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06x03 - Operation Errand Run / Finders Kyouka's / Rampo-san's Day Well Spent

Posted: 01/14/24 10:22
by bunniefuu
I'll k*ll anyone who doesn't value life.

Oh, I'm so busy these days, I can

never find the time to go out. I wonder what I should do.

I could help you out if you like.

Help me with what? You're too busy

healing people to go out and buy your own supplies, right?

Well deduced. So you'd really give me a hand?

Of course I will. I'll find someone to go for you.

So you won't actually be the one going there?

That's correct. Well. Let's see. I'll be needing

.. Medical charts and some scissors.

You really do see all. I'm impressed. Rambo.

Hey, Kenji! Huh? Hey! What's up? Rampo.

I wonder if you could pick up a few

things at the store for me.

What do you need? Doctor Yoshino asked

me if I could get her some charts and scissors.

No problem, I can get them. Thanks a lot, Kenji. Huh?

Oh, yeah. I was supposed to investigate a scene today.

If I go shopping first, I won't make it on time.

Is something wrong? Kenji? Mr. Kunikida glad I ran into you.

Huh? And that brings us up to speed on the situation.

I understand. Very well then. I'll go take care of the shopping.

You'd really do that? Thank you so much.

So, what is it she needs?

Let's see. Uh. She needed. That's right.

Some short ribs and skirt steaks.

What does she intend to do with those, I wonder?

Maybe she's planning on grilling some meat.

Didn't you say she needed supplies, though?

Never mind. I'll take care of it. Thanks, Mr. Kunikida.

Hey, does I get your ass up, you blockhead?

Huh? What is it? Morning already. Come on, let's go.

I have a job for you.

I'm actually pretty busy right now. How are you? Busy.

We have some important errands to run today. Don't shirk your responsibility.

So what do you need me to buy exactly?

It seems the doctor requires short ribs and skirt steaks for grilling.

Skirt steaks? Maybe she has a patient

who will die unless they eat grilled meat.

Boy, if only I had that sickness.

Anyway, that's what I've been told, okay? So do..

It. What a merciless sl*ve driver, huh?

You might have some time right now.

Oh. Dr. Yoshino needs some supplies. That's right.

And Kunikida has chosen you to get them.

So what kind of.. Stuff do I need to buy?

The doctor requires short ribs and skirt steaks for grilling.

A cow? Huh? That sounds like a lot.. Of work for supplies.

Good luck. Are you sure about this?

Yep. I'm going to go do it. Okay. I'm going to go buy a cow.

Have I ever lied to you? She looks a lot like Hanako.

The cow we kept in my village. Think it'll eat this?

If it were a goat. But you shouldn't feed goats paper either.

What was that you said about needing a cow?

That didn't seem wrong the minute it left my mouth.

Hanako. The second ended up being well cared for.

Huh? Good grief.


Kitten, did you find it? Kiyoka.

Yeah, in the alleyway. Looks like it has a collar.

Maybe it got lost trying to find its way home. Hang on there.

It seems like it likes you, Atsushi.

Maybe it thinks he's a.. Fellow cat or something.

They heard that I'm a tiger. What's

going on here? Hey, Mr. Kunikida.

A lost cat. Did you really think

things through before bringing it here?

Listen, it's a lot of responsibility to

take care of a living creature.

Kittens are especially delicate, so you have to know what you're doing.

They need to be fed milk that's been warmed up.

It can't be too hot or too cold.

About body temperature is just right

and we'll thin it down to aid its digestion.

You see what you're getting into now? It's a lot of work.

Mr. Kunikida is really showing us up.

It's drinking. You're right.

Listen up. We can't just keep it here forever.

What makes you say that? You know

the type of unwanted attention we sometimes get here?

It wouldn't be safe for it.

This isn't the place for a kitten.

Mr. President.

What's this? Why is a cat here? It is so cute. I mean.

Pretend I wasn't here. I'll come back in.

I guess we could keep it. Just

think about what's best for the cat. Okay.

I don't know how to thank you enough for taking care of her.

Don't worry about it. I missed you so much,

Niko. I'll never lose you again.

We made sure she was well cared for.

I'm glad she has a home to go back to.

Are you okay? Kyoko? Don't forget, we

still have our own cat here.

You should pet him whenever you're feeling a bit down.

I already told you, I'm a tiger.

I never got a chance.. To pet it.

Hey, Atsushi. Huh? What are you up to?

I'm bringing these snacks to the president.

Whoa, whoa. Is that a rice cake?

Yeah, from a really famous shop, too.

I'll take it to him for you.

Oh, but don't sweat it. I got your back, buddy.

Good afternoon. I have your snack for you.

Here you are. Thank you. Oh. This rice

cake has a bite taken out. Could it be

rompo? Did you take a bite?

What do you mean? I had heard

such positively glowing reviews about the shop.

We'd be buying these rice cakes from today.

But look at this tragedy. My first bite has been pillaged.

It does kind of look like someone took a bite.

Weird. It doesn't just kind of look like it.

That's what happened. Don't you think it's

about time that you confessed to the truth? Rampo. Huh?

Whatever do you mean? You couldn't possibly

have any evidence to support that I did it.

I may not have your deductive powers,

but that paste on your mouth will suffice.

Hmm. Huh? Hmm. Mhm. Hey, don't wipe

the evidence off on my sleeve.

Hey, boss, you're still angry about the rice cake?

I'm not. I was so busy, I forgot.

I've been reflecting a little on what I did.

A little. And I was thinking maybe

I could do something nice for you since you work so hard.

Those rice cakes. I got the location

of the store and went over there.

You did? How considerate. You went and bought

me a new one, didn't you?

I told the lady working there that our

boss had been wanting to come and try out their food. Huh?

I just wanted to tell you that my boss

is really in love with this place.

Oh, nice. Thank you for letting us know.

That's all you did? Oh, and that's

not all. Of course. Please continue.

I went and wrote replies to those stacks

of letters that you've been getting.

But those were sealed documents from important dignitaries.

This could greatly hurt our company. What would you suggest, Mr. Fukuzawa?

Do whatever, I guess. We would appreciate

your advice on this matter. I got nothing.

Please attend our important meeting. I'll go if it seems fun. Gasp!

I've been putting these off because they seemed so difficult,

but Mompo has articulated my thoughts perfectly.

Should I just send these out as is?

I hope you haven't done anything else for me.

There's just one other thing that I used your phone for.

My phone? I have a lot of important contacts on here.

What has he done?

I went and changed your ringtone to a cat meowing.

Oh I see. Mr. Fukuzawa couldn't help but appreciate that.

back to work. But a child's work is to play, isn't it?

Last I checked, you're a grown ass man.

Oh, man, you didn't yell. That makes me all sleepy.

Wake me up in a bit, mom. Who are you calling? Mom. Junior.

What do.

I got a gruesome end to your.

Je NE NE peut.

You donkey! Subeesh.
