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03x07 - Holding Pattern

Posted: 01/14/24 19:18
by bunniefuu
Hatching on that
plane is a bacteria b*mb

that's a lot deadlier
than those expl*sives.

If Quincy's right, we're
talking about plague.

I've got to come on board.

Could you convince
the t*rrorists?

You are talking to one of them.

I'm going on the plane. I'm
gonna get blood samples.

If Beal tries to stop me, I want
your help to go over his head.

Do you want me to stop him?

The man wants to k*ll himself.

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

the most fascinating
sphere of police work,

the world of forensic medicine.

Control tower to
Alpha Bravo 6367.

You are cleared to land on
auxiliary runway number four,

Repeat, auxiliary runway
number four, Confirm.

Alpha Bravo 6367
to control tower.

I confirm landing on
auxiliary runway four,

Beal to the pilot of PLL 636.

You will proceed to the end of
taxiway J and cut your engines.

Who is that speaking?

Adam Beal, Chief of the
Federal Hijack Containment Unit.

Welcome to the US, Mr. Karak.

What the hell is
wrong with this?

It's almost ready,
sir. Well, hurry it up.

Beal to PLL 636.

You will cut your engines, Now,

Get that stuff set up in
here, get these guys out.

Mr. Beal. What?

SWAT team, out on the double.

They're letting someone go.

Better take the sweater off.

Take it off? I just put it on.
Besides, it's cold out there.

They suspect you're carrying
a w*apon or sound bugs

or something more sophisticated.

What's more sophisticated?

You'd be surprised. Come
on, you better take it off.

Thanks for putting in a
special request for me.


And don't make waves.
That goes for both of you.

Until they tossed out that body,
this was just another normal hijack.

The usual set of demands to
be met in the usual 24 hours

or they'll blow up the plane with
the usual charge of expl*sives.

Call that normal? People
under that kind of threat?

In today's world what's
not normal about it?

What's gonna happen to them?

Nothing, I hope. That is if I
can do it and still do my job.

Which is what?

Nab the t*rrorists.

Every time a bunch of kooks
hijacks a plane and gets away with it

that's a signal that it's
open season for anyone

with a burning desire that
wants the world to pay attention.

You ready? Yeah.

Karak, this is Beal.

Karak here.

The man who's about
to come out is Dr. Quincy.

He is a medical examiner from the
LA coroner's office, as you requested.

He's unarmed.

If any harm comes to him,
this will not help your cause.

Okay, Doc. Move
slow. Be careful.

Good luck.

Get a picture of the body now.

Okay. Give me a hand with this.


Quince, you gonna
need some help out there?

Well, when I find out, it'll be too
late for you to do anything about it.

Any next of kin?

Yeah, lots of them. All ladies.

What are you doing?

I have to move
the body, don't I?

No b*llet holes, Doctor.

None that I can see.

We did not k*ll him. I want you to
tell the world that. Do you hear me?

Yeah, I hear you.

We are not murderers.

If we k*ll, it is for our
cause, to free our comrades.

How long ago did he die?

About three hours.

He became ”I soon after
we left Midway Island.

I'm gonna have to do a complete
autopsy before I can make a report.

No, you make out the
death certificate here.

No way.

All right, take
him. But if you lie...

What're you gonna do? Come
down and hijack the morgue?

Hemorrhagic pneumonia.


Sam, I want him put in an
isolation cubicle right away.

His lungs are indurated
and hemorrhaged.

Firmness and bleeding.
Wow. Viral infection?

Well, I'm not gonna
take any chances.

Burn his clothes, do the
same with yours and mine.

And I want this room
decontaminated right away.

I guess I'm gonna have to
give Astin the bad news, huh?

Death by natural causes.

Well, that's good news.

Well, I wouldn't be too sure,
though he had a coronary condition.

But the cause of death seems to be
a quick, highly-contagious infection.

Could be in the
Rickettsial range.

Rickettsial? Yeah.

What type?

Well, that's just it. Without more
information I can't be sure, can I?

I see.

Marjorie, Marjorie,
get me Harold Ingram

at the Center for
Disease Control in Atlanta.

Anything on his identification?

Yeah. His name's Emile
Lapice. He's a Belgian national.

His embassy's checking. All we
know is his last stop was in the Pacific.

If Ingram wants to talk
to me, I'll be with Beal.

Be very careful.
Don't worry about that.

Hey, what's going on here?

If Quincy's right, we're
talking about plague.

Well, I have to find
out what k*lled him.

The only place I can get that
information is on the plane.

Negative, Doctor. You've
already had your first

and last contact
with the t*rrorists.


You know your job.
Trust me that I know mine.

Under normal circumstances,
I wouldn't even butt in...

Normal. There's that word again.

Normal. Why do we
cling to it? I wonder why?

Because you and I, all
of us, keep hoping that

somewhere out there
there's a normal world

where we can get up,
go to work, have families...

I'm concerned with the normal
human beings on that plane.

So am I. So am I.

You think I like
trading in human lives?

But that's my job and I
have to do what I think is best.

I practically wrote the textbook
on anti-t*rror1st activities

and Chapter One says stretch
things out as long as possible

without doing anything,

repeat, anything, to
unduly alarm the t*rrorists.

'Cause every minute that they're
in close contact with their hostages

develops a group feeling that
makes it more difficult for them to k*ll.

Am I communicating to you?

Oh, yes. Loud and
clear and cogent.

But I have to find out everything I
can about the dead man's symptoms.

That's my job.

You go charging out there
on that plane asking them

where it hurts, and you
know what I'm gonna have?

I'm gonna have a planeload of crazy
screaming people including the t*rrorists.

I'm trying to preserve
some status quo here.

I don't believe you. You're
talking to me about status quo?

Let me see if I can
make you understand.

There may be a plague
spreading on that plane.

Now you keep acting
according to your rules,

you keep ducking that issue, and
you're gonna make it a lot worse!

Every request I make,
every bit of attention

that is paid to those t*rrorists,
just puffs up their sense of power

and makes them more
difficult to deal with.

Well, you have to deal with
them sooner or later, don't you?

When I say so and not before.

I'm not gonna take what I
know is right and change it

because of some disease
you think is on board.

Can I at least talk to them?

What good will that do?

I have to get more information.

That's all you do.


Karak, this is Beal.

We have to talk.


Karak here.

I hope you have positive news for
me about the release of our comrades

being tortured in
our dictator's prisons.

Nearly six of the 24
hours have already passed.

Our State Department is
talking to your president.

Not president, dictator.

Oh, save the propaganda,
because nobody can hear you.

Dr. Quincy has to talk to you.

Keep it low-key.


The autopsy should be finished,
Doctor, if you are a doctor.

I want you to release
your report immediately.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

Then put Beal back on.

It has nothing to do with him. I can't do
that because I don't know how the man died.

You know we did not k*ll him,

but you're going to
say we did, are not you?

Look, don't tell me what
I'm gonna say or not say...

I'm sorry. Look, before the man died,
did he complain of headaches? Of fever?

What difference does it make?

Just report we did not k*ll him.

Well, you want me to make a statement
that the world will believe, don't you?

I mean, I have to know
exactly what k*lled him,

not that there weren't
any b*llet holes.

We have to.

Why? For their sake?

To make him release his report.

Otherwise, you're right,
they will accuse us of m*rder.

I'm beginning not to care. What difference
does it make whether it's now or later?

As long as we win.

Karak. Are you there?

Karak, look, I swear
to you this is urgent.

I gotta know anything
you can tell me.

He complained of a headache.

Chills? Fever?


How soon after he
got the headache?

I'm not sure, he asked for
blankets about two hours later.

When did the
shortness of breath start?

How did you know that?

Just tell me when it started.

About the fourth hour.

What is it you're
looking for, Doctor?

I honestly don't know.

You're lying. I'm not!

We took him into
one of the toilets.

He was gasping for air and it was
disturbing the other passengers.

At the end, he was
fighting for every breath.

Then, he couldn't
breathe at all.

Is there anybody else on board
who's showing the same symptoms?


I've got to come on board.
Do you understand that?

Do you think you can
help me with the t*rrorists?

Could you convince
the t*rrorists?

You are talking to one of them.

I have chronic
foot-in-the-mouth disease.

I could have you arrested for
pulling a stunt like that, mister.

Go ahead.

But it won't stop what's
incubating out there.

You're still guessing.

That's right. But
not so much now.

That's why I need samples from everybody
on board who's showing the symptoms.

It's the only way we're gonna
nail down what we're facing here.

You've got a body,
Doctor. Remember that.

Now, you're telling me
how to run my business.

Only when it gets
into my business, yes.

Look, Lapice was dead
two hours before I got to him.

If you're searching for a
specific viral micro-organism,

you can't make accurate
enough tests from a dead body.

The post-mortem
bacterial overgrowth,

well, it screws up any
samples you might take.

You think I want
to be on that plane?

You are asking me to
tear up my own rule book.

Again with the rules. I'm talking
about a terrible disease here.

What the hell is
it? I don't know.

It sounds like one of
the zoonotic strains.

The initial infection comes
from a parasite. Lice, ticks, fleas.

But once started, the sick
themselves are the carriers.

It used to be confined
to the Far East, until now.

What I'm still hearing
is a lot of guesswork.

It's guesswork that could
dump a panic right in my lap.

I got 17 passengers out there.

Why so few?

Well, I don't know. Half
of them got off at Midway

'cause it's a connecting hub
for flights north and south.

What are you doing? Quincy.

Dr. Astin, did you get
ahold of Ingram at CDC?

Well, he's flying a team out,
but meanwhile, it's up to us.

Now did you find out anything?

Everything I've heard
confirms our fears.

Oh, my, my, my, my...

But the reason I'm calling, a whole bunch
of passengers got off at Midway Island.

If any of them
have left there...

I understand. I'll
get Ingram right on it.

Let's just pray none
of them has left,

or if they have, they're the
lucky ones who weren't infected.

The doctor may come aboard.

I'm going on the plane. I'm
gonna get blood samples.

If Beal tries to stop me, I want your
help to go over his head, way over.

Absolutely. But Quincy...

Now look, I want you
to back me up this time.

Will you hold on a minute?
I'm going to back you up.

I just want you to wait till I
get you protective clothing.

No way.

That's exactly why I can't
allow him to go out there.

I've cordoned the area
off to the news media,

but you can bet
they've got binoculars

and telescopic lenses
glommed on that plane right now.

Your man goes out there
in some kind of a space suit,

I'm gonna have panic on that
plane and half of Southern California.

I don't need all
that paraphernalia.

No. No. Absolutely
not, I forbid it,

And I appreciate it.

Look, would you get hold of the team at
the UCLA Epidemic Disease Control Lab.

Tell them what we need,
get as much help as you can.

I'll be there in a half an hour.

Right away, and Quincy...


Oh, good grief.

Thank you.

You're a real hero,
you know that?

Just like you, I'm
trying to do my job.



But while you're aboard, I
want you to keep your eyes open.

I'm gonna want to
know everything you see,

how many t*rrorists,
how they're armed.

No guesswork, I want facts.

You got a commission
in the reserve?

Lieutenant, Naval Reserve.

Well, you've just been
placed on active duty.

Your orders will be cut by the
Navy Department in Washington

and hand-delivered to your home.

Can you do that?

Oh, you'd be surprised
what I can do to deal with that.

You foul up on me
out there, Doctor,

I want to make sure I can
have you court-martialed.

Hey, don't do that.

Do you understand what
I'm saying, son? Don't do that.

He understands the language.

Hey, stop him, will you? Before
he contaminates my equipment.


All right.

So, this is the coroner who
cannot make up his mind.

Not until I get some blood
samples and throat cultures.

What is it you're looking for?

Specifically I'm looking
for what k*lled Lapice.

And if it's what I think it is,
everybody on board is in danger.

You are lying.

I'm not. I'm trying to save lives,
yours as well as the hostages'.

Now can you talk
some sense into him?

Be quiet.

Karak is our leader.
He makes the decisions.

All right.

But, Doctor, do nothing
to alarm the passengers.

I thought about that. I'll tell
them I'm the airport doctor doing

a general check on the passengers because
of the trauma they're going through.

Is that not a lie?

Well, I am a doctor and they're
certainly going through a trauma.

Sonya, go with him.

Sonya trained as a nurse.

Until our revered president
shut down the universities

and put our friends in prisons.

Any suspicions, k*ll him.

The airport doctor is here to see
how you are faring under our hospitality.

I'm here to take
care of all your needs.

Doctor, are they going
to meet their demands?

Only your medical
needs, I'm afraid.

I want one or two
things from you.

I have some tablets with an aspirin
base for those of you who have headaches.

How are you feeling, young lady?

Fine. Good. Good.

No, I'm not. I'm so frightened.

Hey. I told you, the same thing
happened to me once before

and we all got out safe.

Now don't you be frightened.
Everything is gonna be all right,

I promise you.

How far did you go
with your training?

I was in my final year.

Good. You can help me
with the blood samples.

Come on, will you?
Otherwise, I'll be here all day.

Give it to him. He can hold it
and guard me at the same time.

Give me a swab, please.

Give me some slides. Hold them
by the extreme edges, will you?

Otherwise they get contaminated.

I know that, Doctor.

Here we go.

You're very good at that. You
must have had a wonderful teacher.

Until he was shot for
unapproved political activity.

Now this is not gonna
hurt you at all. Okay?

Open your mouth.

All the way. Say, "Ah."


Thank you.

Have any headaches?

Take two of these anyway.
It's so hot and stuffy in here.

Now you tell me. Is it true that
you were h*jacked once before?

You know what I think?

I think the t*rrorists all
got together and they said,

"You gonna hijack a plane,
make sure Fishman is aboard."

Listen, take two of these
now and one each hour.

You must be a
marvelous diagnostician

to know I have a headache
without even asking.

Oh, well, since I work at the
airport, I assume everybody does.

So you're never without APC's
and a little tetracycline, huh?

Just a precautionary measure.

I was a pharmacist.
This is powerful stuff.

Tell me, Doc, besides the
terrible thing that they're doing,

what's happening to us?

You're wasting time, Doctor.

Any word from
Karak's government?

How long do they think I
can keep on stalling him?

Yes, I'll keep trying.


Forget the symptoms.
I know the cure.

A hot bath, fresh clothes and a
whole day at Elizabeth Arden's.

And a nice, cold six-pack.

You got it.

Tell them outside there's only
five of them and they're amateurs.

If they rush the
plane... I can't do that.

You! Stop whispering!

I was only asking the Doc if
he'd heard what k*lled the Belgian.

The medical examiner
said he had a heart condition.

Another lie, Doctor?

Just a half-truth.

He did have a bad heart, it just
wasn't the thing that k*lled him.

He is doing everything right.

Karak, what's wrong with you?

It's all right. No, it's all
right. Go to the doctor.

If you really loved him, you'd
get him to quit before it's too late.

I do love him, and so I
will not tell him what to do.

It is not proper for a
woman to tell the man.

You're about two or three
revolutions behind the times.

Doctor. My son, please.

Come. Come here, fella.

Hey. Oh, when did this
terrible thing happen here?

Oh, got the chills, huh?
Does that scare you?

People with the g*n?
Do they scare you?


Open up, please.
Wide, wider. Ah...


I'm gonna need more than a
blood smear. Is that all right?

Anything, Doctor. Anything.

Is it all right with you?
Roll up his sleeve.

Okay. That's it.

Hey, you gotta tell
us what's happening.

Hey, sit down! Come on! Come on!

Sit down! I said sit down!

Please now, please now.
This isn't helping. Honest.

Now, look, if there is
anything wrong medically,

we will tell you and
we will take care of it.

We have his word. Haven't we?


Go back and tell
Beal it did not work.

Do you think I wanted that? Yes.

I think it is exactly what
you came on board to do.

Why? What good would it do?

Give Beal the excuse he
needs to rush the plane.

Don't you realize those people
back there are really sick?

That poor boy.

Why don't you give up this whole
crazy scheme? Release the hostages.

You know you have no
chance of getting what you want.

Then I die.

We all die.

It is so easy for you
people in this country.

Do you know how many
babies die, die in the streets

in my country because we do not
have even the most simple hospital care?

I'm sorry. I can't
help those babies,

but I can help the people
on this plane, including you.

I do not need your help, Doctor.

Look at you.

Sweating. In a little while you'll
be shivering like that kid back there.

You'll be gasping for breath
and there won't be any.

Get out of here. I've not
finished my work here.

Go tell Beal he has less
time now thanks to you.

Beal had nothing to do with this. He
didn't even want me to come aboard.

Get out of here
before I k*ll you!

Get out.


I am all right.

I have to be all right.

Better back off. I may be a
carrier. Come on, back, back.

You get what you need?

No. Didn't have a chance
to look for the parasites.

How many of them are there?

Oh, they must be hatching out
by the hundreds of thousands.

It's like an oven in there.

I was talking about t*rrorists.

Four men and a woman.

And where have
they got the hostages?

First class section.

And what kind of weapons?

a*t*matic pistols. I
didn't see any expl*sives.

You wouldn't, but they
were there, believe me.

All Wired and ready to blow.

Hatching on that
plane is a bacteria b*mb

that's a lot deadlier
than those expl*sives.

You're the one that's deadly.

Karak called me and he told
me what you did on that plane.

He wants you kept off of it.

One of the passengers
panicked. He ticked off the others.

I tried to calm him down.

Oh, you bleeding hearts,
you never start anything.

You just make a mess
and then walk away.

Well, you listen to
me and listen good.

This is one group of dedicated t*rrorists
that's not gonna get off scot free.

I don't care what happens.

Why not?

Because I know
what has to be done.

Coming close again.

And I know what you have to do.

You have to find out what
kind of a disease that is for sure.

Then maybe I can use that to
scare Karak into surrendering.

Why don't you try to scare the
dictator into making some concessions

so he won't be known
as a mass-m*rder*r?

Now you are telling me my job.

You prove that it is a disease
and not just a bunch of headaches

because they've been
cooped up on a h*jacked plane.

Unfortunately, I think
I'll be able to prove that.

How much longer?

Usually 24 to 36 hours,
but I think I can cut it in half.

Well, that's not fast enough.

You get back to your lab and you work
faster than you ever have in your life.

Is that an order you can follow?

Yes, it is. Can you
follow an order?


Open the door.

Exactly how much time?

Twenty-four hours are up
at dawn tomorrow morning.

That leaves us less than 14 hours
from now. I'm talking about the most.

That's tight, but it's not
completely impossible.

Yeah, but the hijackers
could jump the deadline.

The leader is not
a predictable guy,

and I'll lay eight to five he's
got the disease, whatever it is.

I suggest we use all five
systems to get the cultures.

Sam and I'll handle the
agglutination process.

I was afraid you were
gonna volunteer me for that.

Well, we can't all be heroes.

CDC checked out Midway.

Most of the passengers
are still there,

but they know of six in the
air en route to South America.


There's little they can do
until we crack what this is.

Well, what about the minister
of health in Karak's country?

He denies they have a single
case of a disease anything like it,

much less an
epidemic, naturally.

Doesn't get easier, does it?

A little more of this and my
eyeballs are gonna fall out.

I'll buy you a dog that's also
a seeing-eye lab technician.

Yeah, but can he
bark in Japanese?

Dr. Quincy? Later.

It's Beat.

Keep testing, will you, Sam?

Do I have a choice?


How much longer?

We are already taking
dangerous short-cuts

we shouldn't be doing. Even
so, we're coming up at the end.

Even so, you've
got to go faster.

Why? What happened?

Karak's asked for some
things, fresh fruit, iced drinks,

fresh water, light food
for the passengers.

Well, what's wrong with that?

He even opened up
another hatch to make

the cabin more
comfortable on the plane.

I don't get it, isn't that what
you said would happen?

I said close, not overly
protective or considerate.

Look, come on, we're
wasting valuable time here.

t*rrorists run to form.

Once they decide
the hostages will die,

they take on a gentle,
almost protective attitude.

They want them to be comfortable
for as long as they're alive.

I have to know
what I'm dealing with

whether this really is some kind
of a plague before I make my move.

Well, your move is not going
to endanger those people, is it?

I don't want to hurt them
any more than you do.

I'm not the one who
spooked Karak, remember?

I'm sorry, that
wasn't called for.

You got a right.

They're still putting pressure on Karak's
government, but so far it's negative.

And I don't think I can
stall him much longer.

So it's up to you. You got it?

Yeah, I got it. I got it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I know
you've been pushed to the limit.

Now I'm gonna have
to push you a lot farther.

Mr. Beal, it's Washington,
the State Department.


I understand. That's
what I expected.

Did you tell them we think
we have a plague aboard?

No, I can't give you
any final results, not yet.

Thank you. I'll need it.

There's a final word
from Karak's government.

It's a big, fat no.

Our State Department
is still negotiating.

I do not believe you.

All right. But I'm telling you, they want
to wait till we get Dr. Quincy's report.

Moore, get into your coveralls.

Looks like we might have to
stop a kamikaze number out there.

We can't push viral cultures
this fast, and we both know it.

We're not miracle men. We can't
get 24 hour results in six hours,

no matter how much we try.

I'll call Beal. He's
gotta keep stalling.

No way, Doctor. Because
it's out of my hands.

Karak's demanded that the plane
be refueled and cleared for take-off.

Quincy. What is it?
Where are you going?

To stop a m*ssacre.

Bacteria doesn't
know about politics

and epidemics
don't go by the book.

The book said we
had cholera controlled

till it broke out in the Middle
East three months ago.

You know how
many people it k*lled?

And zoonosis makes cholera
look like the common cold.

I believe you, Doctor. I don't
need final absolute proof.

What do you want
me to do about it?

I want you to help me
get on that plane again.

What for? Is your
equipment in position?

I want to talk to them.

Tell them they're
gonna die either way?

That's not the most persuasive
argument in the world.

I want to talk to them
about life, not death.

I want to convince them that if they
surrender, there's a chance of living,

their only chance.



Where are the gasoline trucks?

What are you trying to do now?

Relax, Karak. You're not
the only plane on the field.

They're on their way.

What are you trying?

You relax, too, Doctor.

They're right
outside your plane.

Those are your men.

You rush that plane,
Karak'll blow it up.

Not if I hit him fast
enough and hard enough.

And if you don't?

I told you, there's no way
I'm gonna let him take off.

It's your diagnosis
tipped the scales, Doctor.

That plane is a plague carrier.

It's gonna start an epidemic
wherever it goes. Remember?

What's the real reason?
Where you coming from?

SWAT leader...

Where in that rule book
does it give you the right

to rule out hope, no
matter how small?

Your last trip out there wasn't
exactly a howling success.

That's why you have to give
me a chance to try it again.

I don't have to do anything. There's
nobody over my head right now.

So you can do anything you want.

Whatever I think is
best. For the hostages?

How about the risk of epidemic
if that plane blows up out there?

Fire trucks will spray foam,

a tanker loaded with
germicide will go in after them.

Not to mention the
guys with the Band-aids.

Well, it's a lot better than if it crashes
somewhere else and they're not prepared.


You want a confrontation
almost as much as Karak.

You're like some rogue cop,
taking on the criminal's mentality!

I'm tired of dealing with
scum, if that's what you mean.

I'm tired of seeing
them get away with it.

Flying him off to some neutral
country, they'll make a hero out of him.

Throwing roses at him
instead of throwing him in jail.

If Karak wants to play
chicken with me, he's got it!

So you're gonna fight terror with terror,
now what kind of an answer is that?

You want to know
where I'm coming from?

Two years ago in
the Detroit airport,

a guy over my head comes in at
the last minute to call the sh*ts.

The t*rrorists
wanted to take off.

He says, "Okay, let them go. Let
somebody else worry about them."

They took off all right,

after they dumped eight dead hostages
on the tarmac as a going-away present.

Is there anything else
on your mind, Doctor?


I want you to get the hell out
of here and leave me alone.

Deering, ease back a
little toward the rear hatch.

Not too far, just enough
so you can line up

how you're gonna take out
the t*rror1st that's guarding it.

All takeoffs and
landings suspended?

That's right.

Damn it!

Do you want me to stop him?

SWAT leader.

Let him through.

The man wants to k*ll himself.

Stop there, Doctor.

I'm coming aboard.
I wanna talk to you.

What is in the case?

Anti-viral serum.

It's no cure, but it'll help
keep the infection down.

That is good.

It's all right then?
Yes, of course.

All right, as soon as the refueling is
completed, you'll make your move.

Deering and Moore, that'll be your
signal to rush the emergency door.

As soon as you're
inside, SWAT will follow.

All right, I don't want anybody
to move until I give the word.

Repeat, no one moves
till I give the word.

Good luck.

You're lying to us.

The blood samples could not be
incubated and identified so quickly.

We have new
systems. Faster ones.

Another lie from the
man who does not lie.

Tell us what Beal's plan is now.

That is the only reason
you were allowed aboard.

He'll do anything he has to,
to prevent you from taking off.

But you've got a lot more
to worry about than that.

The tests aren't completed yet,

but we've gone far enough to
rule out everything but zoonosis

or a virus that's
just as deadly.

I have an anti-viral serum here.

I want to inject
everybody on the plane.

Why did you not use it before?

I couldn't until we narrowed
down the possibilities.

Now, this is not a cure and
has some bad side-effects,

but at least it'll slow down the
infection. Roll up your sleeve.


Tell him to use
his head, please.

Karak, please... No.

It's part of Beal's plan.

He means to poison me
or make me unconscious.

Now if it's poison, I'll
be the first one to die.

All right.

Go and inject the passengers.

Sonya, go with him.

It's... It's bad, isn't it?

He's asleep.

That is a good
sign, isn't it, Doctor?


Let's go into the
lounge. What is it?

That boy is dead.

Is that what
you're fighting for?

Those are Beal's men out
there, Doctor, just like you.

And just like you, it
will do them no good.

You're a m*rder*r.

No matter what cause
you use to try to disguise it,

you're nothing but a m*rder*r.

That boy is dead.

That is not our fault.

Oh, really? Whose is it? Mine?
Beal's? The rest of the world?

How many people have to
die because of a busted hijack?

Now, there has
to be another way!

Look, Doctor,

we didn't just wake up one morning
and say, "Let us hijack an airplane."

It is not the first thing
that we do, it is the last.

It is an act of desperation
by desperate people.

And only because all else has
failed to end the terror in our country.

All right.

The boy is dead
and we are sorry,

but we will free our friends.
Do you understand, Doctor?

And that is why we must call
the attention of the world to this,

and that is why we will
fly this plane to our country

and crash it into the
presidential palace.

You'll never make
it. Neither will they.

They're sick.
Can't you see that?

Then inject them and they will!

Don't you understand?
Injection is just a stopgap.

Along the way, they're
gonna collapse on you.

You'll crash before
you're halfway there.


Beal, Beal.


I'm tired of playing
games with you.

Get your men to
take the hoses out,

cover the gas tanks and get them
off the wings, or I'll sh**t them off.

And prepare this plane
for take-off or I'll blow it up.


We're taking off, Mr. Beef,

so get those police
trucks out of the way.

I'm tired of taking orders
from you, do you hear me?

You're not going anywhere.

You try to stop me,
I'll blow up the plane.

And according to our doctor here,
there is plague bacillus aboard.

So, please do not make
empty threats to me, Mr. Beal.

You're not being heroic.
That's wholesale m*rder.

m*rder for everybody
on the plane,

and m*rder for everybody who
gets infected when it blows up.

Doctor, this is a detonator

for the expl*sives on the plane.

Do you understand, Doctor?

Why not just stop
before it's too late?

For whom? For you.

Oh, you're so smart.
Don't you realize

you're doing everything
your dictator wants?

You're k*lling innocent people,

you're turning world
opinion against you,

and you're not
achieving one thing.



Sonya, swear to me, if I die,

you'll carry out
the plan. Swear it.

Don't listen to him.
Do not betray me.

Please, Sonya.

You lied to us before,
you could be lying again.

You know I'm not.

The runway's blocked.

Blow up the plane.
Blow up the plane.

Can you save him?

I don't know.

Please, please.

Stop the plane.

Congratulations. Thanks a lot.

Thank you.


It's definitely a zoonosis,
the Rickettsial type.

CDC is flying out the vaccine
from its depot in Saint Louis.

I just hope to
God he's all right.

I think God heard you.