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02x03 - Root of All Evil

Posted: 10/06/14 23:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Crane: My wife is now a c*ptive of the Horseman of Death.

And the Horseman of w*r is my son.

I will not rest until I find a way for you to rise on earth.

Katrina: If the point of this illusion is to convince me that part of you still remains human,

I assure you it will not work.

I have heard talk between Abraham and Henry.

There is a greater plan. And if I stay, I will learn it.

Jenny: This new sheriff means business.

Jennifer Mills, you are under arrest.

"Good people, bad luck"?

I heard your mother say that once.

You knew my mother?

I'm sure you're aware that your responses obligate me to have you transferred to a psych ward.

Parish: Excuse me, I'm Henry Parish.

Can I help you?

I'm Captain Irving's attorney.

My wife thinks you can help.

And I will.

Abbie: What does it say about my life that I know Tarrytown Psychiatric's visiting hours by heart?



Good morrow, sir.



Abby Mills.

Admitting a new patient?

Oh, no.

Abby Mills, Ichabod Crane, to see Frank Irving.



I'm sorry, but you can't see him.

Frank Irving can't have visitors?

He can, but you and you are barred from visitation.

On whose authority, may I ask?

It says here, his lawyer...

...Henry Parish?

Henry Parish... was here?


Is he here now?

He was. You just missed him.

It's important that you try to remember anything that could help us find him.

He asked for the number of a taxi.


Henry Parish assumes the mantel of w*r, and when he emerges, it is not as a raging colossus but as an attorney.

Perhaps when we hear from Katrina, she can reveal Henry's plans.

Yeah. I'm sure we'll hear from her soon.

Fill out the top part.

I had a dog once.

Every time I opened the door, even just a crack, He'd sh**t out, cross the street, chase cars, I'd bring him back, but then out he'd go again.

And one day, he just... he didn't make it home.

Sorry about your dog, Sheriff Reyes.

You've been on a long leash here, yourself.

Your sister found a judge to give you community service this time, but next time...

I just don't want to see you end up like your mother.

What do you know about her?

I know she was in Tarrytown Psych, same as you.

Well, I'm all past that now.


Prove it to me.

Abbie: This is where the cab driver said he took Henry.

A bank.

Perhaps w*r's first act is to strike our financial system.

He wouldn't be the first to try it.


Is that considered acceptable now?

Oh... lots of attitudes have changed since your days.

Not everyone's, but Supreme Court has upheld the Constitutional right of same-sex couples.

And more and more states are even legalizing gay marriage.

I meant gentlemen wearing hats indoors.

I know about h*m*, thank you.

I trained under Baron Von Steuben.

His affections for his own sex were well known.

Also, I watched the finale of Glee.

There he is.

I cannot allow this deception any longer.


You think he's gonna tell us what he wants with Irving?

Or Moloch's plan for Armageddon?

We need to be smart about this.

Cooler heads and caution, then.

But I will not allow him out of my sight.

And I'm certain the Horseman of w*r is not simply whiling away a lazy Saturday.


That was in the bank.

Charlie 62, one shot fired at Sleepy Hollow Savings.

Requesting backup. Over.

Copy, Charlie 62. Backup is on the way.

No police work, Crane.

Sheriff's orders, remember?

(cocking g*n)

Get back, all of you!

It's mine. I've got it coming.

Miss Galway?

Stay there!

It's Abbie Mills.

You helped me set up my first savings account, remember?

Whatever happened here...

15 years.

15 years of my life to this place.

And nothing!

I will take what I deserve.


I get that.

Let's talk about it.

Let's let these people go.

And we'll just talk, all right?

I'm gonna come over there, and take the g*n.


Stay back.

They owe me.


(siren wails)


Lydia Galway's dead.

She loved this place. She was the most considerate, gentle...

She would never do this.

Do you suppose Henry...?

Damn right. He was just here, now this?

I want to know why, I want to know how before it happens again.

Is the proverbial coast clear?

Enter at your own risk.

Slinking through the tunnels like a guttersnipe, day in and day out, to avoid Madame Sheriff is an absolute waste of our valuable time.

Nevertheless, have you made any progress in aligning this mayhem with Henry?

Security footage shows him at the bank, but...

That's all he did.

Coins for cash.

Wait, wait. Did you see that?

Uh, unspool it.


You see what she did?

She took one of the coins.

Coin's placed into circulation, a sudden turn to darkness...

I was once on a secret mission for General Washington, which I thought was to stop a British plot.

Counterfeiters called "shovers" were attempting to flood our markets with fake currency to render it worthless.

All secure, General!

We had come for a specific batch of coins...

...destined to be melted down and then re-stamped for circulation among the populace.

What if these coins were not meant to bankrupt us,
but to turn us?

You said Ms. Galway loved the bank, loved her job.

Unhaltingly loyal to her employers for so long, and then turned against them so swiftly.

Much like the turn of our General Arnold.


Benedict Arnold?

You've heard of him?

Little bit, yeah.

Most notorious traitor in American history.

Uh... that's... that's a bit harsh.

And unfortunate.

Benedict was a brave soldier, and loved this country very deeply.

I never understood why he turned so suddenly, so ruthlessly... until now.

It was shortly after his exposure to those coins that Arnold began conspiring with the enemy.

It was as if he'd been fighting a great evil in his heart the whole time, and suddenly, it overwhelmed him.

Were he not thwarted, these coins would have turned the tide of the w*r against America.

And now Henry has brought one of those same coins to Sleepy Hollow.

Perhaps to turn the tide of this w*r in his favor.

Crane, that coin... anyone could have it by now.

(watch mechanism clicking)

Parish: "If money go before, all ways do lie open."

Opening now, in our favor.

Abraham: Opening far too slowly.

Why are you only telling me now of this current plan?

It's not my job to indulge your needs.

Katrina was correct to ask why I am confined here.

Yet you come and go freely, plotting our future from the comfort of your family home.

If you have grievances with our leader's strategy, by all means, raise them... with Moloch.

Abraham is a simple man with simple ambitions.

Do not attempt to complicate his motivations.

Jeremy, my son...

It will k*ll you.

And how are you settling into Fredericks Manor?

Miss Jenny, good day.

How nice to see you once again breathe the sweet air of freedom.

Along with a slightly stale whiff of community service.

You're welcome, by the way.

Thank you.

I was just about to say that.

Anyway, you two go ahead and stop the Apocalypse.

I'll be hosing graffiti off a wall.

Hey, what was the fallout at the bank?

Henry behind it?

Yes, we suspect so.

We haven't got any leads from Corbin's files or anywhere, yet.

It is beyond frustrating.

He has a larger design, one we don't yet see.

A battle for our souls that begins with this coin.

You should talk to this guy I know, Hawley.


You never mentioned him before.

Never mentioned a lot of names before.

Remember, we didn't talk for 13 years.

Who is Mr. Hawley?

He's kind of a go-to guy for rare artifacts, stuff of a supernatural nature.

When he's in town, he does a lot of business down by the river.

I'll send you his picture.


We shall make contact.

Oh, my God.

That bitch.



Sheriff Reyes. Abbie, look at this.

She was here in Sleepy Hollow when Mom got put away.

Yeah, I know.

What are you doing?

What do you mean, you know?

Jenny, you used my log-in to break into her file.

You knew she was here back then, and you didn't tell me... why not?

Because of this, the reaction that I knew you would have.

And here I am, thinking I could trust you again?

Of course, you can... Jenny...

Long time ago.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter?!

That she was the one that put our mother in the psych ward.



Now it matters.

It was Reyes' testimony that landed our mother in the same hellhole that I wound up in.

Where she took her own life.

That's why we were in foster care and not with her Jenny, Reyes... when Moloch found us... didn't put her there, when Moloch found us. Mom was unstable and ruined our lives...

Remember, she tried to kidnap us.

It wasn't kidnapping!

She wanted us. She loved us.

And it drove her crazy that we ended up in a foster home because Reyes...

Reyes was doing her job.

"Her job"?

I... I got to get going.


See you, Crane.

Lieutenant, are you...?

I'm good.

Let's go find this Hawley.


Man: He's holding me back.

He doesn't care about me.

He has it coming.

Abbie: Nick.


Not I.

Miss Jennifer Mills sent us.

I daresay she will vouchsafe our intentions.

We endeavor to learn what you know of a rare coin.

Why is he talking like that?

You get used to it.

This coin is special.

Some say it even has powers.

Maybe to cause its holder to betray his deepest loyalties.


I may have heard of a coin like that.

Then elaborate, please.

Slow down, Shakespeare.

My information's not for free.

We're not paying for it.


Well, how about you guys take me along, then?

I help you find this coin, keep it for my troubles, everybody wins.

I know his type, Lieutenant.

He's a privateer.

I saw many smugglers like him during the w*r.

The only allegiances men like him keep are with the faces on his money.

I'll tell Jenny you said hello.

It's probably a shekel.

From Rome.

Well, Tyre, to be accurate, but...

Wait... a Tyrian shekel?

You know what that is?

I'm afraid I do.

The chest of coins Benedict Arnold opened...

(laughing): Wait, w-wait...

Benedict Arnold?

There were 30 coins inside.

30 pieces of silver.

30 pieces of silver... that's what the Bible said Judas was paid to betray Jesus.

Benjamin Franklin said of Benedict Arnold's turn...

"Judas sold only one man, Arnold sold three million."

Perhaps Franklin knew these two traitorous figures were linked by a cursed coin of the Roman Empire.

So, maybe by tarnishing souls, Henry's trying to build his own empire here.

One soldier at a time.

David! Did you get the McNeal order filled?


Hello Sleepy Hollow.

Time to wake up.

I fear the flower shop bombing was also the work of the Tyrian shekel.

The gentleman who carried it out, is he in custody?

Yeah... Dave Webster.

Victim was his father.

Dave's brother went off to law school, Dave stayed behind to help his dad run the store.

Friend said he was the easiest-going guy in the world, and seemed fine with the situation.

He wasn't.

And there he is.

At the bank.

Those shadows.

The same as the ones I saw on Ms. Galway.

It's like their dark sides trying to get out.

If the coin did lead Mr. Webster's "dark side" to this latest betrayal, it would have been on his person when he was apprehended.

The log shows he had one quarter in his pocket when he was booked.

Lieutenant... the Tyrian shekel is almost exactly an inch in diameter.

Same as a quarter.

The head, the eagle.

They look enough alike.

Which means the coin of Judas may be in the evidence room as we speak.

Mills, my office.

You want to tell me why you accessed my personnel files?


You said you knew my mom.

What you didn't say is that you were the one who put her away.

Must have been hard speaking up, knowing that they'd put her in Psych.

Just doing my job.

That's what I thought, too, but if you were doing your job, she would have gone to prison for kidnapping.

I thought, in Psych... maybe she could get help.

What happened after that was... unfortunate.

Yes, it was.

I got to deal with the DA.

Our flower shop perp lawyered up.

You were right.

Should have taken him out when we had the chance.

Lieutenant... I can handle this.

Be careful.

Your son's a lawyer. You must be very proud.

To begin, let us agree... that through neither your fault nor mine, I was not the most involved father.

Oh, my.

Is this to be an attempt to start over?

Are you going to take me down to the fishing hole?

Just know that whatever your aim, you have failed.

We're aware of the Judas coin, and we will have it out of circulation before you can use it to turn a single other heart to darkness.


The coin doesn't turn anything.

It simply reveals what's already there.

The darkness in all of you, no matter how small the seed.

I'm afraid, sadly, you underestimate the good in people.


You haven't begun to know fear.

Or sadness.

I'm glad you survived that box I put you in, so that you, too, can witness first hand people's true nature.

Well, if you ever need an attorney, look me up.

I'm building quite a client list, but I can always make room for family.

Reyes: Mr. Crane. I really do believe I was clear... stay away from police work.

Sheriff Reyes, I have tried to cooperate, but this country was founded by men who fought for nothing if not individual liberty, forged by the blood of men who refused to bow to a tyrant's will. And as I stand in this public house of law and order, built to defend that very liberty, I declare... I'm well within my rights to be here.

Do you? Because I can't find any records you even exist. And as the person responsible for the safety, and therefore liberty, of this town, that's a problem.

Well, that's one that's easily solved. My identification is at home. I'll provide it when next we meet.

You have 24 hours.

Here you go, Lieutenant. This is all the b*mb guy's personal belongings.

It's a quarter.

Just a quarter.

And a very popular one today, too.

The perp's lawyer, just in here taking a look at the same thing.

And he switched the coin.

(coin clinks)

Jenny: She's never been on my side.

Time to even the score and take her out.


Abbie: Got your call.

I, uh, ordered us some beers.

(scoffing laugh)

What is it?

Whilst no greater advocate of revolution ever shook the walls of Parliament than Sam Adams, the man on this bottle is Paul Revere.

Yeah. Anyway.

Surely your historical records show that Adams would never have rolled up his sleeves.

He was far too aristocratic.

Revere, on the other hand, was a Minuteman.




I just need to see some I.D.

Then your needs will remain unmet.

I have no identification, nor indeed money to pay for my beer if I had.

I fought a w*r for independence, yet I have none.

It's okay, we're not drinking.

You said it was important.

Yeah. I, uh... saw your sister.

She was acting pretty weird, okay?

Came by my place to borrow a g*n.

Now, I didn't ask, just showed her a few.

When I went to get more, she takes off with one of my high-powered r*fles.

Somehow, Henry got Jenny the coin.

And given your last encounter with Miss Jenny, and her feeling that you chose to side with the sheriff on the business with your mother, I fear the one she may be drawn to betray is...

Me. My sister's gonna try to k*ll me.

Whoa. No. No, no, no.

We need to get to the precinct.

That's where she's gonna look for me.

Whoa, whoa... okay, okay, just ho... hold up.

If you do believe this coin made "Miss Jenny" steal my g*n...

Which I take it, you don't.

...what I believe is that a lot of people like you are willing to pay six, sometimes seven figures for what they believe.

And since you do believe in this coin, and if you do manage to actually get ahold of it, how do you plan on keeping it from affecting... you?

Stained glass, you say?

Hawley: A monk in fourth century Constantinople claimed the only thing that protects against this coin is consecrated glass.

Don't ask me why.

It's obvious why.

Tyre was not only home to the shekel, it was also the chief center of stained glass production at the time.


What I mean is, why a piece of glass would protect you from a magic coin.

Let's do this.

Have you no respect?

Have you no sense of time?

What, you want to interview glass cutters here?

Priest: Welcome.

How may I help you men?

I wish to confess.

Dana... has my sister been here?

No, Lieutenant, not today.

Could you track the recovery system on her vehicle for me?

She left her cell at my place.

I want to catch her before she gets too far.

Sure. Oh, and Sheriff Reyes was looking for you.

Maybe you can see her when she gets back?

Back from where?

She's out at Sterling Forest.


I know, it sounds kind of funny, but she's courting a state official, trying to goose along some funding for the department...

Can you just...?

Oh, right. Sorry.

How long has it been since your last confession?


Feels like centuries.

And what has led you here today?

So many things.


Well, my son abhors me.

My wife is living with another man.

I must confess to feeling a growing hatred in my heart.

I've encountered a fellow whose arrogance is matched only by his annoyance.

Now, I'm aware the laws of the land forbid me from cutting him down, but...

(glass shatters)

Right. Well, thank you for listening.

That's much better.

All good.

Sorry this isn't going quicker.

Me, too.


Got it.

It says here your sister is travelling north on 287...

Oh, hey.

Looks like she's near...

Sterling Forest.

Maybe she's gone hunting, too.

There's some hunting lines up this way.

Jenny might be headed there.

You know, you sweep your eyes side to side as you go, you flush a wild turkey in here.

Yes... I am aware of the habits of game birds.

Thank you.

I was trained to hunt by an Abenaki warrior.

And since there haven't been any Abenaki Indians in this state in a couple hundred years, it might be time to increase your meds.

I'll have you know...

Let it go, Crane.

I didn't side with Reyes, even if it looked like that to Jenny.

I said she was doing her job.

Perhaps in her present state, Miss Jenny does not see it that way.

I know. And I get it.

Even without an evil coin, telling the friends from the enemies gets harder all the time.

That's why we so appreciated the British wearing bright red coats.

Unlike... that one, whose true colors we're yet to know.

But I promise you this... he cares less for your sister than he does that coin.

Give him a chance.

Our ranks of allies are getting thin.

With Irving for some reason in Henry's clutches, and that damn coin in Jenny's, the only ones we can count on, now, are each other.

And Katrina, of course.

And again, your silence in the matter of my wife is most telling.

Do you believe I should not have allowed her to remain with the Horseman?

"Allowed" her?


She's one, a grown woman; two, a witch; three, a redhead.

You couldn't have stopped her if you tried.

I know she's your wife, but she's also Henry's mother.

You're asking me to bet my life on whether, when it counts... a mother will turn against her son?

No "bon appetit"?

You have words enough of your own when you like.

You have no need of mine.

Henry has convinced you you cannot trust my intentions.

But Henry doesn't...

Don't bother engaging the Horseman of w*r.

Your son is beyond your reach.

Is he?

What are you playing at now?

Don't you see?

He's moved into Frederick's manor, the house he was born in.

He could choose any house, and yet he chooses to move back into the house where I gave him life.

He wants a connection to me.

He is connected to me.

He always will be.

(door opens)

(door slams)

(bird screeching)


The Dark Eagle.

The Abenaki Indians who Benedict Arnold fought in Quebec had a nickname for him: The Dark Eagle.

Perhaps, unlike me, they saw the shadow in Arnold all along.

Miss Jenny is skilled.

She'll choose a strategic position, adequate line of sight, good cover...


Crane, distract the sheriff.

Hawley, go left. I'll take right.

Don't do it.

You want to sh**t her, you're gonna have to sh**t through me first.

Miss Jenny! Stop!

Please, please...

I beg you, surrender your w*apon.


Give it to me.

Let me take the shot.

You think you're the only one that's mad?

I lost my mother, too.

How is this talking her down?

Let her handle it.

I get so angry about all of it.

Being taken from her, hunted by a demon, this fate that we have been handed.

I bury it.

It's still there. Always there. I get it.

But out of curiosity...?

Hair trigger.

If either one of us gives in to this anger, we'll never know what really happened to our mother.

We know what happened to her.

She k*lled herself because we were taken by her.

(birds screeching, cawing)

I hated her.

For leaving us.

Taking the coward's way out.

Going crazy.

Reyes may know more.

She could be the key.

Maybe Henry got that coin to you to stop us from knowing the truth that they don't want us to know.


I need you to use that rage to beat them.

I am not about to let them do this to us again.

Are you?

Miss Jenny...


Lieutenant, no!

You all right?


You okay?

It's gonna be okay now.

I'm always on your side.


Mr. Hawley, thank you for your assistance.

And I believe I owe you an apology.

Good evening.

Sorry, like I said, you still can't see Frank Irving.

Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of asking.

That is not who I'm here to see.




How long have you been waiting for me?

I have not been waiting for you at all, because your attorney has banned me and Lieutenant Mills from seeing you.


I don't understand. Why would he do that?

Because... You may need a moment for this...

...because he is the Horseman of w*r.

I'm sorry, what?

He is also my son and many other things.

But the thrust of it is this: you must not trust him.

He's getting me out.

My family, they need me.


I know this is difficult to accept, but I believe it to my very core: if he wants you out, the safest place you can be is in here.

(siren wails)

Ma'am, I heard you wanted to see me.

Your mother's records from Tarrytown.

Open it or don't. Just don't say where you got it.

Abbie: "I can't see my babies now.

No, they can't come here.

"They're better where they are.

"The demons, they followed me here, it's not safe.

You got to promise."


It's all through here.

Pages of transcripts with her doctors.

Crane, my mother was tormented.

Literally tormented, and was trying to save us.

Everyone thought she was crazy, but she wasn't.

Until she went crazy protecting us.

Moloch pushed her into the darkness.

She paid the ultimate price to protect you.

(whispers): I know.

And it's selfish, but... sometimes I wish she would have made a different choice.

You know?

Stuck it out for us.

I'm certain she wanted to.

After Benedict Arnold's treason and his escape from capture, he fought for the British for another year.

(explosions, g*nf*re)

We encountered one another a final time... old friends, now on opposite sides of the battle.

I knew, in one look... that if he could turn back the pages to a time before the seeds of his darkness had taken hold, and everything he loved was lost to him,
he would have made that choice in a heartbeat.


You gotta be kidding me.


Ow! Hey, hey!

Whoa. No need for that.

Looking for you guys.

Where's the coin you stole? Have you sold it already?

No, it's safe. I'm not selling it.

And why not?

Well, I thought about it.

And then I realized... if one coin's supposed to have that kind of power, imagine what someone would pay if I had the complete set.


It's like you reminded me: Judas got 30 of those coins.

That leaves 29 more of 'em out there.


I felt bad about you guys ending up with nothing, so...

Falsified identification documents.

Now I can prove to our Sheriff Reyes that I exist.

Plus now you can have a beer.

I fear no good comes from owing a man like Hawley a debt.

It tells me that, when it comes down to it, he's someone that we can count on.

We shall find out soon enough.

Just as the coin magnifies people's darkest impulses, so w*r magnifies their allegiances and loyalties.

What matters now more than ever is that you and I stay true.

Trust is the only currency with any value.

All other forms are too easily counterfeited.

Everything is in motion now, the battle lines are drawn.

And on which side each of the players fall remains to be seen.

(Katrina grunting loudly)

(faintly): Push!


(baby crying)