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05x09 - Land of Inhuman Demons (Part 2)

Posted: 01/14/24 09:51
by bunniefuu
When you find the thief, k*ll them. I told you to run away.



Tony's lucky you spotted AIA anywhere. No, not at all. Damn.

Maya's run off with Count Bram Stoker.

The source of the contagious ability. What is going on?


I'm not able to move my body very well.

Is it because of this drug? I need

to do something about this first.

If you have a scratch, I can do it with this.

I sh**t, tell, okay, so tell me I'm cheating on myself

and I'll tell you..

Until county council. Can you come to my

room on my chow chow shack?

Any chow mein style? Hair style with stone.

She'll wake you all night. Don't you

tell my job your night, miss, miss.

I just means I don't know. Chow. Chow. Chow.

Oh my God. Come on, man, we're.

So let's get this over to Kasey Keller.

She's had. You go out with Sammy

Sheik and I come to me like you. Chemo on a.

Vegetal matter. Their job.

M.iy. Oh, lick my bass, sugar.

I do not wish to die. Not out here in the middle of nowhere

to die. Neither for my country nor for my comrades,

but simply as a lowly insect.

Captain Fukuchi, I beg you to avenge

us. Free us from regret. Please.

So bringing us here to Atsushi was a trap.

Genichiro, I can't reach the agency members. Is that your doing?

Your men put up a valiant fight. Fukuzawa.

Their hearts have been stopped using a suppressant.

An electrical pulse is keeping their hearts beating instead.

Thus, the instant I power off the device, your men will die.

Don't look so fierce. Personally, I don't

get any pleasure by doing this to you or your people.

We'll trap him in the novel dimension that Poe wrote for us.

He can't use his special ability once he's in the novel world.

I've already been warned from the future about that plan.

Now what? Another hostage for my collection.

That makes it clear, Genichiro. I have

a feeling your objective isn't the destruction of the state.

You have a true objective beyond that.

You would have no need for hostages otherwise.

You've known me too well. Too long. Fukuzawa.

Very well. Take a guess then. If you

don't answer correctly within five minutes, I'll k*ll all the hostages.

If you have a scratch, I can do it with this.

Here, let me end your frustration.

Now you can scratch your nose with your own kitty claws.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Did you think I was going to eat

you alive? It did cross my mind.

The fact you saw through me so quickly

made me realize playing the part of a t*rror1st must be difficult.

I was told the truth this morning from the source himself,

and I thought I had fully come to accept it.

But come to think of it, this

was my first time torturing someone like you.

You're neither a criminal nor an enemy villain.

Just a do gooder who would concern

yourself with the well-being of a child.

Melvin. Now you know it all. You

and I are stuck here waiting around

until Captain Fukuchi completes his great master plan.

Come on, Kitty, do some tricks for my entertainment.

I do have one trick that I haven't revealed yet.

I can stop the real t*rrorists. You have justice in your heart.

We still have time. Let's stop the t*rrorists together.

That is enough. Speak once more of that nonsense

and I'll mash you into a pulp.

Listen to me. I choose by my own

will to stand next to the captain. Yet all you can say to try

to change my mind is that I have justice in my heart.

Fine. No sense k*lling you. Let's play a game instead.

What can. I'll tell you the true goal of the decay of angels.

But only if you dare to hear it.

Why wouldn't I want to know? Because your soul will be crushed.

You won't even be able to get up and leave this room.

Some things are inevitable. Do you still want to hear it?

You can't defeat me, Fukuzawa. There is no way

for you to see into the future like I'm capable of doing.

I may not see into the future, but I do see the past.

We've known each other for many years.

I know everything there is to know about your habits,

your breath, your sword, as well as I know my own.

Now prepare yourself.

Ridiculous. You never came to a b*ttlefield with me.

How would you know who I really am?

A throwing knife with times the power.

The b*ttlefield changed everything. The man you knew is no more.

You and I, as we were in those days, no longer exist.

Who are you? Tell me your name.

I've come here to defeat this dojo.

Number . Huh? That's the number of dojos

that have been stormed by you so far.

Whatever. So where is everybody, anyway? I had them all leave.

What? It's just you and me. You

really think you can take me on all by yourself and win?

You're just a little boy.. Playing with a sword. Begin.

Oh, I got . How many

did you get, little swordsman? .

It's unbelievable to think that anyone could

stand against me like you did.

My name's Genichiro Fukuchi. What do they call you? Fukuzawa.

The way of the sword is enjoyable, huh?

The way of the sword is never a lonely life.

Say, Fukuzawa. I've made up my mind.

I'm going to master the sword alongside you.

Let's share the view from the pinnacle together.

Won't it be great to have a partner?

No. That's . That's not fair. Fukuzawa.

Sneaking up on me after arriving so late.

A little rude, don't you think? Ken-ichiro.

That's what you get for starting to get drunk without me.

I thought you were supposed to be at your training director job.

I skipped it again. Oh, I'm impressed

you found such a fine piece in this economy. Work connections.

You used to be so quiet. People

called you the statue with the wooden

sword. But look at you now.

And you were uncontrollably rambunctious as a child.

But I hear you're rising through the ranks now, too. Yeah.

I've been tapped for a higher position.

Are they sending you to the b*ttlefield?

Tokoyami jima. I hear it's quite perilous.

Several of my students have not returned.

I have a bad feeling about this.

A feeling that you may die. No, worse than that.

I have a feeling that I may not be able to stay myself.


Will you come with me to the b*ttlefield? What's that?

I've already put in a good word for you.

Even though you've never served, you've been called

one of the five Great swords alive today.

They say they'd be more than happy to have you.

But I hate organizations. I'm not suited

for command or for taking orders. But my friend, I.

All that exists on the b*ttlefield is the act of taking life.

All right. You're still the lone wolf statue with a wooden sword.

I'm different from you, I have comrades.

Now, I won't ask you again.

Genichiro. To protect your friends from death

and to end a w*r are two different things.

You go fight and I'll end the w*r from here.

That's the decay of angels actual final objective.

Unbelievable. A detective agency. Knew nothing about it. Had no idea.

I challenge the justice of heaven. So now

I finally.. Understand what he meant.

Here. I've unlocked the door. Don't you want to escape?

Uh huh.

I won't k*ll you yet. The final

comedy of the human realm needs an audience to appreciate it.

Chairman. Come in. Have you had a chance

to look through the documents I sent you earlier? It's wrong.

Why are you doing it like this, Captain Fukuchi?

The documents are quite clear. Within the next

five minutes, unlock the one order.

Otherwise, I will have the vampires attack

the entire world all at the same time.

I refused to believe it. Captain Fukuchi,

you're the hero who saved the world numerous times.

You're the one person who inspired me

in the first place to take this office.

I see. I see everything. It all makes sense now.

This isn't a plan to destroy the world.

It's all part of a plan to save it.

What a fool you are. But a useful fool nonetheless.

Even after I k*ll the other vile angels,

I think I'll continue to keep you by my side.

I trust your word that you will

truly abort the vampires attack as soon

as I unlock the one order.

These are the final five minutes of human history.

What will it be? A game of go. Perhaps you told me to guess.

Your goal is. Is it vanish?

The soldiers in Tokyo, Yamijima, who ran out of food and

were forced to consume each other.

The men who were shot from behind

by their superiors when they tried to surrender.

For the infantrymen forced to repeatedly fight

to their death by the healing gifted

against the administrators who sold soldiers false rhetoric about valor

against the cabinet, which pushed its own

failures on those at the frontlines,

against the people who support the cabinet

and spectate the w*r with enthusiasm.

You targeted the detective agency. To punish me for my betrayal.

For not going with you to the b*ttlefield.

Well, I've guessed what your true objective is.

So now you have to free my men.

Oh, Fukuzawa!

You're wrong. The decay of angels actual goal.

Is it truly right to stop them?

I don't know. I can't make a decision like that.

Is it really that hard to know? Hard to know?

Failure is unacceptable.

You don't need to do anything. Anything. Oh.

Take a look outside. Outside.

I'm too much of a..

Fool to decide what the right thing to do is.

What a lame excuse. There's no good

reason why I can't do something to help.

I have to tell the president about this.

The president can make the right call.

Stand down. Let him go if he wants to.

Rock paper scissors. Go! Go go go. Why can't I ever win?

Because I can predict what you're going to do.

Your arm tension, your gaze, and the time between your moves.

Also I cheat. I am praying your

next move into your subconscious with subtle

little gestures that you're not aware of. But they work.

Thank goodness you never.. Decided to gamble at the casino.

It's all in the wrist, my friend.

It doesn't matter a bit if you're a superhuman or a normie.

No, you're definitely superhuman. You defeated Fyodor single handedly.

I don't know what you needed me for.

Why did you choose me? You could have had

any of the other tools all more useful than I am.

I have two reasons, really. My first reason is kunikida.

Oh. What's that? It's more fun doing

what I do with someone around.

A friend who I can surprise from time to time,

and who is amused at the funny things that I do.

Don't touch me. I know you're just

trying to bullshit me again. Fine.

I see how you like to operate now.

I'm not even worth explaining your reasons to. That's not it.

Even if I did explain myself, I

just didn't think you'd get it.

You've been getting used by all sorts of organizations.

You'd be hard pressed to understand what I have to say.

But you want to try hearing it anyway.

First, there's one thing I want to check.

Your ability lets you access information, even

from a corpse. Yes or no.

Yes, as long as they haven't been dead long.

That's the main reason I chose you.

I want you to tell me what

Fyodor had planned for the future from his drowned, submerged corpse.

I've always suspected his ability works on

anyone whose body he can touch.

And now that he's dead, it's safe

to touch him without being affected.

We have to discern any of his future plans from his corpse.

And then go to the airport to save the detective agency.

Detective agency? How did I not see this before?

So you chose me and plotted to k*ll Fyodor before escaping prison.

Also, you could help out the detective agency.

Well, as you are already aware, they are

the hand that feeds me. Oh.

Something I heard in the past suddenly rang through my head.

Sigma. We're done with you now. Sorry,

but you just aren't useful anymore. You're a mere pawn to us.

Why now?

So anyway, our destinations at the end of this ride.

What are you doing now? Gotta check the circuitry just in case.

Good. No traps. Time to do some deep sea fishing.

Back to what you were saying. You said

you had two reasons for choosing me. What's the second one?

If I hadn't chosen you, Fyodor would have silenced you for sure.

That was really your second reason.

I guess he doesn't intend to answer any further.

I wanted a home. The home where

I could live without being used by anyone.

Everyone living on the outside uses other

people to get what they want. But why?

The detective agency isn't using Darci, and

Darci isn't using the detective agency.

It's taking too long. Something's wrong.

Help! Help me! I have nothing to do with this.

I just used my timestop abilities. I was ordered to,

but I'm not involved in this.

Now then does I? We're cold and wet,

so I will keep it brief, if you don't mind. What?

The time stop signal isn't working anymore.

My accomplice must have been k*lled by that g*nsh*t we heard.

Darci dear. I'm a little surprised by the way you've..

Behaved in this game. Not by the flooding that made perfect sense.

You know so little about the gravity manipulator.

You didn't even know how he could

stop the flood with his ability. Do tell.

It's simple really. I had him bend

the wall rails ahead of time.

It may be the sturdiest wall in the world,

but its design philosophy was to ensure

that it would be difficult to. Open once closed

as a result. It was also made

to be difficult to close once it was opened.

The damage on the wall meant that the door failed to close,

fully allowing the water to leak.

The rest was easy. He escaped through the crack.

You and the gravity manipulator couldn't be a team.

You're too sloppy in your thinking to employ him correctly.

If what he's telling us is true,

it definitely could have allowed him to escape.

But none of it would have been

possible if he hadn't known that the flood

was coming in the first place.

It must have been the vampires. What do you mean?

He probably captured one of the prison

guards and changed him into a vampire.

And then. Had them lie in wait.

He knew that they were eventually coming

after him as soon as they stopped contacting him.

A trial by flood was very appropriate for me,

seeing as I'm a true servant of God.

But I'm rather sickly and would be in real

trouble if I were to fall ill.

So I will repay you as I prepare for your own trial by flood.

Unauthorized elevator use has been detected. Engaging lockdown sequence now. Well, then.

I pray that you both will be in the arms

of your God when you take your

last.. Breath in those final moments.