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04x10 - In Lament of My Wingless Body

Posted: 01/14/24 09:44
by bunniefuu
The transaction is supposed to happen just up ahead.

We have to hurry before the Port Mafia notices that we're gone.

Damn it, you old geezer! Why? Just k*ll the freaking detectives.

I got here ahead of us. Just remember what the boss said.

Francis might be with the military police,

so make sure you don't go near their business.

Even though they ignored the boss's orders

and went off on their own.

I can't believe how they're disrespecting the boss.

Still not giving up your old gangster habits? Tachihara.

The Port Mafia's actions are not determined

by whether or not it's disrespected,

but instead whether or not they're faithful to the boss's wishes.

Don't let anyone hurt the agency. Protect

them with your life if necessary.

That is the order we were given and we will follow.

To put it another way, the boss

knew very well that they were about to engage in dangerous business.

Mr. Mori knew that. There you have it, detectives.

Have you heard quite enough yet?

Mr. Morey sure is a worrywart, isn't he?

Well, he doesn't need to worry.

You deal with Francis. Isn't a trap

like he suspects it might be? Oh. How are you so sure?

Because I know Atsushi believes him. Atsushi

fought with Francis when they were both aboard the Moby d*ck.

Once you bare your soul to someone

by trading mortal blows with them,

they won't be fooled by your lies anymore.

We're almost at the transaction site. Yeah, let's get ready to go.

You know, we might actually be able to save the agency now.

I feel hopeful. The agency always shows

its real strength when it's together, not when it's spread out.

Huh? I can't wait to be with everybody again.

f*ck! The ambulance is here. We've been waiting for you, Atsushi.

Kanji. Do not move.

Target. Surrounded. Capturing the suspects. Now.

Shit. I hope this isn't what I think it is. Kenji.

What the hell? An enemy's ability. The ornamentation on that saber.

The hunting dogs. Everyone run now! The transaction was a trap.

Francis has sided with the enemy. Damn it!

Lord Francis, may I ask you something, please? What is it?

Well, of the strategy proposals I wrote.

of them involve selling the location

of the detective agency members to the government.

It seems to me like that would be a good opportunity for us.

A way to make up for the Moby d*ck having crashed.

So my question is, why didn't you make

a deal with the military police?

Louisa. Do you remember the time when

we were reunited on the streets? I would never forget.

Me neither. Everything I ate tasted just

like sand. Even breathing was strenuous.

Despair takes away a person's ability to

get back up on their feet.

For the several months until you came along,

I hadn't even thought of rebuilding the organization.

But the agency got back up within an hour

and now they're fighting for their lives.

I always side with the winners, and in this

fight, the detective agency will win.

Therefore, I will side with the detective agency.

Damn, the MPs are all over the place. What the.

What you deploy thermal. Don't let them.

One with the illusion ability escape. Kenji.

I'm all right. This? Nothing.

A raincoat.

It's not even raining. Something about this suddenly feels off.



I can't get the sword out.

Listen up everyone. We're heading to a secret

port. Mafia escape route. Let's go. Understood.

The squad's on the ground have requested that we move out.

Hm. Then let's move.

Oh, let me see him. I can fix him right up.

Didn't I tell you it was all a trap from the start?

You were right, and I was wrong.

But something still seems off.

You know I can't thank you enough. You just saved my life.

The port Mafia's armed forces are returning fire now,

but their defences are falling apart quickly.

If the five hunting dogs are called in too,

then the first thing they'll do is destroy this escape route. No.

I suspect one of them is already here.

That's Sabre. It belonged to the hunting dogs.

I'm told that they have uncanny physical prowess.

Not to mention they possess exceptionally powerful special abilities for gifted.

Each one of them has the military

power of a thousand special forces soldiers.

A thousand? They're a bunch of super freaks.

And there are five of them, too.

Tanizaki, Kenji. We need to talk. We should split up and run.

We can't. No. We have to stick together.

I know we should. But right now,

only one of the hunting dogs is after us.

If we split up, then two of us have a chance to survive.

Mr. Mori mentioned a hideout as well

as designated vehicles for reaching it.

Whoever's still alive will rendezvous there. Have

they been prepared for us yet?

Both the hideout and the vehicles. Good.

Make me a promise. Whoever survives this escape

will put their lives on the line to rebuild the agency again.

Of course we will. You have our word.

You're about to enter a complex maze.

Follow this map meticulously to reach your escape vehicles.

Please stop the ambulance.

What's wrong? There's fighting outside.

Lots of g*nshots and combat boots on the ground.

Also, I hear familiar footsteps from underground.

Wasn't there supposed to be a secret

port Mafia passage in this area somewhere?

Atsushi. Kyoka.

It's Yosano. Special ability. Thou shalt not die.

I can't believe Francis betrayed us. The transaction was a trap.

I thought that you two were both dead.

You got blown up in the expl*si*n.

It couldn't be a trap. Francis is arrogant,

but he looks after his employees.

Even if he was going to frame the agency,

he would only do it after Margaret received your treatment.

Good point. So how did the military

police find out where the transaction was taking place?

I think we should get out of here

now. Listen, driver, we're going to.

It's an ambush. Everybody get out!

It's him.

Go, Atsushi. I'm going to deal with this guy by myself.

Don't do it. The three of us together

might stand a better chance of beating him than just you.

Winning isn't what's important right now. What's

important is protecting Margaret. I already treated her.

Deliver her to Francis before the military

police have a chance to close the roads.

That's our only hope for reviving the armed detective Agency. Believe me.

Get in. I'm going to drive. Don't worry about me.

I've never been very good at dying.

Yosano. Please be careful.

Now then. For starters,

I get a look at the face of the person I'm fighting.

What's your ability? The truth.

Just told me.

Stay back, you dumb shit. Freaking hell.

That sword's tough. What are you two

doing here? The boss's orders are absolute.

Oh, man. Look out!

My life of evil is little more than a clown show.

Plus, I have no intention..

Of making way for your pretense of justice.

Special ability. Falling camellia.

Wow. The escape boat is in the underground drain ahead.

Go up. I can't hold him off

for much longer. But I can go.

We gotta go. Whatever happens, we can't

let his efforts go to waste.

May my immortal soul be as one

with the port mafia till the end of time.

The character for true.

We're safe. Only the Port Mafia can unlock this blast door.

I'm not so sure about that. You're not? Huh?

You seem to know an awful lot

about that gift. Did we faced the hunting?

Dogs are military veterans and that ability to manipulate metal.

Besides, she's an angel of death. The world

is going to be much better off without her.

If that man is a hunting dog,

it would make sense that they knew

about the name Angel of death.

But that man was most certainly dead.

I know better than anyone. I tried

so many times to bring him back.

That should do it. Even if the enemy

uses a special ability to open the door,

this proximity b*mb will blow their heads off.

Even a hunting dog would be dead instantly.

I've checked the waterway bulkheads as well.

We're safe here.

You do take the boat to escape.

I'm going to stick around here a while longer. What?

That man is only trying to get revenge on me.

I can't let any more lives be lost

because of things I've done in the past.

Are you trying to dismiss or something?

I hope you understand that we wouldn't

be in the Port Mafia if we were a couple of wimps.

I have a badass older brother. I used

to hate being compared to him all the time.

I turned to crime so I could become his opposite.

No dice, because fighting and doing bad

shit never relieved me of this indescribable agony.

Then one day. I was caught breaking

into the safe of some serious crooks.

They told me they'd spare my life,

but in exchange, I'd have to become a grunt for them.

Work was fun, as strange as that sounds.

When I was fighting as part of something

powerful organization who had my back and I had theirs,

I was neither my brother nor his opposite, but someone else entirely.

The boss's orders made me who I am.

So if the boss's orders wind up k*lling me today,

then I die having no regrets whatsoever.

Tachihara. Huh? What is it, Ken? Did my story struck a chord?

Oh, hey!

Brother, I can't control it. I can't control the thought.

Impossible. The door is never opened and the b*mb never went off.

How then?

We finally became someone you liked

when you joined an organization. Well, I understand you.

Come on, you wretched ghosts of the past.

Akiko Yosano will make you regret coming back to life.

Do you know who the fifth member of the hunting dogs is?

That question certainly came out of nowhere.

My answer is no. I couldn't find anything about him,

no matter how hard I tried.

The fifth member of the hunting dogs,

Master of Metals and Executioner of the shadows,

is a man who has an old

and fateful connection with the armed Detective Agency.

How many of the agency members do

you think we'll survive against him?

Did he just stop the b*ll*ts? His

ability to control metals is way more

powerful than it used to be. Whether it's a g*n or a sword,

all weapons are his to control.

I have no way of attacking him.


Is a good day. President and Rompo

both forgave me despite knowing my sins.

I was the one who couldn't forgive myself.

But today you came to take revenge on me. And thanks to you.

I'm no longer lonely.


Look. Work.

I get the feeling that you can't

stop an expl*si*n with your ability, can you?

I'm going to save the agency and accept my punishment..

At the same time.

What in the world? It's not a b*mb.

A metal mannequin was the enemy. Never even here?

No. He couldn't have fought that way. Not without seeing me.

So the enemy has been watching from close by the whole time.

Hold on a second. I remember this mannequin from somewhere.

It's the one I saw in the window.

Na na na na na.

Excellent work.

Hunting dogs. Suddenly I understand. Now I know

how they were able to follow me so accurately

through the underground port Mafia maze.

And how the enemy passed through the door

and why the b*mb was fake.

There can only be one possible answer.

As a former medic in the gifted w*r.

Who knew better than you that your superior,

Ogai Mori, was a dangerous man?

I never would have expected that.

The undercover agent we sent to watch

over him would prove to be so useful to us.

You know, when you told me earlier

that you had to work as a grunt for some serious crooks,

I guess I just simply assumed that the powerful

organization you were talking about was the Port Mafia. No.

I am the fifth hunting dog. Undercover agent Michizo Tachihara.

And the soldier you k*lled years ago was my older brother.

That was your older brother. You see,

if it weren't for you, I never

would have had the chance to see

my little brother or my parents ever again.

When Sakaguchi, the previous agent, left the military

police decided to send another agent into the Port Mafia.

But I asked for this assignment specifically.

I was sure that I could get

close to you if I became a member of the Port Mafia.

Revenge for your brother.

I see today truly is a good day