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02x10 - The light of my life

Posted: 01/14/24 07:43
by bunniefuu
She's right there...

Hina's in front of me.

What's going on, Mikey?

What'll I do?



This is so awkward.

Let's break up, Hina.

I dumped her without explanation.

I hate your guts!

What am I supposed to say to her now?

Got into another fight?



What did you say to Takemichi?

Sorry, Hinata.

But try to understand how I feel.

I'd like you to fall for a guy
who's not a hoodlum.

I want you to find happiness.

Why did you fall in love with Mom?

It wasn't for appearance's sake, right?

I like Takemichi's character.

He's a hoodlum
and doesn't look dependable,

but he's actually very warm and kind.

He's the kind of guy who'd help me
no matter what kind of pinch I'm in.

You can't describe Takemichi
with just the word "hoodlum"!


Dear God, hear my prayers.

Who prays at a shrine on Christmas?



I thought it was you, Hina.

You came to pray too, Emma?


My oldest brother used to
always come here to pray on Christmas.

What a weirdo, huh?

After I started going along with him,
it turned into an annual tradition.

Wow, what a coincidence.

I come to this shrine every Christmas too.

Another weirdo.

Then we may have met before.

Maybe so.

So, what did you pray for?

I see. Your dad got involved, huh?

That must have been brutal for Takemitchy.


But why'd he do it
just because your dad said to?

I know!

Leave this to me.


Huh? Takemitchy?


Emma wants to know
if we know where Takemitchy is.

No idea.

We don't know.

Huh? Look for him?

What a pain.

It's Christmas, you know?

Well, you can get mad all you want.

But I've got no idea where he might be.


Let's go back.

That Impulse I heard earlier...

It was Mitsuya's.

Takemitchy might be with him.

Make sure you bring Takemitchy.

Meet us at Hina's condo complex.


Okay. Let's go, Hina.

Huh? Wait!

Takemichi's coming here?

What? You love him, don't you?

Tell him what you want to say.


If I saw him now, I couldn't speak.
I might even cry.


I'm sorry.

I'm a hoodlum,
and I get what your dad means.

And I've gotten you into danger.

I couldn't stand it
if anything I did ever got you hurt.

I promised that I'd rescue you.



I swear I'll protect you,
even if you were to die.

What are you talking about, Takemichi?

Even if you're hit by a truck...

or you can't feel your legs anymore...

I'll protect you every single time.

Just please...


Forget that we ever broke up.

Take me to the shrine...

on New Year's.


You mean...

We've made up.


Oh, please. Stop crying.

I can't help it.

I'm so happy for you, Hina.

Why are you crying, Emma?

He's weak with women and a weak fighter.

But he's dependable
when the chips are down.

Takemitchy really is like "him," isn't he?



Let's take a ride together.

Come on. Come on now.

But Mikey.

-I'm going to borrow Takemitchy for a bit.
-Looks like you lose.

Oh, my. It sure is cold.
Let's go back inside.

I'm so happy for you, Hina.

Not so long ago, she was just
a little girl in elementary school.

I guess this is how they grow up.

If you interfere again,
Hinata will shut you out.

I can't have that.

But it's late, so I want her back in here.

When he's with the g*ng,
he's scary and hard to approach.

But when it's just the two of us,

he's so chill that I feel like
I could talk to him about anything.

Mikey, where are your parents?

Huh? I don't have any.

Me and Emma live with my grandpa.


Your grandpa raised you?
That's a surprise.

Me and Emma have different moms.

We used to live apart.

About ten years ago, Emma's mom
left her with us and disappeared.

Jeez, talk about brutal.

My big brother was like our dad.

He was ten years older,
but we followed him everywhere.

He taught us a lot.

Having him around was so natural...

I sometimes feel lost without him.

I can't understand what it means.

At times like that, my mind goes blank.

I completely lose my way in the world.

I lose sight of the difference
between what's right and what's wrong.


Mikey understands that he'll lose his mind
if he doesn't do something about it.

He knows he bears a dark burden.

Even though my brother
was a biker g*ng leader,

he was a poor fighter.

What? No way! That's a huge surprise.

He inspired lots of guys.

The hoodlums of Tokyo followed him

even though they fought better than him.



You suck at fighting.

You're always chasing women.

Your farts reek.

How come guys like you?

You don't get it yet, Manjiro.

When he led the tough dudes of Tokyo,

he was always a brilliant sight.

I bet they all thought they couldn't lose
as long as he had their backs.

That's like you, Mikey.

I'm weak.


You're tough, Takemitchy.

Winning fights isn't truly
what's most important.

It's not losing to yourself.

You're weak,
but you don't give in to anyone.

You didn't even give in to BLACK DRAGON.

When it looks like I'm about to lose heart
or when I'm about to lose my way,

I want you to bawl me out, Takemitchy.

Like my brother did.

Of course, I will.

We announcing that thing
at the first meeting of the new year?


Could start a lot of discontent.

Then we'll just have to fight.

As the twin dragons of Toman.

Twin dragons?

Brings back memories, huh?

Want to go there now?

It must've been cleaned off long ago.

It's still here.

Luna. Mana.

I left them alone,
but I hope they're okay.

That's pretty cool.

What is that? A dragon?

How long have you been there?

I've been here the whole time.


He's a hoodlum.

Just a kid, but he's wearing an earring.

Want some barbecue beef?

Have a seat.

My name's Ken Ryuguji. What's yours?

Takashi Mitsuya.

A kid like you on the streets this late,
your parents must be worried.

You're a kid too.

Who's he think he is?

Hey, you ate all of it.

Sorry. I haven't eaten all day.



All right, this drawing is mine.


In exchange for my barbecue beef.

Come over to my place.


You're not busy, right?


This is your place?

It's a whorehouse!

Shut up, you brat!

Ken, don't bring your friends here!

Screw you.

Ken, do some shopping for me.

No, I'm busy.

Ken, would you believe my last customer?

Tell me later.

Hey, Ken. Let's play poker.

What the heck is this place?
This is his home, right?

There. Full house.

Amazing! This kid's a good player.

No more wild jokers, okay?

He keeps drawing them.

From now on, your nickname is "Joker."

Way to go, Mitsuya.
You're raking in the dough.

You always earn spending money this way?

Yeah. They pay me 1,000 yen
when they lose.

I give them a free one-hour massage
when I lose.

A massage?

Ken's massages are top-notch.

He soothes our tired bodies.

This work is a lot tougher than it looks.

It's hell when I keep losing.

The next day, my hands are numb.


What's wrong?

I was just thinking how nice this is.

My mom's never home.

After school, all I ever do
is take care of my sisters.

This guy's a runaway.


It'll be okay, Joker.

I'd like to live here too.

Ow! What was that for?

Get out of here.

You think this is fun, you dumb brat?

Shit. What's her problem?

Sorry, Mitsuya.

But you see, they're not there
'cause they want to be.

You like your mom's cooking?


I think I'm a better cook.

She hardly ever cooks, so it really sucks.

I think I hate it.


Must be nice.


Were you listening? It tastes awful.

I don't have any parents.

I wish I could say their cooking sucks.

Go back home, Mitsuya.

Truth is you're worried sick
about your sisters, aren't you?

It's written all over your face.

You're a good kid.

You're not cut out to be a hoodlum.

Later, man.

It's like he saw right through me.

I've found you.

Ken Ryuguji.

Huh? Mitsuya?


One day, I will be your equal.

I swear it.

I will be a hoodlum
who cares for his family.



Why'd you get this tattoo?

You grow your hair.


I gave you
the barbecue beef for this, man.

This dragon is mine.

Twin dragons, huh?

Ever since then,

I've been following him.

What's wrong?



It sure is crowded.

It sure is.


Are you dressed for the children's fest?


Wait, are you two Mitsuya's sisters?

Yeah. This is Luna and Mana.

How old are you? What little angels.

Don't treat us like kids, dork face.

Dork face.


What a pretty lady.

Pretty lady.

Is that any way to raise children?

Sorry, man.

Yuzuha and Hakkai,
are your wounds better now?

Yeah, all better.

Right, Hakkai?



Lady, can I hold your hand?

Sure thing.

Hold my hand too.

Okay, we'll walk together.

Hey, she's my Hina!

How can you shout out loud
something so embarrassing?

There goes my date.

This was to make up for Christmas.

Sorry, Takemitchy.

You can go on a date anytime.

Now I get it.

No wonder you like him, Yuzuha.

He was pretty badass that night.


When he left a couple days ago, he said...

I wanted to raise Hakkai to be strong.

It ticked me off when he was weak.

Just who is Takemichi Hanagaki?

Even though
I couldn't change Hakkai, he did.

I'm not needed in this house anymore.

I won't mend my ways.

But I will admit
that v*olence isn't everything.

This is goodbye, Yuzuha.

You must be relieved.

Taiju said that?


You know...

He ended up changing both you and Taiju.

To me, Takemichi Hanagaki is...


Wait. Hold on here, Yuzuha.
Isn't it Taka you've got a crush on?

Huh? Mitsuya?

He's like a brother.
Besides, he's got short hair.

What? You're in love with Takemitchy?

Shut up, you moron!
Besides, he's got Hina.

Nothing wrong
with a one-sided crush, right?


What's wrong?

-Nothing at all!
-Nothing at all!


Oh, Takemichi.


They've got ema.

Cool. Let's get one.


What did you write?


You know how they say
it won't come true if you show anyone.

Hey, let us see.

Show us, Takemitchy.

No way!

Why not?

Show us, man.

No way. Never!

Hey, it's Takemitchy.

What're you guys up to?

Chifuyu, help me! You too, Peh-yan.

What's the commotion?

Sounds like fun.

Cut that out, Hakkai!

Give it back! That's my ema.

Who's shouting "my Emma"?

Oh, it's Takemitchy.


Is this your ema?

Please, give it back.

Wow, you sure are desperate.

What's going on?

It's almost time.

It's ten seconds until the new year.

Let's jump together!

Huh? What?




-Happy New Year!
-Happy New Year!


I never would have thought
Takemitchy could pull that off.


But that won't be the end of this.