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04x12 - Bungo Hound Dogs

Posted: 01/14/24 09:46
by bunniefuu
Nah, I better take this off for today.

You idiot! What are you looking at? I'll k*ll you!

Hello, Tachihara. Nice seeing you here. It turns

out Teruko managed to get Gillette to finally confess.

What? Jack Gillette of the Worldly

evils. I thought he'd never break.

Me too. I thought he would be a chew

toy that would never fall apart. But he finally.

It only took about half a year.

I sympathize sympathize with Goulet. Anyway, Tachihara,

thank you for all your hard work on the infiltration mission.

And now I have a new assignment for you.

Deal with that problem. Carry me a

piggyback. I'll start by..

Summarizing my investigation following the hostage crisis four days ago.

We've determined that the infamous decay of angels was,

in fact, the arm detective agency. Really?

What are their goals? Any Intel?

Their last sighting was at the bank.

Break in. And that was two days ago.

To think they'd raid a bank. Despicable.

No training in the middle of a meeting. You're a perfect weight.

Why do you think we haven't had any further sightings?

You must have already gotten what they wanted.

Then we all know what a criminal

on the run would want more than anything.

Right, a base and a command post.

The main objective of our mission is to prevent

any t*rror1st att*cks prior to the other

side of the page being filled in,

as well as recovering, said page.

But as wanted criminals, the agency can't act in plain sight.

That's where her special ability comes in.

Lucy will place the two of you in Anne's room,

which you will be able to infiltrate completely undetected.

Therefore, Lucy will be considered the heart of our operation.

Well, you heard him, didn't you?

Right. Tiger Kitty, I believe the is saying

that it wants you to say thank you.

Sorry. Why are you apologizing? For getting you mixed up in this.

Cooperating with us right now is the

crime of aiding and abetting fugitives.

I don't think we can ever repay you enough for your help.

Why not? If I'm not mistaken, I think

I'm the one repaying an impossibly huge

debt right now, aren't I? Huh? Mm.

Nothing. Nothing. Never mind. Forget I said anything.

I'm begging you to forget this. It's time to go.

Well, it's time to go.

Take me to the airport bus stop, please.

Don't let anyone in until I say so, sir.

I trust that you are ready, Fukuzawa. Yes.

Why would our reunion be anything

other than a drinking contest between us?

You haven't changed at all, Genichiro.

What? How is it you still haven't gotten married?

I've been busy with work. Are you stuck up? Loner, huh?

I never would have thought you'd be the agency president.

But now that you are, you have responsibilities.

Make your men surrender to the police.

That way, the case will fall under the jurisdiction of the prosecution,

and they will no longer be targeted by the hunting dogs,

because the hunting dogs will never relent

or stop trying to tear you apart.

I appreciate the concern, but not the advice.

Yeah, well, I suppose I might enjoy

duking it out with you again, just like the old times.

What's making you stop. You aren't fooling me, Fukuzawa.

You are going to make me cut off your handcuffs,

and then you'd swipe my own sword away from me.

You got me. Fukuzawa. Let's make a deal.

I assume that you want to know

what happened to your kunikida, don't you?

He fell out of a helicopter and blew himself up.

But I happen to know where he went.

Don't bother. I know Kunikida is alive.

If he were actually dead. I would have sensed

it the very moment that it happened.

Hmm. Well then. Shit. The lone wolf

sure has changed over the years.

There's no way you could possibly be

the greatest. Welcome to the cafe.

At the end of the day, your

strength is the kind that screams to the world.

Hey, everyone, look at me. I can beat up a ton of wild boars,

but the hunting dogs job is about investigating and arresting.

So what? So based on that criteria,

I am the greatest hunting dog there is. Seriously?

I want to k*ll you so badly. What can I..

Get you two? Caffe latte. Soy sauce. Latte.

Very good. Gentlemen. Soy sauce. Just give

him the same thing as me. Let's you and I make a bet.

Whichever of us finds the detective agency's whereabouts first wins.

Okay. You're on. So are you two with the police department?

Yes. We're investigating a case right now. Oh, speaking of which,

the heinous t*rror1st organization, the Armed Detective Agency,

had offices right above this cafe, did it not? Yes.

I saw them here on occasion. Now and then.

It's also terrifying. Here you go.

This woman's a waitress here, isn't she?

Yes. Today happens to be her day off.

Do you need something from her?

According to our information, she's very close with the detective agency.

We have reason to suspect she's aiding their escape.

They wouldn't get very far. Depending on a lowly

waitress for their chance at getting away from the police.

Fantastic. I have true admiration for people who can make good coffee.

I almost want you to come work

at the commercial facility I own.

Sadly, though, there's only one problem at my place.

I don't like to hire dirty, stinkin liars.

Me? I can tell from the sound of your breathing.

You just told me that the detective

agency wouldn't get far depending on a lowly waitress.

But that was a lie, wasn't it?

You know all about her special ability, don't you?

I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about.

I understand you buy half a year's

worth of coffee beans at a time.

Despite you doing that, this coffee still

has such a nice, fresh aroma.

How is that? It's because you stalk

your inventory in a room where time

can be slowed in a special ability space.

That way, you can keep a large

quantity of beans fresh all the time. Hmm.

Would you like me to continue? You

also told me that today just happens

to be Lucy's day off from work.

That's also a lie. In fact, she's taken an indefinite break.

She doesn't know if she can come back at all.

Yet you still let her ignore her

job because you understood that she's the only

one who can save the detective agency.

Here's the problem. You are now an

accessory to an act of terrorism.

If you still refuse to give up her location.

I'll make sure that you'll never be able to make coffee again.

Singing. Why did you stop my foot?

You have a bad habit of tormenting

people and taking pleasure in seeing them squirm.

Boss. Is it wrong to want to

repay someone you're dearly indebted to?

I promise you, if you tell us where

Lucy is at this very moment,

she will not be questioned for any crimes.

We have the authority to make that so.

And a world in which a girl's

honest intentions are rewarded is one that we ought to protect.

My problem is that Lucy isn't the only

one I'm trying to protect right now.

The detective agency. All I can promise

you is that they'll be given a fair

trial under the laws of the land.

Oh, boy, oh, boy. I just knew that this was going to happen.

I promise on my sword that if my promise is broken,

I will cut open my gut.

Please. Lucy told me something. She said

she wouldn't regret ruining the remainder of her life.

But what I'm asking you to do is please save her future.

This, I promise. She went to the

Sky casino. That's where she'll be.

What a ridiculous construction this is. Most

people believe the civilian entertainment facility is just a front,

and that it was really built by the winners

of the w*r for surveillance and intimidation.

It would be both a physical and political

catastrophe if this place were to be att*cked by t*rrorists or something.

Sir, we have a problem. t*rrorists? That's right.

We have reason to believe there are t*rrorists in this facility.

And we have proof. What kind of.. Proof.

Sir? Look here. That woman is one of the t*rrorists.

She used her pocket dimension ability to bring them all in here.

Then send a search team to scour the casino.

It's no use. She can hide with

them in the pocket dimension. What do we do then?

We close the casino. Unacceptable. What did you just say? Bastard!

Do you have any idea how serious this is?

What a silly thing of you to ask.

You're surrounded by directed resonance g*ns. They

were made specifically to combat gifted.

The sound waves affect the brain, causing

loss of consciousness within one second and death within ten.

Do either of you care to try them out?

You dare to defy the government? The government under international law.

This casino is outside the jurisdiction of any country's police.

It's effectively an independent nation. Therefore, I am the law.

If you want to spend your money here and then leave,

I'm delighted. Otherwise just get lost.

How dare you? Did you actually just tell..

Me to get lost? Go! Oh, shit! This area is..

Secure. Careful who you tell to. Just get..

Lost. Huh? What the. Sir. Someone's blown up the landing zone.


It's just no one's gonna be able to get out of this casino.

We're going to split up and search this place.

And you need to figure out what the agency's next move is.

Yes, ma'am. An expl*si*n.. By t*rrorists.

Stay calm. Our top priority is to keep our clients from panicking.

Tell them it's an electrical failure and escort

them all back to their hotel rooms.

Client . Lazarus is becoming unstable. Assign him some security.

Client E has a chronic heart

condition. Alert the medical staff now.

Wow. I heard he memorizes all of

his clients names and characteristics instantly.

No wonder they always say he was

the perfect choice to manage a casino.

Such a mild incident will be forgotten by next week.

If you see a situation. Deal with it. Yes, sir.


This couldn't have gotten any worse.

I should have kicked the hunting dogs out.

They must be the ones behind the expl*si*n.

Which means they're going to investigate the casino.

If they find out what this casino really is in actuality.

I will have to k*ll them.

No signs of evidence on this floor either. Huh? What's that?

A gold coin.

The detective agency.

They must all be hiding inside of that room.

I don't sense anyone in here. They must have noticed

me coming and escaped to the pocket dimension. Mm.

The carpet has been cut. There's something here under the floor.

A safe.

Metal manipulation.

Currency from around the world. All in coins.

How? How did they know? How could

the hunting dogs have found it impossible?

Did he just manage to stumble into

that particular room by accident? Okay. Stay calm.

Their communication devices and weapons. They were

confiscated along with the other customers.

Which means that if I k*ll them both now,

I can still protect the secret sigma.

I'll give you a word of advice as a colleague.

If you're ever found out by the hunting

dogs in the middle of one of their missions,

then abandon everything and run away.

Believe me, you won't stand a chance against them.

Abandon everything. The casino. It's very odd.

Are all of these coins completely hollow?

Now there's something inside of them. Some kind

of impurity in the metal structure. I'm so sorry.

It's over. From that distance, he has to be dead.

A high precision expl*sive disguised as a coin.

It's the savage w*apon at the center of the decay of angels.

Next worldwide t*rror1st attack. Now that one has seen it,

I just can't send either of them home alive.

Whew! That was a close one, for sure.

What? I managed to stop the shrapnel with my special ability,

but the blast was still able to knock me down.

Hang on for a second. Are all

the coins in this safe? Miniature bombs.

I didn't finish him. Now what do I do?

Wait, I still have my last resort available.

However, using it will cause severe damage to the casino.

Believe me, he won't stand a chance against them.

Maybe everything he said was right. When

I think of the decay of angels and all the superhuman members,

I'm the one who has the least combat ability.

If I'm not part of this casino, I'm nothing at all.

Wow. I heard he memorizes all of

his clients names and characteristics instantly.

No wonder they always say he was

the perfect choice to manage a casino.

Everyone's got it all wrong. I don't

have the talent they think I do.

I have to sacrifice sleep to memorize things.

I obsessively study client profiles and the casino layout.

I don't want to lose the casino.

Therefore. I must. Are you serious right

now? An unmanned aircraft.

Too big.

I can't stop it with my metal manipulation ability. Stand back.

I always knew you were weak.


He tried to challenge me to a sumo match. Silly airplane!

Oh, damn.

You can't be serious. Haven't you done enough? Tachihara.

What was that? Another expl*si*n.

I see now. Coin bombs. What an exhilarating display of evil.

The customers take the coins out of the casino.

Then, once they've been traded around the world.

They'll all be triggered at the same exact time.

This casino is actually a t*rror1st itself.

That's why that manager was in such

a hurry to kick us out before

we looked around and found something.

This casino is where the trigger signal is transmitted from.

A signal from such a high altitude

would reach across the whole world.

What do we do? We take the central

communication room and expose the casino's plans to the entire world.

Are all you.. Boys that..

Desperate to dance with little.. Old me? Oh.

I hear fighting. Oh. The hunting dogs are on the move again.

And that is the decay of angels. Next plan

a global act of terrorism targeting all of humanity.

But their true aspiration is the panic that will ensue.

Currency, the basis of a state's trust will k*ll people.

Never mind the Great Depression. It could

possibly trigger the next world w*r.

This is it the worldwide terrorism that the decay

of angels will perform before they fill

in the other side of that page..

As the first step in stopping this t*rror1st attack,

we'll have the hunting dogs discover the coin bombs.

And while they're busy, we'll take control

of the comms room by working with

the hunting dogs to stop a t*rror1st attack.

We'll prove once and for all that we couldn't be the t*rrorists.

And we capture Sigma, who's a member

of the angels and knows where the pages.

That's exactly how Darzi's plan will work.

This is the hunting dogs combat power.

This is what it means to be in a different league.

But us nothings have our own way of fighting.

When our backs are up against the wall, they'll see.

Tell me, why did you choose Sigma to protect the casino?

What are you talking about? Are you really going to play dumb?

I discovered something interesting when I looked

up the Sigma character you put so much faith in.

His life began rather recently when he was arrested

by European police three years ago.

He has no past to speak of.

He's sort of like a novel that doesn't

begin until halfway through the story.

All I learned was his special ability,

the ability to trade with anyone he touches,

the information each person wants most.

He used that ability to steal the location

of the page from Chief Tanida.

But you only needed him for that instant.

So why did you leave him to run the casino?

Why do you think I left him in charge?

First of all, I don't think he's

even close to being a t*rror1st.

It's sad that the Sky casino was

built following a secret meeting of the victors

of the w*r years ago.

But no intelligence organization had information about it.

That's when I realized the Sky casino

wasn't built years ago. Like the rumor suggest.

It was built eight days ago. It

was then that it emerged instantaneously,

having been written about on the page,

along with years worth of history.

Yeah. I'll go back to my first question.

Why did you assign Sigma to the casino?

Because he's the most powerful of all.

Powerful. In your opinion, who would you

say is the strongest person in the world?

A gifted, a political leader. Anyone you choose is wrong.

The most powerful one is the one

who has nothing else to lose.

You see, Sigma doesn't have a past. In fact, he has amnesia.

Sorry, but g*ns don't work on me. Fall back! Retreat!

Tarako! Are you all right? Tachihara.

Heroes of justice are going to go save

the world while coughing up blood.

Don't you think that paints an exhilarating picture?

She got injured when she stopped the plane.

What was all that noise? The security

guards are.. On the ground. Oh, shit.

Is there something wrong out here? Not to worry.

I'm with the police. We're currently investigating some t*rrorists.

This floor is now completely safe.

Oh, I'm glad to hear it. What?


No, we don't have to pay.. For our losses.

That's right. Honey. Attack, I repeat. Attack

these two t*rrorists on site, I repeat. Attack!

You won't be accused of any crime

and your gambling losses will be erased.

Plus ten grand for an injury. million if you k*ll them.

Unsure of who he was. Sigma went looking

for a place to be. That place was the casino.

This is why I have no doubt

that he'll torch the hunting dogs with

hellish tenacity in order to protect the casino.

The most terrifying thing that ever existed on this planet.

He's a mediocre man who is desperate.