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04x13 - Skyfall

Posted: 01/14/24 09:46
by bunniefuu
The usual. Sure thing. One soft taco.

Don't you get bored eating the same exact thing every single day?

Well, you always breathe in the same exact air every single day.

Do you ever get bored of that?

Here as usual.

Europol announced the cause was a malfunctioning remote detonation device.

The counterfeit coins implicated are thought to be the same

as the ones discovered following the Sky casino terror plot.

Such a tragedy, that was. I'd love

to hear your thoughts on it. Only that.. I agree.

It was the doing of t*rrorists like you.

The detective agency is innocent. Oh, fine.

I brought a beautiful Asian pear.

Are you giving it to me? Of course.

I'm not giving it to you. See?

It might not seem like it, but I happen

to admire you a great deal.

That day, when you were about to blow yourself up in mid-air,

you grabbed Tetcho and used him as a shield

to protect yourself from the grenade expl*si*n.

Without that slick move, not even our

gifted doctors could have saved you.

Your talent is worthy of praise. So I've

come up with a way to have you alone deemed innocent.

Kunikida. Would you like to join the hunting dogs?

What? Join us in hunting down and arresting the armed detective agency.

That's the price for your freedom. Given

that you'd need routine surgery each month in order to stay alive.

You'd have no choice but to remain loyal.

You can leave now. You really think I'd betray the agency?

I'm afraid that unless you accept this offer in the upcoming surgeries,

you'll lose not just your ideals, but all

of your special abilities as well.

My abilities? Think of your notebook. How

do you expect to write without either of your hands?

I should tell, okay. So tell me I'm..

Cheating on myself, and I'll tell you.

You can't say much else, okay? Come la to my room on my.

Ciao. Can you tell me style? Hair style with stone.

She'll wake you all night, don't you?

My job all night. Miss, miss.

I just need time. So don't shout, shout, shout.

Town by town. Ujo by Billy. About this.

So let's get this over. That's shikhara.

She's Hindu. Go out with Sammy Sheik, and I don't come to be.

Chemo. Tabbai.

Tell. So this shop me.

We can fly by sugar.

So then what are you going to do now?

We have to get the page by the full moon.

That's the only way out of this mess.

But with Sigma dead, we have no leads.

If only we had the rest of the detective agency,

this wouldn't have been a big deal.

Don't be clingy. Find a way with the strength you have now.

We have to start looking for more clues.

We might have missed something small. I'm

sure if we all work. Together, we'll find some.


Now, then.. I have to be off.

I'm sure you're going to need some

alone time to consider my offer.

Oh, I almost forgot. We've scheduled Dr. Yoshino's execution for today.

That just goes to show you that your

ideals of protecting your own kind really

amount to a bunch of nothing. Isn't it about time? Good.


You're finally awake. Nikolai.

Why are you here? You're amazing. Look at that shocked look

upon your face. Amazingly well. Amazingly plain.

I remember falling from the Sky casino,

and yet I don't have a single scratch on me.

It's actually the result of a little bit of simple magic.

I used my spatial splicing ability to catch

you on your way down and spit

I kept doing this until you gradually lost speed.

I'm also using my ability to keep

you alive by looping your blood back into your body.

I practically got blood out of a stone for you. Get the joke?

I'm certain that Fyodor was the one

who ordered the hit on me.

So what reason would you have for saving my life?

And besides, I thought you had died during the chainsaw hostage incident.

Am I not standing here? Ask me

anything. Cut to the chase already.

How were you able to survive that?

Oh, shucks. I don't know who asks

a magician to reveal his tricks.

Anyway, that's, like, so rude, you know?

Nah. I'm kidding. It's a simple trick.

I used my spatial splicing to make

a gap and connected with another torso.

All the chainsaw did was split the spatial

gap I created. I still don't get it.

If you see a magician die with their arms and legs tied up,

you have to question the trick. Stop!

Look, you're definitely an elite gifted who has few, if any scruples.

But that's not what I'm surprised about.

In the original plan. You were supposed to die.

Nikolai. All in order to erase the real

culprit from the scene and force the detective

agency to take the blame and go on the run.

You agreed to that plan when you

first joined the decay of angels.

You are % correct. I was, in fact,

intent on dying so that I could

prove to the world the existence of true free will.

I didn't expect anyone else to understand what motivated me. And yet.

Fantastic how fantastic you are. You seem

to resist God and struggle to lose yourself.

I was awestruck. He saw the truth within me.

Fyodor is the only person who understands

me. He is my only friend.

Or so I thought. And that's when I finally realized something big.

If I k*lled the only friend I ever had,

I would prove that we could be completely

free from the grip of our own emotions.

I could finally prove once and for

all that I am truly a free bird.

This guy is crazy. I'll k*ll Fyodor.

To that end, I need your ability to determine his special ability.

Would you do that for me?

He won't wake up.

Perhaps what caused this is the empowered b*llet that hit him.

In which case this is a part of Fyodor's scheme.

What might they do in this situation?

Threatened to use the virus special ability

like they did during the cannibalism.

Atsushi would become a hostage, and if we hunt

down the mastermind, he would surely die.

But if we don't stop the terrorism, millions will die.

As a member of the Special Operations Division,

the security of this nation is my top priority.

But it isn't for these two. If they were forced

to choose, they would choose Atsushi.

I wouldn't stand a chance in a fight.

Atsushi. On. Go. Hey, I know where the missing page is.

Sigma told you where the page is?

Yes, with his special ability. I think

it happened when he grabbed my hand.

Why? I have no idea. Because he was betrayed by Fyodor.

Or maybe you told me that you

never figured out the reason for your existence.

Well, that just can't be what a person

is thinking at the very end of their life.

You're a kind man.. To say that.

I see. That explains why Atsushi collapsed

when inundated with massive amounts of special ability information.

The brain sometimes shuts down consciousness in

order to help focus on processing.

In the past, I've had it happen

to myself because of my own abilities.

So tell us, Atsushi, where is the page?

The page is being held by the leader

of the decay of angels, Kamui.


Isn't it about time? Time?

sn*pers through the.. Window.

Damn cuffs. What's that? You shut the electronic lock.

Who the hell are you?

Karma. We don't shit.

If we defeat him, let's solve the case against us.

We should take him down ourselves. And

where exactly do we find him? I don't know if it's because of

all the information in my head,

but I can't quite get a clear picture of his location.

Ongo. Is there anything I can do to clear the fog?

Well, now let's see. It won't solve

the underlying problem, but you need stimulus.

Pain is often been found to help a person retrieve their memories.

Some respond to being punched or even stabbed.

Pain. Well, pinching his cheeks. Work. No.

Breathe on the back of his neck.

These girls are so protective. How about something like this? Perhaps.

First, I'll use my ability to read

the information stored in his brain.

Then, if you wind up hurting me,

all of my memories will be organized. And we can..

I got this. I'll just have Anne

throw you against the wall really..

Hard, or I'll s*ab you in the calf if you prefer.

Their enthusiasm concerns me. Slam him against the floor.

Grab his eyes. Swing him around. Kick him, s*ab him!

What was that? Was it bloodlust? Someone wants to k*ll me.

I see. Come. Information. On go I know, I know, we're coming.

We? His location is. He's in the middle of an assassination.

He's going to wipe out each and every one of us.

What was that expl*si*n on the road ahead?

It may be an enemy attack. We'll scout up ahead.

You two keep watch on the rear.

Copy that. We'll be right back. Don't try to run.

No telling what could come for us. Be on your guard.

Hey, Sergeant. Where's the doctor? Oh!

The doctor's missing.. Along with the car.

Hey, Mr. Guard. I have a life threatening illness.

That means I die if I don't have my electronics with me.

Do you think that I could at least

have my cell phone back, please? Is that a no? Oh, fine.

I would really like to help the Armed Detective Agency,

but they won't even let me out

of my own home because I'm a former member.

It's a cellular terminal. I can reach

the outside world with this.


Get up. Fukuzawa will be in charge of your interrogation going forward.

Put this over his head, please.

I see. Your plan is to throw

me off this building to silence me.

But I happen to know who you are. You can't..

Hide. The number you're thinking of is ,. Right.

Right. Again. Your number is ,. This game sucks.

Guessing each other's numbers is way too easy.

You feeling all right? About what?

I'm worried for the detective agency. The agency

was defeated at the Sky casino.

Isn't there something you need to be doing about it?

I'm getting so bored over here. More so than you.

Keeping an eye on you is about all I can do.

But as long as I'm doing that,

he can move freely. Who do you mean?

Isn't it obvious to you? It's the

superhuman who exceeds even the gifted.

The strongest in the detective agency.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Boss successfully.. Extracted. Man,

I'm sorry we had to be so rough with you, boss.

You were treated a lot better than the other members, though.

So thereafter, the other agency members as well.

Kamui's hand was devilishly sharp and swift,

so to save time, I put on the gas mask.

I took the liberty of taking over his assassination plot.

Long story short, the members who were being targeted are all safe.

But rompo. I was told that you

were shocked when all this began,

and that you had gone missing for a while.

There's only one possible reason I'd ever be in danger,

and that's because it's more convenient for us.

If I make the enemy think that I'm in danger.

During the hostage situation, I was surrounded

by police as part of the enemy conspiracy.

I'm sorry about that. My bad. By

the way, nice cap you got there.

Mind if I borrow it for a while?

You. Just until I feel like giving it back.

I used the chaos of the initial

investigation to escape the police perimeter undetected.

I see.

And then what did you do after that?

What do you mean? I'm an elite detective.

And there's only one thing an elite detective ever does.

I started solving crimes. I was able

to figure out Kamui's assassination plot as

a part of my general investigation.

But to save all of our members,

I needed more time to prepare.

Therefore, I decided to rewrite the enemy's plan instead.

The sn*per r*fle that was meant to take out Kunikida.

Destroyed the electronic lock instead. I used knockout gas to save Kunikida.

For Yosano's rescue. I was able to rig

up the prison vehicle before they even drove off.

I swapped out the diesel engine for an electric one.

Electric motors make almost no noise at all,

and as long as the soldiers kept

hearing the fake engine noises I was playing.

No one noticed the engines had been swapped.

The attacker had been planning to blow

up the vehicle with a remote controlled mine.

So I took the controller and set it off early.

Of the four soldiers, two were ordered

to investigate ahead and the other two stood guard behind.

Meanwhile, no one was watching the vehicle.

And then I used a mirror to hide

myself and get inside the armored car.

After that, I turned off the engine

noise and quietly drove away onto a side road.

That's the trick behind Yosano's rescue. Now

then, lastly, how we saved Katai.

This one was simple. I used an accomplice.

Who was your accomplice? It is I. Edgar Allan Poe.

We displayed a novel that Poe wrote on the cellular terminal device.

Then we took him into the world

of the novel, where he'd be safe. I was also a huge..

Asset when it came to all the

explosions and for preparing the vehicle.

Yeah, you helped out. We don't have

time for all your gloating right now.

Next time. So everyone's waiting for new orders from the boss.

Then I shall issue new orders. Indeed.

Shut down this damn plot right now.

That's what I was hoping to hear.

Has anyone going to watch this stupid press conference?

It's going to be all about the son

of the company's president and his suspected extramarital affair with a co-worker.

Yeah, yeah. Real important. Who gives a damn about this story?

Reporters all around the world are freaking

out about the Armed Detective Agency's alleged t*rror1st attack.

The UN even says it's going to create

a counter-terrorism unit in response to the incident.

So what's your point? I noticed something.

Of all the ceaseless news coverage of the detective agency's troubles,

there's one mystery they never bring up.

Which is.. What's their motive? The biggest mystery.

The reason they did it. We have

to get these criminals to fess up

and then bring it to the public.

I mean, isn't that the whole reason

we became journalists in the first place? Uh.

Huh? Hey.

Aren't they supposed to serve tea at these stupid events?


Everyone check the TV. Wait. A subcaste that's near here.

Why is the suspect doing this? The doors won't..

Open. Are we hostages or what?

Come on, let's get out of here while we can.

Can you tell us.. The real

reason behind your t*rror1st att*cks? Excellent question.

Hi. What's up? Daisy? So I'm detective agency.

The detective agency received this six afternoons ago to the day.

Now, what happened after this? As I'm sure you're aware, this happened.

Oh, and the detective agency who was

there to attempt to rescue was instead

framed and made out to be t*rrorists. Are you making excuses now?

Cut it out! I'm trying to get us all k*lled.

Or do you have any proof that you're innocent?

I do have the proof right here.

This morning. I sent a copy of

this to every law enforcement agency.

Fingerprints and hair lifted from the site.

Changes in the hostage plans. Transaction records for the chainsaw.

Evidence that contradicts the belief the agency was behind the attack.

And evidence that should exist, but in actuality, doesn't.

I've documented every aspect of the case.

It. You tell me what's inside that

envelope. I don't.. Know.

Here it is. Why is it sitting in the garbage can? Unopened?

The power of the page has made

it so that no one believes in the agency's innocence. The page?

The page is a special sheet of paper

that has the ability to amend reality.

Everything that is written on that special ability page becomes true.

The actual attackers are the ones who took

the page and wrote on it.

The Armed Detective Agency are really the ones

behind the Decay of Angels case, and they continued by writing.

Law enforcement organizations will not question the fact

that the Armed Detective Agency is guilty.

The documents are probably in the trash now.

Okay. They should be here any second. Oh.

Everyone hold still.

I'm up there. I should really be going now.

I want to say this to all the police who might be watching.

Don't think of it based on your position or job.

You need to start thinking about it with your soul.

Not thinking about it. Thinking about what?

Thinking about the past years. In the past years,

I've solved tens of thousands of cases.

There are several officers in this very

room whose lives I've saved multiple times throughout the years.

Am I right? Think about it. If you

think this excellent detective is a t*rror1st mastermind,

would he be so stupid as to put

himself at the top of the wanted list?

Look at me with your own eyes.

And the answer should be obvious to you.

If you can see things as they are,

then you can become an excellent detective. Good. She the.