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02x03 - Stand alone

Posted: 01/14/24 07:38
by bunniefuu

Beat this guy... to death.

Couldn't you hear me?

I told you...

k*ll him!


I told you...

k*ll him!

As a fellow Toman member,
you must take responsibility!

Taiju, he didn't know
this was BLACK DRAGON turf.

So, please...

Hakkai's so frightened,
he's like a different person.

I couldn't give a shit about that.

Didn't you hear me give you an order?

You're my little brother,
which comes before membership in Toman.

In other words, you must obey my orders.

Family bonds are more important
than bonds with friends, right?


Quit threatening Hakkai.


it's your fault for not raising him right.

I'll make that very clear to you next.

Even though she's family to you,
Yuzuha is still a woman!

How dare you strike a woman,
your own sister!

This is a Shiba family affair,

so butt out, you little shit!

Watch carefully, Hakkai.

I'll take care of your problem for you.

This is what family's all about!

m*rder SQUAD

That's enough of that!

Get out of there, Hina!

I can't just sit and watch this!

Takemichi's going to die!

Hina, what are you...


Takemichi! Takemichi!






When you ask someone for a favor,

you need to give something in exchange.

Give me something
that makes it worth my while.

If you don't,
then this is where this punk dies.

I'll quit.

I'll quit Toman.

so I can assist you.

So, let Takemitchy go!

That's my offer!



Hey, you all right, Takemitchy?

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness, Takemichi!

There's a hospital just up ahead.

Oh, that's right. I got beat up.

I'll quit Toman.

So, let Takemitchy go!

Hakkai, I'm sorry
you had to quit Toman for my sake.

It's not your fault.

I'd already made up my mind.

Actually, I want to thank you
for standing up for Yuzuha.

You must be surprised that
my brother is the boss of BLACK DRAGON.



Hakkai Shiba
is the 11th leader of BLACK DRAGON.

Rumor has it the bastard
k*lled the last leader for money

and took over BLACK DRAGON.

He k*lled the last leader?

Then, that means he's going to...

There's something...
I need to do in BLACK DRAGON.

No way!

Does this mean
Hakkai's going to k*ll his brother?

A Toman prick on our turf?

I don't care if you are a girl.

I'll k*ll every last one of you!

Little by little, it's getting clearer.

If what Kazutora said
in the future is true...

Hakkai Shiba k*lled
the last leader for money

and took over BLACK DRAGON.

because there's something I need to do.

Hakkai's going to k*ll
his own brother, Taiju,

the leader of BLACK DRAGON.

Then, if Hakkai takes over BLACK DRAGON
and joins up with Toman...

it will lead to the future I saw!

Then, am I supposed to stop Hakkai
from k*lling his brother?

That doesn't seem quite right.

will be just as dangerous

whether Taiju is their boss
or Hakkai is their boss.

Then, am I supposed to fight BLACK DRAGON?

There's no way!

There's absolutely no way!

Kisaki and BLACK DRAGON...

The problems just keep piling up!

But I've got to solve them!

I can't depend on anyone.

I have to do it alone.

I must succeed!

-What are you mumbling about?


What are you guys doing at my place?

To check on you, obviously.

You're our captain, after all.
Don't you realize that?

If you get too messed up,

you won't be able
to keep our First Division together.

What? What do you mean by "our"?

You guys are in Toman?

-What? You bet we are!
-What? You bet we are!

You let them in.


What? What's with the silence?

Oh... It's nothing.

Still, to think it was BLACK DRAGON
who broke the peace.

This means there will be trouble.

The top brass aren't going to be happy.

Beating up Takemichi
is plenty good reason to start something.


Don't act surprised.

You're one of Toman's captains now,
you know?


If there's a w*r with BLACK DRAGON,
Toman could get hurt badly.

Rumor has it
they're stronger than our past rivals.

You mean they're tougher
than Moebius or Valhalla?

The m*rder Squad.

That's what sets them apart.

They're a fierce team of warriors.

For a long time, BLACK DRAGON has reigned

as the ruling hoodlum g*ng
in the Kanto region.

The tenth-generation BLACK DRAGON g*ng
is the most brutal and insane in history.

When I say insane, I mean they're psychos.

They're maniacs!

And there's only one reason for it.

Their iron-fisted ruler, Taiju Shiba.

There's always been a strong connection
between Toman and BLACK DRAGON.

You see, the whole reason Toman was formed
was because of BLACK DRAGON.

They're our enemies
in our legendary first battle.

Kazutora lived on their turf
and got into trouble with them back then.

His friends got together
and formed a g*ng to save Kazutora.

That was Tokyo Manji g*ng.

They faced BLACK DRAGON head-on,

and since Toman crushed them,
they immediately became famous.

Toman's awesome!

Does that mean we've got no choice
but to fight them again?

If we've crushed them once,
it should be easy again this time, right?

No, it won't be easy.

Toman crushed
the ninth-generation BLACK DRAGON.

Their members are totally different now.

After wiping out BLACK DRAGON,

they should have disappeared,
but Taiju Shiba revived them.

Taiju took over the g*ng name,

but he's transformed them into something
totally different than they used to be.

He totally changed their uniform
and trained them like a military force.

He turned them
into an impressive-looking g*ng.

That sounds badass.

If he changed their uniforms,

it must've cost a bundle
to get every one of them new ones!

That's for sure.
How'd he get all that money?

He's about the same age as us, right?

Yeah. He's two years older.

What sets Taiju apart from other hoodlums
is that he sells v*olence.

Taiju's not just a typical fighter.

He's got ties with the rich
and sells his muscle for money.

You mean, like a business?

So, he fights for money?

That's scary! What a screwed-up kid!

He must be from another planet!

For money...

Just like BLACK DRAGON in the future.

I've got to fight BLACK DRAGON!

At any rate, BLACK DRAGON now isn't
anything like their ninth generation.

If Toman fights them now...

It'll spell trouble, huh?

There's no need to fight.


This is an issue
between me and BLACK DRAGON.

It has nothing to do with Toman.

I'll settle this all on my own!



Are you out of your mind?

All alone?

Sorry, guys.


Let's talk.


Nice bike, huh?

Baji left it to me.

Chifuyu, I know what you want to tell me.

You don't want me
to take this on by myself.

But the future I've seen is way too awful!

I know you want to tell me
that I've got buddies who'll help.


Both you and Akkun are going to die!

That's why I've gotta do this!

That's not what I wanted to tell you.


I just want us to enjoy this whole thing!


Baji didn't ask you
to take care of Toman to stress you out.

Baji'd be angry with you now.

He'd be like, "Cheer up, shitty-michi?"

I'm not alone!



I came from the future!


What are you talking about?

You came from the future?

Well, you see...

Oh, damn! I can't stop myself!

Everything's spilling out!

The day I died.

Time traveling to the past.

Joining Toman...

in order to save Hina.

Only being able to travel
exactly 12 years into the past.

The things about Mikey...

and Draken...

and Kisaki.

And... Chifuyu's future.

I swore that I'd never tell anyone

about traveling through time

because who knows
how it might influence the present.

But for Chifuyu,

the guy who sacrificed his life
in the future for me,

my heart opened up to him.

And that's... everything I've done.

I'm going to be k*lled by Kisaki?

I let it out...

I told him everything!

This is bad, isn't it? What will I do?

So... I'm going to die.

Just kidding!

It was all a joke!

I kind of figured.


Well, I mean,
I never thought you came from the future.

But looking back,
there's a lot of weird stuff about you.

There are times
when you seem like a different person.

Well, that was...

Before the fight with Valhalla,
you said this to Baji.

Please don't die.

I wasn't standing that close,

so I wasn't sure of exactly
what you were talking about.

But I'm sure you said that.

You knew that Baji would die, didn't you?

No wonder you were so desperate.

Yeah. I knew, but I couldn't prevent it.

I could have saved Baji.

You're amazing.


You've been fighting all alone,
even though nobody's thanked you for it.

Hold your chin up, Takemitchy.

It's not the result that's important.

You fought without running
though nobody knew it.

I respect you for that.

You believe me?

Even though...
it sounds like I made it all up?

Hell yeah! Don't be stupid.

We're partners, after all.

I'm so glad I told him!

Damn it! You're making me cry!

You're such a big crybaby.

I can't help it!

What you said made me cry!

I'm kind of hungry.

Don't ignore me!

I can't believe
I'm actually going to be k*lled by Kisaki.

-Want some?

Even though it's in the future,
it pisses me off!

So, Kisaki really was
Baji's enemy all along?

Yeah, no doubt about it.

Kisaki told me himself in the future.

I'll k*ll that bastard.

But not now.

Kisaki controls the Third Division,
and they've got 100 guys.

And there's the new Sixth Division
made up of ex-Valhalla members.

Compared to them,
we're new leaders of the First Division.

We're too new to be effective leaders yet.

That's a huge difference.

Yeah. Kind of exciting, isn't it?


You're going to build a First Division
that's better than any of the others,


We're starting from nothing,
but I know you can do it.

Who cares if we're up against Kisaki
or BLACK DRAGON? Crush them!

I'll support you to the very end.

Since you told me
the whole truth about yourself,

that's my answer for you.


Let's make this happen!

All right! Let's do it!

Thank you, Chifuyu!


Hey, Takemitchy! Did you eat all my ramen?

Yeah. You gave it to me.

You're only supposed to take a bite!

You gave it to me,
so I thought you were done!


Who'd have thought Hakkai
was the brother of BLACK DRAGON's boss?

I bet you knew, didn't you, Mitsuya?

BLACK DRAGON's going to be a real hassle.

We've got no choice though.

Looks like all the officers are here.

Get in here!

As everybody knows,

Takemitchy was beaten up by
the leader of BLACK DRAGON the other day.

He did it even though he knew Takemitchy
is captain of our First Division.

Which means...

this is BLACK DRAGON's declaration of w*r.

Cocky bastards! Let's stomp their asses!

We've crushed them once,
so it won't be a problem to do it again.

We crushed their ninth generation.

Their tenth generation
is on a different level.

You know,

I can understand that maybe Takemitchy
didn't know that was BLACK DRAGON turf,

but why the hell did you take him there?

In fact, I've never even
seen you two talk before!

Hakkai, I bet you're a g*dd*mn spy
for BLACK DRAGON, aren't you?

He's the brother of their boss, after all.

And you hid that too.

Hey! Hold on here!

Hakkai didn't do it on...

You shut the hell up!

Listen up, Takemitchy.

At the next officers' meeting,
Hakkai's going to quit Toman.

That'll lead to the future
you told me about.

To change the future,

you've got to prevent Hakkai
from quitting Toman.

Chifuyu and I formed a plan
for this very thing!

I'm not going to make excuses.

I'm ready for any punishment.

As his brother, I've always been prepared
for the consequences.


I, vice-captain of Second Division,
Hakkai Shiba,

request permission
to leave Tokyo Manji g*ng as of today!

Any objections?

Hold on!

I object!


But how can we prevent Hakkai
from leaving Toman?

I've got a plan.

First, Plan A.


The key is Mikey.

If Mikey himself
doesn't allow Hakkai to leave,

that'll settle things.

I see.

And I know Mikey's weakness!



Let's all chill out
and think this over calmly.

And eat this.

Plan A is...


Here you go!

I don't want it.

Quit interrupting!


You think this is a joke, dumbass?

What? No, I don't!


Don't you worry, Takemitchy.

If just by chance,
it doesn't work, we've got Plan B.

If you need help, then read these notes!

Oh, that's right! Chifuyu gave me notes
for just this situation!

Plan B!


You got to be kidding, Chifuyu!

I forgot.

He's a total idiot.

I'll never be able to stop Hakkai now!

If nothing changes,
we could end up going to w*r!

What'll I do?

What's your decision, Mikey?

This involves Second Division,
so I'll let Mitsuya decide.

Taka, I'm sorry.

But I've made up my mind.

Don't look so sad, Hakkai.

I understand.


I enjoyed serving under you!

What'll I do?

I haven't changed anything again!


What are you talking about?

I won't allow it.
