02x42 - House of Names

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x42 - House of Names

Post by bunniefuu »

Just remember, if you can't see it, It's not there.

It's not real.

It's not real.

It's not real, Amber.

That's right, Fabian.

Say it with me.

Guys, I think this is what we've been looking for.

The spider that fits in the hole in the task room.

"to pass beyond the Weaver's throne, "lay her daughters in their home.

"move with care through her poisoned loom.

The Scarlet thread may spell your doom.

" Spiders weave webs.

So is that where her throne is?
The big Web in the tunnel.

But who are her daughters?
And where are they?
Okay, we need to go down and check them out tonight.

Maybe we should synchronize schedules, Because tonight is Fabian and Joy's
- Dup! Dup!
- First date.


No, it's not a date.

It's more like a It's more like, um A misunderstanding.

We're just going to see that film.

That Jasper was on about.

It's a hardly a date.

No kidding.

I thought we could go see that.

Hey, why don't we all go?
You, me, Joy, Fabian.

Nah, let's not crash that date.

Amber, tell her it's not a date.

You were there.

You were telling me what to say.

- I did not tell you
- Okay, guys, I get it.

Tonight's just not ideal.

We can just wait one more night.

The mask can wait.

I need to go and phone gran anyways, so No Ooh, do you want to punk Fabian and Joy on their date?
We can get popcorn to throw at them, or This can't be good.

What's up?
Everything I did to get my hands on this, And I can't even put it back where it belongs.

Have you told your dad you found it?
And say, "I'm sorry, dad.

"I know you were trying to turn your life around, "but there's no more shield.

And I'm fresh out of ideas, so " Come on, you'll work something out.

If you can't charm your way to that shield, Then you'll scam your way to it.

It's the Jerome way.

This isNot exactly a date movie.

Well, this isn't exactly a date.

Picked the perfect movie.


Oh, sorry.

It's hardly busy, is it?

On the house.

I can't give it away.

Trust me, you might be glad of it.

Thank you, Trudy?
Prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster.

Of historical excitement.

As we begin secrets of ancient Egypt, All three hours of it.

Three hours?
Three hours.

We could still make the start of the movie.

If we hurry.

Amber, the last thing I want to do is sit there.

While Fabian and Joy hold hands in the dark.

I'm just wishing we could go to the tunnel.

And do the next task.

I was going to tell you, honestly.

And it really was kind of an accident.

You know Fabian.


I do.

And if he really didn't want to go, he wouldn't have.

Fabian's free and single now.

He can date half the girls in school.

I really don't mind.

This is amazing, isn't it?

- Mm

- Ah.

As the centuries have passed, This evil monarch of ancient Egypt.

Has been consigned to the trash can of history, The forgotten ruler.

"forgotten ruler.

" It is thought to have been a female.

Who ruled by fear.

And left a trail of misery and destruction.

Throughout Egypt.

In revenge Ah, it's eating me! Alfie! Amber, relax.

It was just a joke.


Oh, and now you've broken it.

Ew, they're gross and tiny like spider babies.

Guys, the riddle says, "lay her daughters in their home.

" Well, if the big spider's the mom, Then these three little baby spiders.

Could be her daughters.

Wow, they're really heavy.

The spider's home is his Web.

So there's three spiders, Three hooks on the Web.

Let's go down to the tunnels right now.

- But Fabian's our best web

Shouldn't we wait for him to get back from his date?
There's enough of us to do this without Fabian.

We got this.

Let's show these spiders what Sibuna are made of.

Not interested, so No, hey, hey, hey.

Okay, look.

About us I mean, the whole thing we've got.

Oh, the "you hate me, I totally despise you" thing.

Go on.

Well, we both know that's not true.

Exhibit "a": We almost kissed.

- Oh
- Ah, no.

Exhibit "b": I lowered my force field, remember?

And I told you I like you.

Exhibit "c": And this is the real clincher.


I heard you tell Joy you like me.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, you said I was cute.

You like spending time with me.

But you could never tell me.

But I didn't say that.

'cause I don't think it.

I think you suck, is what I think.

You know, you can drop the 'tude.

We both know it's just an act.

Says you, the wisecracking skateboarding rebel.

We've all seen the Simpsons.

You're the biggest fake I know.

You're all front.

And you're too chicken to admit it.

Maybe I don't know you, at all.

But you know what?
I'm really fine with that.

- Good!
- Good!
- Perfect!
- Fine! Finally!
- Patricia.

- What?
Um We're going down to the tunnels.

We know what the clue means.

Nina doesn't want to wait for Fabian, Which I totally understand and support.

Please tell her she's crazy.

It's too risky, right, Trixie?

I'm not chicken! Let's do it.



I need to tell you something.



Have a good time?

Yeah, yeah, the movie was great.

You should take Patricia.

I'd rather take Victor.

And then I want to hear a pin drop.

This always works in the movies.

Come on.

What are you doing?
I couldn't get through the bread oven.

Eddie Yeah?
Um You're doing it wrong.

The just, here.

Let me do it.

Don't panic.

I'm not gonna ask why you're so desperate.

To go down to the cellar.

Just gonna assume it's some weird British custom, And I'm not interested, For now.

Okay, we've got our spiders.

Let's match them up with the hooks.

Is no one else bothered by the part of the riddle.

That says the red thread spells doom?
No one?
Just me, then?

Come on, Alfie.

Let's just do it.

We're with you all the way.

Silver thread, Alfie.

You don't want another sting.

What is it?
It's okay.

It's okay.

The yellow thread's I feel I feel weird.

Alfie! Somebody! There's something wrong! Let's get out, everyone! Help me! Move, Nina! Alfie, keep still! Someone help me! It must be the yellow thread.

It's making him hallucinate or something.

Alfie, keep still! Let's get out, everyone! Move, Nina! I'm trying! Alfie, no! Alfie, no, don't don't move, don't move! Okay.

I've got you.

I'm okay.

I'm so sorry, Alfie.

Come on, let's get you out of here.

Come on.

Nice and slow.

Nice and slow.

What you doing?

I'm following a hot lead for my Light profile on Vera.

What is it?
Some kind of lifetime acheivement in baking?
Yeah, something like that.

No, thank you, Patricia.

Is that all you've got in your bad girl bag?

Epic fail.

There's only one epic fail around here.

And I'm looking at him.

Let me show you how it's done, Hmm?
I can totally top that.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Oh, Patricia, no.



A little more care, girls.

- Sorry.

- Oh, I'll help.

- Yum

Ho! Patricia, was that you?

Well, you're in real trouble.

You see me after class.

Patricia! Uh, that was me.

Well, don't let me catch you.

Misusing school apparatus again, is that clear?

And, as for you, miss Williamson, I'm getting rather tired.

Of you leading new students astray.

You will copy down that periodic table Perhaps you will learn some respect for the sciences.

Dude! Here it is! The school sporting record.

Frobisher shield, frobisher shield! The jubilant champions holding the winner's shield, Which was donated to the school.

By Sarah Frobisher

In honor of her father Robert, A keen ping
-pong enthusiast.

SoCharming and scamming are out, then.

You might have to win it back fair and square.

Fair and square?
That's a thing, right?
It's a thing.

That's funny.

I've never really got it.


Sweet! Mr.

Sweet! Ah, Lewis and Clarke.


And what can I do for you?
It's about the frobisher shield.

I want to win it back.

The frobisher shield isn't a joke.

If we could actually win it back, why, then, The school could be truly great once more, And greatness is no laughing matter.

Check out his serious face, Mr.


It's serious.


If you both really mean this, Then I'll make arrangements.

But once you begin on this, The hopes of the entire school.

Will be riding on this match.

No pressure, then.

And you'll be needing one of these, Alfie.

The frobisher shield is for ping
-pong doubles.

Jerome and Alfie, Ping
-pong partners in crime.

Who else am I gonna trust with something like this?

- Hey.

- Hey.

So, uhWhat did you want to meet me for?
Um, to speak with Jasper about the documentary.

I thought you should be here.

What did you think it was?

Um, nothing.

I just Thought maybe, uh Nina, there is no me and Joy.


It was just a movie.

Is that what last night was about?
Look, last night was a mistake.

I won't be making it again.

So, Fabian, how did you enjoy secrets of ancient Egypt?
Thrilling, wasn't it?
Well, that was what I wanted to talk to you about.

We need to know more about the egyptian tyrant it mentioned.

Ah, yes.

Fascinating subject, eh?
Now, I do have something somewhere about her.

Now, where would I have filed it?
Chosen one
- A
-ha, here we are, yes.

Chosen one The forgotten ruler: A terrible, tyrranical queen.

Archaeologists found an empty tomb in 1913.

Apart from the crown, It was completely empty.

No body, nothing.

Chosen one There's no name in the book?

Although, I was told once I think several years ago in cairo.

Chosen one Our guide whispered a name, Something his grandmother had told him.

When he was a child, to scare him.

What was it, now?
You know, for the life of me, I can't remember.

It was so long ago.

Find it.

Find it before anyone else.

Or forfeit your life.

Sankara, Sankara, Sankara.


Yes! How did you know?
Where did you find it?
In the upstairs hallway.

One of those brats must have dropped it.

And does it contain the recipe for the elixir.

Well, I'm not sure.

I've only been able to decipher half of it.

The rest of the hieroglyphics are a mystery.

"at the portal of the mind, The weeping paragon will find" Will find what?
- Seems like a load of mumbo
-jumbo to me.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

It means this mask is much more powerful.

Than I thought.

We have a problem.

Victor's found the final chapter.

Three hours.

Three hours of egyptian history.

Hello, Mara Where's my post
-date therapy?
Oh, sorry, Joy.

First lesson of journalism: Question everything, assume nothing.

"cook serves up prestigious award.

" And this is relevant how?
This article is from the year Vera claims to have worked at beacon grove boys school, As head cook.


Well, either she was a short guy in a white shirt.

Or she's not in that photo.

Which means she's lying.

Or she made a mistake.

Aren't you taking this a bit too seriously.

For a fluff piece?
Questiong everything, assume nothing, Joy.


It's 10:00.

You have five minutes precisely, And then I want to hear a pin drop.

"lay her daughters in their home.

" What happens when they're all done?
Let's just all be ready.

You did it! Way to go! No, Nina, don't! This might be the only chance I get.

No! No! Nina! No! Nina!
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