01x42 & 01x43 - House of Masks/Pursuit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x42 & 01x43 - House of Masks/Pursuit

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, you're back.

Did you find what you were looking for?
Not exactly, but I did find this in the attic.


This photo was actually taken in 1960?

Rufus and Victor have hardly changed.

Yeah, and Sarah's aged normally, I know.

- So does this mnn the elixir
- Really does exist after all?
Well, yeah, it looks like it does.

And Victor isn't the only one taking it.

You know when Rufus helped me in that warehouse?
He said him, Victor, and Sarah went back a long way.

Well, looking at this, it seems they were once friends, even.

Or business partners at least.

Sarah said something today about being betrayed.

Guys, supper's ready.

What's this, a little secret meeting?

Alfie, will you tell Trudy we'll be down in a minute?
We just need to finish some homework.


Yeah right then, um But keep me in the loop, yeah?
And hm Well, I'm family now.


Did I miss something?
Ok guys.

I'm running for election for school rep.

Alfie, you're going to be my campaign manager.

Cool! Do you have a bikini?
Amber, the other thing you said you couldn't think of anything worse
- than being school rep.

- Yeah well I realize I'm the perfect choice.

I hope I can depend on you, You will never win against Mara and me.

Watch me.

Ugh, we should have had a meeting to discuss this, guys.

Alfie could jeopardize the whole thing.

We just told him a few things.

That's all.

Enough to keep him at bay.

Still, this is exciting.

It proves we were right all along.

About Victor, the Alexa.

We still haven't got any proof, though.

That stuff we've got is just water and herbs according to the toxicology report.

We picked up the wrong stuff.

That's all.

There were loads of bottles in the cellar.

Well, in that case, don't we need to Go back down there?
I just got this from the DVD club.

It is comedy about a school election.

Do you fancy watching it, pick up a few tips?
UmYeah, maybe.

What is Amber doing?
I do not know.

Just ignore her.

She makes it basically impossible.

Hey, Mara, fancy going for a walk?
Isn't supper almost ready?
Trudy's gonna save some for us.

Come on.

And I've got a surprise for you later.

I thought we were gonna watch this later.

Um, maybe.

So how do you know about the treasure?
Patricia and Fabian told me.

I'm part of the club now.

- The sibuna club?

- Sibuna?
Yeah, sibuna.

They didn't mention that bit.

Is it alien

- No.

Amber, could we have a word, please?
UhJust Amber.

Sorry, Alfie.

Thanks a bunch.

- Sorry, Alfie, it's just
- Ah, have you been dumped?
You and me both, pal.

So we need to decide who's going to go down to the cellar and get the real elixir.

Why aren't we including Alfie?
He said he was one of us now.

I knew this would happen.

Okay, you definitely get boyfriend points for the stroll, but you still haven't said anything about the tryouts.

There's not much to say.

Do you think you did well?
Who knows?
Those judges are hard to read And bribe.

So I'm gonna go and get that surprise ready.

Can't you tell me what it is?
Surprises make me nervous.

Just meet me in my room in one hour, okay?
Okay, but just don't jump out of anything.

Alfie, I'm sorry.

It's just, this is a big deal, okay?
Like, life, death, the whole shebang.

People have been hurt.

Yeah, and Alfie was one of them.

Remember, we hospitalized him.

- Amber, shut up.

- What?

- Well, that stuff you drank
- We found it in the cellar.

You could have k*lled me.

Yeah, I guess so.


But, hey, good news is we didn't, right?
So what was it?
It wasn't the stuff we were looking for, unfortunately, so we need to get some more.

I'll do it.

I'm sick of being left out.

This way I get to prove myself.


- Alfie, do you
- You have to let me.

I deserve to do this mission after what you almost did to me.

He's right.

I vote Alfie goes.

Okay, fine, but somebody has to go with him.

I thought we were gonna watch this movie together.

Oh, Jerome, I'm sorry.

I didn't realize you meant tonight.

You never specified.

I did.

It's just, with it being Mick's first night back and everything, he's planning something romantic.

- So you and him are definitely, like
- back on, yeah, so maybe we could watch the DVD another night, yeah?
Tomorrow maybe?

No problemo.


This had better be important.

You could say that.

I just wanted to have a word about fire hazards.

It's gonna be great.

Us lot all together, intrepid explorers, mystery detectives, adrenaline
-seeking adventurers.

Alfie, you have to take this seriously.

So have we got torches and stuff?
No, and you'll be blindfolded.

- Blindfolded?

- Patricia.

No, Alfie, of course you won't be blindfolded.

Don't panic.

I'm not panicking.

Ah, Alfie, it's okay.

I'm scared too, and I'm not even going.

I'm not scared.

I mean, who's scared?
All clear?

Okay, so we'll keep watch, and if it's unsafe to come out, I'll knock three times.

Are you ready?
Course I'm ready.




Alfie, calm down.

It's just rats.

It's just rats.


Alfie! There's so many.

Which one is it?
This house gives me the creeps.

Dinner smells great.

So do I.


I'll deal with it.

Here, have a towel.

Oh, thanks.

What was that?
I think it was the plumbing.

Crisis averted, for now.

A candlelit dinner?
You're so much more sweet and romantic than you seem.

So what was the competition like at tryouts?
Um, pretty stiff.

- But you were up there, right?

- I don't know, okay?

No, I'm sorry.

I'm just tired, that's all.

I knew it.

Extinguish those candles immediately.

You know very well the lighting of candles is against anubis house rules.

But, Victor, it's just I have far more important things to do than to wait for you to obey this one, simple instruction.

Blow them out.

Wow, he really hates candles.

"Wow, he really hates candles.

" This surely must be it.

Okay, Alfie, we can go now.


- I knew this was a bad idea.

- Alfie, speak to me.

Are you okay?
What happened?
Did you get the elixir.

And it's too risky now.


What have you done with my boyfriend?
You have to find a healthy balan balance.

What is that?
Same Millington.

You have to be willington.

Amber what are your hobbies.

Haircuts, and short skirts, and mandatory chill out period.

I quote who needs classes anyway.

I see that my message is getting through to you.

This is a time for us to make a difference.

Having textbooks that date back from 1987.


They're making you look like a hoary show.

You actually have nothing to say.

R show.

You actually have nothing to sar show.

You actually have nothing to Sao show.

You actually have nothing to sar show.

You actually have nothing to say.

You're jealous.

Mick likes me far more than he ever likes you.

I'm not sure I ever said that.

There are you I beg your pardon.

There are seven ank pieces.



Have you seen the local paper's writer.

Jason, how many times must I tell you to knock before you come into my office.


Winkler did you ever discover where Williamson did their research for that that play of yours?

I think they said that they got the idea from a lady at the museum, sand Sara.


Are you okay?
I remembered everything.

What did you see?



an droos.



And some other people, and they were chanting.

And they mentioned the chosen one.

They drank from a skull, and it was horrible.

And one of them was in a mask.

A dog mask.

That's what I dream about.

A face, staring at me, coming for me.

It's okay.

He was drinking out of the skull.

It's a potion they make.

It keeps you young.


That's the cup you gives you immortality.

Very important stuff to discuss here.

So I believe you've got 24 hours before I win the election factor.

Hands up.

Running around the cuff.

It could be my one moment to shine.

Elsie, you're fired.

You're absolutely certain that no one of that name works at the museum?
Because I want to know.

I see.

Well, thank you very much for your help.

A dead

I think they're looking for the cup of ahnk too.

No more clues to go on from listen to the voice.


I think that's why I was drawn to the attic.

One of your feelings?

Every time I pass it I feel it.

Where is is everybody?
Let's open our books to page 62.

Sorry I'm late.

Victor, who is this Emily grant that Nina keeps visiting.

She's a lovely lady from the home.

What was your policy on always looking good, huh?
All is fair in love and politic.

You're really a piece of work sometimes.

I would be careful if I were you.

What's that supposed to mean?
Well in my book it's pretty nasty to keep secrets from your girlfriend.

I don't understand what we're doing.

We've gone through this already.

This is the song that was playing.

What was it blank.

Because it was damaged?
Or because it's fake.


This doesn't look right to me.

It's different from the others.

I think it might.

Come on.

You're a genius.

What does it say to find the secret of the past look beyond this world through glass.

[Kno [Knocking [.

Are you going to tell me what a mean horrid person I am.

I appreciate all your help and everything but I'm not the smear campaign type.

I know.

I wish I could be normal like you.

Do the right thing.

Do you remember how you felt when your parents dropped you off here for the very first thing.

Yeah, nervous.

Nauseous, but I knew they weren't abandoning me.

They just wanted me to have a good future.

My parents wanted to get rid of me.

They left me here to wrougrot.

And I guess that's what I did.

You're not.

Can I ask you something?
What you said to Mick about peeping glass houses, and keeping secrets is he was he seeing someone while he was away?
I so badly want to say yes.

But hey, I can't.

I guess you bring out the best out in me.

He didn't get the scholarship.


Why wouldn't he tell me?
Maybe people like keeping secrets.

So you're an old friend.

Of the family, yes.

Yes my father knew her.

Emily, Emily, there's a visitor here to see you.

Actually I wanted to propose a visit for Emily.

I work at the house she grew up in.

I thought perhaps she might like to visit the old place.

I'm sure she'd love to.


She's sound asleep.

Let her sleep on.

I'll wait.

Perhaps a cup of tea.

Of course.

I'll get you one.

Sara, is that you?
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