02x13 - Deadly Parasites

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Forensic Files". Aired: April 23, 1996 – June 17, 2011.*
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Documentary that reveals how forensic science is used to solve violent crimes, mysterious accidents, and outbreaks of illness.
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02x13 - Deadly Parasites

Post by bunniefuu »

in the spring of 1993 an unexplained

illness struck the residents of

Milwaukee Wisconsin 400,000 people

developed serious gastrointestinal

illness 4000 were hospitalized and by

the time it was under control more than

100 people died

health officials suspected it was

influenza but it was something more

serious and much more difficult for

medical detectives to uncover

Milwaukee Wisconsin the 17th largest

city in the United States with a

population of almost 1 million people

it's a city known for its German culture

summer festivals and long cold winters

with plenty of snow

Milwaukee is the home of several large

breweries producing 11 million barrels

of beer annually but in the spring of

something else an unexplained outbreak

of gastrointestinal illness which spread

rapidly throughout the community four

thousand people rushed to area hospitals

all with the same symptoms severe cramps

diarrhea nausea and fever I read the

diary off and on all week

I miss two days of work and I thought it

was gone and came back again hardest-hit

were individuals with weakened immune

systems infants the elderly cancer and

AIDS patients and those who had organ or

bone marrow transplants four-year-old

Becky Furman suffered from a

particularly bad case she was just a

vibrant child she demanded the center of

attention but we gave it to her

willingly but very healthy kid once she

caught up on the normal things like

infants do she just went with it she was

highly intelligent very vivacious very

talkative very friendly just a normal


Becky Fuhrman was born HIV positive

which made her particularly susceptible

to the mysterious outbreak this got to

be absolute water turning from brown to

yellow to green terrible odor and she

would have eight nine ten eleven twelve

movements a day forty year old Antonio

Claudio was also affected like Becky he

too is HIV positive but the severity of

the cramps and diarrhea he developed

during the outbreak was alarming every


like is this this what's happening to me

a nature course of the virus itself of

hiv/aids or is just something else the

illness spread rapidly throughout

Milwaukee pharmacies ran out of anti

diarrheal medicine schools were closed

and absenteeism was at record levels in

the business community

Maryland marchionne covered the outbreak

for the Milwaukee Journal newspaper for

us at the paper it was like having a

serial k*ller loose for a medical

reporter because it was a lot of

confusion not a lot of information about

what could be causing the outbreak

people were calling alarmed and

concerned the primary suspects were

Shigella Giardia can't blow back - or


common bacteria and parasites which

caused these symptoms

stool samples from the infected

individuals were all negative we knew

this was big I mean we knew a lot of

people were sick we know a lot of kids

were sick we were beginning to get

reports from hospitals that patients

particularly the immune compromising

conditions particularly hiv/aids we're

having very difficult times shaking

loose of this outbreak and so we were

beginning to understand that this was in

fact an epidemic and health officials

had no idea what was causing it within

24 hours of the outbreak the mayor of

Milwaukee knew he faced a serious

dilemma no American city had ever faced

this type of crisis before the concern

in the health department was the

beginning of you know a real concern

what is this you know how could so many

people get sick all at one time

City Health Commissioner Paul nanus

learned that stool samples from the sick

patients were all negative

he had no scientific leads knowing that

for an outbreak of this size as we were

recognizing it was certainly large with

it would have either had to be food

water or air there's no other common

connector or vector that would have had

occasion to make so many people sick on

once if the outbreak was caused by a

contaminated food source stool samples

would contain the bacteria which caused

it and health officials can find no

common food source that all of the sick

individuals use

food illnesses usually center around a

common food distribution center

processing planet restaurant or grocery

store but one common element among all

of the infected individuals was water

officials analyzed the water quality

records at the city's municipal water

supply but all of the water quality

levels were within guidelines

established by the Environmental

Protection Agency for safe drinking

water everything that we saw told us

that our process was working real well

and that we were meeting all those

statement arrow mandates we went back

and indicated that to the Health

Department and they continued on with

their investigation into other areas

the only remaining element common among

the infected individuals was the air we

had initially suspected that perhaps was

some kind of fast-acting airborne virus

that might be out there because it

wasn't that flu season but when

scientists looked at the distribution

pattern of the outbreak they noticed

that most of the cases were clustered in

the south side of the city

normal uniform distribution of illness

head had been an airborne virus because

it would have started at a point and

moved outward since the outbreak seemed

to be centered in Milwaukee South Side

this narrowed the focus of the

investigation becky Fuhrman lived on

Milwaukee's Southside her doctors had no

idea what caused her illness and soon

discovered they couldn't cure it in

individuals like Becky who had HIV one

of the things was that she was limited

in what she could do as far as where we

could go and what we could do with her

as far as playing because she would have

these accidents another thing was the

general weakness because of the constant

diarrhea gastrointestinal illness is

usually caused by something that is

ingested once again pointing to food

water due to the widespread nature it

would be very difficult for a single

food to be eliminated and since the

widespread nature of illness in a

community whereas water gets to a lot

more people a lot quicker and on a much

more widespread basis and you expect a

single food item the water plant which

supplied Milwaukee's Southside reported

that the only unusual redoubt was a

Pekin turbidity one week before the

outbreak turbidity measures the amount

of foreign particles in the water after

a rainstorm or when snow melts turbidity

levels will temporarily rise storms

churned River and Creek bottoms and

melting snow will often gather particles

as it runs into streams health officials

wondered if the increase in turbidity

levels was cause for concern the

municipal water supply was disinfected

with chlorine was it possible that the

city's water supply was contaminated

with something that didn't show up in

water tests and the chlorine would not

k*ll if so the entire city would be at

risk and one of the city's largest

industries could also be affecting the

brewing industry

the breweries were among the largest

users of municipal water if there was an

unknown organism in the water was it

being shipped all across the country by

the tens of thousands of gallons a day

health officials suspected that

something in Milwaukee's water supply

was causing the outbreak of thousands of

cases of gastrointestinal illness the

water department insisted that the water

quality levels were all within standards

set by the Environmental Protection

Agency and that the water was safe to

drink hospitals and laboratories

throughout Nowacki continue to analyze

stool samples from the thousands of

individuals affected everything pretty

much was a dead end

everywhere we looked was everything was

negative sandy Schrader was doing some

of those tests at a local hospital as a

microbiologist she was performing the

routine tests on patients hospitalized

with the mysterious illness the standard

test was an iodine stain when added to

the stool samples the iodine would show

if parasites were present but all of the

iodine tests were negative on her own

sandy Schrader Asst decided to go one

step further she remembered something

she learned earlier in her training that

microbiologist should be on the lookout

for parasites which do not show up on

standard tests with that in mind she

noticed a number of unusual structures

in the samples structures which didn't

react with the iodine stain at that

point I knew and again it's more of a

feeling after so many years that this

means something that's more or less what

I get this can't be artifact I don't

know exactly what it is yet but it means

something that's your first cool so she

performed an acid fast stain she flooded

the stool sample with a red stain

then washed the sample with alcohol and

sulfuric acid during the final step an

additional green stain is added under

the microscope she thought she saw a

highly infectious potentially deadly

parasite first a success stain wasn't

real definitive this is probably our

first line it's easiest as quick as it's

done in about 10 minutes and I didn't

feel comfortable calling it on that so

we went on and did a fluorescent stain

the fluorescent stain introduces the

parasites antibody to the sample along

with the fluorescent agent under the


sandy Schrader us noticed a bright green


it was the fluorescent agent attached to

the antibody proof that a parasite was


it was Cryptosporidium where little is

known about Cryptosporidium since it

first infected humans just over 20 years


it's a one-celled organism a protozoan

parasite which is found in feces from

young farm animals particularly calves

Cryptosporidium is an 80% of surface

water largely due to animal feces washed

from farms into nearby streams by heavy

rains and melting snow when contaminated

water is ingested by humans

the Cryptosporidium are in small shells


hoses they attach themselves to the

intestines and sometimes the gallbladder

here you can see the tiny

Cryptosporidium is scaping from their

shells once they do

they multiply ivenn millions when they

spread throughout the gastrointestinal

system they absorb nourishment

preventing the body from retaining

fluids and causing severe cramps

expl*sive diarrhea and other flu-like

symptoms a healthy individual with a

healthy immune system and usually get

rid of the parasite within a week with

no lasting effects but it can be deadly

for those with weakened immune systems

like the elderly AIDS and cancer

patients and individuals with organ and

bone marrow transplants when lab

technicians retested other stool samples

they confirmed what sandy Schrader is

first discovered Cryptosporidium was

found in seven more stool samples once

you knew what you're looking for it was

everywhere I mean we knew that now we

had the agent now where was it coming

from that was the next step since

Cryptosporidium is a waterborne parasite

it renewed fears that the city's water

supply was contaminated the mayor called

an emergency meeting of both city and

state health officials during that

meeting the mayor noticed one of the

participants dr. Jeffrey Davis the state

epidemiologist was drinking diet soda

and not water when the mayor turned to

dr. Davis and asked if he would drink

the city's water

dr. Davis said no he wasn't difficult

once I asked dr. Davis if he drank the

water I mean if he suspect he's a

scientist he's an expert and in a very

honest person you know if he suspected

that there could be problems with the

water that's pretty good

test right there since the boiling was

the only way to get rid of

Cryptosporidium boys the mayor

immediately issued a boil water advisory

recommending that all water be boiled

for at least five minutes before use it

was a bold recommendation with

wide-ranging implication

since tests for Cryptosporidium in the

city's water supply have not yet been

completed dental offices were closed

since their drills were water cool

restaurants were also affected since

they use water for ice and washing


three days later tests on Milwaukee's


done by an independent laboratory

confirmed that could those Meridian was

present in the purified water from the

Howard Avenue water plant the news of

Cryptosporidium contamination was

especially terrifying to one segment of

the population people with HIV

infections or AIDS for these patients

that was life-threatening immediately

they knew what crypto was this was not a

new illness to them it was something

they dreaded that they may be heard or

seen and friends from around the country

and they knew exactly how serious it was

for them Cryptosporidium premised immune

system is a death sentence Doug Nelson

and the organization he directs the aids

Resource Center of Wisconsin went into

crisis mode

he knew that individuals with HIV AIDS

would never get rid of the parasite but

his goal was to make sure no one else

became infected when the local breweries

learned about the parasite in the water

they had no concerns about their product

the breweries have their own water

purification process which included

boiling the water before brewing this

would have eliminated Cryptosporidium

and any other parasites the Miller

Brewing Company made available to the

public emergency supplies of purified

water as a gesture of goodwill to the


the Howard Avenue water plant was

immediately closed the water flushed out

and the entire plant disinfected from

top to bottom to remove any traces of


a few days after the boil water advisory

the number of cryptosporidiosis cases

dropped significantly but the levels

discovered in Milwaukee's water supply

had been quoted one businessman

traveling through Milwaukee's Airport

reported getting sick after drinking

just enough water to swallow a few


Antonio Claudio was living in Houston

when he tested positive for

cryptosporidiosis he believes he was

infected while visiting his mother who

lived on the south side of Milwaukee

since there is no cure for

cryptosporidiosis besides a healthy

immune system Antonio lives each day

with constant chronic diarrhea

once you discover you have this disease

there are life changes and there's just

no way to get around it

prayer helps a lot but we just can't

erase it it's reality no matter what

portion of it

and you're just waiting to die little

Becky Furman lost her fight with

cryptosporidiosis she died after

battling its effects for many months

becky was in a coma eyes closed but she

raised her hands to us and grabbed held

with our hands took three breaths and a

spirit and energy left

ripped the heart

what a gratefulness because she wasn't

pain anymore

she looked peaceful for the first time

investigators soon had a theory for how

Cryptosporidium contaminated Milwaukee's

water supply after an intensive


health officials developed a theory as

to how Cryptosporidium contaminated

Milwaukee's water supply in early April

of 1993 heavy rains and the spring

snowmelt caused water runoff the ground

was still frozen and unable to absorb

the water manure from the farms and

fields might have washed in the nearby

streams when your which contained

Cryptosporidium the Cryptosporidium n

made their way from the streams into

Lake Michigan the source of Milwaukee's

drinking water shortly before the

outbreak wind and water currents were in

a southwesterly direction pushing the

waters south towards the Howard Avenue

water plant which served the south side

of Milwaukee and away from Lynnwood

water plant serving the city's north

side in 1993 there were no filters or

masked disinfectants used anywhere in

the United States which could eliminate

the Cryptosporidium and water plants

chlorine was ineffective against it over

400,000 people who ingested water from

the Howard Avenue plant became ill four


were hospitalized 104 died that theory

held for four years during that time the

Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta

Georgia continued to investigate

Milwaukee's Cryptosporidium outbreak

since it was the largest waterborne

outbreak in United States history in

samples from individuals infected during

that outbreak they conducted DNA testing

on the Cryptosporidium and when they did

there was a shocking discovery the type

of Cryptosporidium found in the four

stool samples from the Milwaukee

outbreak did not come from farm animals

it was a new strain one which came from

human waste I was suggesting on the

basis of the limited number of samples

that we looked at that the Milwaukee

outbreak was not from pasture run off

but was from sewage contamination when

investigators looked more closely at

Milwaukee's water supply they found that

the Howard Avenue water plants intake

was less than two miles down current

from a sewage treatment plant overflow

valve in Lake Michigan

the CDC's discovery suggested that human

waste containing Cryptosporidium was

released from the sewage treatment plant

traveled the two miles downstream where

it entered the water intake of the

Howard Avenue water plant today sewage

from that plant is no longer released

into Lake Michigan and the Howard Avenue

water plant moved their intake further

out into the lake away from possible

pollutants and Milwaukee is building an

ozone ization facility ozone is a form

of oxygen which kills more

microorganisms than chlorine it's the

only mass disinfectant process known to

k*ll Cryptosporidium and water when the

facility is completed Milwaukee will be

the only major city in the United States

to ozonate its water since 80% of

surface water contains trip those fer

idiom Milwaukee health officials believe

it is an expensive but necessary step

within 24 hours of the outbreak the

mayor of Milwaukee knew he faced a

serious dilemma no American city had

ever faced this type of crisis before

the concern in the health department was

the beginning of you know a real concern

what is this you know how could so many

people get sick all at one time

City Health Commissioner Paul nanus

learned that stool samples from the sick

patients were all negative

he had no scientific leads knowing that

for an outbreak of this size as we were

recognizing it was certainly large it

would have either had to be food water

or air there's no other common connector

or vector that would have had occasion

to make so many people sick on once if

the outbreak was caused by a

contaminated food source stool samples

would contain the bacteria which caused

it and health officials could find no

common food source that all of the

second divisions use

food illnesses usually center around a

common food distribution center

processing planet restaurant or grocery

store but one common element among all

of the infected individuals was water

officials analyzed the water quality

records at the city's municipal water

supply but all of the water quality

levels were within guidelines

established by the Environmental

Protection Agency for safe drinking

water everything that we saw told us

that our process was working real well

and that we were meeting all those state

and federal mandates we went back and

indicated that to the Health Department

and they continued on with their

investigation into other areas

the only remaining element common among

the infected individuals was the air we

had initially suspected that perhaps was

some kind of fast-acting airborne virus

that might be out there because it

wasn't back flu season but when

scientists looked at the distribution

pattern of the outbreak they noticed

that most of the cases were clustered in

the south side of the city

normal uniform distribution of illness

had been an airborne virus because it

would have started at a point and moved

outward since the outbreak seemed to be

centered in Milwaukee South Side

this narrowed the focus of the

investigation becky Fuhrman lived on

Milwaukee's Southside her doctors had no

idea what caused her illness and soon

discovered they couldn't cure it in

individuals like Becky who had HIV one

of the things was that she was limited

in what she could do

as far as where we could go and what we

could do with her as far as playing

because she would have these accidents

another thing was the general weakness

because of the constant diarrhea

gastrointestinal illness is usually

caused by something that is ingested

once again pointing to food

water due to the widespread nature it

would be very difficult for a single

food to be eliminated and since the

widespread nature of illness in a


whereas water gets to a lot more people

a lot quicker and much more widespread

basis and you'd expect a single food

item the water plant who supplied

Milwaukee's Southside reported that the

only unusual redoubt was a Pekin

turbidity one week before the outbreak

turbidity measures the amount of foreign

particles in the water after a rainstorm

in New Orleans snow melts turbidity

levels will temporarily rise storms

churned River and Creek bottoms and

melting snow will often gather particles

as it runs industries health officials

wondered if the increase in turbidity

levels was cause for concern the

municipal water supply was disinfected

with chlorine was it possible that the

city's water supply was contaminated

with something that didn't show up in

water tests and the chlorine would not

k*ll if so the entire city would be at

risk and one of the city's largest

industries could also be affected the

brewing industry the breweries were

among the largest users of municipal

water if there was an unknown organism

in the water was it being shipped all

across the country by the tens of

thousands of gallons a day

health officials suspected that

something in Milwaukee's water supply

was causing the outbreak of thousands of

cases of gastrointestinal illness the

water department insisted that the water

quality levels were all within standards

set by the Environmental Protection

Agency and that the water was safe to

drink hospitals and laboratories

throughout Nowacki continue to analyze

stool samples from the thousands of

individuals affected everything pretty

much was a dead end

everywhere we looked was everything was

negative sandy Schrader was doing some

of those tests at a local hospital as a

microbiologist she was

forming the routine tests on patients

hospitalized with the mysterious illness

the standard test was an iodine stain

when added to the stool samples the

iodine would show if parasites were

present but all of the iodine tests were

negative on her own

sandy Schrader s decided to go one step

further she remembered something she

learned earlier in her training that

microbiologist should be on the lookout

for parasites which do not show up on

standard tests with that in mind she

noticed a number of unusual structures

in the samples structures which didn't

react with the iodine stain at that

point I knew and again it's more of a

feeling after so many years that this

means something that's more or less what

I get this can't be artifact I don't

know exactly what it is yet but it means

something that's your first cool so she

performed an acid fast stain she flooded

the stool sample with a red stain then

washed the sample with alcohol and

sulfuric acid during the final step an

additional green stain is acting under

the microscope she thought she saw a

highly infectious

potentially deadly parasite first a

success stain wasn't real definitive

this is probably our first line it's

easiest as quick as it's done in about

10 minutes and I didn't feel comfortable

calling it on that so we went on and did

a fluorescent stain the fluorescent

stain introduces the parasites antibody

to the sample along with a fluorescent

agent under the microscope

sandy Schrader Assad as the bright green


it was the fluorescent agent attached to

the antibody proof that a parasite was

present it was Cryptosporidium where

little is known about Cryptosporidium

since it first infected humans just over

it's a one-celled organism a protozoan

parasite which is found in feces from

young farm animals particularly calves

Cryptosporidium is an 80% of surface

water largely due to animal feces washed

from farms into nearby streams by
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