01x20 & 01x21 - House of Kidnap/CatNap

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x20 & 01x21 - House of Kidnap/CatNap

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go.

What is it?
I don't know.

Guys! Can we please get out of here?
Don't! You don't know what's in it.

Does anyone else realize we are in danger?
Let's not get hysterical about it.

Please can we go! Let's not get hysteril about it?
Let's get out of here now.

Oh, now you listen.

Amber! What?
! You have to get up.

We'll be late.

I can't.

I didn't sleep a wink all night.

Except for right now?
Truth time.

Do you believe in werewolves Nina?

I think that's what was making the wailing noise last night.

Amber, I don't think that was a werewolf.

Well, what else could have made a noise like that?
A Cat?

A black Cat, of course.

Nothing could ever be not creepy in this place.

And we're hiding it in our room! Cat

Get it?
Ha ha ha.

And you think this is what was making the wailing noise last night?
Mwooow! Mwooow! Pssss.


Mwooow! Stop making that dreadful noise.

Why were you making that noise exactly?
Drama exercises.

Mr Winkler says I need to breathe from my diaphragm.

Have you lost anything Victor?
Maybe we can help you find whatever it is you lost.


Nina is super sleuthy.

Course I haven't lost anything! Did you see his reaction?
It's obviously Victor's Cat.

Victor doesn't have a Cat.

Tell that to his Cat.

He must have been hiding it in the cellar.

That's why the wailing sounded so loud.

And now it's escaped and he's looking for it.

Well I'm going to take Kitty some milk.

I bet it's hungry.

Do you think it was meant to be tied to that ring thing we saw in the cellar?
That's so cruel.

I'm really starting to think Victor is up to no good.

Thought any more about what I said last night?

And I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.

If you keep your hands where I can see them at all times.

In private.

Oh, err, I'll can't wait to hear this.

Why do you want my locket?
Where are you going with that?
My room.

And what do you intend to do with it?
Drink it.


From a bowl?
It's tres french.

Give it to me.

Oooh that looks sore! Beat it! Everyone is so rude today.

And this friend of mine reckons it could be worth thousands of pounds.

Maybe even millions.


He's an expert on Egypt and he knows about these things.

And as soon as I mentioned your locket.

Why would you mention my locket?
It just came up in conversation?

Anyway, he thinks it could be worth a lot of money.

That's why I was trying to 'borrow' it before.

So I could show it to him.

Get confirmation.

It's funny because I always thought that borrowing without permission is also known as stealing.

Yeah okay, I was wrong to do that.

But now I'm being straight with you.

So are you interested in meeting him or not?
The locket isn't for sale.

It's a friend's.

I'm keeping it for her.

So you're not going to meet him?
I'll have to think about it.

You'll never guess what Patricia's just told me.

What are you doing?

Pretty good, right?
I need to fake sick to watch the Cat.

Yeah I'm sure Trudy's never heard that one before.

Victor caught me coming upstairs with a bowl of milk.

I think he's suspicious.

And he's got a scratch on his arm.

It's definitely his Cat you know.

What do you think he was going to do with it?
I don't know.

Well one thing's for sure I am not leaving it on its own here all day.

So if spots won't do it, I'll need a fever instead.

You're not going to see this "friend" though, are you?
Is it a terrible idea?
I'm just so intrigued.

I don't know.

I mean, it could be dangerous.

It's someone Patricia knows.

I mean, she may be lots of things, but I don't think she wants me hurt.

Then again but it is someone who wants the locket.

Someone who's interested in the locket and may be able to give us some more information about its history, its power, its connection to the search.

I don't like it.

I won't even take it with me okay?
I'll leave it with you.

Are you sure?
Despite all the screaming.

I trust you.


I suppose.

I heard Amber's really, really ill.

What's wrong with her?
I'm sure she'll be fine by say, end of classes today.

Okay sweetie, let's take a look.

Oh my word! What is it?
I'll have to phone an ambulance.

Oh my goodness.

No, no.

I'ts okay.

Let's just give it a few hours shall we?
I'm sure it'll go down on its own.

Well you don't feel particularly hot.


Well we'll leave it for now.

Come on Kitty.

Come have a cuddle with Amber.


Mara, excellent as usual.

About fifty pages longer that it needs to be, but excellent all the same.

Patricia, not bad.

Not bad at all.

And Mick well, what can I say?
Right back to square one with a resounding thump.

D+ and I was being kind.

What happened?
All right everybody, put your books away quietly.

Quietly! Made your mind up yet?
I'll come with you.

Good move.

If you want me to start helping you again, you only have to ask.

Which means I'll say yes if I wasn't clear just then.

What's the point?
I'm hopeless at science.

Let's face it.

I'm hopeless at everything.

No you're not.

You're brilliant at sports.

Wow, big deal.

My dad wants me to be a doctor like him.

I don't think sport's going to be much help there do you?

Definitely not.

But that's your dad, what do you want to be?
What you doing?
I made Amber a get well soon card.

It's awesome.

Amber in a coffin?
Yeah I'm sure that's going to make her feel a whole lot better.

That's just the image, read the poem.

'I hope you didn't need an ambulance, cos I spent the whole day amber

Without you classes were no fun, so get up Amber you lazy bum' hey! What you doing?
The biggest favor anyone has ever done for you.

So, um, what's the name of your friend?



And, why do we have to meet him all the wayout here?
Because we do.

Now stop complaining and keep up.

Here Kitty.

Here puss, puss, puss.


black toes?
Amber, what are you doing out of bed?
Trudy, was that door open when you came in?
Yes, I think it was.

Oh no! Where's Victor?
Well he popped out about an hour ago.

Are you okay?
Did he have a Cat with him?
Uh oh, I think that's the fever talking.

Okay, lets just get back into bed.

Must be in the cellar.

We have to go and look.

Okay, well maybe later we'll go and find this Cat.

But for now let's get back into bed and I'll take your temperature again.

I don't even have a fever! Of course you don't.

We need to find the Cat.

Get back! It's Rufus.



But that's the man I saw visiting Sarah yesterday.


What's going on?
And what's Victor got to do with it?
He Rufus.

Now how I'm gonna find Joy?
So you saw Rufus visiting this old lady, Sarah?

She's the one who gave me the locket.

The locket that Rufus is so interested in.

Maybe Rufus was a jewellery trader.

And Victor also collects diamonds?
What if the second voice on those recordings is really Victor?
That would make Victor about 120.

Remember Sarah on the recordings she talked about experiments down in the cellar?
And what was Victor making a toast to when he drank that funny coloured stuff down there?


So you're saying that Victor has some kind of an elixir that keeps him from growing old?
Oh yeah, and a jewellery heist is such a crazy idea.

This is mad.

What has any of this got to do with Joy, or Rufus?
I don't know.

And the Cat?
I hate to break up this cosy little chat, but 10 o'clock is fast approaching.

I shall, of course, wish to hear a pin drop, so I suggest you start getting ready for bed immediately.

So, can anyone tell me, what is the relationship between electrical current and charge flow?
I thought we were going to be dissecting a rat this week mr sweet?
Urgh, gross! I think experimenting on animals is cruel and unnecessary.

I don't think anyone experiments on catsnting nowadays Amber.

How do you know?
I mean, what if someone was trying to make something, like, I don't know, just off the top of my head, an elixir of life or something?
Strange idea.

What a strange, ha ha ha, ridiculous idea.

It was just something I read in a book that's all.

Well, some alchemists in the middle ages did devote their life to searching for an elixir of life.

I'm sure they experimented on animals as part of their quest.

And now, (Clap clap clap) Can we please get back to electrical charge flow?
What were you doing in there?
It's called research.

Didn't you hear what he said about experiments?
That's why Victor had a Cat.

He was using it to experiment on.

I'm a genius.

She's got a point.

I mean about the Cat.

We need to tell someone.

We can't keep doing this by ourselves, I mean, who can we trust?
What about Jason?


What we really need is some proof.

What we really need is to go and rescue the Cat from the cellar before it becomes part of Victor's evil pointy
-faced scheme.

Nina, you have to let us in.

Ok, this is all seriously weird.

I know.

And I've seen a lot of really weird things the last few days.

There you are Kitty Spice.

Aaaaagh! Get out! Get out! Get out! What is it?
It's stuffed! How could he?
How could he?
Sssh! I thought I heard something.

What's going on?
Oh Trudy, there was a Cat in the cellar and then it escaped and I was looking after it but then Victor took it back, and he used it for his experiments and now it's dead and I'm really, really scared and please can you help.


Slow down.

It's all right.

Patricia, what's going on?
I think you need to ask Victor that.

What is all this about Victor?
And please don't start again with the Victor's a vampire thing.

You're either very good or they haven't got to you yet.

Who hasn't got to me yet?
Oh Patricia, what on earth are you talking about?
Trudy, will you help us?
Yeah, please Trudy.

Will you?
We need you.

You're the only one we can trust.

Oh darlings of course I will.

This is really frustrating.

It's nothing to do with prime numbers, square roots, sudoku.

Are you okay?
I'm just worried that Amber plus Patricia plus cellar equals trouble.

We should have all gone.

All four of us sneaking down there in the middle of the day?
It's far too risky.

What's too risky?
What is that?
It's just a just a math problem.

Nothing you would understand.

Can I have a try?


Um, we Ssshh.

One, two and nine.

What did you say?
I said one, two and nine.

I have no idea what the problem is, but they're the numbers that are featured most Five pounds, please.

Get lost.

Guess what guys.

Trudy going to help us.

Help you with what?
And the plot thickens as they say.

And you told Trudy everything?
Well not everything obviously.

But enough.

The cats, the experiment, Victor.

We're going to make him open up that cellar and show us exactly what's down there.

Afternoon everyone.


Time marches on and we need to decide on a subject matter for our school play.

I was thinking we should write our own.

Ideas anyone?

Erm, how about something on Egypt?
I know.

How about we do a story about a young girl who loses her parents in mysterious circumstances when they steal some treasure from an egyptian pyramid?

And then the girl is brought up by a weird guardian in a big, old house.

But the guardian tries to steal the treasure and the girl has to try and stop him but then she gets help from some friends from the future and they find the treasure and the girl's really happy and the friends are very rich and they all live happily ever after.

The end.


Well done Amber.

Yeah, that sounds promising.

Do you want to have a go at writing up an outline in time for the next session?
Um, I think I might need some help with that.

Okay, Victor's on his way.

I've been thinking about what you said.

It all sounds totally far
-fetched to me.

I know.

But as soon as you see all the weird stuff in that cellar and the dead Cat! You'll realize we're telling the truth.

You lot wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and hit you in the eye.

Now then Trudy, what's all this about?
What did you want to see me for?
It's not so much me, as the students.

They were worried about this Cat that Amber found.

A Cat?
Well, they all seem to think that you've k*lled it.

k*lled it?
You think I've k*lled a Cat Trudy?
No, no I don't.

It's just well, they all do.

Why on earth would I k*ll a Cat?
For your experiments in the cellar! Yeah, ask him about the scratches on his arm Trudy.

Clearly visible cat scratches.

Quiet! Well, how did you get those scratches Victor?
There was a Cat.

A stray, which I put it in the cellar for safe keeping.

As it was my intention to call the animal sanctuary, however, in the meantime it escaped.

And I have absolutely no idea where it is now.

Liar! He k*lled it.

Ha ha ha.

Children! They have such vivid imaginations.

Perhaps we could just put all this behind us by popping down to the cellar and taking a peek?
Are you questioning my version of events Trudy?
No, no.

It's just I am shocked Trudy.

I am shocked and hurt by your obvious lack trust.

Well, if it puts the students' minds at rest then?
You want to see down in the cellar?
Very well, fine.

I'll show you what's down in the cellar! Come with me.

Come all.

Oh! Aha, the Cat I presume.

Looks very much alive to me.

Victor I am so sorry.

How could you set me up like that?
We didn't set you up Trudy.


But, I saw it.

It was dead.

There were lots of things down here.

Really, really creepy things.

We couldn't make up things that creepy or stuffed.

Silence! Trudy, it has been very nice working with you over the years.

But after this fiasco, I'm afraid I can no longer continue to do so.

You're fired!
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