01x22 & 01x23 - House of Cameras/Numbers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x22 & 01x23 - House of Cameras/Numbers

Post by bunniefuu »

Trudy, we're really sorry.

We didn't mean to get you into trouble.

Honestly we didn't.

I know.

It's my own fault for believing your silly stories.

We're going to miss you.

I'm going to miss you too.

All of you.

Your taxi's here.

How can you do this?
Trudy hasn't done anything wrong.

Goodbye, Trudy.

I'm not eating this.

Trudy always give us toast.

We've got treats with jam.

Forget Trudy.

And if you don't like my cooking, you can always do it yourself.

How about we going get our breakfast in the vending machines in the school, guys.


No way.

They are installing security cameras.

They can't do that.

It's a total invasion on our privacy.

And the camera adds 20 pounds.

The school is always striving to improve your personal security.

This is our latest measure to help you feel safe and secure.

This is a joke.

Safe and secure?
I didn't realize there are so many options for a career in sports.

It really can take you anywhere.

Uh, here's a scholarship coming up for four
-week summer placement at UCLA in California In California?
As in warmer tang and beaches and surfing California?
The very same.

You need to prepare for the exam, as well as the tryout.

So if you wanna swap one of your science subjects for sport science, I will need to know soon or relatively later.

I'm planning for a sport summer school in California.

It's all thanks to you.


Just need to pass the exam, you know.

Come on.

You don't miss the sports.

You breathe that.

Hey, I can help you.

You don't know the first thing about sports.

I bet I'll know more than you, Mr.

Mighty Mickham.


What's this about a bet?
Mara reckons she know more about sports than me.

Yeah, right.

She's a girl.


And no offence, a geek.

None taken.

So if you don't believe me, why don't you give me a quiz?
Or better yet, quiz us both at the same time.

I love competition.

You know I like that actually.

A sports quiz against Mara?
Send me on! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to Sporting Challenge.

Sporting Challenge.

I would like to introduce my beautiful assistant Fifi.

And our two lovely contestants, Mick and Mara.

The first questions please, Fifi.


Over which three distances is the sprint run?

- Mara.

- 100, 200 and 400 metres.

- Correct.

- I knew that one.

Lucky guess.

That's all.

Oh I don't know about that.

-speed flop.

Andre Agassi.







Very well done.


A pooch punt.


Where did you get these questions, man?
And now the final category is football.

English football, Mara.

The questions please, Fifi.

Alfie, if you stretch my shoes! Who beat England in the semi
-finals of the 1990 World Cup.

Oh, Portugal on penalties.


No, no, no.

I know the answer.

I just got the wrong year.

That so.

- Mara.

- Germany.


She's cheating.

She must be cheating.

Did you give her the answers?

Yes, you did.

To make me look stupid.

Well ha ha, everyone.

Very funny.

Pretty childish behaviours there, Mick.

Well obviously she was fed with the answers.

Not likely.

Some sweaty dude in lycra.

- Read the title.

- Francis Edward Jaffray Wins Gold.

Frankie Jaffray is Mara's dad, yeah.

And her mommy is a professional hockey player.

Mara might hate sports, But she's been living, eating, breathing it all her life.

She won fair and square, Mick.

Listen, I am really sorry about earlier.

- It's OK.

- No.

It's not OK.

I shouldn't have said you cheated.

Please let me make up to you.

Help you with your homework?
How about you let me organize your training schedule?
OK I was thinking more like chocolate bar, if that seems fun to you.


You got it.

How are we supposed to keep searching the house with cameras everywhere?
It's like we are on a really dull reality show.

And why am I still trying?
Rufus is never gonna pick up.

This is like Joy all over again.

Except we know who took Rufus.

We don't know who took Joy.

Are you kidding?
Of course Victor took her.

But where does he take them to?
And why?

We need to stick together more than ever now.



Welcome to the club.

Together, we are invincible.


I have had an idea about these cameras.

But it means enlisting the whole of our favourite comedy double actors.

SpongeBob and Patrick?
I think she means Jerome and Alfie.

Get away from those cameras immediately.

Get down from there at once.

Lewis, Clarke.

What's wrong, Victor?
We are only doing the same as you, Well, watching you watching us.

It's a peaceful protesting.

Fine, fine.

You stand up there on your little chairs until light's out.

You'll soon become bored of this nonsense.

Clarke, Lewis.

I know it's you.

You're both grounded.

And the next person to step out of line will get worse than that.

I can and I will bring your time at this school to an end.

Go to your rooms immediately.


I probably should've knocked.

But you have to see this.

I was doing some research for the ancient history project, and I found something amazing.

Well, this is about Howard Carter and when his team re
-discover Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922.

There were 22 people in this expedition party and two of them used to live right here.


But that's not even the most amazing part.

Look at this.

They were later involved in a high
-profile court case.

They were accused of stealing items from Tutankhamun's tomb and smuggling them back to Britain.

They were both found not guilty, but only by majority verdict.

After the trial, some of the juries were reported saying that they believed that the couple had hidden the items.

And I checked.

And to this day, the items have never been recovered.

So you're saying the treasure we are looking for could've come from Tutankhamun's tomb?
That's exactly what I'm saying.

Who has eaten all the Brand paste?
Bread, I need the spoon.

What's burning?
I think you have your bacon well done.


We can't go on like this.

We are gonna starve.

We need Trudy back.

And those cameras taken down.

We need to show them we mean business and know how exactly to do it.

What is going on here?
Get to your lessons immediately.

Not until you taking down the security cameras.

And brought Trudy back.

And got us some toilet paper.

It's almost making demands.

You dare deliver ultimatums to me.

I'll soon bring you all to your senses when I speak to Mr.

Sweet about having you all thrown out of school.

You don't have the power.

Do you?
Oh, Miss.


I have more power than you could ever imagine.

Now get to school, all of you, unless you are prepared to suffer the consequences.

The thing is It's this sport scholarship.

I need a good reference from the school.

There's a class of sea cows I really want to hear.

Sorry, Patricia.

My parental units will k*ll me if I get expelled from yet another school.


Bad idea, anyway.

I'm out.

Well, so much for solidarity.


I'm sorry.

I'm really really sorry.

I'm just scared of the consequences.

Very wise, Miss.


Very wise indeed.

And so we have the ring leaders.

I'm giving you one last chance to obey my orders.

Go to school.


What did you say?
I think I said no.


She said no.



Mick, Mick.

Someone to see you in my office.

Hey, careful, Mick.

Last time it happened with Joy.

She never came out again.

Most of music.

It's your father.

Come on.

Dad, this is a surprise.

You are looking good.

So, what's this I hear about your changing study choices.

I know you had your heart set on me for being a doctor.

No, you set your heart on that.

We've talked about this since you were small.


Andrews wanted to Oh, sorry.

I was looking for Mr.


I don't know where he's going.


Dad, this is Mara.

She's helping me putting together my submission for UCLA summer school.

Mara, that's very good of you.

I'm very sure.

But Mick won't be needing your help any more.

- Dad.

- What?
Look, with all due respect, Mr.

Campbell, I don't want Mick to have to go through what I've been through.

My parents were pushy as well.

I beg your pardon?
They're athletes, see?
I tried to live up to their expectations.

But basically I struggled with sports.

And Mick struggled with science.

And that's a problem if you're going to be a doctor.

You seem to be taking a great interest in my son's career, Mara.

That's because I care about him.

Please, and so do I.

Then why can't you let him do what he wants, what he's good at?
Quite a girlie, Mick.

I suppose you better let me have a look at that brochure.

The year Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered?
That is what the numbers meant.

Check you out.

Can you imagine if there really are relics from Tutankhamun's tomb hidden in Anubis House?
This could be huge.

And our next clue must be linked to this date somehow.


Campbell, what are you doing here?
Hello, Amber, just been visiting Mick.

How are you?
Well, I haven't been better.

Come and have a cup of my latteccino with me in the common room and I will tell you all about it.

It's totally unfair.

Oh some silly little protest over nothing, Mrs.

Andrews, It'll all be over by lunch time, you mark I have to go, sorry.

It's 1922.


When I said "Go", you'll go around about 30 seconds max to give the closet a look, OK?
You do have a plan, right?

What is going on?

Now I'm not that technical ?
but one of your cameras is gone down.

I know, out of my way.

But um Shouldn't we call the security company and give the site a look.

You could get your money back.

I said out of my way.

I said out of my way.

Oh yes, yes, how very amusing.

That's it, I've heard enough.

I'm going to inform Mr.

Sweet that I'll be removing Mick from school.

Let's see what he had to say about that.


Ah, Mr.

Campbell, still here.

Um is there a problem?
Yes, I'd rather think there is, Mr.


Oh, dear.

I don't know what she said to him, but he definitely said he was going to remove you from the school.

Oh k*ller, he was about to cave.

Dad, what's going on?
I don't think you will get more problems with the security cameras.

Thanks to that, the young lady over there.

Nice work, Mr.


What about Trudy?
To be reinstated.

Yes, thank you.

My pleasure.

So you're not going to remove me from school then?
Shh, they still think I might be.

He's going out.

Quick, let's check out our new clue.

Beleathered and clasped here is the only place where yesterday always follow tomorrow.

"Beleathered and clasped".

An old briefcase?
What about an old diary or a book?
Like it.

Remember we got the chandelier out under the stairs?
There's a big box of leather brown books in there.


OK, let's take a look while he's out.

I'm not sure security cameras are the best idea, Victor.

It is absolutely vital that we keep a close eye on this particular group of students.

But it has brought unwanted attention to the school.

You know we can't afford such complaints.

Warrick Campbell has threatened to remove Mick from the school unless they're taken down immediately.

So what?
Their fees do fund your "research", Victore, after all.

Eric You know, actually I do concur with Mrs.

Andrews on this one, Victor.

I'm sorry.

The cameras must go.

We can't find the one with a clasp.

We need something that has something to do with the clue.

"The only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow".


Look, it's from 1925.


Well he looks exactly the same as he does now.

Hurry up.

He could be back any minute.

What's wrong?
You look like you have seen a ghost.

I think we have.
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