

Not what I had in mind, honey.

You have to wear black.

Oh, aren't these beautiful?

They're from
Karen's garden, Lucy.

Yes, they are, Mama. Why?

Because black is like mourning.

No, I mean, why the protest?

Because it's dangerous.

I meant something
a little more touristy.

Tomorrow night we're going
to Marineland, with the kids.

Laura and Richard are coming
too. Why don't you join us.

What do you think,
Lucy? You wanna go?

What's Marineland?

Oh, it's fantastic.
It's where they have

all those whales and
dolphins and everything.

It sounds like fun.

Well, I guess you
wanna get settled, huh?

Oh, yeah. Thank you
for the flowers, Karen.

We'll see you later.

Thank you. Nice
meeting all of you.

ALL: Bye.

Oh, Ginger, be
sure and have Kenny

come over when he gets home.

Okay. Okay, bye-bye.

Bye, Ging.

Bye, Karen. Bye, Diana.

Lucy's cute, isn't she?

Yeah, if you like kewpie dolls.


You asked me.

I want you to come with us
tomorrow night to Marineland.


Listen, anything we can do
to help Valene we should do.

This visit is very
important to her.

Hey, I'm appealing to
your humanitarian impulses.

I know, and it's not fair.

All right. In that case,
I'll withdraw my plea.

Come with us tomorrow night,
or I'll break your kneecaps.


Much. You can depend on me.

Mama, it's beautiful!

You like it?

I love it!

Oh, Mom, I remember Flopsy.


Mom, you still have him?

Look over there. You
see anything familiar?

Oh, no! Look at her.

I saved her for
you all this time.

Oh, Mama, she's beautiful.

She still looks like new.

I know.

Uh, I think I'll go
call your grandma

and tell her you're here.

Yeah. Let's get
you unpacked, huh?


Sweetheart, you sure do
have some pretty things.

Oh, Mama, that'd
look terrific on you.

Go ahead. You can keep it.

Oh, well, goodness.

It would look beautiful, Mama.

I'm... I'm not sweet 16 anymore.

Oh, I know you're not.

When you were 16, you
were pregnant with me.


You know, that lady was right.


We do look like sisters. Oh.

Only you're prettier.

Oh, silly. Here.

No. I want you to keep it, Mama.

Really, it'll look
beautiful on you.

Oh, Mama, I just love it here.

Oh, Mama, my room's beautiful.

You know, I... I really
feel at home now.

I've never felt that way
in this house before.

Oh, I mean, I love the house.

It... It's the nicest house
I've ever lived in, but...

it never felt like home to me.

Not until now.

I love you, Mama.

I love you, too, baby.





What are you doing?


No, you're not. Nobody
walks in southern California.

Yeah. Well, I, uh, guess I can't
get Texas out of my system.

Well, these hills will
remind you where you are.


Hey, wait a minute.

Your daughter's really adorable.


How is it going?


So terrific you had
to leave the house?

Val and Lucy needed
some time together.

I'll see you later, Karen.

Hey, Ewing. Come here a minute.


I know it's none of my business
but you know how pushy I am.

Listen, you're a nice guy.

Val's nice. I'm sure
Lucy's very nice too.

You're nice people.
You'll work it out.

Thanks, Karen.

Thanks for trying, or thanks
for showing you the light?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

Ha-ha! That's great!

Oh, Grandma, you
should see my room.

I think Mama made
almost everything that's in it.

Oh, it's so pretty.
It's beautiful.

Oh, she's... She's doing
terrific. She's happy.

Oh, thank you. Sure.

It doesn't sound like
Miss Ellie's too angry

about Lucy's coming here.

Well, she never wanted
us to keep our remarriage

secret from her
in the first place.

You know, that all
seemed so silly now.

I mean, Lucy's here,

and it's as easy and
natural as can be, isn't it?

Oh, there's Kenny.

Oh, I hope Ginger
remembers to bring him over.

Lucy will like him. He
knows all those music stars.

It's been okay for you,
too, hasn't it, Gary?

Having Lucy here?


Well, then, what's wrong?



Lucy and I haven't
exchanged five sentences yet.

Have you noticed that?

I know, but it's
harder for you two.

I mean, you two haven't been
together as much as we have.

Yeah, I know.

No, no, no. Just give it time.




How's Miss Ellie?

She's happy I'm here.

Hey, come here.

Now, isn't this just
like a bunch of Texans.

Sitting out on the front porch.

Oh! Lucy, this is Kenny Ward.

Nice to meet you, Ken.

Hello. When you
mentioned Val's "little girl,"

I wasn't expecting
to meet Miss Dallas.

How do you like
California so far, Lucy?

So far I like what I've seen.

Got any plans?

Well, I'd like to
go to Beverly Hills.

Maybe see a few movie stars.


Well, I don't know
any movie stars,

but I might introduce
you to some rock stars.

Really? You mean it?

Sure. Did you ever
hear of Cosmic Steeple?

Of course. Who hasn't?


Anyway, tomorrow night
we're having a party for them

over at the house,
and you're invited.

Everybody is.

Oh, great.

Oh, we can't go.
We're going to...

Where are we gonna go again?

Um, Marineland. We're going
with the Averys and the Fairgates.

But, Lucy, if you'd
rather go to the party...

No, Daddy. I'd
rather go with Mama.

Thanks, anyway, Ken.

Well, if you change your mind,
we're right across the street.

Kenny, we'd better be going.

We just came by to say hi.

Oh, well, thank you.

Good night, Kenny.

Night. See you later.

Yeah, um, Lucy,

I hope we'll be
seeing a lot of you.

Oh, you will.

Okay. Bye-bye.

Good night, y'all.

Well, I think I'm
gonna go upstairs now.

Get ready for bed, take a bath.

Everything's all laid out for
you in the bathroom, honey.

I'll be up later to
say good night.

Okay. Night, Daddy.

Good night, Lucy.

Honey, are you sure the
party wouldn't be a better idea?

Why? Do you want her to go?

Well, she's not a child,

and I just thought meeting
people her own age...

Well, I just thought that
she would rather be with us.


Look at this. See?


GINGER: Kenny.

Golly, am I bushed.

I wanna talk to
you about this party.


Yeah? What about it?

Well, I thought that we...

Hey, listen. Right here.

Isn't that great?


Hey, I was listening to that.

Will you listen to
me for a change?

I thought we came
to an agreement.

What agreement?

Oh, yeah. Look, I'm sorry.

But I said we didn't have
to go to all the parties. Huh?

Well, we don't have
to go to this one,

because we're gonna
have it right here.


No, we're not!


Well, now, Ginger,

the Cosmic Steeple happens
to be pretty big business for me.

Business. Funny business!

Managers and musicians
with their hands all over me.

Oh, come on, Ginger.

Kenny, we need to spend
more time alone together.


how 'bout we spend a little
time alone together right now?

We're going to a movie,

get a pizza,

take it down to the beach
like we used to, remember?

We'll do that next weekend.

I'm not kidding
about this, Kenny.

Next weekend.





I love this one on
you. It's my favorite.

You can get some
hair ribbons to match it.

Oh, thank you. I love
it, too, these pink bows.

Wear it! Ah, Lucy?

This blouse cost more
than I earn in a week.

More than I earn in
two weeks, sometimes.

Well, you don't
have to pay for it.

You used your
credit cards, right?

Oh, of course.

Look, we're not gonna be

living off Grandpa's money.

If we're supposed to be
practicing to live as a family,

we're gonna have to start

by spending according
to what I make.

Which isn't a lot, honey.

Why shouldn't we
use Grandpa's money?

He likes me to have nice things.

Lucy, that kind of thinking...

You're gonna tell me
how to think, Daddy?

You're gonna be giving
me the lessons now

you should've been giving
me when I was 4 years old?


I'm sorry. It's too late
for his lessons now.

Gary, what are you doing?

Why did you light
into her like that?

I didn't light...


you know what
kind of life she's led,

what kind of habits
she's developed.

Now, how's she
gonna come live with us

with those habits intact?

Well, she can break
them gradually.

Come on, Val, think.

I know, but you
were so hard on her.

All right.

GARY: Lucy.


Come in.

I'm sorry.

Do you wanna talk about it?

About... anything?


Honey, we've
gotta be able to talk.

To argue a little,
even to fight.

Otherwise, how are
we gonna make up

for all the years we've lost?

We can't make up for lost years.

Could you please
leave me alone now?


I'll be all right.


Hey, Ginger, what are you doing?

Why aren't you
dressed yet? For what?

For the party. People are gonna
start showing up any minute.


I don't know anything
about a party.

Oh, I see.

Well, that's great.
That's terrific.

Okay, you just sit there

and we'll step
around you, all right?

Ginger, come on.

I've had it with these parties.

I've had it. I've
had it. I've had it.

I've said it 50 times in
the last couple of days,

and you still haven't caught on.

So you're really not
gonna help me, huh?

Well put.

I wish I could be that precise.

I'm not only not gonna help,

but I'm not gonna
be here, either.


Lucy, is that what you're
wearing to Marineland?

I'm not going to
Marineland, Mama.

What do you mean?

I'm gonna go to
Kenny's party instead.

You can come too.
He invited everybody.

Oh, well, I... I don't
think that I should.

Well, all right.
Good night, then.

What did you say
to her up there?

Nothing. I...


Texas? We've heard of that.

LUCY: Whoa!

That's where they
turn on the tap

and oil comes out
instead of water.

That's an old joke. [LAUGHING]

And the birds turn on
as easy as the taps.

Ain't that right, love?

Only some of 'em.

[LAUGHS] You guys are crazy!

Come on, let's dance. No.

There's no room.
Don't quibble, sweets.


Hey, Kenny, ain't
you gonna feed us?

Uh, the food's on the way, Les.


Probably with your wife.


Ginger probably
went to get the food.

You can use that as
an excuse, anyway.

An excuse for what?

For the absence of food...
or the absence of Ginger.

Kenny? Hmm?

I'm waiting.

Waiting for what?

For your proposition.

Proposition's such
a terrible word.

Whatever it's called,

at least this time
I can listen to it

without seeing your
wife over your shoulder.

What's the matter
with you, anyway?

You know, I think you like it
better when Ginger's around.


You like being sneaky.

RICHARD: Oh, excuse me.

Richard. Hey.

How was Marineland?

Wet and cold.

Where's Laura?

Uh, she's at home with Jason.

Is she gonna come over?

No, no. She's tired.

Well, uh... dive in.

Hey, Kenny, who's
the nifty little blond?

Val and Gary's daughter.

That's Lucy?

Hi, hi. Hi, Kenny.

Hi. Good to see you.

Glad you could make it.

Whoo. Thanks a lot.

Well, uh... just
dive in, everybody.


[CLEARS THROAT] Why are we here?

This is an important part of the
contemporary American scene.

It looks more like
the fall of Rome.

Yeah, well, uh... I missed Rome.


How to feel old in
one easy lesson.

Well, I'm only gonna be here
for about another week or so.

Listen, there's another
party at Crazy Freddie's.

Who's Crazy Freddie?

The grass is always
greener at Freddie's, love.

They want us to come now.

They don't want a lot of
outsiders, so don't say nothin'.

Here, hang about.

I'm not moving one bleeding
inch without me new love,

Miss Lucy from Dallas.

Ready, sweets?


Uh, Lucy, hi.

I'm Richard Avery,
your folks' neighbor.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Avery.

Yeah, but actually... Toodles.

You wanna talk about it?

If I knew what to
say, I'd talk about it.

All right.

I'll let her use my
father's credit cards,

even after she moves in.

Will that make it all right?

I just think that there
are ways to handle things.

Which I didn't look into?

I don't know. I
don't wanna talk.

Maybe we should go to the party.

I couldn't go.

I... I'd feel so
terribly out of place.

I've got to try to talk to her.

Gary, you cannot
talk to her at a party.

No, but I... I don't know.

I'd just... I'd feel better
being close to her.

Maybe she will too.

♪ Well, I wanna make
love To you tonight ♪

♪ I can't wait Till the
moment has come ♪

♪ And I know now
The time is just right ♪

♪ And straight into
my arms You will run ♪

♪ When you come My
heart will be waiting ♪

♪ To make sure That
you're never alone ♪

♪ There and then all my
dreams Will come true, dear ♪

♪ There and then I
will make you my own ♪

♪ And every time I touch
you You just tremble... ♪

Marion, it's Kenny.

Is Ginger there?

Yeah, I know it's late.

Well, has she been
there tonight at all?

Or called or anything?

Well, listen, if she does, will
you have her call me, please?

I'm at home.


Okay, I'm sorry.

Right. Thanks.

♪ My love ♪

♪ Can I just make Some
more romance with you? ♪

♪ My love ♪

Hey. You are sensational.

So I'm told. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Hey, Ken, thanks a lot.

Glad you could
make it. Night, night.

Right. See you. Bye-bye.

Look, I've just about
had it with this party.

So? So. You tell me.

My place?

Oh, come on. How
can I? This is my party.

It can take care
of itself on its own.

Besides, your neighbor
can keep his eye on things.

I can't.

Where is Ginger?

Ginger doesn't have
anything to do with this.


You know something, Kenny?

You come on like such a swinger,

but you've got this streak
of latent fidelity in you.

Some other time, all right?

Don't worry. I like it.

It's challenging.

I'm, uh... available
for understudy work.

I'll keep you in mind.

Hey, honey.

Excuse me.

This is my bedroom,
and I'd like to go to bed.

GARY: Kenny. Kenny, have, uh...
Have you seen Lucy anywhere?

Uh, she's around
here somewhere, yeah.


She's not in here.

Oh, hi, Gary. Come
to join the fun?

No. I'm trying to find Lucy.

Oh, she left for another party

with those Leaning Tower guys.

Leaning Tower?

Oh, he means Cosmic
Steeple. They're a group.

Ah. Well, where's the party?

Oh, I didn't catch where.

You introduce her to a bunch
of freaks, she leaves with them,

and you don't even
know where she went?

She's not a baby.

If you wanna go looking for
them, I'd be glad to ride along.

She's been in L.A. for two days.

She doesn't know
her way around...

Well, now, Gary, she takes
pretty good care of herself.

Yeah, she seems to.

Come on.

He's nuts. What am I, a
babysitter or something?

No. But you need one!

Look, honey, I called all over.

I was trying to find
out where you were.

What, to tell me you'd
called off the party?

It doesn't look like it.


So I could have you with me.

We had plans.

Next weekend.

Next weekend
doesn't interest me.

All right. Tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night is
opening night at the Roxy.

I know.

You'd give that up?

I've seen the error of my ways.

Oh, come on, hon, I mean it.

I swear it. I pro...

Hey, I mean it.

I can't make you give that up.

I mean, tomorrow night
really is business, isn't it?

It's up to you.

Next weekend, then?


Val. Huh?

Honey. What?

I think she's home.


Wow, you guys are up early.

GARY: Where have you been?

I went to the party.
What's the big deal?

Well, we were worried.

Why didn't you call
us or something?

I'm not a child anymore.

I know, but we still worry.

I mean, if the three of us
are gonna live together...

We're not.

Why even kid ourselves about it?

What are you doing?

Going home.

This is your home.

Mama, nobody did anything wrong.

It's just too late.

Lucy, I know it hasn't
been the easiest,

things being awkward
like they are...

I've been thinking, Mama.

Why don't you come
back to Dallas with me.

Everything would be better if
we were in Dallas. I know it would.

Oh, honey. I...

I don't know how
we could do that.

I mean, your daddy
and me, we're so...

Just you, Mama.

Just you. You and me,
we'd do fine together.

Lucy, what are you sayin'?

I couldn't leave your daddy.

Why not?

He'd leave you.

He's always running away.

Lucy, what...?

Don't say things like that.

It's true.

He ran away from J.R.

He ran off and left you.
He ran off and left me.

Mama, it was always you
coming back to see me in Dallas

all those years, not Daddy.

Mama, please come
back to Dallas with me.

If... If Daddy comes, fine.

I don't care, if it
makes you happy...

but I just don't ever wanna
lose you again, Mama.

I don't ever wanna
lose you again.

All right, baby.

All right.

All right.

What's it gonna accomplish, Val?

I don't know.

Then why go?

I have to.

Valene, you're not making sense.

Sense has got
nothing to do with it.

I got a little girl out there.

Not a little girl,
a young woman.

All right, whatever
she is, she's my baby.

And if she leaves
like this alone,

well, then there's no chance
for fixing anything ever.

But to leave me...

I'm not leaving you.
I'm going with her.

But why?

Don't ask me why.

I only know I got no choice.

I got to go with her.

I... I gotta repair things
between her and me.

Now, I'm not thinking past
getting on that airplane,

because if Lucy gets on
that airplane by herself,

then it's over.


You must be Lucy.

I'm Laura Avery.
We haven't met yet.


Hey, you leaving already?


I thought you were gonna
be here a week or so.

Well, we had a change of plans.

Oh. I'm disappointed.

I was really looking forward
to getting to know you.

You know, your mother and I
have become pretty good friends

since she moved in.

She talks about
you all the time.

Your father too.

I guess your coming

has been about the
biggest thing in their life.

I love their story, don't you?

What story?

You know, how they...

How they found each
other again after 17 years.

I don't mean the terrible parts.

I mean...

it's just so sweet.

You know, the way you arranged
the reunion and everything,

and they kept on
seeing each other.

Yeah, they sure kept
it a secret, didn't they?

Well, I guess they had to.

They're so in love.

Well, I guess you know that.

Of course.

They're so careful
of each other.

I mean, they...

They treat each other
like... Like China dolls.

I guess after all
they've been through,

after all the time they've lost,

they've got no choice.

Oh, hi, Val, Gary.

Good morning, Laura.

Mama, when does our plane leave?

Not for almost three hours yet.

Are... Are you going
somewhere, Val?

I'm, uh...

I'm taking Lucy back to Dallas.

LAURA: Oh, I'm sure glad I
had a chance to say hi to Lucy.

I'd have felt terrible
if I'd missed her.

How long you gonna be gone?

I'm not really sure yet.

LAURA: But... you
won't be gone too long?

I'm so sorry.

About what?

I don't know. I just
feel so awful sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I never loved anybody
the way I loved you.

Not in my whole life.

Don't leave me.

Bye, Lucy.

Bye, Daddy.

Take care of yourself.

Are you okay?

I don't think so.

How 'bout you?

LUCY: Where we going, Mama?

VAL: We got time,
honey. I just wanna look.

LUCY: Okay.

Before I moved here, I always
wanted to see the ocean.

I knew I'd love it.

You do, don't you?

Oh, yeah.

Come here all the time.

To run,

to look and think.

And not to think.

Come on, Mama.



Lucy get home okay?

This morning.


She's gone.

Went back to Dallas.


Guess I blew it.

What do you mean?

I tried to be a father,
drove her away.

My gosh. I'm sorry.

No, no. There was just
too much to overcome.

Yeah, but still, I should think

that once you owned
up to your mistakes...

I didn't.

You mean, you just
came on like a father

without even talking
about the past?

I, uh...

I couldn't admit to that
incredible weakness in me

and expect her to see
me in any other light.

Gary, go after her and fix it.

It can't be fixed.

Look, there comes a time

when you have to
realize the past is the past.

Now, you can't forget it,

but that doesn't mean
you have to relive it.

Now, you tell her that, and
just work things out from there.

LUCY: What are you
doing now, Mama?

Are you thinking
or not thinking?

VALENE: Thinking, I guess.

If you tell me what
you're thinking,

I'll tell you what I'm thinking.

I shouldn't be going with you.

Leaving your daddy.

That's exactly
what I was thinking.

I'll always be your
mama, forever.

But me being Mommy
and you a little girl,

that's gone.

You're all grown now.

Pretty soon you're gonna
start your own new family.


But your daddy and me,

we go together after so many
years of wanting each other,

it's almost a miracle we
found each other again.

Well, it wasn't
exactly a miracle.

I arranged it, remember?

[LAUGHS] Yeah, I sure do.

You see, this is
hardest on your daddy.

It's hard for him to deal with
everything now because...

Well, he's been through so
much more than we have...




I don't want you to go.

No, no. Just...
Just let me say this.

I know I ran away from
you and Mama a lot.

I was weak.

I let my brother and my
father drive me away, and I ran.

I was a drunk and a
gambler and a loser.

Well, I may not be
all that terrific now,

but I'm not a loser anymore.

I'm working, and I'm not
drinking, and I'm not gambling.

And instead of running away
from the important things,

I try to run toward them.

Now, I may blow them
every now and then,

but at least I face them
and look them in the eye.

Now, what happened
the last couple of days

was that we all had plans.

You and Mama were gonna be

little girl and tending mother

and I was gonna be a father.

Capital F.

Well, I guess we just forgot
to get to know each other.


I said no credit cards

because using your
grandfather's credit cards

would screw up your values
and our future as a family.

What I should have said was,

"Please, don't use
the credit cards...

because it makes me feel bad."

Daddy, I get it.


You were right.

We forgot to get
to know each other.

Stay, Lucy.

Stay the week.

Hey, you know what
I wanna do now?

[LAUGHS] What?

I've been dreaming of doing
this ever since we moved in here.

What, Mama?

Go running in the
ocean with you.

Well, we've been walking in it.

No, no, I mean, really in it,

up to your knees and...
And... And running.

LUCY: It's too cold.

Oh, no, it isn't.


Let's go.

Come on, honey.

It's too cold.

[LAUGHING] Hey, it's
only cold for a minute.


