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10x11 - Rise of the Machines

Posted: 01/13/24 14:02
by bunniefuu
on this "gold rush"...

More than
halfway through the season,

Three mines stare ruin
in the face.

Tony beets' empire
could be heading for a fall.

Plant's dead for now.

That's basically what this is
until we get that replaced.

to mine out his claim this year,

Parker schnabel
is driven to the edge.

This is going to destroy
the [bleep] truck.

-What is parker doing?
-Rick. Cut the power.

and after weeks of poor results,

Rick ness is fighting
for survival.

You know, I got half
a million dollars in this

[Bleep] wash plant,
and I'm chucking dry dirt

And rock at it.

You know, it's kind
of embarrassing.

Here I am, a mechanic,

And I'm showing up to work
with a broken truck.

This is definitely not how I
wanted to start my season off.

juan ibarra has been called in

To save the season
of mining legend tony beets.

tony needs help after
a catastrophic

Start to his season...

...when his water permits
didn't come through

For his indian river claims...

...his kids stepped up to mine
on paradise hill.

Mike, good job.

but more than halfway
through the season,

They're struggling to keep
their operations running.

What in the [bleep]
is going on over there?

tony is hoping that
the answer is juan,

But after a journey
of over 2,500 miles,

The supermechanic's truck
broke down,

And he had to be towed
onto the claim.

I made it.
I'm broke, but I made it.

That's what I was hoping,
you know?

Lost the transmission.


The second I hit the jake brake,
all you hear is just gears.

They were just stripping out.

Yeah. So...
Oh, yeah.

Yeah, my heart hurt
a little bit.

Yep, yep.

It would be good to get
the truck up and running,

So I can get to work.

All right, tony.

Narrator: the beets family
has three operations,

Two with the newly
created megacut...

...and one down at hunker creek

Where daughter monica
is chasing gold

The old dredges left behind.

The kiwi plant
is plugging along.

We're about halfway
through the season.

You know, at least
I am bringing gold in,

And I feel like as long as we're
getting about an ounce an hour,

I'm happy.

Narrator: in 8 weeks,
at the promising megacut,

Mike has already mined
$1.6 million in gold.

We're going to have a very,
very good season,

And so far it's looking
pretty damn good.

on the other side of the cut,
kevin is finally sluicing.

If the brothers can work

This cut could produce
$5 million worth of gold.

Oh, it's good to get the [bleep]

Now, we can finally get
some gold in the box.

Here we go.

excavator operator ruby
is feeding 200 yards of pay dirt

An hour
through the shaker deck.

I have worked with this plant
many a times before.

You can push a lot of yardage

Through when
it's working properly.

last year, this shaker deck
produced over $3 million

In gold,
more than half the beets' total.

-Whoa [bleep].
-Ay, yi, yi, yi.

conveyor belt is too lose.

[Bleep] hell.

if there's too much slack,
the belt will shred to pieces,

Rubbing against the frame.

I know. I know.

All right.

I just called him.



Look over here.

The drum is broken.

That could be a problem.

Yeah, I think that's half
our [bleep]

Problem right there.

This is not good.

The tail pulley is broken,
so the belt naturally

Is going to want to go
to the looser side.

This side is always loose

Because the tail pulley
is broken over here.

at the top of the conveyer, the
drive pulley

Powers the belt.

At the bottom, to keep it
straight in tension,

There is a tail pulley.

The drum on the tail pulley

Has broken apart
from the side plate,

Pulling the belt over
to the left

Where it's rubbed against
the housing and ripped apart.

Well, that looks
pretty [bleep] up.

That's just paper-thin.

Yeah, we need a new tail pulley.
-Plant is dead for now.

That's basically what this is
until we get that replaced.

You know, this wouldn't be
that big a deal

If we were down in the states,
in the lower 48,

But up here in yukon, it's near
impossible to get parts,

So we're going to try to make

A few phone calls,
see if we can find it.

Hopefully, we can find it
and get it here in time.

This is ranking about a 9 1/2
on my frustration level.

Everything is [bleep]
ready to go.

We're all keen,
all [bleep] up, dead.

This season, we've had
a massive challenge.

In some ways, a lot harder
than any other season

That we've had before.

We've done good so far,

And the gold is coming
in good so far,

But we're still
just not on track

With what we need to be doing.

25-year-old parker schnabel

Is attempting to mine
every ounce of gold

From his claim before
the water license expires.

Halfway through the season,

He's only a third
of the way through.

So, like, that's why
I brought jessica in.

You know, she doesn't know
anything about mining,

But she knows some stuff
about efficiency,

And hopefully,
she's out there right now,

Trying to come up
with more good ideas

Because we need
all the help we can get.

It's one thing to be
on ground level

And see, like,
what you're doing.

It's another thing to be able
to see from a top view

What you're doing every day.

mechanical engineer jessica chiu

Is mapping the claim as part
of her month-long contract.

parker has tasked me with
the interesting challenge

Of streamlining
his operation.

I'm confident I can
help him estimate

If he's going to complete
all the ground

He wants to get through
this season,

And being able to project
your plans

Is really important
to a mine's efficiency

And a mine's productivity.

Narrator: over a season,
even the smallest changes

Could dramatically
increase output.

Jessica: I've been timing all
the equipment to refuel,

Took like 5 to 10 minutes
for it to come up here.

Hey, brennan.

How far are you walking
the excavators to refuel?

-Sometimes up to 1/2 a mile.

That's a long ways
for a track machine to go.

What's the max speed
you're going?

Do you know?


Yeah, I don't know,
but it's slow.

Every piece of equipment here
is wasting valuable time

By unnecessarily traveling to
the fuel truck every single day.

the fuel truck is parked
at the end of the cluster cut.

An excavator running at 2 miles
an hour takes 20 minutes

To get from the cut
to the fuel truck and back.

Over a season, parker's dozers
and excavators

Could waste more than 500 hours

And cost $30,000
in diesel making these trips.

we're putting a lot of pressure
on these machines

By having them walk almost
3,000 feet just to refuel.

It's a lot of downtime that
could be used more productively,

Stripping more pay.

I knew this was an issue,

But I didn't know
it was as bad as that.

And I'm thinking that instead
of having all the machines

Go to the fuel truck,
I think maybe the fuel truck

Should actually go
to the machines.

the problem is, there's a lot
of places that fuel truck

Can't get to, right?

I don't think it's going
to work,

But if there's time to be saved
and more production to be had,

Then we should
try to do it.

for [bleep] sake.

what in the [bleep]
is parker doing down there?

I don't know how the [bleep]

Parker thinks he's going to get
a fuel truck in here.

I'd turn the corner in the
dozer, and it got [bleep] stuck.

She don't want to
make it up this hill.

Oh, [bleep].

parker and tech-guru jessica

Are attempting
to increase production

By driving the fuel truck
to the dozer.

Ah, don't get out.

Hey, hey.
We're stuck.

Doesn't look like
it's going to work, is it?

No, and we're just going to
destroy this [bleep] truck.

Yeah, I mean, this is
probably more valuable

Than the equipment
out here right now,

Amount of fuel
we're burning every day.

We don't want
to destroy it.


This could just lead to more
bigger problems

Than we already got.

Yeah, exactly.

Appreciate the effort
but not going to happen.

I should be able to back
out of here.

-All right.
-You can go back to work.


There's got
to be another way.

well, not with
what we've got.

Well, that didn't work,
but I still believe in the idea.

I think we just need
a different vehicle.

taking jessica's advice,

Parker logs on to
his favorite online auction.

Look at that.

The gladiator
fuel master.

This thing is a converted
skidder into a fuel truck.

Pretty badass
if you ask me.

I mean, I've always known
that fueling was an issue,

Especially for, like,
the dozers

Because they're expensive
machines to walk around

And not pushing dirt
or ripping permafrost,

And if we could spend some money
now to find a way to reduce

That downtime and get production
out of that time

That they're spending walking
back and forth to fuel then,

You know, I'll spend that money
because you'll get it back.

Looks like a pretty
decent solution

If it doesn't go
crazy expensive.

unlike his current fuel truck,
which is built for roads,

This one is
an all-terrain vehicle.

If he can get it, he has
a fighting chance

Of mining out his entire
claim this season.

Parker: all right.
Well, let's do [bleep].

Oh, bastards, outbid me.

Screw you then.

I don't know.

The problem with auctions
is that

You get caught up
in the auction.

It's like crack, but [bleep]

We're going.

Oh, yeah.

That's mine.

Hopefully, that does the trick.

At this rate, we need
to quadruple the amount

Of [bleep] gold that we've been
getting, which is scary.

I mean, all I've been doing
for 10 weeks is spending money.

Haven't seen [bleep] for gold.

at duncan creek, rick ness
has mined less than

10% Of his 2,000-ounce
gold target.

At the start of the season,

It looked like it was
going to be easy.

-I see some gold, rick.
-Oh, baby.

Narrator: rick has found
some fine gold and nuggets.

Ho, ho, ho! Huh?
Hoo. Ah.

There's gold.

but not a single gold weigh
has reached the 83-ounce average

He needs
to make his target.

Got these 28-ounce cleanups.

It's just -- it ain't going
to work all season, man.

Things got to change.

Narrator: rick is convinced
there's gold in this ground,

So 3 weeks ago, he upgraded
to a massive new wash plant

To turn his season

We've had monster red running
for a couple of weeks, now.

We're running three times
as much dirt through it

As we were before,
which is great.

loader operator zee's
end-of-season payout depends

On keeping the monster fed
and running smoothly.

Whatever I can do to, you know,
put more dirt to the plant,

Keep the tailings clean,

Will obviously end up
helping us in the end,

Be able to go home
with a gold bonus.

[Bleep] [bleep] [bleep]
what is wrong with this thing?

[Bleep] water stopped.

[Bleep] rick.

-Cut the power.

[Bleep] for [bleep] --
not running the water?

You know know why.

What the [bleep]?
The [bleep] pump shut off.

I don't know what it is --
what it is with this pump.

Narrator: mechanic carl rosk
accesses the pump's computer

To find the problem.

Carl: I'm getting error messages
from this pump.

It's not running 100%,

So it goes into
limp mode like this,

And it shuts itself down,

So if I can't get rid
of these codes, it's going

To keep happening to me,
so I got to figure this out,

Or we can't really
run this pump.

Rick: that pump literally
became self-aware.

Since we have cell
phone service on this site,

It downloaded new software

For which we don't have
the program for,

Which sounds like the most
outrageous line of bull

[Bleep] I've ever said,
but it's the truth.

-Oh, is that why it did it?

It downloaded
its own new software.

Became sentient?

It's like some "terminator"

That's the whole [bleep]

It's looking at facebook?

carl's laptop can't run the
program for the new software,

So he needs to reboot
the pump's computer

To its original settings.

-Oh, what the [bleep]?
-We're just a bunch of [bleep]

Dirt farmers out here
playing in the dirt.

Why the [bleep] do we need
laptops to run our pump?

Yeah, just reflashed
the ecm here.

I'm going to restore
all the factory settings,

And hopefully,
that figures this out.

93%, 99, 100.

She's flashed successfully.

Oh, yeah.

rick, nailed it.

Rick: start it up.

with the plant firing again,

The team races to run
as much dirt as possible

In the hopes of a big jump
in gold production.

Well, we lost about an hour.
Could have been a lot worse.

It was actually
a pretty simple fix,

So we just got
to keep moving dirt.

Can't sit here talking,
things to do, places to go.

Go get it.
Go get it.

Go get it.

it's going to be 4, 5 days

Before we can even get
that tail pulley.

I don't really want
to [bleep] wait that long.

Narrator: at paradise hill,
supermechanic juan ibarra

Is running out of time
to replace a tail pulley

For kevin beets'
conveyor at the megacut.

The only other option,

And I don't even know
if I can do it...

It's paper-thin, but I'm going
to try to find a piece of pipe

That's close enough diameter
and try to reline it.

I can do that
if you'd like.

I think that will work
because I want to get

[Bleep] going a.s.a.p.

I'm going to take
this pickup, guys.

We're coming in to the boneyard.

We have all kinds of broken down
equipment here, bits and pieces,

But there's a pile of pipe
and steel over here

That I want to look at.

If I remember correctly, there
was a piece of 14-inch pipe

Over there,
last I looked.

Got her.

Perfect, 14,
just barely enough, too.

We'll have a foot to spare.

juan uses his state-of-the-art
plasma cutter

To shorten
the reclaimed pipe.

He then removes the axle
from the damaged pulley.

So this is the piece that we're
going to put inside that tube

And build the new roller with.

What do you think, brad?

I think you're doing a great
job, juan.

Thank you, bud.

They don't just bring you
around for your good looks, eh?

Well, kind of eye candy,
you know?

Fits good.

About as good as we can
get here, you know?

Can't ask for any better
than that,

Especially for
the conditions we're in.

-[Bleep] sexy.
-Got her in there.

Now, we just got to weld it.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

You got to love the weather
here in the yukon, man.

You don't like how it feels?
Just wait 5 minutes,

It'll change.
Here we are.

We're welding in the rain now.

we're soaked to the [bleep]

To be a gold miner, you got
to be a little bit stubborn

And a little bit dumb.

Anybody else would take
a much easier [bleep] job.

while juan fixes the roller,

Kevin replaces the torn section
of the belt.

Now, we got to break off
the ends of the bolts.

Otherwise, they're going
to [bleep]

Click and clank
and break [bleep].


Got her in, man.

Pretty happy with it.

I'm hoping that everything
lines up just right

And that it works properly,

But we don't know
until we actually run it.

Might as well get
scruffy over here.

Hey, tony.

We're ready
to test the conveyor.

She's back together.

Let's do this.

It's looking pretty good.

This tail pulley
looks really nice.

That's not bad at all.
I'm pretty happy with that.

It looks pretty solid.
It's going pretty straight.

Already, the belt is starting
to track a little better

Than what it was before.

kevin's shaker deck kicks
back into high gear,

Tapping into the megacut's
gold-rich ground.

You know, it's good to finally
get the [bleep] plant going.

It was way more effort
than needed to make it

[Bleep] work, but we got it
[bleep] going.

That's what counts.

This thing is awesome.

Oh, yeah.

Narrator: parker schnabel has
taken delivery

Of his off-road fuel truck,

Bought on the advice
of mechanical engineer

And efficiency expert
jessica chiu.

I'm really glad parker was able
to get himself this skidder.

It's really going to help him
save everything from repair

And maintenance
to refueling time

To just
productivity overall.

the souped-up truck is another
step towards mining out

His entire 115-acre
claim in one season.

This thing certainly doesn't
go fast, but it goes anywhere.

Jessica's thinking is spot-on.

It's really nice to have, like,
a solid solution,

And this thing is proof
of concept right here.

originally designed for logging,
this skidder has been converted

To carry over
2,500 gallons of fuel.

with 60-inch flotation tires,

A 204-horsepower engine,
and a 9-foot blade,

It can go anywhere.

What the [bleep] is that thing?

Is that the new [bleep]
fuel truck?

Special delivery.

-Man, is that thing sick.
-Need some fuel?

[Bleep] yeah, I do.
[ Laughs ]

the time brennan saves
every week

By having fuel brought to him
in the cluster cut

Takes the team 4,000 yards
of dirt closer to their ambition

Of mining out
the entire claim this season.

-Nice fancy reels.
-Yeah. Holy [bleep].

That thing is badass, you know?

I don't see it ever
getting stuck,

So I'm [bleep] super excited
to see this thing here.

Nice purchase, boss.
[ Laughs ]

I love this thing.

Sometimes I get a little bored
out here, but this thing...

I just might become
a fuel-delivery guy.

Pretty fun to drive around.

It's great to see my plan
in action.

after delivering another
major productivity improvement,

It's time for jessica
to head home.

I really appreciate
you giving me a shot,

Even though I know

That you probably
think I'm crazy sometimes.

you know, you did a k*ller job.

Hopefully, we'll be able to keep
this thing going without you,

But, yeah, good job.
Have a safe trip.

Thanks, parker.

I didn't know mining
still existed.

I thought it was a dying

So to come up here
is really eye-opening for me

To see just
a whole different world,

And I'm pretty happy in knowing
that I could give parker

A lot of data coming up here,
like cycle time, bucket loads,

Total dirt being moved,
like, square footages.

I'm going to head back
to silicon valley

Where there is drastically
better internet than up here.

Got to say
that's the one thing I miss.

All right.
Good-bye, yukon.

Good-bye, dirt.

Back to civilization.

Narrator: coming up...

At the gold weigh,
parker discovers

If jessica's ideas
have made a difference.

Parker: I'm starting to use
a larger thermos.

and rick's season stalls again.

This is all on carl's shoulders
to get this up and running.

Rick: I just can't [bleep]
believe it.

We've been running less
than an hour,

And that stupid computer
shut the pump down again.

rick's duncan creek mine
is at a standstill again.

The pump is shut off,

This time by one of
its a*t*matic safety features.

it's saying the exhaust filter
is blocked.

It's 131% soot load
in a [bleep] hour.

If we don't find a permanent
solution for this,

We're never going
to hit 2,000 ounces.

Boys, here's the plan.

Okay, we're going to rip
this top cage off,

So this is going to come off...

rick and mechanic
carl have had enough

Of trying
to figure out the software.

Oh man, the [bleep]
headaches I've had

From this [bleep] thing.
But now we're...

I've had enough,
so it's to the point

Where I take a [bleep] order
or something down here,

And I just push this thing
into the [bleep] pond.

You know, I've got half
a million dollars in this

[Bleep] wash plant,
and I'm chucking dry dirt

And rock at it.

I'm having carl pull out
all the [bleep]

Bull [bleep] off it today.

We're going to try to get it
running without all the [bleep]

Computers and nonsense
that's on it,

And if that doesn't work,

I'm looking for a new pump,
which I can't [bleep] afford.

So we're going to gut it,

And we're going to make
our own exhaust

And make our own blocker plates,
and hopefully it works, so...

Narrator: carl is removing the
high-tech exhaust system...

I don't want to really take
the whole manifold off,

So I'd take this, and I'd weld
a cap onto that, and...

...stripping the engine
back to basics.

Yeah, and this thing, I think
can come out of here too.

-Yeah. There you go.

[Bleep] me.

This is part of
the exhaust cooler?

-Yeah, my man.

you got that off pretty quickly,


What a beauty.

This is the last piece,

It looks like an engine again.
-Yeah, dude.

That's how it's supposed
to look, right?

Getting rid of all that
aftertreatment stuff, so...

Looking good, dude.

Oh, yeah.

That's going to seal up
real good, bud.

It's a block-off plate
for this exhaust.

This is going to work
just dandy.

Yeah, another good bush fix.

Carl: doing some nice
scout-y bush fixes.

Yeah, right?

This is bush fix
after bush fix.

I love it.

These guys are just like,
"holy [bleep]."

What the [bleep]?

I thought it was going
to fire up, for sure.

-Did you turn it over?
-We'll fix this.

Carl: [bleep] me.

without all its high-tech parts,

The pump's computer
won't let it fire up.

This is all on carl's shoulders
to get this up and running.

to get it running, carl tries
to outsmart it

Into thinking it's still intact.
-[Bleep] close, boys.

We're close.
We're [bleep] close.

We're in business here.

looking good, eh, boys?

-[Bleep] yeah.

Hey, buddy. Good job.
-Yeah, this is awesome.

We spent all day ripping and
tearing on this thing and real,

Real happy right now.

Rick: carl is my mechanic
for a reason.

I mean, he's a [bleep] goofball,
which is why I like him,

But he's a [bleep]
phenomenal mechanic,

Which is why
he's my mechanic, right?

I had my doubts about what carl
was doing here.

Carl: [ laughs ] [bleep] you.
Dude, I'm pumped, man.

Like, I'm just happy.
-Fire it up.

the shutdown has cost rick
another day of mining.

Now, he hopes the massive
processing power of monster red

Will help him catch up
and give him a better total

In this week's gold weigh.

well, thank [bleep] for that.

Hopefully, removing that filter,
overriding the software

Is going to fix
that problem permanently,

And we can get back
to just running,

None of this starting
and stopping bull [bleep].

Chris, I see a scale.

Was there any gold?

Chris: nope.
We're all out.

It's been a bad week.

at parker's claim, the crew
meets for the weekly gold weigh.

-Got a beer for you.
-Thanks, boss.

That skidder is
pretty cool, huh?

Never seen something that cool.

It was interesting having
jessica here, both good and bad.

I definitely don't think she was
really cut out

For the gold fields,
but she had some good ideas.

you know, having somebody that
hasn't been around it at all,

You know, it kind of gives you a
different perspective on things

Because they don't know
what we do and how we do it.

She's definitely helped out.

But anyways, how was the week?

-What do you think?
-Not bad.

I'm starting to use
a larger thermos.

Yeah, I see that.
It's a good sign.

-Call it out, brennan.
-There you go.

Brennan: 10, 20, 30...

this season, parker has been
averaging around

240 Ounces a week...

-Keep going.
-120, 160, 201.55...

...worth $280,000. If parker
carries on at this rate,

He will make $2.5 million
less than last season.

When you figure how short
of a season we've got left,

And where we were last year,

I'd like to see it in the three
and four hundreds.

-Well, I mean, everybody would.
-Sorry to disappoint, bud.

Yeah, sorry we've only worked 18
[bleep] hours a day for you.

-The unpleasable father.
-Yeah. Well...

we got to get caught up.

Being over halfway
through the season,

We're definitely not
halfway through the ground.

I can tell you that
without even doing any math.

Yeah, no kidding.

there's a lot of dirt
still to move.

Chris: yeah, a lot.

Judging by what we've gotten
through and what we have left,

I don't think we're
going to get it all.

-We'll get her done.

-We'll get her done.
-We always do.

coming up...

Rick finds out if his gamble on
monster red is paying off...

We didn't get a lot
of running done,

But we did get some gold, so...

...and a sneak peek of what's
ahead in this epic season.

Parker: I need to know about
that kind of [bleep].

Yeah, it ain't much of treasure
hunt when there's no

[Bleep] treasure down there.

Juan: I miss the kids, yeah.

juan ibarra has been away
from home for 2 weeks,

And he's already
missing his family.

Yeah, you know, on days like

It kind of makes you miss home

A little bit, you know,
kind of slow today,

So dealing with the weather
and everything else and...

That's aiden, my newborn, which
we delivered at home ourselves.

I delivered him.

And that's addison right there,

And so I run into town
every night

To give them a call,
but it's funny,

Addison keeps on asking me,

"Daddy, when are you coming

When are you coming home?"

I said, "when it starts
getting colder at home,

I'll start heading home."

So the other day she's like,
"dad, it's getting cold.

Are you on your way?"
[ Laughs ]

It's kind of cute.

-Oh, hey, guys.
-Hey, guy.

-What do you got there, bud?
-Oh, I got some gold.

At least there's something
in there.

Rick: the problems we've had
this week,

It's lucky we have
any gold at all.

Yeah, man.

Narrator: after a week
with two pump shutdowns,

Rick gets his crew together
for the gold weigh.

we got a sweet pump now.

How long did we deal
with that thing for?

-Crazy long.

Well, dude, no.

That pump is sweet now.

We ain't going to have
any problems with it.

We didn't get a lot
of running done,

But we did get some gold, so...

Maybe it's time to weigh it up.

Should we just go --
should we just weight it

In grams this time,
so it's a bigger number?

-I'd understand it better.
-Let's see what we got.

Rick: we got 10. We got 15.

to hit his 2,000-ounce goal
and get a payout for his crew,

Rick needs 180 ounces a week.

Rick: 32.27.

worth just $45,000.

Another better than nothing,
though, right?

-Way better than nothing.
-You know what I mean?

It is, yeah.

For the amount of time
we ran...

well, yeah, I mean, really,

Really wanting these numbers
to start going up,

But you know, I mean,
at a certain point, you know,

These [bleep]
roadblocks got to stop.

They have to.

Narrator: despite the promise
of rich ground,

Rick may have made
a career-ending decision

By coming to duncan creek,
but he's not giving up yet.

I know it's getting tiring,
but, you know,

I'm just happy that you guys
are all still here

And that we're all
still fighting for it

Because at a certain point,

We're going to break through
this wall, you know?

We got to start seeing
these numbers go up,

But as long
as we stick together,

Keep fighting this out,
you know?

-[Bleep] yeah.
-We're going to get there.

-We'll get there.
-We will get there.

We'll get there!


after the first week
with three

Beets kids running
their own operations,

The sibling rivalry
is heating up.

-So, kevin, sluicing, finally.
-Yeah, I know.

Tell me [bleep] about it.

At least we got
that thing fixed.

We didn't have to wait
for the tail pulley.

Me and juan made one up, so...

So you have some gold
to show us?

No, no.
We just started yesterday.

Oh yeah,
it's not worth...

There is a little bit in there.

Yep, yep, yep.

Yeah, slowly but surely.

Kevin: that's good.

pretty continuous.

anyways, let's weigh up
some of this stuff.

What'd you bring in?

Are you going to count?

Tony: we got 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7...

in the 2 weeks she's been
running at hunker creek,

Monica has averaged 43 onces.

Tony: ...36, 37, 39, 40.


worth just over $57,000.

[Bleep] you.


10, 20...

in last week's gold weigh,

Monica beat mike
by almost 10 ounces.

This time,
he's hoping for revenge.

...60, 70, 80,

Narrator: more than double
his sister's haul,

Bringing the beets family total
to $184,000 for the week.

As long as we keep
pulling in gold,

So we can pay
all the bills,

And there's a little bit left
over for the winter,

We should be fine.

Have fun out there,
boys and girl.

Gold weigh is nothing
to write home about, but...

Oh, and it'll be a piggy bank
for next year, so...

still to come on this season
of "gold rush"...

the hunt continues.

...with millions at stake...

Look at that.

-...and time running out...
-Slow down.

-Holy [bleep].

...will parker schnabel's
battle to dig

Every ounce of gold
from his claim...

we're going to be leaving

You know,
hundreds of ounces of gold.

...take the gold mining prodigy
to the next level...

Parker: now, we've got
two plants running.

We've never failed
a season goal yet,

And we're not about
to start right now.

...or break his crew...

This is what happens when you go
and set an unrealistic goal.

...and be his downfall?

I don't actually have to live
with your excuses.

tony beets has all his kids
mining for gold.

Three plants washing rocks, that
means three times more gold.

but as the battle to save the
family empire faces setback...

...after setback...

Will the king of the klondike
lose his crown?

At this point in the season,
it's time to cut your losses.

Everything shut down,
end of season.

and will rick ness' gamble
to move to duncan creek...

Rick: it ain't much of a
treasure hunt

When there's no [bleep]
treasure down there.

Narrator: ...and his quest
for monster gold nuggets...

Right now you'd call this
the last-chance hole.

Narrator: off...

this point in this season,
you are out of options.

...or end his mining career?

Can't catch a [bleep]
break here.