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04x06 - Even Odds

Posted: 01/14/24 19:31
by bunniefuu
A little too much excitement
for ya, huh, Quincy?

Oh my God...

the fragment may dislodge,
enter the heart, embolize the lungs

and then he dies.

I'd go in now.

What are his chances?

If Dr. Quincy has any next
of kin, I'd notify them now.

Quincy ain't doing too good.

How long you figure
he's been dead?

- No more than an hour.
- Anyone else
touched this body?

No. Monahan said this is
just where they found him.

Well, it looks as
if he died instantly

with one shot in the
center of the chest,

the other in the abdomen.
Pretty cold-blooded, huh?

Tell me when it isn't,
Sam. Tell me when it isn't.

- Are you done?
- Hmm?

Are you finished with
the stiff? I wanna take it

What'd you got a hot date or
something? I'll tell you when.

Ah, do you remember what
kind of car that guy was driving?

You bet I do. It's a dark
green, '65 sedan all banged up.

Oh, got the license number, too.

- I gave it to one
of the policemen.
- We've got an out for him.

- Where was he standing?
- Who?

- The gunman.
- Who's he?

- That's the coroner. Just answer him.
- Ah, he was over here.

- Show me, will ya.
- Yeah. Right there.

And where was Mr. Peters?

He was right here, in
front of the cash register.

Right about here?

- Yeah.
- And he shot him
twice from there?

Two... three... ah...

Where were you standing?

Before I hit the deck, I was
over there behind the counter,

Is that all?

- Yeah... for now... for now.
- What did the guy
do with the g*n?

Oh, he dropped it on
the floor right over there.

One of the
policemen picked it up.

So who's got the g*n?

I do, Lieutenant.

Well, bring it over here, will
ya, Brill. I wanna take a look at it.

You won't find any prints
on it. He was wearing gloves.

No prints. That figures,
huh. Why make things easy?

He was already dead when
the second shot had him...

- the Reynolds case... Sam?
- Yeah?

I want you to check this
area for g*nsh*t residue

and then make sure you cover
this entire area here, okay?

Okay. The test kits are in
the wagon. I'll go get them.

- Lieutenant?
- Yeah.

We picked this guy up
on the robbery-homicide.

He and his car matched the
description on the broadcast.

Oh, did he give you any trouble?

No... We flashed our lights,
and he pulled right over.

That's him, Lieutenant...
that's the guy.

What guy? What
are you talking about?

Why'd you k*ll him? He was
gonna give you the money.

k*ll who? What are
you talkin' about?

We're talkin' about
m*rder. Is this your g*n?

I can't find the test kits.
Where would they be?

Don't try it. Get back inside.

Now don't panic, son.
Just put the piece down.

You're only making it worse. With
my record it can't get any worse.

No, man, I'm getting outta
here. Once in the joint is enough.

- I'm warning you...
- Shut up, all right? Just shut up!


A little too much excitement
for ya, huh, Quincy.

Oh my God...

Hurry up... get him in there.

Somebody get a doctor. He's
been shot. He's bleeding to death.

Come on... get movin'. What's
the matter with everybody!

-I just spoke to the nurse.
Can you tell me what happened?

Quincy got shot.

I know Quincy was shot.
My men don't get shot.

Where were your men that
would let this thing happened?

It wasn't my men... It was
my fault... I wasn't thinking.

It was stupid. I
held the g*n out

like some fool rookie
right where he could grab it.

No, it wasn't your fault.

If I hadn't distracted you, he
couldn't have gotten the g*n.

It was my stupidity. If
I'd been more aware of

All right, all right.
Would you wait a minute.

I can see it was an accident.

It's a dangerous business.

Things happen.
It's nobody's fault.

It's over. It's done.

The important
thing now is Quincy.

- Is there
a Lieutenant Monahan here?
- Yup.

- Dr. Asten...
- Dr. Richards,
are you working on Quincy?

- Well, yes,
as a matter of fact I am.
- Well, I feel better already.

How is he?

He's not so good.
Come on, I'll show you.

Look, will you stay here,
Lieutenant. I'll be right back.

Our problems begin with the
fact that this b*llet fragmented

and as you see when
you get your x-ray up here,

the largest fragment
is lodged right there,

in the wall of the vena cava.

Dr. Quincy has lost a lot
of blood... he's very weak.

I feel if I go in for that
fragment right now,

he probably wouldn't
survive the surgery.
- Well, you can hold off

Yes, I can hold off. I can
keep giving him whole blood

in hopes that'll improve his
chances of surviving surgery.

What's the but?

But if we wait, the
fragment may dislodge,

enter the heart, embolize
the lungs and then he dies.

- Well,
how likely is that to happen?
- Oh, nobody knows that.

The one thing that is likely is
that if we don't make this decision,

there's a great risk.

Are you going to
make the decision?

Yes. One way or another, I
have to make the decision.

This is an emergency situation.

Here, let me put you on
the spot. Let's say you're

You're familiar
with cases like this

and you're familiar with
cases like this that have failed.

What's your decision, doctor?

My decision?

This means that it could
trigger caval thrombosis,

even re-perforate into the
chest cavity causing mass hem...

I'd go in now.

Good. That's what I
was hoping you'd say...

I'll go scrub.

- Oh, Doctor?
- Yes?

What are his chances?

If Doctor Quincy has any
next of kin, I'd notify them now.

I thought you were
gonna get some sleep?

I never went home.

I just kept seeing Quincy
lying on that operating

I figured if I did some work.

Yeah, right.

I was remembering too,
you know, for all the fights

that Quincy and I have
had over the years.

I love that stubborn mule.

- I really do.
- So do I.

- Come on, Sam. Let's autopsy Peters.
- What for?

We do autopsies
to help the living...

but who's this one gonna
help? Is it gonna help Peters?

No. Is it gonna help Quincy? No!

Monroe, Monroe is gonna
help Quincy. Now come on,

- But it's so futile.
- Well, what are you gonna do?

Sit on your butt and feel sorry for
yourself? I want to finish Quincy's case

and as meticulous as he would.
If this situation were any different,

can't you see Quincy
storming around here?

Do you think he would be
any the less professional?

Where you going?

To get into my greens.

How many is that?

He's had twelve units. I don't think
we can keep him open much longer.

We won't have to. I'll be
finished in a few minutes.

Nurse. Thanks. This is a mess.

You've done the best you
could. The best anyone could.

Let's hope it's good enough.
We've got another bleeder here.

Give me a sponge. Let's
give him another unit of blood...

With the chest wounds,

the b*llet penetrated the
left ventricle, rupturing it.

That accounts for the
massive hemorrhage.

Better get that
over to ballistics.

Now with the abdominal wound,

the b*llet ripped through
the small intestine, penetrated

There's no hemorrhaging
here. That would

indicate the heart wound
was the first wound.

You know, Doctor Asten, that
was bothering Quincy last night.

- He kept mumbling.
- It was bothering Quincy?

Why would that be? He knew
that Billings was shot twice.

But do we?

Wait a minute. Quincy
mentioned the Reynolds case.

The Reynolds case? You
mean the husband and wife.

Right. The Jordans. The way
Quincy cracked that case was that he.

A g*nsh*t wound to the
chest but who stabbed him?

- Mrs. Jordan.
- What with?

These scissors.

Can I have these? I wanna
make a comparison to the wound.

- Sure.
- You almost done, Ed?

- I need a couple more, Quince.
- Monahan?

- Yeah?
- Take some from
this angle will ya...

- the whole area.
- Okay.

You got the story on
what happened here?

Yeah. Mrs. Jordan said that she
was in bed when she heard a noise

from the living room and
she got up to see what it was

and saw the dead man
going through her desk.

She screamed, he punched
her, and then he tried to r*pe her.

Where was her
husband all this time?

Well, he works nights
as a guard and goes to

I tell ya, lucky for her, he got
sick tonight and came home early.

He saw the guy attacking
her and then he shot him.

Did he say anything
about the stabbing?

No, but Mrs. Jordan said that
she grabbed the pair of scissors

when he started attacking
her and she stabbed him.

But it didn't do any
good. He kept at her.

A s*ab wound that deep,
and it didn't stop him?

That's what she said anyway.

- I guess I've got my
work cut out for me.
- See you in the morning.

See you in the morning.

The s*ab wound is
approximately four inches deep.

Appears to have been
caused by a sharp instrument...

possibly a pair of scissors.

The large intestine
has been lacerated,

the mesenteric vessels torn...

There's almost no bleeding.
Now, if what she said

He should've been gushing blood.

Sam, you'd better call
Lieutenant Monahan.

Tell him to meet me at the
Jordan House in about three


Lieutenant, this is
ridiculous. We've been waiting

Now I've got to be getting
to work. What's this all about?

Look, Doctor Quincy'll be
here in a minute. Just relax.

That's what you said
twenty minutes ago.

- Quincy. Brill.
- What's this all about?

I'm sorry I'm late. I just
finished the autopsy on Reynolds

- The man you said
att*cked you last night.
- What do you mean 'said'?

Well, you did lie about
what happened, didn't ya?

You didn't s*ab him to protect
yourself. In fact, he never even

What are you saying?
Of course he att*cked me.

He did. Look, you can
see where he hit me.

-Hey, now wait a minute
-Just hold it, will ya.

These your wife's teeth marks?

Did you get them when you belted
her when you found them together?

She stabbed him to protect
you after you shot him.


See, I wondered why the s*ab
wound hadn't hemorrhaged.

I mean, he should've been
spouting blood all over the place...

then I examined the
b*llet wound very closely.

You shot him before your
wife stabbed him, not after.

- You can't prove that.
- Don't bet on it.

When you fired the shot
the b*llet hit his heart and it

The blood pressure
went down immediately.

That's why the s*ab would didn't
hemorrhage. You found them

You made up that story about him
breaking in and attacking your wife.

She stabbed him to make
the story more convincing.

- I wanna talk to my attorney.
- I think you'd better.

That's what Quincy was thinking
about. It was bothering him

Well, there must've been a
parallel between the cases.

Maybe something in the bar disturbed
Quincy regarding the relationship

If we could just discover what.

If there was something in
the bar last night, maybe

Look, I've got a guy
unloadin' out in the back.

I should help him, please.

Look, I went over all this
with the police last night.

Maybe you ought
to check with them.

Please... this won't take
long, and it's very important.

You see, we know
where the body fell

Mr. Peters, but it's very
important that we know

what the gunman did
and how he moved and...

Okay, okay, once more.

This guy comes
in, he pulls a piece,

he's standing over there

- About here?
- Yeah, there.

You're sure?

You want me to go through
this or not? I'm sure. I'm sure.

Oh, good grief. I've had it.

Look, Mr. Holmes, I am
the Chief Deputy Coroner for

and this is official business and I
tell ya, this has been one rotten day.

Now, would you tell us
what happened, please.

Well, I'm there at
the end of the bar...

and Don is at the cash register.

The gunman is about there.

Ah, I guess Don didn't move
fast enough or somethin',

because suddenly he just cuts
loose. That's when I hit the floor.

All right. Now, did Billings
move forward? Did he go to

Give me a break. I told
ya I was on the floor.

Uh huh.

Look I really am
busy. If you don't mind.

Well, sure. We've found
nothing here, Mr. Holmes.

Thank you very much.
You're a real gentleman.

What's the matter? Did
you think of something?

- Don't you see?
- What?

Move back to where he
says the gunman stood.

- Make a g*n.
- Make a what?

- Make a g*n. Like this.
- Like this?

- Now point at me.
- Point it at you?

- Now say bang.
- Bang?

- Now, say it again, Sam.
- Bang.

It wouldn't have hit
you. It couldn't have.

Right. The first shot ruptured
the heart, the blood pressure fell,

Peters fell to the floor. If the
abdominal wound were first,

it wouldn't have worked. But
the abdominal wound was second.

So for Billings to have
hit him a second time,

- he would have
had to move here.
- Precisely.

I don't think it's likely.

Then, it's possible that
Billings didn't k*ll him.

Possible enough for
us to tell Monahan that...

Quincy was right up to par
in questioning this sh**ting.

There he is. He's been
standing there for over an hour.


Lieutenant Monahan.

There's a possibility Billings
didn't k*ll Peters after all.

He might have
been telling the truth.

There is, huh?

Well, if you get him off for
k*lling Peters, we can still nail him

Quincy didn't do
too good in surgery.

He's dying.

What was it you told
Monahan and me last night?

To stop blaming ourselves...
that it wasn't our fault?

Well, this isn't your fault.

We knew he'd go through a
very critical period because of

Sure. Look, Quincy's gonna
be all right. You wait and see.

Look, I've made a few
decisions like this before.

It's just not so personal.
There was risk. There was risk.

Maybe if I had waited
until he was stronger...

And if they had waited, maybe...

the fragment could've broken
loose and gone into his heart.

Maybe it would've,
Sam. Maybe, maybe.

I just don't know.

Now, you didn't twist Dr. Richards'
arm to perform that operation.

He wanted your recommendation,
and he thought you were right.

So do I.

If Quincy dies, Sam,
being right's no satisfaction.

Look, what were you guys
so fired up about telling me

The angles. It's something I think
Quincy was figuring out last night.

- They don't add up.
- What do you mean,
they don't add up?

Well, just what I said. I don't
think Billings could have shot

the owner from where he
was supposed to have stood.

- It would've been impossible.
- Wait a minute.

Am I hearing you right?
That kid shot Peters,

- and he nailed Quincy, too.
- I'm not so sure.

- Well, I am.
- All the tests aren't in yet.

Sam, you're pulling a Quincy
on me, and you ain't Quincy.

- The only test we need
is a ballistics test.
- Okay. Maybe I'm not Quincy,

but I know what I'm talking
about. And we have to consider it.

Did you send that slug over to
the lab you dug out of Peters?

Sure. Standard procedure. I sent
them over a couple of hours ago.

Good. Then it should
be ready soon. That's

- Dr. Asten, are you coming?
- Well no, no... I think I'll just wait.

Maybe there'll be word.

Maybe. Maybe.

The report just came
back, Lieutenant.

Both slugs from Peters'
body match with the kid's g*n.

Well, what do you say to that?

So, okay, the b*ll*ts
came from the g*n.

- Yeah.
- But the angles
still don't match,

and so I say there's
still some doubt.

What is it with you
and this angle business.

So he shot him from another
angle. So he shot him like this.

He still shot him
and he shot Quincy.

But why would he do that?
Peters was already dead.

So maybe he didn't know that.

Did you run a match-up on the
b*llet that was taken from Quincy?

This is what the doc dug
out of Quincy. The slug's been

there's no way we can
run a ballistics check on it.

Look, we don't have
to run the check on it,

it came from Billings'
g*n. I saw it, I was there.

So was you. It's open and shut.

Well, there's one thing
that Quincy taught me,

that it's never open and shut.

You get proof positive, then
you go back and prove it positively

and when you're finished,
you check it all over again

- and we haven't done that yet.
- I don't believe you.

You say you're a
friend of Quincy's.

What are you trying to do?
Free the guy that shot him?

I'm just trying to find
the truth. And I will.

- Hello, Robert.
- Hi.

I wish I could think of
something encouraging, sir.

Is it that bad?

It's bad enough.

We went into the vena cava
after that lost b*llet fragment,

had a terrible time
closing him up.

We ended up giving him
sixteen units of whole blood.

Sixteen? It's a
miracle he's alive.

Yeah. The trauma of the surgery

on top of the trauma
of the g*nsh*t wound...

Well, to be perfectly frank
with you, I think it may have

Thank you.

And if we had...

- If we had waited?
- Well, he'd be dead.

- What?
- Well certainly, Robert. He'd be dead.

See, by the time I
went into the vena cava,

the b*llet fragment had
practically dislodged itself.

Now, we made the right
decision. In just another

we'll know one way or the other.

I've tried every test I could
remember, every test I

for the b*llet that hit
Quincy. I even made up a few.

- But I'm getting nowhere.
- Now, Sam...

I just don't see how we can
match this b*llet with Billings' g*n.

It's just too fragmented.

You're telling me that we
can't reassemble Quincy's b*llet

- so the riflings are matched?
- I tried.

- Each fragment
is too distorted.
- Too distorted?

- Mm-hmm.
- With all this, huh?

All this equipment...

I fought for it, I paid for it.
Well, it's gonna help us now.

See how the edges of each
particle are rounded, almost crushed.

There's no way to
match the riflings.

You know, we need a whole
new method because somehow we

where this b*llet came from.

- What did you say? Particles?
- Yeah.

That's it. There is a method.

Quincy developed it. In fact,
we had one fight over that.

He was right. A test for
particulates from a cartridge.

I've never heard of it.

It happened before you
were here. Brill was accused of

That cop shot him... He
just came down the stairs

and started sh**ting...
He's trigger-happy.

I'd already thrown my g*n out the
window, and he still came in sh**ting.

Yeah, a cop sh**t a
hostage. Ain't that a switch?

- Is there
anything to what he says?
- No, no... Crane was

When we arrived, he began
sh**ting at us through the window,

- yelling at us to stay
back or he'd k*ll the guy.
- So what'd you do?

Harrison and I went up on the
roof. When we got to the fire door,

the sh**ting stopped.
I pushed in this door

and the suspect turned around
with what I thought was a g*n,

so I fired twice.

So what's the problem?

When the Sergeant fired, Crane had
already thrown the g*n out the window.

Well, Brill could have made
a mistake in what he saw.

That doesn't mean
he shot the hostage.

It couldn't have
been any other way.

You see, when the suspect
threw the g*n out the window,

the hostage was standing in
front of him. I was out on the street,

I saw it myself.

Yeah, another scam. You
cops always cover for each other.

Well, I am not takin' the
rap this time, you understand.

I didn't do anything.
That cop shot him.


I'll know more after
I do an autopsy.

- Well, that's a lot of weight.
- Keeps me young.

Your landlady told me
I'd find you here. Ah, boy.

We cops gotta keep in shape.

You never know when a couple
guys are gonna try to jump you.

Being a cop means
everything to you, doesn't it?

Yeah. You should of seen me

when I tried to sweat it
out trying to qualify as a cop.

I had to stretch a half an
inch. I was hanging from

You scared about what might
happen with this hostage business?

No, I'm not scared but I'm worried.
But I know I didn't sh**t him.

I want you to know we're
gonna do everything we can

- Oh, I know that Quince.
- Okay, Brill.

Hey, Quince. You know,
it's funny. You work in a store

You work as a salesman,
they give you things at cost.

We cops, we work for the law.
We're guilty until we're proven innocent.

- Well,
did you find the b*llet?
- Yeah, we got it.

Great. Now we can prove the
b*llet didn't come from my g*n.

You're not gonna be able to
prove anything with that b*llet.

What do you mean?

It was too badly distorted
to be able to match the rifling

to any particular g*n.

- Where does that leave me?
- I don't know.

It's gonna be hard proving
whose g*n that b*llet came from.

That's it, right? All these
years on the force for nothing,

down the drain.

No. I said it was
hard, not impossible.

There are some tests.
Marc's running them now.

- What kind of tests?
- Well, there is a new
method I've just heard of.

We're checking it under
the electron microscope now.

- Doctor Quincy.
- What do you got?

There's nothing unusual here.

It's a lead projectile,
with a few brass particles.

- They're nickel-plated.
- Nickel?

- What kind of
cartridge casings do you use?
- They're standard... brass,

You're sure they're not
nickel? Let me see one.

No, no, they're brass.

Plugs, nickel-plated... brass.
What's that got to do with anything?

When a b*llet is fired,

minute particulates
are transferred from

The bulled that k*lled this man
was in a nickel-plated cartridge,

Well, Crane's cartridges
were nickel-plated.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

- Then that's it.
- But if I didn't sh**t him,

and Crane didn't sh**t him...

What makes you think
Crane didn't sh**t him?

Because the officers on the
street saw the hostage standing

in front of him when the
g*n was thrown down.

Brill, that hostage was
probably dead long before you

Crane held them up as a
shield when he dropped the g*n.

All the officers on the street
saw was the body of a hostage.

They didn't know whether
he was alive or dead and

Doc? What's so important I
come down here right away, huh?


Remember a few years back
Brill was accused of sh**ting

Yeah... And Quincy was
able to prove that he didn't.

Do you remember?

Yeah, I get you. So what?

Well, we've been able
to use the same test

with the fragments from
the b*llet that hit Quincy.

Now, the b*llet that we
removed from Peters,

the same one that ballistics
was able to match with the g*n

Billings was supposed to
have used, were lead and all

- Well, big deal.
- This is a piece of
the b*llet from Quincy.

It's lead too. But
see here and here,

- these are
nickel-plated particulates.
- Are you sure?

We're very sure. It's
possible Billings shot Peters.

He did not sh**t Quincy.

What are you talkin' about? That's
impossible. I saw him. So did Sam.

- No, no,
we only thought we saw him.
- Well,

Billings, Billings was the only
one there with a g*n, right?

No, no, no. You and your
men had g*ns, Monahan.

And those g*ns and a*mo
will have to be checked

to find out who's responsible
for sh**ting my medical examiner.

I'll check my other officers.

I checked the amm*nit*on
from every officer at the scene.

Even those that didn't fire. All
the cartridges were solid brass,

not a nickel in the lot.

Quincy's b*llet came
from a nickel cartridge.

That's impossible.

Monahan, all the amm*nit*on
has been accounted for, hasn't it?

What do you mean, hasn't it? Do
you think I'd cover up a thing like this?

I don't mean that.

But there simply must
have been another g*n.

And the angles on Peters didn't
match either. The bartender...

- He said he was
behind the bar.
- He was behind the bar...

Quincy was behind
the... Wait a minute.

If it wasn't an accident,
possibly Holmes shot Quincy.

That would explain
how Peters was shot, too.

Yeah, now I remember. Quincy
must've been thinking the same thing,

because he told me to take
a residue sample at the bar,

- but with all the confusion,
I forgot.
- You know, this is crazy.

Here Quincy's lying in bed
and he's solving the whole thing.

What are we talking
about? We have work to do.

You know, the more I
remember of last night,

the more it seems Quincy
had figured this thing together.

Even from the bed, he turns
simple cases into Chinese puzzles.


Who do you think I
mean? Quincy. You know,

say this Holmes offed Peters.
We're doing our investigation here,

and he sees that Quincy's on to
something. Now, he's already set

because he is in there eating,
like he said. He's got his license

Now Billings panics and the w*r
breaks loose and in the confusion,

Holmes sees his chance to nail
Quincy, but with a different g*n.

Well, don't you employ a division
of detectives, for heaven's sake.

Yes, we employ a
division of detectives.

Look, I'll get on the horn
to Brill and see if he can

Ah, Monahan, thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, we've got the samples.
Let's see what they show us.

Nothing, not one trace of
g*nsh*t residue anywhere.

- Oh, no. We just
didn't look far enough.
- That bar was like a w*r zone.

Sure, there must have
been some, but there isn't.

That bar counter is so
clean it's almost sterile.
- It is, isn't it.

Sam, could that bartender,
Holmes, have heard Quincy ask you

to take the residue tests?

Well, he was standing
right there, I guess...

He must've.

If he heard that, and the way
Quincy kept pushing about where

that's how he realized Quincy
was figuring out the truth.

He washed everything
down after we left.

No, no, he left
something. He had to.

But what. It's too late to
check Holmes for residue.

Well, did you come
up with anything?

Just a headache.

- There's no
g*nsh*t residue anywhere.
- But that's impossible.

Maybe you would like to run the
tests? What about your detectives,

Have they come up
with anything useful?

All right. Now give me time. I
just started them on that angle.

We're getting nowhere.
If Holmes shot Quincy,

there has to be something
solid we can find. But what?

- Are you sure you
checked everything?
- Positive.

The bar counter, behind the
bar, the register, the areas around

I checked everything
for gunpowder residue.

- No, you didn't.
- What do you mean?

Now I know. There was
something Quincy yelled at me.

- Quincy yelled at you?
- Yeah...

I'm telling you, Billy
couldn't have fired that g*n.

And I'm tellin' you, he did...

Look, Quincy, I know the kid's
the son of a friend of yours...

What's that got to do with it?

Well, it means that you
don't think he's capable of

You've got blinders on.

No, no, no. You're the
one with blinders on.

You figure you've got such
an easy conviction in this case,

you don't want to louse
up on the facts, do you?

Look, Quincy, we
caught him dead to rights.

Now, he held up the gas
station and shot the owner.

You didn't see him sh**t
anybody. Nobody did.

We didn't have to see him.

There wasn't anybody else
around. Billy had to do it.

Oh, boy, he
explained that to you.

He heard the shot, he saw
somebody go out the back,

he went in, he saw the body, he
panicked and he picked up the g*n.

- Yeah, that's very convenient.
- It's also very true.

The g*nsh*t residue proves that
Billy couldn't have fired that g*n.

What're you talkin' about?

You said that there was
residue all over the place.

That's right, but not on Billy.
If I take a g*n, I shot you,

there will be g*nsh*t residue
over an area three feet around,

and ten feet in the
direction the b*llet traveled.

Also the residue would be
all over me and my clothing.

- Billy was clean.
- Maybe he washed
his hands, huh?

Then it would have
been all over his clothing.

You got there maybe five or six
minutes after the guy was m*rder*d.

The witness was there all the
time. Billy never left the scene.

When could he have changed?

You sure you're right
about this g*nsh*t residue?

- I'm positive. It
would've been all over him.
- But there was

Wouldn't everybody there
have residue on them?

Maybe. But if Holmes fired
a g*n, he should have more.

Absolutely. What are we
waiting for? I'll just bet Holmes

What a way to make a
living, huh? How ya doin',

Nothing, nothing.

It certainly smells in here.

- No, I've smelled worse.
- Ooh...

- What's the matter.
- Oh, nothing, nothing.

- It's just a dead cat.
- Oh, well, that's great.

I can get them on
a health violation.

Dr. Asten.

An apron. Do you think
it belongs to Holmes?

There's one sure way
to find out. Come on.

Well, that's it. The apron
is impregnated with residue.

- That proves it. You can move now.
- No, not quite.

This is a lot of residue,
yeah, but I've seen as

Look, Monahan, if Holmes
fired the g*n, he'd show a large

- His apron does.
- Right, it does.

But it's not nearly enough
for the whole picture.

This is just a piece. I'm
sorry... I was hopin' for more.

There's gotta be something else.

Maybe we should go check
on Quincy. See how he's doing.

Would you tell Dr. Richards that
we'd like to see him when he's through?

- We'll be in the lounge.
- Well,
it'll be a few minutes, sir.

- Operator, would you page Dr. Richards?
- Doctor Asten. I just heard.

- How is he?
- Well, we're just
waiting to hear, Danny.

- We'll be in the lounge.
- Okay.

- Ah, nurse, I'd like
to see Doctor Quincy.
- Of course.

- Through the window, surely.
- Through the window.

We know Holmes did it,
but how can we prove it?

- We will, we will.
- Maybe Brill will
come up with something.

- Robert... Gentlemen.
- Aaron... How's Quincy?

Not so good... The crisis
period is over and Quincy is

I do not like it at all.

Do you think you could have
missed a fragment that's causing all.

I already thought of that, so I
got these about an hour ago.

Take a look. This is the rib
we x-rayed. You can still see

the b*llet fragments. This is
the one I got about an hour ago.

As you can see, there is nothing
here that would account for his

- present lack of response.
- That looks like a cone.

Yes, it's the bone fragments from
the rib and the b*llet fragments.

- That's it. That's the proof.
- Right. Mrs. Calderon?


The color of the
car, the license,

Did she get anything?

She didn't see the plates...

- Blue car.
- What is she saying, Monahan?

Oh, Mrs. Calderon, she was
on her way home from the market

in the middle of a g*ng w*r.

Mrs. Herrera, here,
saw the whole thing.

Now, ma'am, ma'am, would you
tell the doctor here what you saw?

No, no, lady, in English.

Oh, those hoodlums they
just drive by in their car.

Maria she was a good woman,
they had no call to sh**t her.

Ah, Brill, you see there's been
a g*ng w*r going on down here

for the past couple a months.
They drive around the streets

- taking pot
sh*ts at one another.
- They don't care

No. You know, last week
there was a five year-old girl

riding her bike along
the walk here. Shot her.

Too bad we can't say the same
thing about Mrs. Calderon, huh?

I'll see ya.

Oh, Quincy, did you
finish your report?

- Almost. I wanna recheck the x-rays.
- Good,

- What kids?
- The kids that shot Mrs. Calderon.

I don't know what else they've
done, but they didn't sh**t Mrs.

What? Oh, come on now, Quincy,
don't do this to me again, will ya?

Now, the witness said
she saw them sh**t her.

She thought she
saw them sh**t her.

The b*llet that k*lled Mrs.
Calderon didn't come from that car.

Come on, I'll show ya. See
this wound produced two holes.

The question is which is the
entrance. We can't tell from the skin

because of the ripping
caused by the fragmented ribs.

- She was shot
from the right side?
- From the car in the street.

- No. Whoever shot
her was to her left.
- How do you know that?

Look, the b*llet entered here
from her left, shattered the sternum...

and then it was deflected
off in the other direction.

Ah, come on. How
you gonna prove that?

- By the cone of particulates.
- By the cone of what?


Look, look, you see these tiny
bone and b*llet fragments here?

Yeah, so?

When a b*llet shatters
a bone like that,

the impact sends tiny
particulates of bone and b*llet out

in the direction the
b*llet was traveling.

The direction of this
one, see, shows that

But, look, she was
hit in the lung here.

I know. It was deflected off in
that direction by the sternum,

but it initially came from
her left. When the boys in

somebody was sh**ting back. Now,
whoever that was hit Mrs. Calderon.

Only Quincy could find a way
to tell us even from his bed.

- I'd almost
forgotten about that.
- Monahan,

the cone points to where
that b*llet came from.

And from where Quincy was
when he was shot, it's pointing

Where only Holmes was.
Well, that's our evidence.

Look, bring all this stuff. I'll meet
you at the D.A.'s in half an hour.

I'm gonna pick Holmes up.

He's denying
everything, of course.

- Did you find the g*n?
- No, not yet...

Listen, when you boys
finish here, I want you to check

That g*n's gotta be someplace.

- Yeah, unless he
tossed it in the ocean.
- Have a good day yourself.

What do you mean that
you're not gonna file for

Just what I said. I can't
file on your suspicions.

I'm not talking
suspicion, George.

I'm talking facts.
The injury pattern.

The angle from which Quincy
was shot and Peters was shot.

The apron, all covered with
residue and it was Holmes' apron.

None of the g*ns accounted
for had nickel cartridges.

Right, the mystery g*n again.

Well, you find it, and
maybe I can do something.

We can't find it. It's probably
in the sewer someplace.

Do you know how far we'd
get with evidence like that?

- George,
there was another g*n.
- Now, look, I'm on your side.

Look, Holmes probably did
k*ll Peters, and he probably

But we're on the borderline
here. All you've got is some

an apron with powder residue.
In short you've got nothing.

- George...
- Don't George me.

Now look, if we took Holmes
to trial with evidence of this sort

we'd be laughed out of court. And
we'll never be able to try him again

even if he confesses because
of the double jeopardy clause.

All I can tell you is this: get me
something that says it was Holmes,

and only Holmes, that
could have pulled that trigger,

and I'll go for an indictment.
But until you do, he walks.

Now excuse me, I'm starving.

Well, we wouldn't want you to
go hungry, George, while my man

- Have a nice lunch.
- It's so frustrating.

I don't know how Quincy
deals with these bureaucrats.

I swear, I'll never give him
a hard time about that again.

Let's hope you
have a chance not to.

- Why doesn't he wake up?
- I don't know,
Sam, I don't know.

That Holmes. Holmes.

What makes me furious
is that the D.A. didn't think

we found enough
to convict Holmes.

It's just incomprehensible.

- Without that g*n,
I think we've had it.
- Any chance of

The truth? No way.

We've searched Holmes'
apartment, his car, restaurant,

every sewer and trash can
between them. The g*n's gone.

It's amazing to believe that
no one saw Holmes sh**ting.

You know, you'd think that
with all your police present.

- Well, if they'd
kept their eyes open...
- Wait a minute,

With all those b*ll*ts
flying around, no one saw

- But, ah...
- Look,
I wish we had a witness...

- but we don't, so...
- What's the matter...


You guys are makin' enough
noise to wake up the dead.

Can't you see I'm
tryin' to get some rest?

- You're awake.
- Who wouldn't be?

You have a witness... Me.

I saw him pull the g*n
out from under the bar,

aim it at me and
pull the trigger.

Now, will ya get out of here,
and let me get some sleep, please.

My pals...

Hey, Quincy, from
the g*ng from Danny's.

Yeah, I feel like I've
won the Kentucky Derby.

- Boy, that smells fantastic.
- If it smelled any better,
I'd eat it myself.

- What'd you do,
steal this recipe?
- Steal it? My grandmother

a pinch of this, a
touch of that, it's magic.

I think I better get back in
bed. Back here, it hurts me.

You know, Quince, it was
because of your testimony

- that the D.A. will be
able to convict Holmes.
- Well, why did he

A few years ago, when
the place was in trouble,

Holmes bailed Peters out
with some money he had saved.

From then on, though Peters
still owned the joint on paper,

they were supposed
to be partners and split

It didn't work out that
way. Peters cheated him.

Oh. But how did
Billings fit into all this.

Well, just by bad luck. See,
Holmes was looking for a fall guy,

so when Billings happened
in to get something to eat...

Well, like I said,
it was bad luck.

An upshod trod... a little extra
portion for the invalid doctor.

Oh, I've been lookin'
forward to this. Potatoes,

- What do you
think you're doin'?
- I'm gonna sample his cookin'.

- Stop. No, no, no,
you're on a restricted diet.
- What? He's right, Quince.

Dr. Richards was very specific
about what you should eat.

- You mean I can't
have any of that?
- This is your dinner.

Some nice soft cereal,

some nice dry toast, and
cottage cheese. Ummmmm.

