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10x07 - Motherlode Mountain

Posted: 01/13/24 13:58
by bunniefuu

Another fire started up.

on this "gold rush"...

...some of the worst wildfires
in 10 years...

Burn, baby, burn.

...thr*aten the miners' claims.

We've had burning embers
falling on our camp.

All it takes
is one change in the wind,

And you're [bleep]

[ expl*si*n ]

Get the [bleep] out of my way.

I've got to shut the pump down.

Narrator: parker schnabel's
whole operation...

Brennan's not paying attention
to the plants.

I'm out of shape
for this [bleep]

Narrator: ...rests in the hands
of one man.

"be a foreman," they said.

"It's a [bleep] job bump,"
they said.

Narrator: tony beets battles
to save his season...

Kevin: we've hit frost.

...but is frozen in his tracks.

A really important day today.
Setting up monster red.

Narrator: rick ness is entering
the major leagues.

If we [bleep] it up in any way,
game over.

Ho, ho, ho, ho! Ho!

Narrator: but fires cut off
his vital supply lines.

I don't know when the next load
of fuel's coming in.

We're gonna have to shut down
troy's wash plant.

This is definitely the stupidest
thing I've ever done.

Are you coming back next year
or probably not?

Wendy: I say no every year, and
I end up having to come back.

it's the final week in camp

For brennan ruault's girlfriend,
wendy, and her son, p*stol.

Here's your hot lunch.

Sweet. Thanks.

What are you gonna do,

Get ready for school.

You're getting too old.
You should probably move out.

Yeah, when I'm 12, yeah.

Whoo-hoo! [ Laughs ]

When does mitch get back?

I think he's back in about
a week,

So I've been down there
on my own.

Well, hopefully you guys finish
strong and get lots of gold.

Yeah, it's been coming in
pretty nice, so...

we should probably roll.

Parker will be breathing
down my throat.

Brennan: been great having them
here this summer.

You know, they come down
every lunch hour,

And it really splits
these long days up for me here,

But I better get back
to work here.

With mitch gone, you know,

gonna be pretty pressed.

You know, when brennan first
showed up at the mine site,

He, you know,
knew nothing about mining.

It's amazing how far
he's come along.

Brennan's a dirt mover.

When mitch is around,
I don't expect him to deal

With the mechanical side
and the wash plants,

So it'll be interesting to see
how he handles all that.

Pressure's on.

Well, for the last few years,
I've wanted more responsibility,

You know.

So it's pretty sweet

To have finally
moved up the ladder

And to have
the trust from parker.

Narrator: parker schnabel has
put the pressure on his crew,

Attempting to run 3 years worth
of pay dirt in just 1 season.

And with his chief mechanic,
mitch blaschke,

Away visiting
his pregnant wife,

Co-foreman brennan
is doing double duty,

Loading gold-rich pay dirt
with the 750 excavator,

As well as overseeing
the wash plant.

Big red's running
in tip-top shape right now.

We're moving through
some serious amount of pay.

loader operator bree harrison

Feeds the wash plant
with pay from the stockpile.

Bree: it's been all hands on
deck this week with big red.

Mitch and alec are gone,

So everyone's
a little burnt out,

But, so far,
things are running pretty well.

oh, it's a little smoky.

There's a fire probably --
I don't know --

15 Or 20 miles away,
and when the wind's right,

It's blowing right at us,
so burn, baby, burn.

Narrator: dry season in
the yukon brings forest fires,

And when the wind picks up,
it sends smoke across the claim.

Oh, today is the most
brutal day yet.

The smoke has rolled
in so thick,

I can't even see down
to the wash plant

From where
I'm working right now.

Hopefully we get some rain
or something

To clear this [bleep] up.

It's no fun to work in.

That's weird.

Bunch of water
spraying off the run.

Hey, brennan,
do you have a copy?

Brennan: go ahead, bree.

there's a bunch of water

Spraying off
the runs of big red.

I can't really see
what it is.

Yeah, not a problem.
Here, I'll jump out.

One sec.

What the...

[ Water running ]

Whoa, whoa!

Big boulders all over
the slot runs.


What the...

What the [bleep]

Holy. Man, look at these
boulders in the runs here.

[Bleep] they didn't clear
the sides of these things.


[Bleep] [bleep] [bleep]

Polydeck's blown out up here.

[Bleep] [bleep]


Well, that's what happened.
That polydeck blew out.

And there's a big hole
in the screen deck here.


rocks have dislodged

A section of the top
plastic screen deck.

They've dropped down and broken
through the metal screen

ending up in the sluice runs,

Where they disrupt
the water flow,

Causing precious gold
to wash out into the tailings.

[Bleep] like that right there.
And I don't know.

I don't even know how long
that's been happening

Before bree caught that.

That could have been an hour,
2 hours, half shift.

I don't know.

[Bleep] me.

Oh, better go and
get this fixed.

Hey, what's the deal here?

Blown-out screens.

Two in the top.
There's one right there

That's got a bunch
of holes in it.

Bree looked up,
noticed water riffling

Out over the side here,
and I got --

Well, that doesn't
just happen, you know?

Yeah, well, the top
poly popped out.

Have you not
been checking them?

They've been checking them
after every shift

And letting me know,
but that poly

Must've not popped out
long ago.

We can't let them run blown-out
like that, man.

Oh, I know that.
Like, you've got to catch them.

Circumstances are [bleep]
but I can't [bleep]

Watch everything when
I'm sitting in an excavator

Trying to play foreman, as well.

So this is what happens,
and we're getting it fixed.

Well [bleep] brennan's not
paying attention to the plants.

The screens have blown out,

And it's, like, a pretty regular
maintenance thing to deal with,


klondike legend tony beets
is trying to make a comeback.

Daughter monica is digging
pay dirt on the ground

Down by hunker creek.

Son mike is running
on one side of paradise hill.

And 1/4 of a mile north,
oldest son kevin

Is opening up his own cut
on the other side.

Two weeks ago, kevin and tony
discovered shafts dug

By the old-timers...

...indicating a rich deposit
of gold.

I got to get the [bleep] cut
ready for sluicing.

So I got up early to start
loading trucks

With overburden up in the cut.

Going balls out trying to catch
up with mike and monica.

before he can start sluicing,

Kevin must remove the overburden

From his cut in the hunt
for gold-rich pay.


What the [bleep] is that?

I think that's [bleep] frost.

That's all I need.

Hey, tony, tony, tony.

Can you meet me up
in the north-face cut?

We've hit [bleep] frost.

Narrator: permafrost is ground
that's been frozen solid

Since the ice age.

Waiting for it to thaw would
cost kevin time he can't afford.

I was loading rock trucks,
and I hit a bunch of frost.

See all this [bleep]

Let's dig some test holes,
'cause if that's all frozen,

This whole plan's [bleep]

Mike: okay.

Well, it better not
all be frozen

'Cause that's gonna be
a real pain in the ass.

If kevin's cut is completely
covered with permafrost,

It could take weeks
to remove

And cost tens
of thousands of dollars.

Taking the 700 to go dig
some [bleep] holes

So we can see how much
frost we got out back here.

So we can make a plan before
we get too ambitious

At tearing that frost out.

Narrator: the first test hole
has revealed thawed ground.

Now mike must move on
to the next spot

To see how far
the thaw goes.

Right there.

Oh, yeah.

Narrator: kevin's ground is on
the other side of the hill

From mike's existing cut.

If the same pay layer continues,
kevin could have 40 feet of pay.

So, hey, dad, you happy
came back to the hill?

[ Laughs ]

The beetses have made
a massive discovery.

Kevin's cut has a pay layer

As thick as any tony has ever
seen, and it's all thawed.

Really, really important
day today.

Setting up monster red.

Narrator: rick ness has made
the biggest gamble of his life

Replacing the 100-yard
wash plant

He leased with a new
$500,000 plant, monster red,

That can run
three times the dirt.

I've put everything
I've got into this.

Our whole season's
riding on this.

We joke about that kind
of stuff a lot,

But this is [bleep] for real.

Well, I'm glad
rick got this plant.

It's a nice plant.

I helped design some of it.

wash plant expert freddy dodge

Oversees the build
with mechanic carl rosk.

As you know, I'm trying to keep
that other plant going

While we're building this,
so it's just the three of us.

Freddy: yeah, we're good.
We're good.

We'll drag the frame
up there,

Get it into position.

And then I'll carry
the screen deck up there,

And then it should be
like dominoes after that,

But we all know
how it goes out here.

Could be the world's [bleep]
game of dominoes.

Hard-hat bump?

[ Laughs ]

Every [bleep] time,

Rick: while monster red's
getting built,

You guys
got to keep gold coming in.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Zee: we're at full steam.

The pressure's on for all of us
to just kind of, you know,

Keep it going and try and put
a good run together here.

Rick: cost me a ton of money
to get here.

I'm a half a million bucks
in the hole.

This wash plant's gonna
allow us to do three times

The yardage that we were doing.

Freddy: monster red's got
a lot of screen area.

The sluice boxes are giant.

There's 14 different changes
in those sluice boxes

To help catch gold.

Narrator: rick's goal --
to hit 2,000 ounces

And have gold left over
to pay his crew.

Boom down.

Oh, track back a little.

But more than a third
of the way through,

He's mined just 80 ounces.

To turn his season around,

Rick needs monster red
up and running fast.

It's a big [bleep] gamble.

Just as big a one
as I've ever made.

I really need it to --
I really need this to work out.

Carl: I come up here to see gold
and make a lot of money, right?

I'm totally stoked rick finally
got this plant here.

We're gonna smash our goal.

I told rick he owes me a tooth.

I knocked a tooth out hauling
parts of this up here,

Unloading it.

Coming up.


[ Laughs ]

Easy does it.

We only have
one of these.

Good job, man.

One more piece on,

But a [bleep]
of a lot more to go.

Zee: so, we're getting
information that there's a fire,

And it's pretty close.

Smoke's coming
in over the hills.

It's pretty intense-looking.

Narrator: by mid-afternoon,
wind is blowing smoke

From forest fires
18 miles away into the cut.

We've had lots
of [bleep] burning pine needles

And burning embers
falling on our camp.

All it takes is one change
in the wind, and you're [bleep]

Ryan: the fire I've seen
has been huge.

The road's been closed on and
off for the last couple days.

This is a pretty intense,
serious fire.

carl, you got a copy?

I've seriously only got, like,
3/4 of a t*nk.

I don't think it's gonna
make it the whole day.

Carl: haven't got fuel
for a couple weeks now,

And dip these tanks every once
in a while, but like I said,

I'm behind on my fuel delivery,
obviously, so...

Holy smokes.

Narrator: the road to dawson
is closed by fire.

oh, that's not good, man.

and rick's fuel reserves
are running dangerously low.

Hey, rick, I got some bad news
for you, buddy.

We only got, like, maybe a day's
worth of fuel left here.

We're gonna be
running on fumes.

I got to make a [bleep]
phone call.

Hey, how you doing?

This is rick ness over here
on duncan creek.

Yeah, I'm looking
at my computer here,

And I'm seeing that the roads
are closed down

Between here and dawson.

Is that true?

Or are you able to get through
with any fuel right now?

You're not.


So, it's, like --
oh, it's less than --

It's a kilometer away
from the road, the fire is.

Holy [bleep]

Well, listen, I'm down
to almost nothing here.

I'm gonna have to shut down
my whole operation.

Is there anything we can do?

[ Sighs ]


All right, thanks.


[ Sighs ] well, in the 8 years
that I've been mining here,

This is a first.

We've always been able
to get fuel.

I don't know what
I'm gonna do.

I mean, if we don't get fuel
by tomorrow,

We're gonna have
to shut down the plant.


Parker: brennan really took
his eye off the ball,

And we've got a pile of dirt to
move, and we should be sluicing,

But, instead, we're down,
losing 2 grand an hour.

And we're 8, 10 grand
and counting already

On this breakdown.

Narrator: parker's only means
of catching gold,

Wash plant big red,

Is shut down with
a blown-out screen deck.

Right now, I've got to go to
town and pick up some parts.

Brennan better have big red
back up

And running
by the time I get back.

now brennan's in a race

Against time to get big red
back up and running.

"Be a foreman," they said.

"It's a [bleep] job bump,"
they said.

Finally, all I get is more work

And more headaches
to [bleep] deal with.

Narrator: first up, brennan must
replace the broken screen.

You see that nice hole in there?

That'd be a perfect reason
why them rocks are getting out.

No idea how long this
has been like that,

But hopefully, it was short, and
bree caught it pretty quickly.

every hour big red is shut down

Costs parker $2,000
in lost gold.

Brennan: well, there's
no mechanics to help us

'Cause mitch and alec
are both gone,

And shane and ty are busy
working on other broken [bleep]

So got to get
this done by myself,

As ignorant as it is.



This is why
I stick to the equipment.

This ain't my forte.

Trying to get this done,
and get back to [bleep] work.

Put this polydeck back in.

Well, this is a new piece
of polydeck here.

The one must have blew out

And hiding in
the tailing somewhere, so...

Should be back in action
right away here.

Run down and get
the pump fired up,

The plant fired up.

Hopefully, bree can
get back at it.

We got to get back
to making some money.


Well this is the aftermath
of those screens

Blowing out up top.

Definitely not what
we want to see ever.

Time to fire that plant back up.

[ Machinery whirring ]

[ expl*si*n ]
oh [bleep]

Get the [bleep] out of my way.
I've got to shut the pump down.

I've got to shut the pump down.

[ Wash plant powers down ]

[ Panting ]

That hose blew apart on me
on the [bleep] bypass.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Ran over here and shut
that plant down quick

Before that water hose

Undermined the [bleep] skin
on the plant.


I'm out of shape
for this [bleep]

Narrator: when brennan
turned on the water,

He forgot to turn
on the spray bar.

The increased pressure
split the water hose.

[ Laughing ] oh, man.

[ Sighs]
what the [bleep]

That is definitely...

That's [bleep]

Man, that blew apart hard.

I mean,
that's completely [bleep]

There's no fixing that.

[Bleep] [bleep]

Well, I was luckily able to find
another piece of pipe here.

Ty: what the hell's going on,

Where the [bleep]
did you guys come from?

-Oh, my [bleep]
-what the hell?

[Bleep] that one good.

-[ Laughs ]

What a [bleep] day.

Went from bad to worse.
I guess.

Got the screen changed up top,
come down to fire up,

And this [bleep] thing
just exploded.

Sounded like a g*nsh*t
went off.

Brought this 20-footer up
and joined them back there.

So hook it up, and hopefully,
we can get back at it.

We're lucky
we had enough hose.

Oh, my [bleep] man.
Parker breathing down my neck.

He wanted the [bleep] screen
changed before he gets back.

I want to get this done
before he sees it.

Let's get it done quick
before he shows up.

We've got to have
this plant running.

Get in here, muscles.

We'll pick up the slack
if you put it on.

[ Grunts ]

Ah! There we go.


Ready to rock
'n' roll again here?

Here we go.

[ Machinery whirring ]

Oh, here she goes.
First scoop back in.

Thanks a lot
for the help, guys.

I appreciate that [bleep]

Couldn't have came
at a better time.

I was ready
to pull my hair out.

All right.

He's sluicing.
We're good.

Good thing we got it
going before parker's back.

He can find out later on
in the year.


[Bleep] getting a little out
of control with these fires.

They're just shutting down
the roads.

Narrator: forest fires have
closed the highway to dawson,

Stopping essential supplies
from reaching rick's camp.

I don't know when the next load
of fuel's coming in.

We're gonna have
to conserve fuel.

The only thing
I can think of is,

We shut down
troy's wash plant.

That's not gonna help us
to reach our goal, obviously.

Yeah, I know.

I mean, trust me,
I don't want to shut down.

That's the last [bleep]
thing I want to do.

But if we don't have fuel,
there's nothing...

There ain't a [bleep]
thing on this site

That doesn't need fuel.

-What are we gonna do?

I think that we can still
continue working on monster red.

You know, all we're
using there is a 700.

So we'll just keep
building that.

We'll just focus
on that now.

Hopefully, by then, they got
these fires under control,

And we get some fuel.

stopping sluicing means
there's zero money coming in.

Run this in there.

Siphoning fuel, buddy.

[Bleep] siphoning fuel.

That's what it's come
to now, so...

Last I heard,
there was fuel still in mayo.

So, what's the plan?

The roads are closed.

Well, nobody wants
to bring us fuel.

I'll go to mayo
and get fuel.

This guy mike has this
old ford tanker truck

Sitting out front.

I'm gonna see
if we can't borrow that.

He's taking initiative.
I give him that.

There's no doubt about that.

We'd be evacuating camp
if we don't get fuel.

Well, against my better
judgment, here's a credit card.

Just go ahead, fuel it up,
bring it back.

Be safe.
I will.

Is there enough on this?

Yes, there is.

[ Laughter ]

The fuel company just doesn't
want to take

The risk
of running their fuel trucks

Down the road with forest fires
burning that close.

Narrator: kruse is on his way
to track down the fuel truck.

So, I have no idea if this
is gonna work or not,

But there it is.

This ford's gonna save the day.

Hey. Hi.
How's it going?

Chris: hey.
Not bad at all, buddy.

We're running dangerously low
on fuel out in camp.


And nobody wants to bring us
any with fires going on.

I was wondering if we could
borrow it,

Maybe get to mayo,
and get some fuel

So we can keep
the lights on at camp.

Well, that's no problem.
Yeah, go for it.

I appreciate it.

I'll bring it back
in one piece. I promise.

And I'll leave rick's truck
here as collateral.

Yeah, that sounds good.
Go for it.

Awesome. Thanks, buddy.

Good luck, eh?
All the best to you guys.


[ Engine starts ]

Narrator: tony and his sons
have hit a pay streak.

While testing for thawed ground,

They discovered a massive area
of pay dirt 40 feet deep

That could contain more
than $5 million worth of gold.

Now tony's come up
with a big idea to cash in.

Tony's plan -- start from
both sides of the hill,

Remove the shallow layer
of overburden

To reveal the gold-rich
pay beneath,

Meeting in the middle
to create a mega-cut.

Kevin: my cut right now is
basically downstream from mike.

As locations go,
this one's pretty [bleep] prime.

Narrator: if they can get the
mega-cut open, it will provide

Kevin and mike
with a huge supply of pay dirt.

Only have to go down a few feet,
and you hit pay dirt.

Just having it all thawed,

Exposed, and very shallow
is just nothing but good news.

Another fire started up.

Narrator: with forest fires
breaking out across the yukon,

Tony and his crew
are on high alert.

Once finished, the mega-cut
will be 700,000 square feet,

The size of 12 football fields.

after opening the largest cut
in their mining careers,

The beets family gathers
for their weekly gold weigh.

I was honestly
a bit worried when we hit

The [bleep] frost
by the tree.

And then the little
test holes,

And ooh, ooh,
it was [bleep] nice.

Hey, dad, dad.
You're welcome.

[ Tony laughs ]

[ Laughter ]

Despite the potential payout
on the hill,

The beetses are still solely
relying on mike's operation

To keep them afloat.

This year, he's been averaging
260 ounces a week.

So, we can we stop [bleep]
and weigh some gold here?

40, 50, 60, 70,

80, 90, 100.

130, 140, 150.


Worth $215,000 and bringing
their season total

To 1,031.9 ounces.

You guys
got to get started.

Otherwise, it ain't gonna
be much of a competition, now,

Is it?

[ Laughter ]

Chris: now, here I am taking
the back way to mayo

In a 52-year-old tanker truck.

This is barely a road.

Oh! Hang on.

Yeah, I don't know about
taking this back way.

This might not have been
a good idea.

We're real close to that fire,
I'd say, with all that smoke.

to keep rick's operation alive,

Greenhorn miner chris kruse

Is on a one-man mission
dodging wildfires to find fuel.

This is the only option
we've got right now,

And hopefully, it works.

I've done some pretty stupid
[bleep] in my life.

This is pretty [bleep] close
to the top of the list.

Rick: mother nature's really
trying to hand it to us.

If the roads all get closed,
I can't get fuel in here.

I can't get food in here.

It'll put a stop to the [bleep]
whole season real quick.

Narrator: with only 80 ounces
banked so far this year,

Rick's made the call
to shut down

His only working wash plant
and use what little fuel

He has left to put together
monster red.

We got to get this thing
together without [bleep] it up.

Narrator: the first step --
dragging the 10-ton frame

More than 500 yards
to its new pad.

Coming up easy, rick.

I like it.


Swing your boom
over that way, rick.

Try to keep it
up on the flat.

Come up just a hair, rick.

There you go.

I'm gonna try and get it
swung over into here.


Rick: it's getting late,

And I still haven't heard
from krusie.

I'm starting to get
a little worried.

Krusie, you got a copy?

I just don't like that
it's getting so late,

And I haven't heard anything.

[ Sighs ]


all right, poop.

See you, buddy.

-Have a safe trip home.

Thanks for coming up.

Be good for mom.
Oh, no.

All right.

That time again, eh?


You must be happy.
[ Laughs ]

Yes and no.

wendy and p*stol have spent

The last 2 months
living in camp with brennan

And are heading home
1,200 miles away

To british columbia.

Love you.


See you, punk.
[ Smooches ] love you.

Love you, too. Bye.

Oh. Another summer
come and gone.

It's gonna be [bleep]
that they're gone again.

I mean, it's been 4 years now
they've came up every summer.

The season will be 8 months
being gone from home for me,

So that's a long time.

[ Horn honking ]


[ Laughs ]

Carl: [bleep]
he's alive.


Can you believe that?

well, he made it.

What the hell, dude?

Doesn't smell the healthiest,
but you're here, buddy.

What the hell took so long?

So, I don't know how far
the radios work outside of here,

So I had nothing
on the radio.

And my cellphone
barely works here,

So it was an adventure.

I'll bet.

Well, I'm just happy
you're all right,

And I cannot believe
you got fuel back here.

I can't believe
you guys doubted me.

I told you I'd bring back fuel
in this thing,

And here I am, bringing back
fuel in this thing.

Well, it's the first job

You've done this year
that's successful, so...

[ Laughter ]

We were about ready
to abandon camp.

[ Laughter ]

You know, moments like this
where there's fires crashing in,

And they're closing down
the roads, you know,

We find out
what people are made of.

Krusie is willing to go
that extra mile.

That's why I brought him here.

We can keep going.

[Bleep] awesome.

Narrator: thanks to kruse,
rick can fire up the wash plant,

Get back to sluicing,

And continue building
monster red.

Big day today.

That's the heart
of the whole plant, that screen.

The screen deck is the thing
that has me the most nervous.

I mean, we damage this thing
or [bleep] it up in any way,

Game over.

Can't get another one.

Narrator: next, rick must carry
the screen deck up the hill

And place it on top
of monster red's frame.

slow and easy, rick.

The swing's not real gentle
on this.

I seen that.

Ho, ho, ho, ho! Ho!


Just right there.

I'm gonna have to come up
quite a ways,

So it's gonna dive.
You are, yeah.

Bent the [bleep]
out of that.

Well, we just walked
the screen up the hill,

But now we got to set it
on top of the stand.

We got to get 15 feet off the
ground, and that's scary, too.

She's airborne, boys.

All right.
Got the height?

A little more.

All right.
I'll try swinging it a bit.


That's all you got.

I think it'll just make it,

All right.

Coming down easy.

We're in.

What was I worried about?

[ Laughter ]

She's home.
Good, boys.


after a week with co-foreman
brennan running the plant alone,

It's time for a gold weigh.

Hey, it's gold.
That's okay.

We got plenty more.

Parker's gold total
stands at 1,364 ounces.

I just dumped 15 ounces of gold
on the floor, and...

Parker: what'd you do?!


That was nice and clean
about 3 minutes ago.

Oh, well.
It's all right...i guess.

Anyways, I got
big red all clean.

Not really, all right?

[ Laughs ]

So, are you missing
mitch down there?

Yeah, it's pretty busy
without him.

I had a little downtime
with some screens popping out

And found some boulders
on the runs, but...

Anything else happen
this week?

No? No?

Nope, she's all good.


'Cause I found
this kicking around.

What the [bleep] is that?
I don't know, brennan.

Can you tell me?
What's that off of?

I haven't seen it.

I'm pretty sure
you blew it up

When you were working
on the plant.

I'm not a piece of [bleep]

[ Laughs ]

You [bleep] set this all up.

Sounded like a g*nsh*t.

Just [bleep] soaked.

I looked around like,
"who did that?"

[ Laughter ]

So, whatever
this cleanup is,

It should
10 ounces more...


...because of that...

And 15 ounces more
because of you.

[ Laughter ]

25 Ounces.

And you two
are my top guys.

well, not anymore.

Scraping the bottom
of the barrel around here.

All right.
You want to count it out?


Narrator: big red has been
averaging 270 ounces a week.

Brennan: 100, 120, 140.

That's it?


Narrator: worth $213,000...

Brennan: boy, mitch is gonna be
laughing when hears that one.

...parker's total now
stands at 1,516 ounces.

Well, it'll definitely be nice
to have mitch back,

But you're doing
a good job down there.

Like, really, overall,
things are looking good.

Well, hopefully with mitch
coming back,

Those numbers
will go back up again.

Brennan: [bleep] you.

[ Both laugh ]

on the next "gold rush"...

I want your end that way.

...rick faces
a make-or-break moment.


Parker's plan to mine
all his ground...

Man: cut the power!

...grinds to a halt.

[ Thunder crashes ]

Tony: get on it.

And tony is one step closer...

Keep on pushing. having his kids
run the show.

Man #2: yeah!