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01x05 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken

Posted: 01/15/24 20:26
by bunniefuu

I'm so happy to see you.

Mama, what are you doing here?

I guess your mother's visit
here is unexpected, huh?

I have a mother too.

Not like mine.

♪ Shady Grove, I say ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ I'm bound to go away ♪


VAL: It was me and my baby.

And I hate you for it!

I hate you! I hate you!




You sure come a long way
from Husky Corners, Valene.

♪ Wake up, wake
up Little Maggie ♪

♪ What makes you
Sleep so sound? ♪

♪ Them revenue
men Are a-comin' ♪

♪ For to tear Your
still house down ♪

Can I help you?


You drive a hack for 19 years,

you can just look at a house
and tell there's nobody home.

And in that house, believe
me, there's nobody home,

just like I told her.

Oh, now... Now, you must be...

Karen. Karen Fairgate.

Yes, of course. Karen.

Yeah. Ha, ha, ha!

My Valene's neighbor and friend.

I'm Lili Mae Clemmons,

Valene's mama.

Oh, well, I'm delighted to
meet you, Mrs. Clemmons.

Oh, Lili Mae. Everybody
calls me Lili Mae.

Okay. Ha, ha, ha!

I know it must
be hard to believe

me being mama to a
grown lady like Valene,

but it's true.

I was just a baby
when she was born.

Oh, well, I'm sure you were.


Val's not here this afternoon,

but I hope you'll
wait at my house.

Oh, that's lovely. Thank you.

Oh, no problem.

Uh, would you help us
with the bags, please?

That's what I'm here for.

Kind sir. Oh.

Val's gonna be real
upset that she wasn't here.

She didn't know I was coming
at all. I'm just taking advantage...

Oh, I'll take that. All right.

Of an open invitation.

Oh, that'll be a nice surprise.

I'll just take this.


Have you ladies
decided which house?

Oh, it's this one
right here. All right.

Well, how long
will you be staying?

Oh, not long. I have
an appointment or two.

It's really hard to say.


Now, what did I
do with my billfold?

That'll be 16.50
on the meter, lady.


Oh, um...

It'll turn up when I unpack.


Well, here's 20.

Oh, give him a real
nice gratuity, dear,

for his extra patience.



Turn it down, please.

It's a little chaotic
around here.

Oh, I... I... I... I...

I think it sounds so alive.

Alive it is.

Ah, can I get you something?

Uh, coffee?

Oh, not right away. Thank you.

Why don't you make
yourself comfortable.

Well, uh, Val is working
with Ginger today.

Oh, now, let's
see. Ginger is, um...

She's our neighbor. She's
a kindergarten teacher.

And Valene's her
helper? Well, not in class.

At a day care center, one day a
week. She does volunteer work.

Oh, Val loves kids.

She always has.

And how's my lovely grandchild?

Oh, well...

Lucy doesn't live here.

You know that.

Oh, yes, of course. Ha, ha.

You know, I believe I will
trouble you for a cup of coffee.

Or a glass of wine.

Oh, fine.

I'll join you.

"Lili Mae."

I'm curious. What's in here?


I saw you looking at that.

Well, Karen, I'll just show you.


This has been my
constant companion

for more years than
I care to remember.

Oh, I've never
seen anything like it.

This here's my Autoharp.

Would you like to
hear something?

Would you? Oh,
I'd love to. Sure.

I'll sit right here.


♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ Shady Grove, I say ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ I'm bound to go away ♪

How about you and Gary?
You made any plans yet?

Well, you know, about
bringing Lucy here.

Well, I'm sure ready.

But Gary's more careful
about Lucy than me.

But I... I'm working on him.

And winning?

What do you think?

I think so. Yeah.

Won't be long now.

Oh, and I know
you'll just love her.

What about you, Ginger?

You and Kenny think
about having kids?

Me, all the time.

Kenny, only when I mention it.

But I'm working on him.

You winning?

Hmm? Not yet.

But I'm working real hard.

♪ Cheeks as red
As the reddest rose ♪

♪ Eyes of the darkest brown ♪

♪ She's the darling
Of my heart ♪

♪ The sweetest girl in town ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ Shady Grove, I say ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ I'm bound to go away ♪

That was terrific.


Why, thank you.

Oh, it was. It really was.


Val's gonna be heartbroken

that she didn't prepare
something special for you.

Maybe I should count
on having all of you here

for dinner tonight.

Well, you're sure
it's no trouble?

Done. You just make
yourself comfortable.

I'll get started.

Are you all gonna
just stay there?

Or are you gonna tell me

what you know about
good country music?

MICHAEL: Mrs. Ewing!


Hey, Mrs. Ewing!

What? What is it, Michael?

Come on!

We have a great surprise
for you at our house.

What kind of surprise?

Well, now, if he told you,

it wouldn't be a surprise.

Oh, come on, Ginger. I
mean, I hate surprises.

Oh, you do not.

Oh, here they come.

Oh, you look fine.

You look fine, Lili Mae. Really.




My own sweet little girl.

I'm so happy to see you.

Mama, what are you doing here?

Why, I came to see you, honey.


One thing I've got
is a good memory,

and I remember it
like it was yesterday.

'Cause that was the year I
sang with the Carter Family.

Jimmy Carter?

Oh, Lordy, no!

Nobody knew about him then.

Mother Maybelle Carter
and all the Carters.

♪ Will the circle be unbroken ♪

That was their big song.

DIANA: I know that.

The Dirt Band sings it.

Did you, uh...? Did you
tour with the Carters?


I'm afraid I was poorly
managed at the time, and...

My manager ruined
the arrangements.

Maybe you can get it going now.

I'm afraid Mother
Maybelle died a while back,

and my dream died with her.

"And my dream died with her."

Course, I...

I got plenty more dreams,
Sid. Don't worry about that.

I wouldn't worry
about you, Miss Lili.

LILI: Sid, is that
your real name?


Well, no. No, not really.

My real name is William
Sidney. William after my father.

But William suits you better.

I believe I'll call you
William, if you don't mind.

I don't mind at all.

Will you please
excuse me for a minute?

What a beautiful girl.

It does my heart good
just to see her again.


MAN: Now, you
can't go, Lili Mae.

LILI: I have to go, Jeremiah.
This here's my chance.

But... But it's
always your chance.

This time I got me a manager
who knows what he's doing.

He's got the right
connections down in Nashville.

Manager. You always
got good management.

Well, what about her?
Who's gonna take care of her?

Oh, you will, Jeremiah,
just like you always do.

You don't never let her
need nobody but you anyhow.

So it don't matter
whether I'm here or not.

Now, let me go!

She didn't even sing
me "Little Maggie."


What are you doing?

I guess your mother's visit
here is unexpected, huh?



Yeah, well. I have a mother too.

Not like mine. Take my word.


What a sweet home.

I'll go get your
room ready, Mama.

Um, Lili, will you
excuse me for a minute?

I'll take your bags
right up. Of course.

Oh, and, um, make
yourself at home, please.

Val, what are you doing?
I'm making her bed.

You know that's not what I mean.

Look, I'm not glad to see her.

She knew I wouldn't
be glad to see her.

And I'm not gonna pretend
to be glad to see her.

I've never seen you like this.

What I'm really like
now doesn't show.

I'm hiding it.

I knew you and your
mother weren't close, but...

Do you really dislike
her that much?

Hate, Gary. Say it.
Don't be afraid. I'm not.

I hate her.

Valene... No. Now, look...

Not now. I don't
wanna talk about it now.

Well, what are we gonna
do? I mean, she's here.

Find out what she wants,
give it to her if we got it,

say no if we don't, and then
just send her on her way.

Why are you so sure
she wants something?


Well, you can't just
keep ignoring her.

Yeah, well, you just watch me.


Good night, Mom.
Good night, Mom.

Good night, honey.
Good night, g*ng.

Hey. Hey. I don't
hear the dishwasher.

Mother, I can't load that thing

when there's so
many dishes in it.

Apply yourself.

And I have so much
homework to do.



It's okay.


It's... It's okay.

Go upstairs and, uh...

Do your homework.

I'll do the dishes.

Aren't you breaking
your own rules?

Why not?

Flexibility is just as
important as consistency.


If you feel like it.

That wouldn't have anything
to do with Val and Lili, would it?

Would you like some more tea?


Would it?

Listen, wise guy.

I'm supposed to be the
college grad in this house.

If you don't mind,
I'll have the insights.

And I'll have the tea.



WOMAN: I don't
understand, Karen.

You've been seeing
Teddy for years.

Your father and I assumed...

Anyway, what's his name?

Sid what?

Are you all right?


The new country singers,
they're not really country.

I mean, they don't
have the tradition.

I always tried to keep the
tradition alive in my songs.

Your room's all
ready for you, Mama.

And there are fresh towels
for you in the hall bathroom.

LILI: Thank you, sweet pea.

Wouldn't you
like to set a while?

I was gonna do a song for Gary.

I'm real tired, Mama.

All right, sugar.

Good night, then.


Night, honey.


When Valene was a baby,

she could listen to
my singing all day.

Well, had no choice,
come to think of it.

I was always singing.


♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ Shady Grove, I say ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ I'm bound to go away ♪

This was one of the
ones she liked best.


♪ Cheeks as red
As the reddest rose ♪

♪ Eyes of the darkest brown ♪

♪ She's the darling
Of my heart ♪

♪ The sweetest girl in town ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ Shady Grove, I say ♪

♪ Shady Grove My little love ♪

♪ I'm bound to go away ♪

♪ Wish I was in Shady Grove ♪

♪ Sitting in a rocking chair ♪

♪ And if those blues
Would bother me ♪

♪ I'd rock away from there... ♪

LILI: Come on, Valene.
Everything's ready.

You can't stay here no more.

Nobody to take care of you.

Now, come on. I'm gonna
take you to Grandma's.

You can't stay here no more.

Someday soon, sweet pea, I'm
gonna take you with me on tour.

Someday Mama's
gonna be doing real good.

You can't stay here!

I couldn't even pay your
board with any neighbor folk.

Your papa's insurance didn't
hardly pay for the funeral.

Now, you come on!


Why'd you come here, Mama?

Why? Mm-hm.

I ran into Aunt June.

She told me you was
married and living here.

I wanted to see you
and your husband and...

your sweet new home.

No, Mama, I don't believe that.

I wanna know
exactly why you came.

I got no other reason.

Well, there's some people I
gotta see here, music people,

and I thought I'd see
you at the same time.

You're not sick, are you?

I'm fit as a fiddle.

Then why?


I said why.

All right, then, you'll be
staying a couple of days.

Maybe just one day.

I'm waiting on a call.
My new manager.

Well, you better get a
good night's sleep, then.

And tomorrow I'll
show you around.



They took her,
Mama! They took her!

Hmm? What?

What's wrong, honey? What is it?


I'm all right.

No, you're not. What...?

No, I... I will be.

I will be.

Val, honey, let's face it.

She's not gonna be in
and out in a day or two.

But I'm getting it all out
of my system tonight.

I... I'm gonna be
better tomorrow.

Long as I know that she's going.

Then... Then I can
deal with her staying.

Ohh, honey.

Look what I brought you, Valene.


I'd best wait on this.

At least till you get used
to having me around.


I believe I'll paint the
walls a nice baby blue.


Val, what are you doing?

I'm making fritters.


At 4 in the morning?


Whenever I can't sleep,

I gotta get up and do something.

I didn't know that.

That's because since
we've been together again,

I've never had trouble sleeping.

Oh. And now there's Lili Mae.


But I got it all figured out.

It's gonna be okay.

I'm just gonna keep real busy.


Well, I'll get Laura over
for coffee in the morning.

Take Mama shopping
in the afternoon.

And tonight, we
are having company.

Who? Everybody.

We've been living
here long enough now.

Everybody's had us
over to their house,

but we've never
had 'em all over here.

Wait a minute.

Are you gonna cook dinner?

'Cause Sid and I are
both working late tonight.

I know, so we'll just
do coffee and dessert.

They all like her so much,
let them entertain her.

Or vice versa.

Are you gonna cook
up all that batter?


This one and another
batch. One apple and one...



Well, it seems to me you're
just fritterin' away the night.



Mmm. Mmm!

Does she always sleep this late?

I don't know.

I don't know that
much about her, really.

Oh, God.

Oh, God, this is wonderful.


How long's she gonna stay?


I don't know.

It'll be okay, though.

I was really horrible
to her last night,

but I got it all
out of my system.

Do you see your
mama often, Laura?

No. She died when I was 12.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, it was hard.

I was the youngest, and...

we were close.

LILI: Valene?

Yes, Mama.

Could I borrow a
needle and thread?

Yes, I'll be right up, Mama.

Least you had
closeness for a time.

Mama and me, we
were never close.


please don't leave me.

Laura. Huh?

Laura, this here's
my mama, Lili Mae.

Hi. This is Laura
Avery, my best friend.

Isn't she a pretty thing?

Oh. Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.

That's a wonderful idea.
Dessert for everybody.

I owe 'em all at least that.

What are you gonna
serve them, Valene?


Oh, no, Valene, honey.

You wouldn't want to do that.

Why not? I made so much.

Yes. But your neighbors
aren't country people.

They wouldn't know
what to make of them.

Well, Laura liked them.

Well, maybe so, but... it'd be
a big mistake, Valene, honey.

I really think that.

You want to impress
your neighbors, don't you?

Be one of them?


What should I make?

Where are your cookbooks, sugar?

Over there.

But I don't think that we
should try something new,

something I've
never made before.

You just trust Mama.

Now, let's see.


Uh... No, you, Mama.


Mama, it's no good.

Of course it's good.

Are you saying you like it?


But I'm saying it's all a
matter of what you're used to.

Now, we ain't used to this.

But I'm sure this is how
it's supposed to taste.

I mean, we followed
the directions, mostly.

Oh, think of it
this way, Valene.

The way this tastes
off to you and me,

that's how the fritters
will taste to them.

Yeah, but the fritters
are good, Mama.

To us, sure. That's
what I'm saying.

That's how we know
this'll taste right to them.


See? I knew I could
get you laughin'.




What are you eating?

A fritter.

Uh, they're in the
kitchen, but sneak, okay?


Haven't had mousse this
good since I was in the Army.

You want mine?

Bon appétit. [LAUGHING]

Does your recording company
do any work in Nashville, Kenny?

Oh, yeah. All the big
companies have to now.

Nashville is the place.

Well, Nashville and L.A.

Lili Mae used to
sing with the Carters.


Oh, with the Carter
Family, really?

♪ Will the circle... ♪

Right. Right.

So did I.


Kenny, I never knew
you sang with the Carters.

Well, "Circle" sort of became their
theme, and when they'd perform,

they'd have the whole audience
join in and sing with them.

Yeah. Mother
Maybelle used to do that.

She'd have the words all
printed up and pass them out.

Especially when there
were people of all ages,

because, you know, that's
what the song's all about:


Oh, that's fine. Good.

Oh, Valene, dear. Yes, Mama?

Get me a pencil and some
paper, will you, please?

Sure, Mama.

What's that?

Just taste it.

In honor of this
being the first time

Val and me has been
together in so long,

I believe we all ought
to sing "The Circle."

Is that what this is for?


Oh, Mama, I... I...

I don't think that we want...

Oh, Val, it'd be fun.

Karen's right. It'll
be fun for everybody.

I haven't heard you
sing yet, Miss Lili,

but the kids give
you very high marks.

I always kept at it.

You make sacrifices
for your talent.

Talent is God-given,
so you have to do it.

Sometimes your family
doesn't understand that.

They don't understand
you're doing it for them.

It's true, Val.

You never knew that
it was for you, did you?

Uh, Mama, I...

I don't think that this is
the time or the place...

Why not? These are
all your good friends.

Their point of view is fresh.

But it's not worth
going into, Mama.

Well, I think it is.

How it was!

Val's daddy,
Jeremiah, well, he...

He was an awful
lot older than me.

He and my daddy was friends.

Jeremiah was a good man, but...

Well, he... He was...

He was put off by my spirit.

I was a fiery one, I was.

When Valene was born, she
kind of took him by surprise.

He never knew he could
love anybody so much.

He never had much
for me, anyway.

But after Val, well,
it was them and me.

Mama, can we not
talk like this now?

But that didn't mean I
didn't love you, 'cause I did.

I just felt squeezed out.

My music always gave
me a lot of pleasure.

And I needed pleasure.


I needed to feel important.

I needed life.

And if I'd had my own life, I
could've given more to you

and to Jeremiah.

I just don't understand
why you don't see that.

I don't understand!

Mama, I don't want
to talk about this now!

And I won't.



Valene, what...? Mama,
you gotta help me.

Let me in. Oh, honey, I can't.

Mama, you have to. I'm
in trouble. They're coming.

Valene, sugar, my
manager's inside.

We're getting ready
to leave for Nashville.

Mama, will you listen?
They are coming!

This here's my
once-in-a-lifetime chance.

What's that man
in there gonna think

if he finds out I'm
a grandmother?

Mama, will you listen?!

It's quiet as snow out there.

Nobody's coming.

Now, you run along.

Go on. Go on.


No! No!







Val, honey, what...
What's the matter?

What is it? What is it?


It wasn't the singing!

And it wasn't the leaving.
It wasn't any of that.

It was me and my baby!

And you turned us away!

And I lost her.

I lost her forever.

And I hate you for it!

I hate you! I hate you!


Everybody's gone.

Gary, I'm so sorry.

Oh, come on, don't apologize.

I didn't understand.

You tried. I know you tried.

Where's Mama?


I guess I better go up.

In a minute.

Did you have a good time?

What happened?

Oh, Val and her
mom had a little scene.


Who knows?

You can never tell what happens
between a mother and a daughter.

What comes between 'em.

We fight a lot,

you and I.

I know.

I would never like
us to be like that,

with something big between us.

We won't.


Because we fight a lot.

I guess I'll go to bed now.

Oh, yeah?


Sit yourself right
back down here.


Because I say so.

Now, get.

WOMAN: Anyway, what's his name?

Sid what?

Where's he from?

Oh, my.

What do you have in common?

I just don't understand,
Karen. Why?

KAREN: Because I love him.

WOMAN: All right.

Come along, then.

I guess we'll have to
make up a guest list.



[LAUGHS] I know it's late,

but I... I... I just
felt like calling.

Oh, no reason.

How are you, Mom?


I'm sorry I shamed
you like that.

I expect you think
I had it coming.


Nobody has that
kind of thing coming.

Being mortified in
front of other people.

I never knew you
hated me so much.

I don't hate you.

I hate what you done.

How could I have let you in?

If my manager had found
out I was a grandmother,

it would've been over.

What would've been over?

Your wonderful career?

When did that ever get started?

Now, that ain't fair, Valene!

It could've been my
big break. It almost was.

I told you that I was
in trouble, Mama.

Those old boys were after me.

And when you didn't let me in,

they caught me, and
they took my baby.

They took her back to
Texas, to Gary's folks.

And I didn't see her
again for 15 years.

And when I tried
to see her again,

I nearly got myself k*lled.

I didn't know.

But, Mama, I tried to tell you.

I didn't know.

I got no place to go.

I got no kin.

I got no work. I got no money.

I got nothin' but you, Valene.

I'd like to take
my things and go.

I know that's what I should do.

I still got a little pride.

We're not asking you
to leave tonight, Lili.

And don't worry.

Gary will go to the bank in the
morning and... get you some money.

Thank you.

I really didn't know, Valene.

I know that you didn't, Mama.

I... I... I know that now.

Honey, if you know
that, can't you start over?


There's too much grudge.
It's been festering too long.

I understand that now.

Well, good night.

You know what part of
that grudge is, though?

What, Mama?

That I didn't make good.

Oh, that's silly, Mama.

I... I wished that
you'd never tried.

Still, I bet you would've
forgiven me quick enough

if I'd made good.

Lots of people do what I did,
give up everything for a career.

If my career had worked out,

everything would've
seemed right.

No, Mama.

No? No.

Well, you think about it.

What if you'd had a
real famous mama?

What if everybody knew
my name and all my songs?

And everywhere you went,
they'd know your name

because you were Lili
Mae Clemmons' little girl.

Oh, how you
would've shined to that.

I don't blame you for
resenting me, Valene,

but I...

I think a lot of what you resent

is that I never came through.

WOMAN: It's too important.

GINGER: Please,
it's my life, Mother.

Ginger, it's too important.

[SOBBING] Please.

You can't make decisions
about this. Now, come along.

Do you hear me? It's
much too important.

You can't make decisions
about your own life.

Now, come along, Ginger.

[SOBBING] Mother, please.

Mother, please,
I want this baby.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.



[SOBBING] Kenny.


I want a baby.


LILI: ♪ Wake up,
wake up Little Maggie ♪

♪ What makes you
Sleep so sound? ♪

♪ Them revenue
men Are a-comin'... ♪



She's wrong.

About what?

About me wanting a famous mama.

All I wanted was a
mama, right there with me.

Maybe she thinks she's right.

I mean, maybe she felt shut
out by you and your daddy.

And she figured the
only way to get close

was to make herself a star.

♪ Oh, where is
My little Maggie? ♪

♪ She's the girl
I love so well ♪

♪ She's gone away And left me ♪

♪ With a stranger She did go ♪

♪ Dig a hole Dig a hole... ♪

♪ In the meadow ♪

♪ Dig a hole in the
cold Cold ground ♪

♪ You can dig a
hole In the meadow ♪

♪ For to lay my Maggie down ♪

♪ Oh, where is
my Little Maggie? ♪

♪ She's the girl
I love so well ♪

♪ She's gone away and left me ♪

♪ With a stranger she did go ♪

Honey, I'm leaving
now. You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Really, Gary, I'm fine.

LILI: Anybody mind if
I make a phone call?

Go ahead, Mama.

At least now, maybe
we can start from scratch.

You know, get to
know each other.

You go and have a
good day, sweetheart.

Don't you worry about
us. It's gonna be okay.


"Will the circle be unbroken?

By and by, Lord, By and by."

LILI: Valene, would you come
upstairs a minute, please?


Coming, Mama.

What is it, Mama?

Honey, I just called Mr. Horner
of Jack Horner Records.

You know, in Nashville? Sure.

And he's agreed to press a
demonstration record for me.

Oh, Mama, that's wonderful.

Only, I have to get
back right away.

So you'll call Gary
to go to the bank?

Oh, sure, but...

Oh, thanks, honey.

This is it.

I feel it.

I feel it too, Mama,

but do you have to
go right now, today?

Oh, I'll be back, honey.

And when I come back,
you'll be so proud of me,

because someday soon,
Mama's gonna be doing real good.

I'm gonna come back a star.


I just wish you would've
let me drive you.

All the way to that airport?

Don't be silly.

You've got a home
to take care of.

You take care of
yourself too. You hear?

Yes, Mama.

And that handsome husband.

I will, Mama.

Bye, sweet pea.

I love you, Mama.

Bye, Mama.

♪ Wake up, wake
up Little Maggie ♪

♪ What makes you
sleep So sound? ♪

♪ Them revenue
men Are a-comin' ♪

♪ For to tear Your
still house down ♪
