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05x03 - Hero vs. Criminal

Posted: 01/14/24 09:48
by bunniefuu
Hey there. Darcy. Sorry for dragging you

all the way out here on such short notice.

At least we won't have to worry about whether anybody followed us.

As far as I can tell. We're

the only ones who know about this place.

Yes. Of course. This is where you and I.

I need to ask for a favor.

The world is about to be torn apart.

And from the fissure, a deep, dark state of chaos will emerge.

When that happens, I'd like you to be my eyes.

Your eyes. Eyes to watch over all things.

You wouldn't take sides. You wouldn't interfere.

And because of that, you'd never be

detected. That would be your role.

I need your help to save this

world. The detective agency and Atsushi.

I refuse. I don't care about whatever flames

may engulf the world or the agency.

And I would surely never save the Weretiger.

Surely you will. You know why you're

going to save Atsushi, don't you?

A flash of the sword creates pain and a flash can end it as

well. I'll put you at ease.

There won't be any need for you to do that.

For every time the Weretiger is plunged into suffering,

he returns from the abyss as an

even more troublesome enemy. Park Tagawa,

why are you here? By Darcy's orders.

To collect information while staying undetected, but I'm

never to offer any aid unless a smoke

signal is seen. Those were his orders.

You're talking about Rampo's smoke flare. And

Rambo predicted that one as well.

Uh, another one. And this one looks

like he's going to be a real pain in the ass to shut up.

I have no intention of revealing your identity to the outside.

Is that so? My job is simply to feed the fish in the ocean.

I'll mince you before throwing you in.

The meat of a mastermind ought to be quite a nourishing meal.

What an insolent, gifted you are! Can't

you see that I'm your senior? All lives are equal in my eyes.

Why is it you always have to act this way?

You should be escaping to report the truth.

To tell the world the agency's innocent.

You're the one who's oblivious to the situation where? Tiger.

How can you not recognize this opportunity?

What was that? I destroyed the engine

room in order to trap the ship here.

They have no method to send for backup now.

Simply put, at this moment, he's all by himself.

The moment I knew this man was

my enemy, I became fearful of loneliness.

But he's the one who's all alone right now.

We'll slash his throat and then prove your innocence.

You mean just the two of us?

Do we need anyone else's help? But why me, Darci?

You've got plenty of people to work

for you who are stronger and more intelligent than I am.

Do you remember the time when we first met?

I'll always remember that night. Even if I forget

every other detail of my life.

Can you give me any reason at all as to why I should live?

Yes, I certainly can. Why do you

think I invited you into the Mafia that day?

Why did I make you work alongside Atsushi?

I wanted to develop a special w*apon,

one we could use against the demon.

A new generation of double black. In other words.

It was all for this moment. Now then.

I congratulate the two of you on your bravery.

But the time has come for you to choose a path.

One that won't leave your souls filled with regret.

Especially since the two of you are going

to perish anyway, I need s. Fix your leg.

It's a mere metal rod. No. Avoid it.

Did something hit us? It's not just the w*apon.

Doesn't matter if it's just railing. He makes

every w*apon a thousand times more powerful.

So you dodged my attack. I'll try

to be careful not to sink this ship with my next swing.

You freak.

Is too fast. I can't avoid it.

But Darcy didn't abandon me when I needed him the most.

He taught me that everything is a trial.

And so I'll overcome death itself. Rashomon.


We're tiger.

Don't touch me! You disgust me.

We couldn't. You saw his strength. He's not just a gifted.

He's a god of w*r hidden in human form.

I'll defeat him, even if it means

seeing every bone in my body crumble. Why would you?

Because otherwise Darcy won't need me anymore.

And I won't live in a world like that.

Four years ago, Darcy chose to abandon me,

and he replaced me with a shiny

new toy that turned out to be you. However.

Perhaps I've been wrong. Isn't everything a trial?

Is it not all an extension of the purpose

that was given to me in the forest that night?

A trial? That's what Fukuchi is to you.

No, you're the trial for me.

Oh, shit, I overslept. I can't believe

it took the intruder alert to wake us up.

Huh? Wait. I surrender. I don't get

paid enough to die trying to stop a villain.

Huh? I mean, believe it or not,

I have a lovely wife and an adorable daughter.

But if I let a t*rror1st get away and he goes on to destroy

my house. Well, I'd be pretty mad.


Will. Stop. Don't k*ll him! Shut up! Weretiger!


He's alive. That was his carotid artery.

Squeezing it causes the victim to faint

due to a lack of blood to

the brain. He'll regain consciousness soon.

So you. You haven't k*lled anyone since you gave me your oath.

Promise you won't k*ll anyone for the next six months.

I keep my promises no matter what.

Are you sure you heard g*nshots? Yeah. This way.

Damn. Let's go. We still don't have a plan. What do we do?

The answer is simple we defeat Fukuchi.

You say that as if it's the easiest

thing in the world to accomplish.

There's a way to do it. There always is.

Darcy would never have made us work

together without a strategy in mind.

There's a simple yet absolute tactic for us to use.

Beast beneath the moonlight. Rashomon. Esso.

This is the one we used in the fight against Theodore.

An amalgamation of our special abilities. Those claws

can even k*ll a god if you strike in the right way.

There's just one problem. I'm sure you've guessed what it is. Yeah.

Actually, being able to hit him. As you've seen.

Our enemy is particularly evasive. So there

will not be a second chance to use Kokosa.

So the entirety of my power will be passed

on to you should we become separated?

My head will be the first to be cut off.

You have to make sure you end him on the first strike.

Then we'll have to attack underwater. It's

true that we won't be as nimble in the water,

but at the same time, Kokosa will have a much longer range.

And I saw just the thing we need. This way.

They have a submarine for rescuing government VIPs.

In the event of an emergency, we can launch it unmanned.

And I'll have no choice but to go after it.

That's when we'll ambush him from behind.

Please. I hope this works.

We failed.

You don't need to look so furious. Was he onto our plan?

I'm not going to t*rture you or anything.

Why do you do this? Is it because the b*ttlefield changed you?

Were you tortured by the enemy or something?

Ah, yes. I've certainly experienced t*rture, though.

I was the one doing the torturing.

And not just soldiers either, but civilians too. Women and children.

Neither you nor Fukuzawa know the b*ttlefield.

That's why you're still naive enough to believe in a benevolent state.

I challenge the justice of heaven. I've suffered countless hardships.

I've endured countless trials and tribulations. And it's

the lack of recognition of these actions

that continues to fuel my wrath.

So therefore, I, the humble ocean, shall

embrace the cold cynicism that..

Makes up all of creation. Come on.

Fight! Young. Gifted. Amateur.

Ten. Mosquito.

And stay down. You thought you could

defeat me if you fought together? That was a poor decision.

I've single handedly defeated over gifted.

Should the two of you decide to attack individually?

I need only k*ll you individually.

Stay down, you say. I refuse.

He's manipulating his coat to force his bones into place.

I can't let him fight alone. I have to keep up with him.

Very well.

I shall now demonstrate the true nature of the b*ttlefield.

The b*ttlefield is a garden of carnage where justice,

courage and conviction all go to die.

The only possible paths are a death

that is merciful or one that is not.

So welcome to the b*ttlefield.

This katana is years old, forged by gifted blacksmiths.

It's a noble w*apon, but peculiar. It was

not made to be used in battle.

Instead, it was specifically created to take part in ritual activities.

That is, until I wielded it. This

is the reason why you've already lost this battle.

You'll regret having made me draw this sword.

Hoshikawa. That makes one down.

I didn't even see him move. What happened to him?

He's coming. Something's coming. Something I have to evade.

No. I can use the tiger's eyes to see what's coming.

What? Ritual sword? Ameno Gozen, otherwise known as the Space-Time sword.

It compresses space to send its blade

to a different location than the point of attack,

but it could only traverse a dozen or so centimeters.

That is, until it was made a hundred

times more powerful by my special ability.

It's over. The Tigers abilities are only effective in frontal att*cks.

The Black Coat's abilities are effective in defense and attacking blind spots.

If you had att*cked with the tiger

in front in the black coat in defense and ambushed from behind,

then you might have had a chance

of detaching my head from my body.

The only reason why you failed, boy, is because you faltered.

Which is why I gave you a warning when you chose to ignore.

Should the two of you attack individually,

I need only k*ll you individually.

He's right. But for that I would have needed

to trust Akutagawa and thrown myself into this freaks radius of m*rder.

I could never have done such a reckless thing.

What's so funny? I'm simply happy. Undefeated hero Ochi fukuchi.

If I manage to defeat you, then

Dazai will finally approve of me. For sure.

Looks like you don't understand your own situation.

You won't be surviving. You two won't

even be given a swift death.

However, I'm still going to need you

to give me all the information you have.

Though I'm a little tired of that kind of thing.

Akutagawa. Was it? Why don't you become my apprentice? What?

I'm more powerful and more experienced than anyone, and I. Don't hesitate.

I'll soak my hands in blood to achieve my goals.

Just like you. That's got to be more

appealing than the death you're suffering now.

That's the most foolish proposition in the history of the world.

My answer, of course, is no. No one replaces, does I?

I never said I want you to turn on him.

My occupation has made me quite adept at training gifted people.

Once you've become the strongest gifted even among the hunting dogs,

I'll return you to your master.

There's no guarantee whatsoever that you'll keep your promises.

I'll uphold my promise. All right. You can count on that.

Besides, I have good reasons why I should be negotiating with you.

There's something that I'd like you to do for me.

I want you to k*ll the tiger boy.

I've had enough of dispatching children to complete my objectives.

You were never motivated by the act

of stopping a t*rror1st in the first place.

So k*lling me couldn't have much appeal to you.

Don't you want to live? Shouldn't you

be making survival your priority right now?

Plus, deep down, don't you want to k*ll him?

Or did his life suddenly become that important to you?

Get up. Wear tiger. Good. Don't do it.

Do you really think that? Keep his promise.

I promise that I would k*ll you in six months time.

That time simply come a little sooner.

I will defeat you because that is my true purpose in life.

Why are you so obsessed with your purpose in life?

I haven't told anyone about this before,

but I have an illness of the lung.

My time is short. Therefore I can't disappoint Darci.

I can't allow myself to do that in the time that I have left.

I see. I'm very sorry.

Akutagawa said he can't allow himself to disappoint Dazai.

But if Akutagawa meets with Dazai after

I die and Dazai learns that Akutagawa

betrayed me in order to survive, how will Dazai react?

What a perfect.

This is trust. Beast beneath the Moonlight. Persona. Kokos Esso.

Don't die yet. You have to reveal

the truth about the detective agency to the public first.

It seems that heaven still isn't going

to release me from my duties here on earth yet.

We k*lled him.

I found it. It's the page.

This will prove the agency's innocence.

Then my mission is complete. Let's go before security arrives.

What's wrong?

What did that katana cut in the last moment that drew blood?

What is it? It never caught either one of us.

So then where did that sword actually strike? At the very..


A perfect ambush. This is trust. Beast beneath the moonlight.

Cocoa codesto.

Where? Tiger.

What? What happened to me?

That was a perfect ambush.

He didn't even have time to defend himself from us.

Anything you'd like to say before you die?

What have you done? How do you

think I've been able to save the

world from disaster so many times?

How do you think I've been so victorious?

I already told you. Ameno Gozen is the space time sword.

Its blade can traverse space. It also traverses time.

You defeated me in the future, didn't you?

But at the moment of my defeat,

Amina Ghosn cut through to the past.

As a result of this, your victory

was erased and lost to time from the near future.

The blade cut into the recent past.

Not only didn't I lose, but it never happened.

He's insurmountable. This monster even nullifies defeats that happened in the past.

I'll ask again. Is there anything you'd

like to say before you die?

I have always contemplated it. What should

I say in the short time I have,

before the flame of my life is extinguished?

I finally realized that answer just seconds ago.

I don't need words at all. I only need to show action.

He's manipulating his shirt.

Fire extinguisher from the ship.

He got away.

I don't need words at all. I only need to show action.

He's manipulating his shirt.

Fire extinguisher from the ship.

So you're choosing actions over words..

In your last.. Moment. Bravissimo.


I should tell. Okay. So tell.

k*ll me. I'll k*ll myself. Yeah, I'll tell you.

Can't say much else. I can come to my room on my.

Ciao, ciao, ciao. Can you tell me style? Hair style with stone.

Here we go. Night. Talk about my job all night. Miss, miss.

I just means I don't know. Chow. Chow chow.

Town by town. Town by. Around this.

Daddy. Nicole uppercut that she can't. She's hanging.

You go out with Sammy Sheik and I don't come from.

Zero tab on the. Who don't you

know better go to a shop.

Me? So to recap, my boss.