02x25 - House of Sibuna

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x25 - House of Sibuna

Post by bunniefuu »

Victor, did you hear me shout?
Vera, no.

Well Well, perhaps.

Did you slam a door?

I'm looking for you.


Ziestack is saying his good

Very well.



Okay, now I see it.

This is crazy.

We're never gonna outsmart Sarah's father.

We don't have a choice.

You life depends on us finding that mask.

Grab back here at the tail.

I'll get the head.

Okay, ready?
Here we go.

This thing weighs a ton.

There is no way we're gonna get that to the edge.

Let alone over the hole.

It takes four men to lift that.

How about 3,002 men?
Well, boys.


It's time to get the g*ng back together.

I guess five heads are better than three, right?
Do you think it's fair?
This is pretty dangerous stuff.

I say share it round.

Let's not be selfish.

Besides, we're so good together.

I justI just need some time to think about.

What I'm asking him to do for me.


Jerome, I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to interfere.

It just meant so much to poppy.

He wants me to go and visit him.

Is that bad?
Yeah, I'd say it's not good.

- But
- I need to think about it.


I don't know.

In the meantime, I'd appreciate you.

Not telling any of that to poppy.

I mean it, Mara.

You owe me that much.

Are you okay?
What happened to you three last night?
You disappeared into thin air.

Yeah, you guys do that a lot around here.

What, were you sneaking off to play hopscotch?
Actually, the reason I'm never in our room at nights.

Is because of the awful music you play.

And the volumes you play it at.

Sick puppies, awful?
Eddie is the only one around here with any taste.

Oh, you're good.

Good at what?
Good at what?
Eddie bet us he could get you to dance.

I really thought you'd hold out longer.

Good at ruining things.

Weren't you singing she'll be coming around the mountain?
Uh, murdering she'll be coming around the mountain.

You cockroach.


Oh, my lord.


Yeah, she does that.

Mara, would you be a sweetheart.

And pass me the cereal.




I don't know how Alfie and Patricia.

Will even get filled in on everything.

I do.

With Sibuna invites.

Nina, look at these.

What do you think?
I think it's a bad idea.

But you agreed.

Five heads are better than three.

And I'd love to get Sibuna back together.

You guys know that.

But I can't risking putting anyone else in danger.

It's bad enough you two are involved.

- Nina, come on
- No, Fabian.

You don't have the sway you used to.

Ah, you're setting up a school newspaper site.


I want this institution to be a leader.

In breaking school and into school news, Investigative editorial, And incisive edu
-political comedy.

Got it?
What about celebrity gossip?

It was a valid question.

You have them.


Why not?
I'm the only one with their finger on the pulse around here.

"Sibuna clearing 6:30 p.


" They set up a website about news and gossip and stuff, So I put our names down.

Here's your first headline: "new American student gets punked.

In the most humiliating revenge prank ever.

" Well, it's a little wordy, don't you think?
Wasn't funny.

Come on, Victor.

Is that too heavy for you?

Well, I think we can say that last night.

Was a roaring success.

Jasper, Jasper, there you are.

I believe this is yours.

I found it on the grass.

You must have dropped it.

Uh, of course.

Thank you.

You know, you really ought to take better care of that.

I found someone in there last night rummaging around.

It's just good fortune that nothing was taken.

Oh, I'm sure Jasper is well aware.

Of the gravity of the situation, Victor.


This feels wrong, doing this behind their back.

I thought that was your thing now.


Okay, so what's this all about?
I mean, there can't be more cups of ankh, can there?
What is it, part of a dinner set?
You know, we have common rooms for this kind of thing.

Do we always have to meet out here?
This is a sacred meeting place of Sibuna.

Look, we'll tell you everything.

Firstly, though, are you in?


Now, the mask is at the end of this final tunnel, And this is how far we've got.

The Dollhouse helps us.

The Dollhouse helps you?
The Dollhouse.


Look, it used to belong to Sarah.

We think it's her giving us the clues.

So why don't you just tell the egyptian chick.

To go get the mask herself.

Because she has no physical form.

So tell her to bug off.

You don't know what she's like.

She faked pushed Nina down a chasm just to make a point.

Guys, look, you don't understand.

It is simple.

If we don't find that mask before anyone else, Nina loses her life.

It's simple?
I told you not to tell them.

You know, for a guy who never betrayed anyone before, You're sure on a roll.

And you I think we all know what this is really about.

I don't know what this is really about.

Don't even.

Look, it was an accident.

I thought she was you.

Look, Patricia and Alfie are involved now, So there's no point going over it.

You guys know we're in the room, right.

SoUm Do we get to see this puppy, or what?
It's 10:00.

You have five minutes precisely, And then I shall want Whoa.

Say, how is this going to work?
Well, instead of trying to k*ll ourselves lifting it, We're gonna push it.



Now, the beam is only long enough it rests.

On that point there, and we cannot risk missing.

Do you think you're strong enough for that?

- He's been doing push

Now, when I say go, you push, I pull, okay?

Ready, go.

Keep going.

Keep going.

One more.

To the right.

To the right.

Straight to the right.

That's it.


Be careful.
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