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02x05 - Christmas Eve

Posted: 01/14/24 07:39
by bunniefuu
The four of us here
will stop Hakkai and destroy Taiju.

Our secret battle is on December 25th,
Christmas night!

Something's bothering me.

I don't think
Mikey's going to last much longer.


Baji's death is weighing him down,
but he acts like it doesn't bother him.

-You're the one who k*lled...

If nothing changes,
Toman will be finished.

We've got to give Mikey our support.

We don't need
to work with you jerks to do that!

Isn't that right, Takemitchy?

We're keeping
this mission secret from Toman.

So, I can't use anyone
in the Third or Sixth Division.

That means we need you guys.


I hate wasting time.

I want your answer by tomorrow.


I'm against it.

we don't need to work with Kisaki!

We can do this ourselves.

Are you sure?

He's the guy
who m*rder*d Baji and Hinata Tachibana!

Don't you get it?

I do get it!
But what're we supposed to do?

You want to k*ll Kisaki?
That's not the right thing to do!

What we need to do
is kick Kisaki out of Toman!

We also got to stop Hakkai
from k*lling Taiju!

You think I like working with Kisaki?

But if we work with him,

then maybe
we can learn something about him!

We might find a way to get him kicked out!

I never...

ever want to see...

that horrible future for everyone again.

To achieve that,
I'll even work with Kisaki.

Please, Chifuyu.

Work with me!

Oh, jeez.

I guess I've got no luck
with the chicks again this Christmas.

Thank you, Chifuyu!

You've got it good.

You've got a girlfriend.

Christmas sucks

when I've got to work with bastards
to fight other bastards.

Hey, you hungry?

That didn't take long.

You got an answer for me?

We'll work with you guys
but only until Christmas.

Smart decision. I appreciate it.

All we want to do is protect Hakkai.

We don't plan
on being friends with you guys.

This is one screwed-up team.

We're only here
because we have the same goal.

I absolutely hate you guys's damn guts.

What'll we call our team?

"Season's Beatings?"

Or how about "Hanmas?"

Or "Team m*ssacre?" Like it?

-See you later!

-Okay. Talk to you later.

I never thought
I'd be working with Kisaki.

But I could find out a lot
by working with him.


Let's walk home together.


I'm here too.

How'd your final exams go?

What? Piece of cake!

Really? I find that hard to believe.

I can hardly wait.


For Christmas.


Did I promise
to do something with Hina on Christmas?

Christ... mas!

Wait! I'm double-booked that day!

Oh, crap! What'll I do?


I'm going home.

I hate wasting time.

Oh, okay.


I wish you wouldn't flirt
in front of your own brother.

"Wasting time?"

He sounds like Kisaki.

Oh, it's nothing.

I know what you mean.
That's just like him.


What did you just say?

I said that's just like him.

Like who?

Tetta Kisaki, right?

Hina, do you know... Kisaki?


We went to the same cram school
in elementary school.


How come you know him, Takemichi?


Let's look at the circumference of
a circle with a ten-centimeter diameter.

If we draw a square around the outside
of the circle, it'll look like this.

Then, this is what we get when
we put a right triangle along the radius.

You're amazing, Kisaki!

You placed first
on the practice exams again!


It was just luck.

Wow! So humble!

Your collar's crooked.

There you go!

Let's go, Hina.

How can you talk to that guy?

He's such a weirdo.

What? How can you say that?
He's a good kid.

Super-smart kids like that
seem to me like they've got no heart.

Tetta Kisaki was the smartest kid
at cram school.

Since we lived near him,
I sometimes walked home with him.

I never imagined
that Kisaki and Hina knew each other!

Then, he went to a private middle school,

so I haven't seen him since then.

He's a full-on g*ng member now.


He's a captain in Toman.

No way! That's so not like him!

It's the truth.

And he's not your typical g*ng member.

He's a real...

Oh, never mind.

But you know,
I think you and Kisaki would get along.


He's a little awkward and blunt,

but he's good at heart.

Tetta Kisaki's a good guy?

That's impossible!

He's a diabolical beast
who's m*rder*d Hina over and over!

The first time I met you, Takemichi,

I was with Kisaki.

What? Really?

What do you mean? When was that?

You don't remember, do you?

Huh? Remember what?

I remember it very well.

But I don't know...

I don't really want to talk about it.

Did something happen?

It was the summer of sixth grade,
on the way home from cram school.

Some kids were torturing a cat
in the park.

That was the day
me and Kisaki first met you.

-Come on! Let's hear you squeal more!

I'm going to give them a tongue-lashing!


It's no use. It's dangerous too.


Take that!

Cut that out! How dare you!

What's so fun about that?


Who's this brat?

Mind your own business.

Hey! The cat got away, damn it!

Then, you'll have to take the cat's place.

I hate brats like you,
acting all goody-two-shoes and shit.

You going to cry?

Think we'll let you off
'cause you're crying?

Oh, man. I tried to stop her.


The hero has arrived!

I won't stand

for some darn middle schoolers
ganging up on a little girl.

What? Who's this brat?

You can't be seriously
calling yourself a hero.

This loser's wearing a cape!

Look! He's shaking like a leaf!

If you're that scared,
then quit acting like hot shit!

Shut up!

What're you crying for?

I can't help it!

You're weak, you know?

You need to think
before you do stuff like this!

I'm sorry...

See you.

What? Wait, was that really me?

I don't remember that at all.

But now that I think about it,
I may have done something like that.

I mean, that was 14 years ago now.

Dang, that was so lame.

You think so?

Of course!
I came to help but got my butt kicked.

And where'd I get a cape?

You came to help
even though you knew you'd lose.


That's way more amazing
than someone who would've won.

On that day,

I fell in love with you.


Tachibana in Class 2 says she likes you.


Oh, hi.

For so long...


...she's loved me?

Don't forget.

We're meeting at Umishita Park
on Christmas Eve.


See you!

My fight with BLACK DRAGON
is coming up soon,

so life's really tough now.

But I'm in seventh heaven!

Eve is the 24th, so it'll be fine.

My battle is the next day,
the night of the 25th.

I can do both!


Christmas Eve... Umishita Park?

You dumped me here... on Christmas Eve.

Umishita Park is the place
Hina and I visited in the future.

This year on Christmas Eve...

I'm going to dump Hina!

But why?

There's no freaking way I'd dump Hina.

Yeah, that's right.
Christmas Eve is only a week away.

Why the heck would I suddenly
want to dump her by then?

Put it out of your mind.


What? Yeah?

You're Takemichi Hanagaki, right?


It's nice to meet you, Hanagaki.

I'm Masato Tachibana,
Hinata and Naoto's father.

What? You're Hina's father?

I'm sorry about that! Excuse me!


I've heard a lot about you from my wife.

You're dating my daughter, right?


Holy crap! It's her dad in the flesh!

Even though I'm 26, I'm super tense!

Don't be so nervous.

I'm not going to bite your head off.

Oh... Well...

I'm so busy,
I hardly ever have time for my children.

I only ever hear about them from my wife.

It's especially hard on Naoto,
so it's no wonder he hates my work.

Since around the time he was born,
I've hardly ever been at home,

so we haven't spent much time together.

But the other day, he told me this.

"I want to become a police officer."

That's thanks to you, right?


I don't know what you told him.

But thank you. I'm very grateful.

What? No, no! Not at all!

I didn't do anything special!

Please, you don't have to bow!

I don't know
if he'll be fit for this work,

but as his father, it made me happy.

Oh, don't worry.

Naoto will turn out to be a great cop...


Oh! It's nothing! Nothing at all!

I'm glad you're as nice as I've heard.



Will you do me a favor?


I'm home!

Welcome home. Dinner's almost ready.


Hinata was on a date.

-Oh, really?



Mom, do you still love Dad even now?

What kind of question is that?

I was just wondering... how it really is.

I love him very much.

Ten years from now,

I want to say the same about Takemichi!

The Kanto region
will remain mostly clear and sunny,

but a cold front will move in next week.

I guess that means
we could have a White Christmas, right?

Yes, it's very likely.

So stay warm and enjoy a lovely Christmas.

Please... break up with my daughter.

I want her to be happy.

Wait. Hold on here.

But I'm in love with...

You're a hoodlum.

Can you promise
she'll never get caught up in that stuff?

Merry Christmas!

Get your Christmas Cake here!

Shit, it's cold!
It's freaking snowing too!

Hey, Chifuyu. Where the heck's Takemitchy?

He said something came up.

You sure he's okay?

Our plan's supposed to happen tomorrow.

Why don't we get dinner first?


Let's break up, Hina.

I know you're wondering
where this is coming from.

I've kind of been
thinking about it for a while...

I mean, I think I like someone else...

Yeah, that's it. I like someone else.

Hina, I don't...

like you anymore.


Wait! Hina!

I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

I hate your guts!

Can you promise
she'll never get caught up in that stuff?

There may be some connection
between Kisaki, Hina, and me.

This is for the best.

This is...

It's clear that she really loved you.

You dumped me here... on Christmas Eve.

So, this is what happened.

Tell me why!

This is for the best.

I want to know everything about you.

I'll protect you, Hanagaki!

This is for the best.

There's nobody else as cool as you.

I'm sure you'll succeed, Takemichi.

What'll I do now?

I love her!

Sorry, I'm late.

What's your problem?
Tomorrow's the big day, man!

You're not taking this seriously.

Jeez, Takemitchy,

what's with your face?


Holy shit!
Your ugly mug looks even worse now!

This is going to go down
at Udagawa Christ Church in Shibuya.


he'll go to worship there
in the dead of night when nobody's around.

Wouldn't a church be full of people
on Christmas night?

That happens tonight, on Christmas Eve.

Around this time tomorrow, it's empty.

If Hakkai's going to attack Taiju,
that has to be when he'll do it.

We'll wait for Taiju
outside the main chapel.

Hakkai should already be inside
waiting for him.

Takemitchy, you have to convince him.

Since you're friends,

you're the best person
to stop Hakkai, right?

And before Hakkai can confront Taiju,
us three outside...

will beat down Taiju.

Well, it looks like our secret operation
against BLACK DRAGON is going to happen.

I don't know what happened to you earlier,
but tomorrow,

you can vent all your anger!


This time, for sure,

I'll protect your future.