01x44 & 01x45 - House of Yesterday/Victory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x44 & 01x45 - House of Yesterday/Victory

Post by bunniefuu »

- Okay.

- Now.

Is there anything written on the back?

"Look beyond the world through glass"?
"Beyond the world"?
What does that mean exactly?

- What are you two doing?

- I was just admiring this.

Is it Roman or Victorian?
I'm kind of an amateur antiques collector.

Always snooping.

Get off to school immediately.

Oh, and miss Martin, very public
-spirited of you, I'm sure, to visit the sick and elderly.

However, try and restrict your visits in future.

To weekends only.

WhatWhat visits?
I don't know what you're talking about.

Emily grant.

Oh, Emily, yeah, of course.


Weekends only.

Got it.


Mmm, these Mara muffins get my vote.

Mick, if you keep eating them, we n't have any left for the campaign.

Anyway, all that sugar isn't good for your training.

I don't have to be a food fascist.

Just because I'm in training, Mara.

Yeah, well, you haven't been doing much training.

Since you got back from the trials, have you?
Mick, I know about the scholarship.

- How?

- Jerome, he found your letter.

Stole it, more like.

I'd wondered where that had gone.

Mick, why didn't you tell me?
I didn't want you to be ashamed of me.

I mean, I'm no brainiac, and sports is the only thing I'm good at, and I'm not even sure if I'm good at that anymore.

You're awesome.

You don't think I'm a failure then?

It was the way he looked at me, as if he knew Emily was really Sarah.

How would he know that?
You're being paranoid, I'm sure.

Okay, just because I'm being paranoid.

Does not mean he's not out to get me.

Seriously, if he's tracked Sarah down, first she's in big trouble, and then we're in big trouble.

Nina, really?
Hello, hello.

Come in, please.

Ooh, there we go, Emily.

One, two, three, four, fi Six, seven, eight.

- Oh
- Tea?


Stay away from me.

Stay away from me.

It's all right, Emily.

This is a friend of yours.

He's a m*rder*r.

A m*rder*r! I work in a school.

It's not the worst thing anybody's ever called me.

I'm sorry, Mr.


I don't think this was such a good idea.

I shall have to take her back to the home.

No, no.

I mean, no, I'm sure this is quite normal.

She'll calm down.

I'm sorry.


Don't stand on ceremony, Victor.

There's plenty to go around.

Tuck in.

We were friends, weren't we?
Yes, Sarah.

Yes, yes, we were.

This is a massive track.

Could be a campaign anthem.

He made me a play list.

How sweet is that?
Ah, I'm getting a cavity, it's so sweet.

Did you confront him about that letter?
I wouldn't say "confront," Jerome.

We talked about it.

And nothing.

The guy was keeping secrets from you.

He had his reasons.

Thanks for all your help with this campaign, guys.

I've only had to struggle all the way from the art room.

With this stuff.

I thought Alfie was going to be your campaign manager.

Not anymore.

Jerome, are you free to talk about our campaign?
You know what, Mara?
No need.

You and Mick carry on with your smooch
-y yuck
-fest, and I'll do everything, okay?
That's very kind of you, Jerome.

Yeah, see, thing is, I am not kind, and I'm not a sucker either, so you do it yourself.

Come on, Amber.

Let's celebrate.

You've won.

I'm your new campaign manager.

Commiserations, loser.

Do you remember living here, Sarah?
Why am I here?

mulligan brought you.

And I've asked our housekeeper to give her the tour.

So that you and I can spend some time together catching up.

Daddy thinks the house has a mind of its own.

Can you hear it?
It's crying.


Yes, that's right.

It is crying, Sarah, because it's lost something.

There's something hidden here, isn't there?
And you know where.

That's right, Sarah.

Show me where to look.

Oh, did your father hurt you, Victor?
But she's my friend.

She is not your friend.

Your job is to discover.

Where they have hidden the cup of ankh.

I've tried, daddy.

You are to address me as sir, you useless piece of nothing.

Find out where they have hidden the cup, or I will send you to the orphanage! What did he do to you, Victor?
You useless piece of nothing.

Tell me where your parents hid it, or I'll send you to the orphanage.

I don't know where they put it.

I don't believe you.

I remember now, Victor.

And I understand.

After my parents died, I lost you, Victor.

I had no one else to talk to except my diary.

I counted every day I suffered without them here, like a prison sentence with only you and your father for company.







No one can protect you now.

Where is it?
I will never tell.

I will never tell, because the truth is, Victor, I don't know, as I've told you many, many times.

I don't believe you.

You have to know! Everything all right?
I'm ready to go now.

You're right, Emily.

I think we should be getting back.

I forgive you.

Get your feet off the furniture, boy! What are you two starring at?
I want you all in bed by 9:00, or else there will be consequences.

What's bugging him?
It's Sarah's.

She's been here.


- Good
-bye, my darling.

It's your quest now.

Don't let anyone stop you, my love.

There are others also searching, others less pure of heart than you.

It's up to you now.

Now it's time for me to go.



It's showtime.


It's w*r.

- So election day.

The big vote

Now, Alfie, of course, is a definite for Amber, so is Nina, and so am I, and that just leaves Mick and Patricia for you then, Mara.

Are you getting nervous?
Oh, back off, Clarke.

Nina, sweetie, could you come with me, please?
What's all that about?
There's some bad news, I'm afraid.

The old people's home just called.

Sarah's dead.

It's Emily.

So sad.


Now, Mrs.

mulligan wants to see you.

There's something that Emily wanted you to have.

Oh, sweetheart.

Amber hasn't even got a table.

This is gonna be, like, the easiest victory in history.

Is that all you've got, Clarke?
Nice muffins.

I refuse to let her beat me.

I refuse to let her beat me.

The funeral is tomorrow.

It's all been taken care of by her nephew.

You're welcome to attend.

I didn't know she had any relatives.

Oh, just the one.

Don't see much of him.

Now, Emily asked me to give you this.

It was when we got back from anubis house.

She was so much calmer after the visit.

Contented almost.

She told me you'd know what to do with it.

And that it was your turn now, whatever that means.


She said something similar to me.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, Amelia.

Very thorough.

Our next candidate is Mara Jaffray.


As you know, my name is Mara Jaffray.

Speak up, mumbles! Better?
I want to talk to you about what we can achieve together.

They say your school days are the best days of your life, but they're also the springboard to your future.

So let's make this school not only a place of brilliant fun, but also a top
-notch center of learning.

Well done, champ.

Lights! Music! Amber! Five, six, seven, eight! Come in.


Just checking you're okay.

Sarah died last night.

These are her things.

She wanted me to have them.

Nina, I'm so sorry.

She came to me last night.

She spoke to me.

She sat on my bed.

Like, a ghost, or an alien?

- Alfie.

- Seriously, it freaks me out.

Okay, well, Alfie, if you want to be freaked out about something, be freaked out about the fact that the only person.

Who had any answers or who could help us in any way is now gone.


Um "Gustav and Isabella Zeno.

" Rufus' parents.

What is it?
This says that Rufus' parents became the legal guardians.

Of Sarah two years after her parents died.

And there's a copy of Rufus' birth certificate right here.

He's definitely the same age as Sarah.

Those of you who haven't yet cast your vote, you need to do it now, please.

So did you vote for me?
Yeah, of course I voted for you.

Bet you're the only one.

Hey, don't be so negative.

You ran a really strong campaign.

Boring, but strong.

So how's it looking?
I'm not allowed to say.

Oh, come on, dude.

Do an old buddy a favor.

You're not my buddy.

I've spoken to you loads of times, but you just ignore me.

And one time, you put me in a locker.

Okay, listen, small fry, if you were to tell me.

Who's in the lead, then that would make us friends, wouldn't it?
And if we were friends, then we could hang out more, yeah?
Okay, it's pretty close, but Amber's in the lead.

Ugh, no way.

Okay, I'll do you a deal.

Make sure Mara wins, and I'llI'll Fix me up with Patricia?

Yeah, sure.

You're on.

Not cheating, are you, Campbell?
We're not all like you, Clarke.

Yeah, we're not all like you, Clarke.


It's king Clarke to you, pond weed.

So who's in the lead?
I'm not allowed to say.


Yes, died in her sleep, poor dear.

Still, she'd lived a long life.

You never did say what her connection was with this place.

You can go now, Trudy.

Oh, right.

Very well.

Just thought I'd let you know.

That's all.

The key is dead, corvus.

So near, yet so far.

So the votes have been counted and verified, and now Mr.

sweet will announce the new school representative.

You're gonna win it, babes.

I know you are.

- It's a shoe

You're the new school rep.

- How do you know?

- A little bird told me.

Well, this this is amazing.

Only two votes in it, and the winner is Mara.

I can't believe you'd build up my hopes like that.

And now I have to k*ll Robbie.

Congratulations, Mara.

Come up on stage.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who supported me, to everyone who voted, and my amazing boyfriend Mick.

When I said school should be both educational and fun, I genuinely believe that you can have both, so Oh, !sis, goddess of magic and giver of life, tip these scales and give to me a sign.

As the hour of regeneration approaches.

Oh, !sis, goddess of magic and give Yes! Yes! That's a sign.

- Job well done, bro.

- Yeah, thanks.

So when do I get my date with Patricia?
Oh, Patricia.


I'll go talk you up right now, big man.
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