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01x04 - The Lie

Posted: 01/15/24 20:26
by bunniefuu

Thank you.

You're prettier
than I remembered.

What happened to you?

She was att*cked 15
minutes before I got here.

waiting for her in the house.

The one with the scar.
The second from the right.

Are you sure?

Laura? Yes.



Excuse me.


Another one, Sid.

Another one what?

Another r*pe.

Broad daylight. Third one.

Three weeks.

It's weird.

It's scary.

Hey. You leaving already?


Hey, Kenny, are you
gonna be home tonight?

Uh, I'm gonna be a little late.
We got a recording session.


Kenny, you're always
gone and I hate it,

especially with this
creep running loose.

Well, now, look, you're the one

that wanted to live in the
safe... secure suburbs... not me.

And what Ginger
wants, Ginger gets.

Ginger wants a home.

Hey, now look, could we
please just start one day

without having
some kind of a fight?

"The victim, a Mrs. Betty Hines,

lives at 2223 Sea
Breeze Avenue."

Gary, that's only
three blocks from us.

That's right.

Ooh-ee, that gives
me the shivers.

I mean, Laura and me,

we're usually the only ones
around here in the daytime.

Then the two of you
ought to stick together

until they catch this creep.

Yeah, well, we're having
lunch together today.

And Karen's invited me
to help her out in the office.

She's raising money
again for... something.

Fine, I think you ought to
just stay with them today.

What kind of eggs you want?



See the paper?

I know. She was the third
woman r*ped this month.



r*pe? I'm talking about
IPV, that electronics firm.

They just split three to one.

Is that good or bad?

It is good for them,
but it's bad for us.

I sold every share we had.

What is with this juice?

Sweetie, you like the pulp.

Yes, the pulp, not the seeds.


Do you have my eggs?


I thought... I'll wa...
I'll make some more.

I... I don't have time.

Oh, uh... did you
iron my shirts?

I sent them to the laundry.

You know those
are handmade shirts.



Wow, look at you.

Aren't you putting on the doll!

Val, I... I was... I
was just coming over.

Why? Is something wrong?

I've got a dental
appointment. I forgot.

For today?

Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.

I just feel a little
funny about...

being the only
one at home today.

Look at the time.

I've, uh... I've
really got to run.

We'll do it another time, okay?

The medical center is right
past the community center.

Could...? Could you drop me off?


I think I'm gonna
go help Karen out.

Sure. Okay. Come on.

Boy, you really look fabulous.


Hope it doesn't hurt too much.

What? The dentist.

Oh. I mean, I just hate 'em.

Thank you.

Okay. Bye-bye. Bye.

Hi. Hi.

White wine spritzer, right?

Right. With a twist.


Compliments of the, uh,
gentleman with the beard.

[MOUTHS] Thank you.

Thank you.

I've been waiting for you to
come back here for a week.

You have?

I saw you come in
here last, uh, Tuesday.

You're prettier
than I remembered.

You can't see
anything in the dark.

It's me.


Can I keep it?

Uh, only if you'll
pose for another one.

Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no.

I'm not a model or anything.

I don't want a model.

I want you.


You really are an artist.

Yeah. That's what I do.


Well, I'm sure you're dying
to see the rest of the place.

There's more? Oh, yeah.

Over here we have
the living room.


Even when I'm not
working in it, I'm living in it.


And over here, we
have... the kitchen.

I see.


And here we have
the formal dining room.

Unless, uh, you're
gonna have breakfast.

Sure, then it
becomes a cozy nook

overlooking Central Park.


Now, this is the master bedroom.

It's always a bedroom.


Sit down.





Shake your head.


Shake your head.


That's it.



Hey... Now, wait a minute..

I like to get to know my models.

I'd like that too.

I mean, we just met.

What the hell did
you come up here for?

So you could draw me.

Come on, lady.

What's your hurry?

What's your hurry?

I'd like to leave now.

We're not finished yet.

You're going too fast.

Why don't we just...?
Look, why don't we just talk?


We've talked enough.
We've had enough talk.

I don't want to talk.

Look, if you don't let
go, I'm gonna scream.


Do you want to fight?



KAREN: We are home.

VAL: Good.

There we go.

Oh! Hmm! So what did you do?

Well, I had to mail
them out again.

He forgot to put
the stamps on them.


Why don't you come in for a
while? I've got chocolate cake.

You mean, you eat
cake and look like that?

No. I don't count calories.

You don't?

No. I deal in straight pounds.

Hiya, sweetheart. Hiya.

Mwah! Who's your friend?

Nobody. I hitched a ride. What?

Well, it's no big deal.
Everybody does it.

Hitchhiking is dangerous.

I'm 15-years-old.

Going on five, apparently.

Look, I'm sorry, all right.

Inside. You're grounded.

That is not fair. Move.



I'm sorry.

No. That's all
right. I understand.

I'll see y'all later.



Richard, uh...

Wish you'd teach
my wife how to park.

Where the hell did I put that?

Laura, did you...?


What happened to you?

Were you in an accident?

What happened?


Oh, no.

Did he hurt you? Did...?

Are you hurt?

Where did it happen?


Here. Here, lie down.

Where...? Where did it happen?

Was he here? Was
he in the house?

Uh, I'm gonna get you a drink.

Let me get you a drink.

No. No, no, no, no, no. I just
wanna lie down for a while.


Here, lie down.


It's okay.

It's okay.


I'm... I'm gonna call,
uh... Call the police

and call a doctor.
Oh, Richard, no!

Yes, yes. I'm
gonna call a doctor.

You just lie here.


Yes, yes, Dr. Kaplan, please.

No, this is an emergency.

This is Richard Avery.

Look, I don't care if
he... If he's in surgery.

This is an emergency.

It's my wife.

She's, uh...

She's... She's been r*ped.

DISPATCH: First unit to 1312.

They're still upstairs?



Well, um, maybe we should
make dinner for Laura tonight.

Oh, at your place?

Yeah, and then we'll
bring it over here.

Richard, how is she?


Lieutenant Larkin's
asking her 4000 questions.

Jason's at my house.
He's gonna spend the night.

If only I hadn't
stopped at the bank.

What do you mean?



She was att*cked 15
minutes before I got here.


Laura said she got home

He was waiting
for her in the house.

Richard, don't blame yourself.

If I hadn't stopped...

I would have... I
would have been here.

Do you want me to stay?

Uh, no. Thank you.



Oh, relax. I'll do this.


How's Laura?

Doctor gave her a sedative.
She's probably sleeping.


It's hideous.

It makes me sick
to think about it.

KAREN: I mean, we're so vulnerable
to that kind of attack anyway.

Right in your own home? My God.

You know, if it happened to me,

I don't think I'd be able
to go in the house again.


Excuse me.

Diana? Di...


Oh, hi, Kenny.

Have you seen Ginger?

Uh, she's in the
kitchen. She'll... fill you in.


You're home early.

Yeah, well, I figured they could
get along without me tonight.

Mmm! Baby!

Hey, Gin, what's going on?


Laura's gonna be okay.


Sweetie, I promise.

She'll be okay.

How can you tell
me she'll be okay?

I'm not a baby.

No. I know you're not.

I'm a young woman, and it
could have happened to me.

Yes, it could.

I couldn't stand it. I
know I'd die if something...



Well, I don't suppose I have
to say anything more about...

No, Mom, you don't.

That's good.



Why is it such an awful feeling?

I mean, just thinking about it.


It's a terrible distortion of...

something that should
be tender and private.

A distortion?


Making an act of love
an ugly and violent thing

is a distortion.

Love-making between a
man and a woman is a...

very, very beautiful thing.

It really is.

I think I understand.


even if you don't
understand now...

you will.

Hey, Sid, Gary.

Hi, Ken. Hi, Kenny.


I guess you heard, huh?

Oh, yeah.

It's unbelievable.


If this had happened to Val,
I'd be coming unglued right now.

Oh, man, me too.

You feel so helpless.

Guilty too, I guess.


This is the kind of thing that
makes a vigilante out of you.

SID: I feel like going out

and patrolling
the streets myself.

Yeah, but you can't just
walk around, night and day,

with a loaded
shotgun in your hands.

What can you do?


Are you awake?


We're gonna catch that guy.

And when we do, we're
gonna throw the book at him.

I swear it.

We will.


Don't talk, okay?




VAL: How are you
feeli" this morning?

Kinda numb.

Laura? I'm so sorry.

LAURA: Careful,
careful, careful.

The floor is still wet in spots.

VAL: Oh.



Oh, hi.



Right away.

That was Richard.

They have a suspect,

and they want me to
come down and identify him.

Do you want me to come with you?

Okay. I'll go get dressed.


Want some water?

No. That's okay.

It was him. I knew I
couldn't forget that scar.

Thank you, Mrs. Hines.
We'll keep in touch.

Are you ready?

Oh, sure.

Go right over to the window.


Well, Laura, which one is he?

I don't know. I
was so frightened.

Laura, just try and remember

anything distinctive
about the man,

uh, such as moles, scars,


For God's sake, Laura, look.

The one with the scar.
Second from the right.

Are you sure?



That makes three out of three.

It looks like we have our man.

Come on. Great.

Thank you.

Laura, you were fabulous.
Wasn't she fabulous?

I told you we'd get
him. Didn't we get him?

We got him, all right.

He'll be away for
the next 20 years...

Whoops. We're
going the wrong way.



Where's he going?

We had to let him go.

But... But h-he... He
r*ped my wife yesterday.

Not yesterday, not him.

She just identified
him in a lineup.

She also said she was
att*cked at around, uh... 2:30?


Well, from noon
until four o'clock,

that man was at the
Long Beach police station

while they ran a
warrants check on him.

That's what we
call an ironclad alibi.

But two other women
i-identified him.

If she was wrong, it's
possible they were wrong.

That's what his lawyer will say.

And... that's the reason
the DA won't touch it.



Maybe we got the time wrong.

Val, you were there when I
drove up. What time was that?

Well, uh, Karen and I
had, uh, just come home

a-and then Diana
got home from school.

RICHARD: School.
School closes at, uh, 2:45.

He was in the Long Beach
police station from 12:00 till...

I'll, uh... I'll drive
you home, honey.

Thanks for bringing
her down, Val.


Honey, do you
want anything else?


Lamb, potatoes? No, no.

Anything? No, I'm stuffed.

This is great.


Laura? Uh-huh?

Laura, you haven't stopped
moving for a second.

Well, there's lots to do.

This meal took a little
longer than I expected.

Yeah, I know, honey,

but I'm getting antsy
just looking at you.

Will you sit down for a
second? Oh, I forgot the cream.

Daddy, the ice-cream man.
Can I have a rocket bar?

In the hallway, honey.
Bring my purse in here.


This must have taken you hours.

Well, I wanted to do
something special...


for you.

I knew you wouldn't
let this rotten thing

get you down for too long.

This is neat. It
looks just like you.

Hey, that's good.

Richard, it's nothing.

It's dumb. No. it's nice.

It's good. Who did it?

There was this man in the mall.

Yeah, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna frame this.

I'm gonna put it in my office.

Richard, it's not me.

No, it is.

It's pretty.

Sexy too.

It is not! It's... It's cheap
and it's ugly and I...!

Oh, I don't want you to have it!

It's so hard.

I mean, I want to
help Laura but...

Yeah, it's... It's
tough to know how.

It is.

Maybe we should just let her
come to us when she's ready.

What if she can't... or won't?

Hey, why don't the two of us
take her to lunch tomorrow?


I guess we could.

Richard, how's Laura feeling?

Doing okay.

She's real upset. She
screamed at my dad.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, it's just she
had a rough day.

Well, of course she's
upset. It's normal.

Maybe she needs help.

You mean therapy?

Well, not exactly

but... someone to talk to.

Yeah, well, I tried
talking with her last night.

No. Friends.

Female friends.

Let's face it. This is
a... A female experience.

Huh? What do you think?

I think we should just
leave her be for a while.

I mean, I really do.


I mean, she... She
just needs time.

Uh, this whole thing with Laura

is really bothering
you, isn't it?

Yeah. I guess it is.

I know it is. I watched
you out front tonight.

What do you mean?

Well, you just seem so...

I don't know,
uncomfortable about Laura.

Well, I... I just don't think
that we should be pushing

and prying into
her life right now.

I mean she's... She's
been through enough.

Honey, Karen was
just trying to help.

I know, but Laura's got
to work this out for herself.

We can't do it for her.

No, not for her, but,
I mean, we... We...

All right, Gary, can we just
not talk about this now, please?

What are we gonna talk about?



I give up.

Oh, I mean Val and... And I.

And Laura. We're
gonna take her to lunch.

Why don't you talk about
what you always talk about?

Well, what if she wants
to talk about the r*pe?

Then talk about the r*pe.

Will you stop being
so blasé about this?

I'm not being blasé...
Because it's tough.

Well, it's tougher on Laura,

but it really is tough
knowing how to help.

Well, maybe you're
trying too hard.

Oh. That's not blasé.


Look, all I'm saying
here is... What?

Well, you gotta
let time do its work.

I know you wanna help, but
the biggest help right now is time.


we're just trying
to let her know

that we're here for her.

Well, Laura knows that.

And I'm sure it
does help her a lot.

But she's been wounded.

She's gotta have time
for the wounds to heal.



what are we gonna talk about?

What you always talk about.

You're right.

You're right.

I... I feel like such a klutz.

This is probably
gonna sound stupid.

Richard... don't.

Not now... please.

Yes. Yes, now.

Especially now.


I... I love you very much.

Whenever you need me...

I'm here.


It's okay. It's okay. I'm here.


Oh, she did it again.

But of course you can't
fire a volunteer worker.


But Val, now
that's another story.

Laura, you should have seen
her. She's a born envelope-stuffer.


I should do that, you
know, Karen, what you do.

I should keep busy,
get out of the house.

Well, you can come along
with me any time you want.

You know that.

It's a lot of fun
too, isn't it, Val?


Oh, yeah.

It is. Yeah, and the
time goes by real fast.

Then it's settled.
I'm gonna do it.

And more, I'm gonna
take some courses.

Oh, I think that's
a wonderful idea.

Mm. Some cooking courses.

I'm sure Richard's
really getting tired

of the same thing
over and over again.

Good. Well, I propose a toast.

To the bright culinary
future of Seaview Circle.


Laura, honey, is
something wrong?

No, no.


Could we...? Could we leave?


Oh, please, let's go.

Sure. Sure, honey, go ahead.

I'll take care of
her. Don't worry.


Could we have our check, please?


VAL: Laura?




Um, you left these
in the car, Laura.

Thank you.

Laura, I know it's
none of my business,

but... if you feel like talking...
about what happened...

You know what happened.

No. All I know is you dropped
me off at the community center.

I dropped you off.
I went shopping. I...

I don't know what's
wrong with me.

I'm... I'm just so tired.

I don't know.

How...? How do I let
these things happen?

What things?

You know, when I was a kid,

I used to feel like
I was invisible.

That people never noticed me.

Yeah. I know the feeling.

I used to do things
to attract attention.

Any attention. Not
bad things, good things.

I'll bet you were a
straight-A student.


I was the kid that had to work
twice as hard as anyone else

just to make B's.

It was always like that.

It was never enough.

I always had to do more.

Or do it better or faster.

Isn't that dumb?

No, it's not dumb. A lot
of people feel that way.

When I was 12, my mother died.

I was the youngest.

I really tried to replace
her. Especially for my dad.

That must have been hard on you.

Oh, it's impossible.

I couldn't be her for him,

as much as I wanted that.

And I kept trying to
be someone special

in someone's life, you know?

And I ended up in a lot
of... situations... with men.

Then I met Richard.


He was a loner and lonely.

And he kept coming back.

He was... He was
the only one who did.

After we got married, I
dropped out of college

to put him through law school.

I liked that. I-I
felt important.


But Richard's changed.

He doesn't need me
the way he used to.

Well, I'm... I'm
sure he does, Laura.

He loves Jason.

Isn't he wonderful with him?


Jason is the light of his life.

And vice versa.

But I feel left out, you know?

Sometimes I just get so lonely.

I know you do, Laura.


I don't have to know
what happened.

I mean, I... I really
don't want to know.

But it hurts me to see
you going on like this.

And you're gonna
have to do something.

But I feel so trapped.

Look at me.

I know you.

And I know you got it in you...

to do the right thing.


Good girl.

Come on.






Guess what.

I just got off the phone
with Lieutenant Larkin.

What did she want?

You know the guy
they let go? Scarface?

Well, he just got caught again.

Somebody's husband
came home early.

He's behind bars, honey.

Richard, are they sure?


Will I have to testify?

No, no.

They... They've got an ironclad
case. Don't you feel better?

What about my identification?

It's over. Forget it.

I'd better take you
out to dinner tonight.

That would be nice.

In fact, uh...

Tell everybody we'll take
them out to dinner tonight.

I'll, uh, have my secretary
make reservations for 8:00.


And, uh, I'll expect you
to look beautiful, beautiful.

I'll try.



Uh, hello.

Hello. This is Laura Avery.

Hello, Laura.

Well, you caught the man?

Yes, we did.

Well, I wanted to tell you...

he's not the one.

I didn't think so.

Are you still looking for
the one? The other one?

Should we be?


Laura, thank you
very much for calling.

Ah! Oh!

And more champagne.

This is wonderful, Richard.


My menu doesn't
have any prices on it.

That's all right.
Richard's paying for it.

Let's see...

Kenny, what are you having?

I think I'll go with the
bouillabaisse. What about you?

I'll have, um, caviar.

Mais oui.



Um, I'll have the
escargots and... onion soup.

Escargots and onion soup?

Well, they're both so good.

Yeah, but they're filling.

I mean, half a
dozen escargots...

No, no, no, no, Richard, a
dozen. A dozen escargots.


How you order at
a restaurant like this

is as important
as what you order.

I mean, you want
to get a balance.

Delicate, light, heavy, rich...

Just the onion soup.

What do you want for an entrée?

Uh, I'd love to try
the duck à l'orange.

No, that's... It's gonna
be awfully sweet.

I mean, after the onion soup...

LAURA: How about
the fillet of sole?


Uh, we're having... red wine.

Red wine with fish?

I ordered a Château Lafite.


Let me order. Let me see.

RICHARD: Sel d'agneau.

We'll have the saddle of lamb.

Richard, we just
had lamb, honey.

I know, but not saddle of lamb.

Uh, let's have that saignant.

Excuse me.

I love lamb. Karen?

The duck à l'orange.


RICHARD: You're not
having the onion soup?

And onion soup.
