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04x01 - The Lone Swordsman and the Famous Detective

Posted: 01/14/24 09:39
by bunniefuu
It's me. So are you ready to join the military police?

We're the only ones who can make

use of your powers. Get over here.

From this point on. I've decided I'm going to start working alone.

Oh, God. Did they jump?

The door is open.

My condolences and sympathy. He was a good and honorable man.

Thank you for coming on short notice. Fukuzawa. I appreciate it.

Do you mind telling me what you're doing with those papers?

I am organizing them. Why? I suspect

that the m*rder*r had intended to either steal these specific documents,

or had intended to destroy them.

In order to confirm that I'm arranging

all the papers according to any potential patterns.

I believe the motivation for the attack

might be discovered somewhere in this room. It's a catalogue of clues.

I was told that he was pushed out of this window.

The president. He took me in as

a secretary, and I'm indebted to him.

Solving the nature of the crime would be the best

farewell gift I can offer him.

But fortunately, the assassin has already been captured. Huh?

After murdering the president, he was apprehended

by guards on the first floor.

He's now being held next door. What?

The ten fingerprints the police recovered from

the back of the president's clothes is apparently

a perfect match to the perpetrator.

Is the m*rder*r still next door? He seems

to have surrendered himself quietly and without any fuss.

I'd like to have a look at this assassin, if you don't mind.

Be my guest. But please don't touch

any of the documents as you walk by.

He's quite an accomplished assassin. Reddish hair and dual pistols.

Which means he must be the famous underground child assassin.

But if this boy truly is Sakunosuke Oda,

how could he be captured by mere security guards?

As you can see, the k*ller is maintaining his silence.

The municipal police should be here soon

to take him away. As for you. Hey there! Huh?

It's so damn windy outside today, huh?

So anyway, is there any chance we

can relocate this company or something?

The hills are a pain and the directions are so complicated. Pardon?

But our main concern is I'm getting hungry.

Do you have any food? Pardon?

Here we go again. Looking down on me like I'm some kid.

Fine. Never mind the food. Just give me the permit.

Wait a minute. Have you lost it in all these documents?

Damn it, you're the secretary. You'd better find it.

And don't bore me about finding any fingerprints in this room.

I haven't the slightest interest. Huh?

What is your major malfunction? Regardless of

the circumstances, this is the president's office.

Unless you're authorized, you don't have any permission to be in here.

Yeah, but I am authorized, though. I'm

here for an interview today. You see.

The president did mention to me that he

would be interviewing an administrative trainee today.

Me? Anyway, I just came here for

the working permit that I'm supposed to get at the interview.

Once I have that, I can get some funding from the government.

Do you mind if I move some of these useless papers?

You may not. The arrangement of these documents

is a catalogue for determining the assassins

motivations for taking the president's life.

Come on. I've never heard such nonsense in my life.

Forget it. I'll find it myself. And don't

you worry. I'll be done. Quick, boy.

There's a mountain of documents on the floor.

How are you planning to find yours?

What do you know? The old man speaks.

Unlike all these loose papers, mine's got

a heavy stamp on the front of it.

Plus it's printed on thicker paper.. Than the rest of it.

Found it.

How could you? Now I have to check

every sheet and arrange it all over again.

And I still have to report on

the missing documents within hours.

Why bother? Nothing's missing. They're all still right here.

None of the documents have been stolen.

And the assassin you have in the

other room didn't k*ll the president

like you're the m*rder*r anyway. Right, Secretary?

You're just arranging documents to keep people

away so that you can come up with an alibi.

I mean, it would be suspicious if there

were fingerprints on the president's clothes,

but nowhere else in the room.

It seems like the obviously guilty secretary

and the obviously innocent assassin are both right here.

And you're just standing there like nothing's wrong.

Come on, mister, you're slacking on the job.

Huh? Fukuzawa, please do me a favor

and kick that kid out now.

I can't have him in here making even more of a mess.

The fact is, the assassin's fingerprints were

indeed found on the back of the president's clothes.

Safe to assume it's from when he was shoved.

There's no way even the best assassin

could get close to the president without being noticed.

Just look the door is right in view of his desk.

And if the president resisted being pushed,

the fingerprints would have meant the president

was thrown out the window and not pushed out.

If you ask me, the secretary's story has a lot of holes.

You're not factoring in that. The president

may have happened to be looking out the window.

Looking at an open window by himself on such a windy day.

He's right. Which means it must have been someone close.

It was someone close to him. Yet

the assassin's fingerprints turned up on the clothes.

So those prints were faked. I heard

it's pretty easy to fake fingerprints if you wanted to.

You just need to make molds of

the fingers using putty or something.

Every cop knows how to do it.

Come to think of it, weren't you

a police officer before this job, Mr. Secretary? This is ridiculous.

How would I have taken the assassin's fingerprints beforehand? Fukuzawa.

Just get this bread out of here right this second.

You were able to get the assassin's

fingerprints because you were the one who hired the assassin.

Shut up! Since you hired him, you could

easily entrap a top tier assassin.

He even got the security guards to catch him afterwards.

If I had to bet money on it,

I don't think the assassin over there

ever had a clue he was being entrapped.

I'm sure he'd talk if he found

out he'd been fooled. Let's ask him.

I have no intention of fighting you.

Don't add more crimes to your guilt.

You can get off with a lesser plea if you stop now.

There is no forgiveness in this world.

No. The only thing we have is revenge. Damn you!

Oh. Quick, call an ambulance..

And contact the.. Municipal police.

Pretty sure we don't need the ambulance.

The secretary is already dead.

Miss, could I get another red bean soup?

Why don't you eat the rice cake?

It's not sweet enough for my palate.

When did you realize the secretary was the m*rder*r?

From the beginning. The secretary was wearing a coat, right?

When have you ever seen anyone wearing a coat while sorting documents?

Your sleeves were getting in the way.

Oh, he was concealing tools for faking the assassin's fingerprints.

Pretty smart boy. My name's not boy, it's Rampo Edogawa.

You'd better remember that. What about.. School?

I was enrolled at the police academy, living in the dorms.

I had an argument with the dorm supervisor,

so I exposed all of their past affairs, and I got kicked out.

Since then, I've been bouncing around from place to place.

I was a live in worker at a garrison until I got kicked out.

They caught me blabbing about the head chief being totally corrupt.

What about your parents? They were both k*lled in an accident.

That's why I came out to Yokohama.

Are you finally full now? I am, thank you.

Good to hear. Well done today.

So that's it. You're talking to a homeless

year old boy who's lost his

parents, his job and his future. That's all you've got.

What's that thing?

My contact information. Security police. Basically, my job is bodyguard.

Contact me if you're ever in trouble.

I'll help you free of charge the first time or so.

Boy. Hold up.

Hello. I need help, Mr. Bodyguard. Oh.

I don't have a job or a place to stay.

I'm afraid I'm going to die out here.

I happen to be heading to work right now. Come with me.

My client is looking for manpower, so I might be able

to broker a deal if you'd like.

Does that work for you? It sure does.

A theatre. The manager has been lamenting about a staff shortage.

If I can finish my job here,

I'm sure that she'd be open to making you a new employee.

And what kind of a job. We have some time until opening.

Check the theater for anything suspicious.

Any idea who the threats might be coming from?

The police will do the investigating. Your

job is to arrest any attacker who

may decide to strike against us.

Not so easy if you don't tell

me where the threats are coming from.

Here you are. We received this several days ago.

The angels of death shall bring true

devastation upon the performers of this theatre. Signed by.

Z the performers, huh? So it is the actors

who are going to be k*lled. Ooh,

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Who is this child you brought with you?

He's here looking for a job. You

previously told me that you needed more

people to fill positions for your staff shortage.

I'm hoping you can interview him once this situation is resolved.

If that's the case, please send me a resume.

Then I'll evaluate him with the others. Huh?

Other people signed up for a job too.

In that case, I guess there's no chance I'm getting hired.

Then I told you, I'll evaluate. You know,

this theater hag's already decided she's not

going to hire me no matter what. Peter hag.

She could have just been honest with me.

Why don't grownups ever say what they're really thinking?

Same thing with how you're dealing with this guy, huh?

The real reason why you aren't introducing

him to the municipal police is because you

want him to keep an eye on the police

and have the police keep an eye on him as well.

In other words, you don't trust anyone,

do you? Boy, that's.. Enough. Huh? I don't care what your

intentions are with me or the police.

I'm simply going to do my best

to prevent a crime from happening.

If it's all right with you, I'd

like to have a word with the theater staff.

Do whatever you want.

Nam grown ups are so quick to get angry.

Now I understand why you can never hold on to a job.

Why are you speaking to me right before the show?

Don't you know what an actor has

to do to prepare for a performance?

We dive into another world, and then.

We become different people.

I've trained nearly

six months for the role of a lifetime in this play.

If they mess with me, they're going

to be the dead ones, not the actors.

I'll respect your work, but if you don't cooperate,

you may end up being m*rder*d.

Are you ever alone on stage during the performance? Yeah.

We're defenseless when we're up there on stage.

I'm alone for minutes at a time.

Alone. We're right smack in the center of the stage.

Believe it or not, I'm the lead actor.

Huh? You're the lead actor. Tokyo Murakami. Never heard of you.

Who's this brat in my dressing room?

Hey, what's this play about, anyway?

You were sent the scripts, weren't you?

Yeah, but that thing was so boring.

I gave up after the first page before falling asleep. Boy. Huh?

So I see if you think that the script is boring,

then I guess it must be boring.

But usually it's the audience that gets to decide that.

Do you have any blush? I don't know where.

Have you met Murakami? This place is practically

a one man show for his character.

If you want to find out more.

He's been meeting a lot with the playwright, Kurahashi.

I mean, no.. One here

really believes there's going to be an actual m*rder tonight, do they?

But if someone is going to get hit, it'll probably be Murakami.

He's got a lot of women chasing after him.

Me? I only have a minor role that no one cares about.

Can you imagine an actor so insignificant

that I'm not even worth threatening to k*ll?

Oh, no. Why this happened? No. Tell me.

Some love affair. Maybe someone in the cast

decided to sleep with a crazed fan,

or they broke up and decided to quit the play.

I'm sure there's a cast member to Someone Wants to k*ll.

Hey hey hey. Look, they have potato

chips and the chocolates I missed out on. Finish up.

Hey, mister, I'm getting hungry over here.

Oh, are you listening to what I'm saying? Oh.

I'm dying of starvation and there's no chance

in hell I'm getting that job either.

Whatever. Yep. Someone's going to die soon,

and this theater's going to get shut down right quick.

I won't let the m*rder happen.

Huh? That's why I was called here.

Neither the theater nor the municipal police are taking the threat seriously.

Regardless of the motivation of the person

or people behind the threat, it's not a threat.

It's a warning. A threat always offers two options,

and this one doesn't offer any.

A threat is you better do ABC for me,

or I'm going to do x, y, z to you.

But right now all we have is a warning saying

we're going to k*ll one of the performers in your play.

So it's not a threat so much

as it's really a declaration from the very beginning.

The attacker has not made a single demand of the theatre.

When did you come to that realization?

When I heard what the letter said.

When did you realize the secretary was the m*rder*r? From the beginning.

This boy is interesting. He's able to see the truth in things.

If you knew right away, why didn't you say anything?

It simply never occurred to me that a savvy

person like yourself would ever misinterpret the warning as a threat.

Are you under the assumption that everyone

else has the same superior powers of observation

that you do? You notice everything.

None of the documents have been stolen,

and the assassin you have in the

other room didn't k*ll the president.

The real reason why you aren't introducing

him to the municipal police is because you

want him to keep an eye on the police.

This boy. He doesn't understand that no one

else knows anything compared to him.

He's convinced that everyone else already knows the truth,

and that most people are simply pretending that they don't know.

Tell me, boy, what do you notice about me.

Huh? You said that you have nowhere to stay tonight.

I don't. All right. For the time being,

you can spend the night at my place.

You mean at your home? Yeah, but first you have to tell me.

What things have you noticed about me so far?

Gee, grown ups sure do love their quid pro quos, don't they?

I've only just met you, so there's

not much I can tell about you yet.

But I'd say you're in your early s.

You told me you're a bodyguard.

A master of Martial arts. Very single.

You have no coworkers? Your right handed.

You chose a seat by the wall at the restaurant,

so you must be a swordsman as well.

And just a guess, the reason you

don't use your katana for work anymore

is because you're ashamed of your last job.

What job? Involving swordplay could you be ashamed of?

Come to think of it, there was

some buzz about an incident a few years ago.

During the peace treaty debates, pro-w*r bureaucrats

and overseas military factions were suddenly found dead, one after another.

And back at the gift shop, you were grimacing

a little bit as you noticed the headline in the newspaper.

Should I keep going? Mr.. Silence.

I'm sorry. Are you all right?

Uh uh uh. Yeah. Just startled is all.

This boy is absolutely the real deal.

Boy. Help me with this job. If we managed to do well,

I'll introduce you to work you're more suited for. Well.

Sounds good to me. I'll do what I can.

The doors will now open. Please make

your way inside the theatre and take your seats.

What the hell am I doing? I had..

Already made my decision and I decided I'd.. Work alone.