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04x07 - Dogs Hunt Dogs

Posted: 01/14/24 09:43
by bunniefuu
Huh? A security camera that wasn't here before. Reality manipulation.

Without a doubt, the power of the page, which means

the camera's footage must show me committing the m*rder..

Even though I didn't do inside. Drop

your w*apon and surrender. I repeat.

I know who the perpetrator is. Decay

of angels aren't just the perpetrators. They're the armed detective agency.

Tanizaki sn*pers. Hide us using your special ability. We're running.

sn*per team has lost the targets. It's an illusion ability.

But they can't hide their body heat.

Attention all units, deploy your thermal goggles.

Infiltration squad. Normal b*ll*ts will not work

on the gifted with their altered healing and physical strength.

What's the risk of intercepted communications?

m*llitary encryption devices have been issued.

Good. A band of murderers disguised as members of the good guys.

The time of your reckoning has come.

Nikita. This way. Those sn*pers must be from the m*llitary's counter-terrorism team.

Which means they must have a surrounded by now.

Let's surrender. After all, we're innocent. It's no use, Rambo.

You're safe. Chief Tanida received treatment to stop

his bleeding and is now in hiding.

He may testify in our behalf if he regains consciousness.

But I don't have much hope that he will.

Why not? This is the work of the reality altering book.

The chief said the book may have been made by gifted,

but I seriously have my doubts.

It's from a higher power. No gifted is able

to create a book like that.

Case in point Macheteros reality altering ability

wasn't able to overwrite people's memories. But that's happening this time.

I definitely have memories of all of us abducting

the hostages.. And k*lling them.

So then what happens if we're caught?

The government has gifted. Who can read your memories?

If they catch us, we'll be sentenced to death. Don't move.

Run, run!

He's gone. Not Rambo to what Rompo

said about the detective agency's demise. This is it, isn't it?

Infiltration squad A, we've arrived at the target location.

This is squad B, we've arrived at our point.

Understood. Begin.

Knockout gas just deployed. They're

going to lose consciousness in just over

s infiltration squad C confirmed the target's heartbeats using your sensors.

Headquarters. One target's heartbeat is weakened, but

the other four cannot be confirmed. What? We're going in.

Headquarters. They're all dead.

sh*t! It's su1c1de. Quickly resuscitate the one that had the weak pulse.

I want them to confess their crimes.

Got it. What? Welcome to the party.

Impossible. The gas should have knocked them all out.

Did they bleed themselves on purpose? Lower

blood pressure means slower gas absorption.

You see, the thing is, people can

stay alive for about two minutes after their heart stopped b*ating.

And for gifted, near-death wounds are like no wounds.

Special ability. Thou shalt not die.

Infiltration team. What's going on? What is your position?

Infiltration team has gone silent. It seems

that they've all been taken down.

To think you'd all die just to avoid inhaling gas.

There's no way you could have done

it without knowing about our plan of att*ck. How did you know?

Anything I've seen once I can reproduce with my notebook.

We've used your encryption devices several times in our joint operations.

Now use that to call for help.

With prompt treatment, you'll survive. But I wouldn't

wait too long to do it if I were you.

All infiltration squads. Remove your masks. Now,

given their eavesdropping on our communications, you'll

have to use your own discretion.

Captain, where are you going? I'm off to the front lines, too.

I can't let more innocent civilian or m*llitary lives be lost. Captain,

a large warheads in the air, and it's

.. Headed right for us.

What? The enemy's targeting us directly.

Man, oh man, this aircraft really does

wonders for shoulder pain. Never felt better, huh? Uh.

Permission granted to stand at ease. Men,

which one of you is commander?

Raise your hands and on your knees.

Are you with the detective agency? Any

normal person colliding with the ground at

that speed should have been incinerated.

You're absolutely right about that. It's a horrible ride.

No room to even scratch my own ass.

Hold your fire! When did you get..

Now, captain? Did you miss? Calculate your descent trajectory again?

I'm sure that I fired right at him. How?

Jono, you got here before me.

How many times do I have to tell you?

Please don't give our troops a heart att*ck for no reason.

Did he just toss out a ballistic pod for long range insertion?

That can only mean that he's the legendary old man.

You can lower your weapons. These men are here to back us up.

They're from the m*llitary police's most powerful force,

the hunting dogs. And here come the others.

It's open. Damn it! Mine won't open. One for me.

One shall be guilty. Blood and pleas for mercy.

Hurry up or I'll chop off your limbs.

Our Kremlin friend is angry again.

It's really not funny, captain. If the

vice captain goes on another rampage,

we'll all be dead before we know it.

Don't make me wait. Hurry up and open, damn it!

Ha ha.

You're lucky you came to my rescue in time, my servants.

One second longer. And I would gladly

chopped up your arms and legs to make

fertilizer for my personal bonsai project. She's a little..

Girl. You are just as rabid as ever,

my dear Teruko. I'm counting on you today.

Jericho will always put her life on the line

to be your loyal dog, captain.

Are you sure that they're the hunting dogs? Yep.

The Elite Five member team comprised of the best

of all the forces throughout the entire country.

They're the special Suppression Squad A-Team.

The squad's leader and living legend, Ochi Fukuchi.

The blind king who comprehends all with his superhuman senses. Saikaku Jonah,

the most capable combatant in the squad.

Tetcho Suehiro. Feared by her enemies and allies alike.

The Queen of Bloody Thorns. Teruko. Okura.

You said five. But there are only four here.

Where's the fifth member of the team?

No one knows who the fifth member is.

He's infiltrating another organization. Are you the commander on site?

Yes, sir. It's quite an honor to meet you, Captain Fukuchi.

You should go have some tea and leave this to us.

Vicious criminals betraying human morals will be shred

by the fangs of the hunting dogs.

Yeah, thanks. Please do.

Mm hm. Hands up! Fukuzawa! We're arresting you.

You enemy of the state. This is

the end of the Armed Detective Agency.

Have we gained some distance on them?

My phone isn't working out here. Radio jamming.

They'll try to stop us physically. Next.

Surveillance satellites, search dogs, roadblocks, m*llitary drones.

There's nothing the five of us can do with our special abilities.

It doesn't look good. After all, the sheer

numbers and firepower of organized militaries are unbeatable in the modern world.

Damn, we can't be stuck here. Right now,

they might be treating Naomi like a common criminal.

Common criminals are.

Listen, everyone, this is just like the ten year orchard.

When I was in the village, we spent

ten whole years raising an orchard.

And then, just like that, it got wiped

out overnight in a big storm.

We never got to harvest that orchard even once.

Well, that's an awful story. What do

you think our village did then?

At first we were dumbfounded. We laughed

about it for a little while,

and then we planted new seedlings.

We decided to rebuild over the next ten years.

A storm has done really bad things to the detective agency,

but it's okay in the end.

A calamitous storm and a blessed rain are exactly the same thing.

Let's keep living. Let's make it through the storm.

One thing we can't do is decide

that we don't want to live here anymore.

We've got to stay on the spinning rock we call Earth.

Kenji is right. Let's weather the storm and rebuild the detective agency.

And to do that, we all need to come out of this storm alive.

The longer we wait, the better equipped

and staffed they'll be and the wider their search radius.

From my experience, their search radius will grow by roughly km/h.

Does that mean we have to escape

at a rate of at least km/h as well?

That's correct. Which means we're going to need a vehicle.

The criminals have two options. The first

is the arterial road to the south.

They may commandeer a vehicle there to make their escape.

The second is the station to the north.

They could hide among the crowds and escape by train.

The special squad we have is exemplary.

I could be screwing around the base,

sitting on my butt while the rest

of you close the case yourselves.

I don't appreciate your vulgar figure of speech.

North or south? A train or a car.

It's all a choice between life and death.

Now, then, which course will those pathetic

starving dogs finally decide to take? We'll take a car.

Why a car and not the train?

If they manage to somehow catch up to us on the train,

it could get derailed and cause a grave accident.

Too many innocent lives would be lost.

That's unacceptable. So it's got to be a car.

Well, I'm on board. Good thinking. Kunikida. Let's do it.

So which way shall we go? The trains or the roads?

Both will face the enemy's potential ambush.

Head on and crush them. That's how we do things on this team.

All right then. Teruko and I will head north to the trains.

And Jono and Tetcho will head south to the roads.

Above all, make sure you don't lose them.

Captain Fukuchi. The enemy has destroyed our vehicles.

We only have one car left that we can use for transportation.

Not a problem. Huh? Fail and you will all be punished severely.

I forgot, captain, what was the punishment again?

We haven't messed up since we reformed.

Guess I forgot to. Well, then.


Hello. May I.. Help you?

Do you have vehicle theft insurance?

Of course I do. Why do you ask?

I see, congratulations. After this, you're getting a brand new car.

We're here. Tell me. Why did you

cut down all the trees instead of avoiding them?

Because the fastest route to any destination is a single straight line.

That's how an idiot would think. Let's

have a meal before we start.

I'll have you know tetcho that of

every single member in our squad,

I most certainly hate you the most.

Hate? Why? Because your soul is entirely lacking in artistry.

You enjoy putting.. Shichimi spice

on strawberries just because you think similar colors pair well together.

That also goes for putting sugar on

rice and soup based on yokan.

And now you're eating a hard boiled egg with a shell on.

I wish you would just die already.

You're completely useless until we meet the enemy.

Just shut up and don't say anything.

Also, your pulse and your breathing are both annoying.

Please do your best to stop.

Distance m to people on

board driving in a westward direction.

Just a little more.

Yeah. I wonder what's happening to the others right now. Huh?

Of any traps.. Set by the suspects.

m*llitary police. They've come to help with

the hostages. Hey! Help! I'm over here!

Help me out, please. Headquarters. We've discovered

a remaining suspect. Huh? Request permission to fire.

So now what do we do?

Next step is to hide out and gather information.

That is, if we can find someone

who will provide shelter to fugitives from the detective agency.

I know a hideout. We can go to somewhere

that will be safe for us.

But I'll loathe being there. Really?

Where's that? I'm interested too. Please do tell

us all about this safe hiding place you're going to.

Oh, you're missing someone, though. Where's the girl? In the kimono. What?

He stopped Kenji's brute force .. Basil.. Like snow.

No need to make a run for it. Do.

Very impressive. You erased the car and messed up my sense

of location before pulling me out along with you.

But special ability illusions won't work on me.

I let you catch me on purpose.

We're going to finish you two off first.

Should I k*ll both of them?

Of course. You are the best swordsman of the hunting dog,

so at least go make yourself useful. Get ready.

It's not the idealist way to leave anyone behind.

Prepare to fire.

Kiyoka. What? Don't worry. I only knocked them unconscious.

You've been framed by an enemy.

The detective agency was labeled a criminal

organization, so we had to escape.

Come on. Where are we going? We have

to get out of here, don't we?

There's no getting out of here now.

We're stuck down here for a while.

Kenji! No time to slow down.

Well, that didn't go as planned.

We just went from bad to worse.

The hunting dogs are the most formidable squad the m*llitary has.

Their bodies have been augmented by gifted experts.

They have many times the physical capabilities of the average person.

The next time they catch us, they'll destroy the car.

And then we'll be as good as done.

I can't believe it. But you were

actually more useless than ever today.

Tetsuro, have you considered finding a new job?

I just needed a little warm up fight to get my blood flowing.

No, he's a bit pissed about getting run over.

On some occasions, evil goes unpunished. Just as good can go unrewarded

without my blade. One cannot wish for all

things to receive their proper justice.

One cannot begin to hope for balance.

Plum blossoms in the snow.


Just happened to us.

You came back to save your comrade, and you all went down.

It's hardly surprising when you stop to think about it.

In my experience, that's just the way life usually goes. Look out!

There is no escaping from my sword.

I still can't.. Comprehend his att*ck.

I have to do something. Don't be a poet. Stun grenade.

The moment he drew his sword, his

saber grew far longer than his scabbard.. And it turned.

This is blade. It's long enough to catch a fleeing car.

There's no way we can escape from that blade.

He's on another level. Hunting dogs. You're certainly capable.

Now, then, if.. You please, tacho, first decapitate the doctor.

We can't have her healing her bodies after all.

Besides, she's an angel of death.

The world is going to be much

better off without her. No, don't k*ll her.

All right, we'll surrender. You have an interesting pulse.

Perhaps it's because you're still such an idealist. Kunikida.

You're relieved right now, aren't you?

What do you mean? I read up on you.

Your ideals are as lofty and large as a hot air balloon.

But a hot air balloon inevitably runs

out of fuel and returns to the ground.

You've lived in fear of when that day would come.

Stop it. I'm really happy for you,

Kunikida. Starting tomorrow, you'll be free.

Deploy gravity manipulation.

Hypersonic countermeasures. But how? I didn't hear any g*nf*re.

You f*cked up, detective agency.

I'm here to save your asses on the boss's orders.

to save your asses on the boss's orders.