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06x08 - Hang in There, Higuchi-san! / And the Tracks Go On and On / Operation Body Double Nom Nom

Posted: 01/14/24 10:26
by bunniefuu
There's nothing I can do. But I

also can't just do nothing either.

Hey, let's all make this another productive day.

Hell yeah. Sir. Any plans? Oh.


Focus. Hoguchi. It feels like you have a fever.

He looks pretty out of it. Is it the flu?

Impossible. Since my birth, I have never, ever contracted the flu.

And I am positive I never will.

You say that with suspicious certainty. Oh.

It's got to be the curry I had for lunch earlier today.

The spices had a bit more kick than usual.

You're right, I. He's totally deflecting.

Hang in there, sir. I don't need your sympathy.

Just worry about carrying out your duties. Go on without me.

No way I can leave you behind.

I hate to interrupt this touching scene,

but would you mind acquiring some drinks to help him stay hydrated?

This type of situation can be dangerous for anyone.

Got it? I'll go pick something up.

Here you go. Why did you buy yogurt? He needs hydration.

Explain how that's going to help him. Higuchi.

Well, I figured Tokugawa help. I mean to help Akutagawa.

I should go get him something that

would make his stomach feel better.

I think helping him break his fever

is a little more important than that right now.

Oh. Excuse me. Darcy. What a surprise to hear from you.

Ah, is that the case now? Darcy

will be coming to pay you a visit.

I swear, there's nothing that happens which he isn't privy to.

Darcy is coming to visit me.

He scared me. What's gotten into you?

I feel happy, but I don't want

to disappoint him by letting him see me in this frail state.

Hello? In there. I should pretend like I'm all better.

No. Then you won't come to visit me at all.

Oh, what do I do? I think he's frozen.


Oh. He's here. Listen, Darcy, I want to say this.

Oh, yeah. I came in his place.

Atsushi Nakajima, you son of a. Yikes.

Red eyes are never a good sign.

Huh? Octagon, sir. Meow, meow. Oh dear.

I only had Atsushi come first because

I was running a little late.

You att*cked me before I finished talking.

I got this for you. Enough with the Joker.

He has a high fever. Are you

sure he's going to be able to drink all of this?

He did octagonal consume tens of billions of Lactobacillus cells,

causing his gut flora to flourish as his fever subsided.

Doctor, go drink the box I.. Got him to. I want him to have

the healthiest gut bacteria in the whole world.

It takes all sorts to make the world turn.

The weather feels so pleasant today.

Hey, is that who I think it is? Over there? Yeah.

It's Darcy. I wonder what he's doing.

It would appear you.. Wish

to learn about my powers the hard way.

Seriously, what the hell is that weirdo doing?

You think that I haven't noticed you

hiding from me this whole time?

A surprise att*ck? You believe you figured out my weakness, haven't you?

Is Darcy fighting an invisible enemy? I

should scope out what's going on.

Those pointy ears. That fluffy tail. Reveal yourself at last! Doggy!




There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Carol.

I was so worried. Please don't ever leave me.

I mean, don't ever leave my sight

like that again. My heart couldn't take it.

It's okay, it's okay. Let's go see

what Rambo was up to, shall we?

Today's the day he finally tells me

what he thinks of my novel.

I mean, that was an..

Understandable mistake, wasn't it? Look, dogs and raccoons are carnivorous mammals,

and some people even keep raccoons as pets.

Dogs and raccoons are both fluffy and have four legs.

They both have noses and a mouth. Yeah.

What do I do? I can't go out now. This is too..

Embarrassing. I'm tired of making all these excuses.

I just want to find Atsushi and go

back to the agency. Already? Yeah.

Just rip off the bandage and go out there, huh?

Wait a minute. You knew that I was here, Darci?

But of course, you could have said something a little earlier.

But now it all makes sense that raccoon

being a dog thing was a joke, right? Here.

I thought that was a joke. There's

no way someone would actually mistake a raccoon for a dog.

Oh, wait, did he actually. Never mind that. Let's head back.

Darci. I was here too, you know?

I was at this spot even before the Weretiger came here.

Did you not notice when I jumped out and called your name?

I want to say something, but knowing

he must be deliberately ignoring me,

I just can't muster up the courage to go out there.

What's wrong? Akutagawa? Are you that concerned about the armed Detective agency?

If you gave me the order, I'd att*ck them in a heartbeat.

Man. There are bosses, but we need to look after them.

Hi. We're back. Is marching together through the city

a hobby for you guys, huh? Yeah.

A body double.

That's right. I'll fill you in on the details.

Now's not the time to be eating, Higuchi.

Anyway, the new deal our boss is about

to make is apparently really sketchy.

I've been asked to find a lookalike

for him among people in this room.

One of us will be his look alike.

You got it. We can't trust a job like this to an outsider.

And they need to be someone who won't hesitate to fight.

In that case, are you going to be

a candidate for the job as well?

We're picking someone who has a similar vertical profile.

Just say.. Taller man.

Here's our first look alike competition. Booyah! Shaka! Shaka!

Everyone, I expect good things. Let's get.. Started. Boss.

Mr. Mori will be a spectator, so make

sure you all do your best. Our first contestants. Michizo Tachihara.

What do you think? It's not quite the same.

You have a lot to learn. You think I don't know that?

Uh, I would say you need to exude

more of an appreciation for sweet girls. Yeah, you're definitely way creepier.

Is that really a criteria? All right, you're next. Taguchi. Well.

What do you all think of this?

Clothes make the man. I mean, she's a woman.

It wasn't much different from my outfit.

Wait. Watch this. I'll do my best impression. Oh,

at dear, try on these clothes for

me, won't you? Pretty? Pretty please.

Goodness. Do you really think that sounded

so much like me just now?

No, not at all. Right. Tachihara. Totally.

Yuji, I'm so going to get you

for this. Anyway. Our next contestant. Nope. Next.

Okay. Very nice indeed. The look

and presence are quite uncanny and are

similar to when I was a svelte young man.

I think they pull off the look better than you do.

Yes. What? So you like it? It's

true that everything on the surface seems to be in order,

but are they capturing the boss's inner

depth to really bring things home?

Julia is talking like a real critic now.

I thought I'd sound cool. You look really great, sir.

Damn, Jean, you look really.. Sharp in a suit.

This has stirred quite the commotion as a winner already been chosen.

I wanted to try it, but it's fine.

Wow, he wrote. So you look incredible. Yeah.

It's flawless. Quite taking account of his perfect silhouette.

Shall we give him the position of body?

Huh? Love it. Can we take him home? Regional police, dear. Oh.

I don't want a body double anymore.

I'll go to the meeting by myself. That figures.

I beg of you Rampo,

read my new mystery novel and tell me what you think.

Okay, here's what we'll do. Take the manuscript

out of your pocket so you can read it over.

Heck no. I just want the snack that's in your back pocket.

I don't like that you've deducted what was inside my pockets.