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04x03 - The Secret Founding of the Detective Agency

Posted: 01/14/24 09:40
by bunniefuu
This is Kanagawa Traffic Police Unit .

Arrest made at the scene. Middle aged male requesting identity check.

Hey, officer. Are we there yet?

Very soon, sir. Uh huh. That was impressive back there.

I've never met such a great little detective before.

You and the bodyguard would make an excellent

detective duo if you decided to team

up for good. Don't you think so?

I don't think that guy has any

interest in working with me. Oh.

Why would you say that? If you

ask me that bodyguard is afraid of strangers.

You've only just met him. And yet

you seem to know him so well already.

I guess you truly are gifted.

From what I understand, you have the ability

to see the truth, don't you?

You may say that, but you don't actually believe any of it.

I mean, you really gave yourself away

just now when you said that I'd only recently met him.

That told me that you had checked

in with your headquarters about me.

And they'd informed you that I only

meant Fukuzawa after the president's assassination.

And now you're testing my abilities to see the truth.

Very impressive indeed. Shucks, I underestimated you.

I hate that you still doubt that I'm a great detective.

Would you like me to prove it

to you that I'm actually gifted?

It would be quite an honor to get

a front row seat to a gifted

detective at work is a rare privilege.

All right, then. This car isn't headed

to the police station, is it?

I'm sorry. I guess I should have told you sooner.

I won't make that mistake again. I received

a dispatch just before we left.

There's been an incident. Headquarters wants me to take

the expert detective to the scene right away.

Oh, I see. But I don't think

you needed to use your special abilities

to figure out which way we're driving.

Did you? The police station's back near the train station.

It doesn't take much to realize we're going the wrong way.

Let's do something else. You can test me out again.

Ask me anything about the last incident.

If I can't answer your questions to your satisfaction, then you win.

If you run out of questions, then I win. How's that?

Makes sense to me. Okay, my first

question is one that I'm sure is on everyone's mind.

You know, the gentleman in the suit

who was tied up and arrested on stage?

How do you think he was taken from his seat,

tied up and placed on the stage?

The answer to the question is a rock, a rug.

That's right. Remember the rugs that covered the theater's lobby floor?

One of them went missing as soon

as the audience started to panic.

Also, in the empty spot where the rug was supposed to be,

I detected a faint odor I couldn't quite place.

It was something like that weird smelling

stuff they used to make paint and plastics and things like that.

Organic solvent. Yeah. That's it. I caught

a whiff of the same smell when

I discovered the gentleman in the suit,

which means the attacker must have wrapped

him up in the rug and taken

him to the stage while the police interviewed people in the lobby.

The attacker used the organic solvent to knock

him out first before wrapping the man up in the rug.

There was certainly a lot of commotion at the scene,

with the actors, the audience and the police,

and in work clothes, moving a rug around the theatre.

I guess it might not have drawn that much attention from anyone.

Still, I suppose we're certain the attacker was the playwright,

acting as the leading man's accomplice.

It wasn't the playwright. I think he was

probably m*rder*d by someone who didn't want

him talking to the police before the performance even began tonight.

Everyone else in this world besides me is thoroughly

stupid, but still worthy of compassion.

So I wish that I could have saved the playwright,

but there wasn't much I could do for

someone who was dead long before I

ever knew anything about the case.

But what still bothers me is why

would they do all that just to abduct

one person out of the whole audience?

Do you think that it was an abduction?

There's no other way to describe it.

The whole project was just an elaborate

setup to specifically abduct the gentleman in the suit.

He was the attacker's only target the entire time.

The playwright and the leading man, Murakami,

were just pawns for the attacker to use as a distraction.

Well, did I prove to you that I'm

the world's most gifted detective or what? So come on. Give.

I answered your questions. So why don't

you tell me where this car is really going?

Mr. so-called police officer who reeks of organic solvent.


Monica Paladina. Monica. Patino. Sachi. Kumi. Nancy.

You know how. You're a cheater.

I can see the.

I'll tell you my true story.

Thank you. Suki tak ketsumatsu. Your work is held at their.


I now love.

Want your cases. Each time I see that.

Kind of smile. He montaga tadese on Saturday.

Why can't you get in touch with them?

We still don't have any confirmation that

they arrived at the station yet.

Nor can we connect to the police radio in the vehicle.

The playwright was m*rder*d.

Judging from what Rompo told Joshi.

Igawa, this case isn't over yet.

The fact is this crime involves two completely different acts.

You could think of it like a sea bream and a shrimp.

The real perpetrator is still on the loose.

You could be satisfied with the shrimp,

which is much easier to catch than the sea bream.

It must be talking about the actor Murakami.

But if you decide you want to catch the sea bream,

well, then you're going to have to use

the shrimp you caught as bait.

So the true perpetrator is plotting an even larger crime.

Using the actor Murakami and the playwright

Kurahashi Rampo is intent on exposing that perpetrator.

What was the name of the officer

who went to the station with Rambo?

Senior officer Mitamura. We tried calling him.

His phone has been switched off.

What in the world has happened to Rambo?

Where could he have taken him?


My card. I will see you.. Later for sure. Yes yes yes.

That must be when he put.

Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.

To think that we didn't have a single

bit of information on such an exceptional gifted on our research list.

Officially, this place is an office for a shipbuilding firm,

but in reality, it's what people refer to as a shell company.

Anyway, have a seat.

A g*n, huh? Oh. Don't worry, I have no..

Intention of using it. As long as you behave and do as I say.

Is that the man's cane?

Could be a concealed w*apon.

Damn, that was some gentleman.

Have you changed your mind? No, but I do have a request.

Well, where are we, exactly? I already told you,

this is one of our outposts.

It's a convenient place to chat our outposts.

I don't mean the municipal police, of course.

There are four career soldiers with g*ns

standing guard outside. No. There are five guards.

Magnificent. How did you know that? Because that's my special ability.

Listen, those men don't have the slightest intention of harming you.

I didn't even bring them here to

guard you, to be perfectly honest.

Those men were assigned to keep an eye on my original target.

The gentleman with a cane who you managed to reveal on stage.

And the gentleman who managed to get away.

So then why did you bring me here?

I'm sure you'll agree that the plot

at the theater was pretty elaborate.

The brass is furious that their deep investment has been ruined.

They're insisting I catch the guy who

messed up all their careful plans.

Make him tell me how he saw

through the scheme and explain where he got his information from.

Otherwise, we'll be forced to follow our orders to hurt you.

Even though I disagree with that kind of decision.

You wouldn't want that either, would you?

So I have a proposal for you, Mr. World's greatest gifted detective.

How would you like to work with us instead of against us?

We have a vision for our country.

A plan to rid this nation of evil people once and for all.

An excellent gifted such as yourself would be more

than welcome to join us. What do you think?

Oh, sorry you were rambling for so long,

I tuned out. I guess I stopped listening.

How do you like your jail cell?

Not bad. There's air conditioning. I told them I was bored,

so they gave me this book to read.

I guess it's their way of telling me to repent.

I'm here with a question. Would you mind looking at this?

This is a memory device employed by a certain government agency.

A device used by those in the Witness Protection program.

It allows participants to communicate with their agents.

Only high priority people targeted by crime organizations would have one.

They would also have one other thing in common.

They're all gifted. I'm sure someone as capable

as you would have taken on external clients from time to time.

Have you accepted any requests to capture a gifted recently?

You know well that I can't talk about my clients.

Then let's forget I used that word.

Have you heard anything recently? Perhaps you may have come

across some talk about a contract regarding a gifted being captured alive.

The request may have been made by someone who calls themself V.

I really don't want to talk about them.

Do you know why they're doing it? No.

For their cause. k*lling for money or k*lling out of spite.

Those reasons make sense to me, but to them,

the k*lling itself is their great cause.

I don't want to get involved with those types.

If you're k*lling people for a cause,

it doesn't matter who you k*ll.

Only the act itself is important. The k*ll is the ultimate achievement.

I'm not asking you or ordering you to fight them,

but they abducted an acquaintance of mine.

Do you know where they might be holding him?

I don't have any reason to tell you.

You're absolutely right. But if you do tell me,

I'll testify in open court that you fired

the g*n in self defense and that you k*lled him by accident.

That the secretary was the one who att*cked you first, huh?

They'll let you out of jail immediately.

I'm surprised you don't look the type.

You don't fit the description of the kind

of person who would readily sell out

on the justice system like that.

I didn't think I was either. Let me tell you something.

As a hired k*ller, I always thought

it was best to work on my own.

I never wanted any co-workers or superiors.

But if a skilled martial artist such

as yourself would go against your principles just to save your subordinate.

He's lucky to have you as a superior and coworker.

I actually envy him a little. No.

He isn't a subordinate. I've heard rumors

about several buildings they like to use for their transactions.

Do we have an agreement or not? I could escape out of here at

any point if I wanted to.

The reward you're promising isn't quite worth it to me.

However, the food at this facility is god awful.

If you happen to have any sway

around here with the kitchen staff,

would you mind talking to them for me?

Have any special requests?

Curry rice.

Listen up, great detective. Our organization is formidable and flawless.

It would be far more rewarding to join

us than to team up with that dumb bodyguard boss of yours.

Move! Look, pal, I have a hard

time paying attention to things I have no interest in.

It just sounds to me like cattle mooing all the time.

Whoa! Ooh! See, you're..

Extremely fortunate that I'm the one you're negotiating with.

Anyone else might have started sawing you

apart from your toenails up to your

eyebrows by now. He's moving again. Moo. Moo.

Looks like we'll have to use this to move the conversation forward.

You can use your gift to see through the truth.

Big deal. You're still too feeble to stop

a single b*llet from going through you.

I only gave you my precious time

for the sake of our organization's grand objective.

Will wipe out the gifted, rotting this country's values.

Starting with you if you don't get smart fast.

Okay, now I see V is an organization

of gifted individuals brought together to drive out other gifted individuals.

Wait. Give a guy a second, would you?

By my calculations, you have three seconds. To.


I took out one of the guards outside.

Just how many more are there? Four men.


That leaves one more card.


How are you? All right?

Yeah, sure. Wow. That went better than I expected.

You arrived just in time, just as I.


Screw you. To hell with your damn calculations.

When I got here, there was a g*n pointed right at your face.

That happened only.. Because I knew you'd save me.

Showing off your abilities is fine.

Using your intellect against.. Powerful enemies is good.

But I want you to stop wagering

your own life on your stupid, risky gambles.

You're still just a child with a lot more to learn.

Oh. I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry.


Looks like Officer Mitamura was m*rder*d while

in custody. It seems he's been silenced.

So I guess the plot continues for this complicated crime.

But who is the perpetrator of the last incident?

I mean, V has to be behind this, right?

Except it's not V. It is five. Remember your Roman numerals?


What is it? Oh. I was just thinking about the cityscape.

How it looks different than it did yesterday.

Do you think so, too? It's because you understand now.

You mean I understand now about how I'm gifted?

No, not that you understand what's important, right? Oh.

Is this? It should be.

Welcome to Bon Kodo.

Oh. Why, there's my cane. I thought I'd lost it.

I happened to hear about you. So I decided

to take the liberty of coming here

for us to discuss a proposal in person.

Don't be so formal about it. Please have a seat. Thank you.

No way. I didn't notice at the time, but this man. Really?

It seems that I owe you one boy.

Right? You saw through their trap from

the very beginning, before the play started.

But even still, you decided to let them capture you anyway.

You flushed out the enemy so that we could

catch them instead of the municipal police.

Though the sea bream seems to have gotten away.

I have come here with a request for you, sir.

As I'm sure you're aware, Rampo Edogawa

here is building a reputation for himself as a gifted detective.

But it's taboo, a gift. It is forbidden to promote themselves publicly.

Which Rampo's already done. That's why I came

here to ask you for your help.

You want to acquire a gifted business permit.

So you intend to start your own agency with him by your side?

Yes. In order for me to obtain

a special permit of this kind from the Gifted Operations Division,

I require your vast knowledge in that area. Master Natsumi.

It will not be an easy path for.

But still. I think you can make it happen if you try.

If anyone can. It will be you to.