02x06 - House of Faces

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x06 - House of Faces

Post by bunniefuu »



I just had the weirdest dream.

Me too.

I was a personal shopper for Lady Gaga, And she tipped me in salami.

What was yours?
I can't remember.

So you took this cup downstairs.

After seeing this ghost or whatever.

Yeah, and the next thing I remember was my alarm.

It must have been a dream, but it felt so real.

As it was chosen.

Let's go get breakfast, like, right now.

But Mick.

Want to walk over?
Are you insane?
Look, I'm not interested, okay?
Dad, we spoke about this.

I'm not okay with it.

Oh, sorry, gorgeous.

I'm just in the middle of something.

No, not you, dad.

Look, listen.


I'll call you later, okay?
I'm going for a run.

Did anybody hear that terrible noise in the night?
Sounded like a woolly mammoth with heartburn.

It's gran.

You want to head over together?
MmI mean, no.

Decisive as ever.

I'll just get my bag, fabes.

Hey, so I'll get my bag, And we'll walk across together, okay?
Uh Girls know what they want, And that's boys who know what they want.


They like soulfulness too, But you've got to be assertive enough to show it.


Did you know I write poetry?
Oh, Nina might have mentioned that.

Write a poem for Nina.

I'll help you.

And no need to thank me.

You have freed me, chosen one.

Find it, the mask of anubis, child, Or forfeit your life.

It wasn't a dream.


It was under my bed.

Maybe you were sleepwalking.

She mentioned tears of gold, Just like in the dream with Victor.

And just like the doll said.

Okay, surely it can't be a coincidence.

Maybe you dreamt it because heard the doll say it.

I really don't want to be late today.

Are you ready, fabes?
Let's all walk over together, shall we?
Perfect All three of us, finally.

Here, I need you to take some photos.

Okay, because this isn't weird at all.

Look, if I'm gonna be Amber's boyfriend, I need to get my face on a newsstand.

Without getting thrown off a train.

Or kicked off some talent show.

So are you going to tell me what was going on at home?
It can't be that bad, can it?
They're relocating.

My whole family to Australia.

Okay, that is bad.

Sorry, I mean, it's big.

They want me to join a new school over there, But I've told them I'm staying here.

Oh, good.

I mean, are you sure?
This is home.

I only really see them at school holidays, anyway, So what's the difference?
I like him more now than ever.

Do you think it's because he's taken?
Yeah, maybe.

Does that make me a bad person?
Should I tell him how I feel?

You're not listening.

Sorry, Joy.

Boy talk after a few minutes, it just sound like noise.

What does he see in her anyway, Except she's really pretty.

And also a kind of mystical Champion of good.


I mean, they just have a lot in common.

Yeah, well, from now on, I'll have a lot in common with fabes too.

And work it.

Work it.

Hold it.

Give me a little tiger growl.

Yes, yes, that's it.

That's it, exactly.

Now, give me a little hungry eyes.

And pose, pose.

Yes, Alfie.

Flex it up, and kick out.


That was the best pose ever.

Was there any mention from Victor's doll.

About a mask of anubis?
No, but just this tears of gold again.

Do you think the two are linked?
Before we begin biology, I have an important announcement.

We have been asked to present an official bid.

To host a prestigious exhibition.

Yes, the touring treasures of Egypt.

It is absolutely imperative that we win.

So I need volunteers to help us prepare the bid.

Mara, Fabian, excellent.

Ideally, I'd like three from each class, So oneJoy, perfect.

And there's my three.

We make a good team, don't we, fabes.

Must be all that stuff we have in common.

First meeting: Frobisher library.

Thank you.

There's definitely something Victor wants at that exhibition.

I need to get on that team.

And I know you already have all your volunteers, But egyptian history is a real passion of mine, And I'll put all the hours in, And our egyptian play last term was sold out, And I was thinking of writing a sequel I accept.

Or should that be, I surrender?
I'll see you in the meeting later.

Thank you.

Yay, that's all my pics sent out.

Now I just need to sit back and wait.

For the glossy offers to roll in.

Robert pattinson must be quaking in his boots.

Enough already.

No, no, no, no.

No, no.


What did they say?
Mom wants to take me out for the day tomorrow, You know, say good
-bye before they fly off, But I've got to clear it with Trudy.

Enough, already.

The bed.

We must be the first people to set foot.

In frobisher library for decades.

Joy, do you think I'm a pushover?
Nina's gran think I need to step up my game, And I didn't realize I had a game to step up.

Well, if you ever need to, well, you know, Practice your chat
-up skills, You can always practice them on me.

Oh Oh, thank you, everybody.

Well, this is where we proposed to host the exhibition.

Needs a little bit of work, of course.

Now, I was thinking along the lines of photographs.

And a speech about the history of the library.

And the estate, Hmm?
Shouldn't it be something more dynamic, Mr.

Sweet, Like a film?
Oh, no; we haven't got the money for that kind of thing.

I'm sure we can reallocate some money from somewhere.


Is suppose a movie is quite a good idea.


Sorry we're late, Mr.


If you cannot turn up on time, you may as well go now.

We must win this bid.

I demand total commitment.

Wasn't it three volunteers per class?
I don't remember you volunteering, Nina.

No, neither do I.

You may go, miss Martin.

Nina She should stay, Victor.

She really knows her stuff on egyptian history.

It's all right, Nina.

You can stay.

Hey, look what I managed to persuade sweetie to lend us.

It contains every item in the expo, So maybe we can find what Victor's interested in.


Are you still carrying the cup around?
No, I managed to put it back in the attic.

Safer there.

Fabian, look at this.

"the mask of anubis was a mythical mask "worn by the high priest of nubis, "god of death.

"legend has it that when worn at the funeral pharaohs, The mask used to weep tears of gold.

" Now do you believe me?
How could I have known any of this?
If Victor's after tears of gold, That means he needs the mask too.

Chosen one.

Chosen one.

Find it.

What is it?
What's wrong?
It's me against Victor, Fabian.

My life really is in danger.

Eggs coming up, gran, over easy Over easy, plea Hey, morning.

I was looking through this exhibition catalog last night.

, And you will not believe what I found.

The mask of anubis.

It's a replica, but you'll never guess who made it.

"bronze replica of the golden mask of anubis.

Artist: Louisa Frobisher

" Sarah's mother.

What is that?
Oh, it's an exhibition catalog.


Sweet gave it to us as research for the bid.

- Give it to me.

- Oh, um UhOh, I'll need it back.

That was the only copy.

Why did I let him take it?
Your gran is right.

I'm just a total pushover.


Written your poem yet, Fabian?
Yeah, yeah, of course.

After school: Assertiveness 101.

Bring the poem.

Sounds great.

Oh, I'm off to see my folks now, So I'll see you later.

Good luck.

Why is Mick going to see his family.

So soon after the holidays?
Got his blankie?
His family is relocating to Australia.

And Mick's not going with them?
No way.

He wants to stay here.

He's telling them today.

Jocks and crocs.

I'll be over there like a shot.

Then again Hey, Jerome.

I got some responses to the pics I sent out yesterday.


Oh, it's a no No Another no.

Oh, yes.

"we got your email, and" No.

Alfie, maybe you need to go a little bit niche.

Amber never said what type of magazine.

Set the bar nice and low.

Get your sticky mitts off my stuff now.

And no, you can't have your phone back.

How long have you had this?
It's from dad, isn't it?
It's okay for you.

You can remember him.

I can't.

All my memories are bad.

Oh, change the record, gerbil.

Nobody's all bad.

- Eee
-ahh, wrong.

I haven't read it yet.

Trust me.

You are not going to feel any better once you have.

Fine, take your phone and quit.

Whilst you are ahead, okay?

Ahh, so, Nina, you're down to write the film script.

That's kind of your thing, right?
Fabes and I are director and camera operator, And the camera should be arriving this evening.

Sound like you two will be spending a lot of time together.

While the writer is stuck alone in her room.

Yeah, well, think again, sister.

Go, Nina.

It's so obvious she likes him.

You don't say.

Question is, do you?
What's that supposed to mean?
Okay, last time, you and Fabian were, like, best friends, And this time, you're, like Best friends.

Thought so.

You two need some serious davina time.

Leave it with me.

Had it the whole time and didn't think to tell me?
Just a catalog that Gustav gave me, And the Fabian needed it to research the bid.

What about my research?
Every single exhibit is listed in this catalog, Eric.

And the book of !sis?
The book of !sis.

Is not mentioned.


Do we continue with the bid?
Of course.

Of course we continue with the bid.

It will be simply cataloged under a code name.

I can't believe you deleted all my photos.

I had to take action.

You're evil.

Those photos are mine.

Why do you want photos of me on your phone anyway, poppy?
ILike them.

They remind me of when they were taken, Like, my recital.

Mum dodged it, but you came.

The photos are stored on my laptop.

You can have them back well, most of them.

And what about that letter?
Don't pushy it, poopie.

Has he just upset you?
He's such a mean brother.

Want to tell me what he's done now?
How much rejection can one guy take?
Even the niche geeks are saying no.

You are nothing but a big bully, Jerome Clarke.

Mara, I do love it when you talk me up.

Poppy just wants to read the letter.

She is your sister.

She's a robot sent from the future to ruin my life.


For me.

Afraid I can deny you nothing.

Okay, she can see it, but do not be taken in by her.

I trained this girl myself.

Imagine I'm Nina.

Oh, do I have to?
Okay, imagine this crocodile is Nina.

That's better.

Thank you.

Now, take a deep breath, and begin the poem.

"the quest was was long and difficult.

" Speak out.

Assert yourself.

"the question was long and difficult.

I sought treasure.

" Look her in the eyes.

"the treasure was you.

" Good, good.

Keep going.

That's it.

Well, it it's a haiku.

Once moreWith feeling.


Yes, finally, someone wants me.

No way.

- They've sent me a mock
-up of my cover shot.

Ten minutes, no more, Or you lose your deposit.

You got it, then?
He says he's sorry for being a hopeless dad.

There's no address on here.

It's been torn off.

Jerome, probably.

But look at this.

"fiat justitia ruat caelum.

" It's latin.

"let justice be done though the heavens fall.

" Okay, now I'm seriously impressed.

So maybe this means your dad's in law.

We can go look him up online if you like.

I like.

Cover boy coming through.


Get ready for another tick, Amber, Because Alfie got himself a glossy.


Worst case of athletes foot they've ever seen, apparently.

You never specified face.

I got on the cover of a magazine, And that's the name of the game, right?
Okay, on a technicality, A filthy, crusty, fungal technicality.

Yeah, I won.

Cross if off, and let's go on.

Don't get cocky.

It's not like you're actually going to get wheels.

Oh, they're already in motion, baby.

It's a toy car, isn't it?

And gather yourself.

You are the River.

Your words are the salmon.

Fabian, I need to talk to you.

And I need to talk to you, Nina.


Do as the boy says, Nina.

Okay, I overheard Victor and Mr.

Sweet talking No, tell me later.

What did you say?
Um, I want to read you something first.

Tell you later?
Fabian, this is life
-death stuff.

Nina, I am going to read you this, And you are going to listen.

Now, sit.

I'm not a dog, Fabian.

Uh, no, no, no.



- Uh
-oh, sounds a bit final.


Why are you hiding from me?
I'm not.

Listen, Victor's after something called the book of !sis, And we You can't ignore me forever, Nina.

Who's ignoring you.

I just have something important to tell you.

I said, you can't ignore me forever.

The mask is close I feel it.

Ask the one who knows.
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