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09x14 - Old School Heroes

Posted: 01/13/24 13:46
by bunniefuu
Narrator: on this...

Ah [bleep] [bleep]

Narrator: ..."Gold rush"...

We got water
coming over the top.

Oh, hit the [bleep] water line.

I thought you knew
what you were doing.

Rick: that's what I call dumb.

If these problems
keep happening,

Then it costs us money.

I don't give much slack
to guys

That want more responsibility.

Hey, shut it off!

These fine tailings,
they're gonna back right up.

Parker comes here and sees this,
he's gonna lose his mind.

What the [bleep]

This isn't really how
we do things here.

Come up with another
solution, brennan.

[Bleep] sakes.

Man: holy [bleep]

Whoa, whoa, stop!




Parker: this season's
been pretty manic.

We're just over halfway
through the year,

And everything's
been a mess, a fight,

And we're still trying
hard to get to 6,000 ounces.

Narrator: parker schnabel is

Chasing a colossal
$7.2 million goal.

He's mined just
over $3.7 million,

But he's struggling
to keep up the pace.

Yeah, we're pretty short-staffed
at the moment,

But these plants have to run.

Crank it up.

at one end of his 61-acre cut,

Foreman dean is throwing
all available resources

At running sluicifer.

Dean: get it done with
and get sluicing.

Parker: it pretty much
leaves brennan alone

Down at big red, which is
a pretty big challenge,

But he'll just have
to make it work.

brennan, recently put in charge

At big red, is keeping
the plant running

By hot-seating between the
rock truck and the excavator.

hot-seating the yukon crossfit.


That's exactly what the hell
I'm doing right now.

Narrator: while his only crew
member, bree, feeds the plant.

Pitbull, smokes, let's go.

Well, I don't run
truck very often,

But when I do, I'll make
sure I give it a workout.

Hey, bree, give me
one of your smokes.

Bree: [bleep] off!

[ Laughing ]

I really enjoy
working with brennan.

Play jokes on each other,
give each other [bleep]

But we're friends
and we get along.


Brennan: parker's already
threatened to throw me back

In the hose seat
if I can't hold up my word

On this gold that we've set.

I've had enough loading trucks,
it's not what I want to do.

Aw [bleep]

Hey, brennan,
can you come over here?


These fine tailings come up
another 6 inches,

They're gonna back right up
this [bleep] run.

When that happens,

The gold sh**t right off
the end of this.

Parker comes here and sees this,

He's gonna [bleep]
lose his mind.

I've got to get the loader.

Narrator: big red's pad was
originally 80 feet high,

But the tailings have built up

And have now reached
the sluice runs.

Brennan: I got to keep digging
us out, digging us out,

Digging us out.

It slows me down.

I can't go down and dig out
the pay I need to.

Narrator: if the fine tailings
back up into the sluice boxes,

They will clog the riffles

And gold will pour out
into the tailings.

Brennan's solution --
use the loader to clear

The tailings from the bottom
of the sluices.


Brennan: every time I'm told
I'm gonna get some trucks,

They never show up.

So, here I am stuck
in a loader,

Not doing what I need to do.

I'm getting a little bit
pissed off here.

[Bleep] here's
parker right now.

I have no idea what he wants,
but I'm preparing

Myself for an ear
full of [bleep] right now.

What the [bleep]?


What's going on here?

these fine tailings.

This isn't really how
we do things here.

The reason we put all
these conveyors in,

Is that one loader
runs the plant.

I know we've sat in this
spot for quite some time,

Sluicing, but you got
to get creative with

Where you're
putting tailings

And try to avoid this
as much as possible.

Like, you need to be
doing other [bleep]

Well, I'm trying my
hardest here, you know,

I'm short-staffed
and I want to make

This run like
a well-oiled machine.

You say that a lot, you
say I'll get it done,

You say, "I'll make a plan,"
and here we are.

You have to come up with
another solution, brennan.

I'll take matters in my own
hands and figure something out.

This is [bleep]
frustrating for me, too.


[Bleep] sakes!


tony beets has been running

Dredge one and
monica's wash plant.

So when you're bringing
pay right up here,

Line up and then
go straight back.

But he's only mined
2,400 ounces...

...way behind his rival parker
in their race to 6,000 ounces.

What's going on,
what's happening?

If you're sure.

Here we go again.

Kevin: what the hell?

Are you serious?


I remember feeding it on
a hill with the buggies.



Well, we have it.


the pearson box is old school.

There are no moving parts.

Instead the monster's
spray bars pound 9,000 gallons

Of water a minute
onto the pay dirt.

The water separates
off the worthless rocks

Through this center chute

And sends the gold-rich
material down

Through the screen deck,

Where the gold settles
in the sluices.

The pearson box hasn't been used
in 15 years

And is locked to the ground.

Tony's plan --
pull it onto the trailer

Using the winches
on the oshkosh.

Then take it 2 miles west,

To where tony has an already
stripped 10-acre cut.



it's as high as it goes.

This is not good.

tony will use the 245 excavator

To lift the base
of the pearson box...

Hold it.

...while the winches
pull the top.


Holy [bleep]
pull out, stop!


Narrator: tony beets is
attempting to resuscitate

A 40-year-old wash plant.

Man: holy [bleep]
pull out!


Got it!


Tony uses his 8-wheel,
18-ton oshkosh... haul the pearson box

To an existing cut
near the indian river.


Tony needs to set the box
at a precise 5.8-degree angle.




[ Laughing ]

It's perfect.

I don't think you can
get it much better.



Hey, guys, I've seen terry.

He takes a lot of leaks,

And he really doesn't
have any privacy about it.

[ Laughing ]
terry, you got a copy?

[ Laughing ]

He makes sure that
everyone sees his manhood.

[ Laughing ]

Why are we discussing
this [bleep]

Can we talk about mining?

two thirds of the way through

His rookie mining season,
rick ness is 300 ounces

From his 1,000-ounce,
$1.2-million season goal.

I feel like everybody's got

Their eyes on the prize
out here.

I want to do better

My first year in the klondike
than parker did, todd did.

I want to prove that
I'm better than them.

But we've got to keep our
foot on the gas at this point.

There's no guarantee
we're gonna hit our goal.

The setup we have means

I have to just feather
an even flow of dirt

To the plant,
not to overwhelm it.

Just keep a steady pace.

Narrator: rick's pushing his
wash plant, durt reynolds,

To the limit, running 160
yards of pay dirt an hour.


Zee: [bleep]

Rick, do you got a copy?

We got water coming over
the top at the bypass.

Oh [bleep]

The whole prewash was just full.

I mean, every one
of these problems

I have to shut down for
is costing us money.

I'll jump in.

Zee: problem is,
some of the materials,

It doesn't break apart
that well,

And all it's doing is
sticking to the metal

On the inside of the prewash and
then just causing havoc.

Definitely can't go the rest of
the season working like this.

Narrator: every hour
that durt reynolds is down

Costs rick $1,000 in lost gold.

Yup, that will work.

Fire it up.


Zee: just gets [bleep]

Rick: this is crap!


Sweet, you're both here.
-Yeah, hey, man.

So I've been thinking --
feathering the dirt

Into this wash plant
with the loader

Just isn't working

Freddy: good. Right now, you get
those clumps of material

That fall in there.

Then you got to slow down
and wait for it to clear out.

And the guys are climbing
up and fishing around

In there
and getting frustrated.

So I had the thought
for quite a while

About a hopper feeder.

-Oh, that would help

I think that's about
the last thing you can do

For this season to make
that more efficient.

But the biggest thing is where
are you gonna find one?

I looked at a couple
earlier this year,

But they are just too
expensive, you know.


But there is a guy I know.
He's over by parker's.

And he said he'd lease me
his for 10 grand a month.

I love your idea, rick.
Go for it.

Thanks, buddy.
Good luck, rick.

the pad behind durt reynolds

Is set up for the loader to
feed directly into the prewash.

Rick needs to drop it
by 3 feet.

Rick: just a little bit of dirt
work to get it prepared,

Dig a big section out,
because that feeder

I want it to sit lower, that'll
feed right into the prewash.

The whole idea behind
putting this hopper feeder in

Is to make things more
efficient and up the yardage.

So we're really hoping
for at least another

20-Yard-an-hour gain
out of this,

Maybe around 180-200 yards
an hour would be nice.


Oh [bleep] [bleep]


I hit the [bleep] water line.

rick has ripped a 20-inch hole

In the pipe that
feeds the wash plant.

damn it! Shut it down!


That's what I call
[bleep] dumb.




Once that feeder's in place, the
plant's gonna run more even.

Narrator: rick ness takes
delivery of a $10,000

Hopper feeder that
could help him

Mine an extra $7,200
worth of gold every week.

Rick: I really need to get up
and start mining.

I'd imagine it's gonna take
a few more hours

To get it set up.

That's not counting the [bleep]
break in the water line though.

but durt reynolds is shut down

Till they repair the
water supply rick broke.

Rick: [bleep] I'm pissed at
myself right now that I hit it.

Just too much of
a [bleep] [bleep] hurry.

Narrator: four hours later,
the machine they need arrives.

I woke bart up --
he's my night-shift guy --

Because I knew he
could get in contact

With a guy who had
that fuser machine.

He's a good guy to have around.

I'm glad rick did this
and not one of us.

Narrator: first, they remove
the damaged section of the pipe.


To fuse the pipes
together, both ends

Needs to be perfectly aligned.

Man on radio:
it's not gonna work.

Stick the whole
[bleep] up.

I thought you knew
what you were doing.

Rick: four guys standing
around like idiots.

Ryan: they say
the definition of madness

Is doing the same thing
over and over again

And expecting
a different result.

I'm just wondering if we take
that hump that we moved over,

Put it straight,
if we'd get enough.

Rick: there should be
plenty right there.

rick attempts to align the pipe

By lifting it
further up the hill.


Now we're getting somewhere!


With the water supply fixed,

Rick can bring in his
new hopper feeder.

-You ready, rick?

Let's give her hell.
-All right.


Narrator: they need to align
the 15-ton hopper feeder

So the conveyor sits precisely
six inches above the prewash.

Go that way
just a hair, rick.

Yeah, that way, rick.


Good job, freddy.

-First shot.
-[Bleep] hey.

Freddy: I love doing [bleep]
like this, I do.

I love setting plants up,
doing different...

Well, I'm glad you
were here for this.

I'm glad I am here.
I'm glad to be here for this.

Yeah, buddy.

What do you think, guys?

-I think it's awesome, man.
-I want to see it work.



First bucket in the feeder,
see how she works.


This hopper feeder is going
to streamline everything.

It's gonna allow us to get

Maximum yardage
out of our plant.

Rick's right.
About 180 yards an hour.

Narrator: if rick can keep
the plant running

At 180 yards an hour,
his new hopper feeder

Will net him an extra
$7,000 every week.

-Nailed it.
-Thanks for all your help.

One shot wonder.
Working perfect.

We're gonna be good.



[ Sighs ]

[Bleep] hell.

Fine tailings are
building up like crazy.

It's just a nightmare.

Narrator: if brennan can't fix
the tailings problem

At big red,
parker risks losing

Tens of thousands of dollars.

I don't give much slack to guys

That want more responsibility.

You need to know
what comes with that.

And that means me having pretty
damn high expectations of them.

Brennan: as you can see,
our fine tailings

Just won't stop building up.

So my plan is to cut a hole
through this road

And send a moat in
to that end of the cut.

the tailings pond is full.

Brennan plans to create
an opening in the berm,

Allowing water and fine tailings
to flow out into lower ground.

I just hope that parker sees
that I took on a challenge

To get it done
and it's gonna work.

The reason why I asked
for more responsibility

Is to prove that I can do it.

This is gonna get
us one step closer

To our 6,000-ounce goal
that we set.


What the [bleep]

Smoke coming out of the pump.

Mitch, mitch, got a copy?

I think the pump's on fire, man.

You better get
down there quick.

Hey, shut it off!


Let's get out of the way.
Turn the key off.


At least we caught it before
it did completely blow up.



Brennan: she was just
spitting everywhere.

[ Coughing ]

We just got to see exactly
what's causing this.


What'd you do?

Mitch: brennan definitely saved
the pump today.

If it would have kept running,

It would have burnt
to the ground.

What happened?

Started rolling coal,
so they shut it down.

It was overheating.

The exhaust stacks vibrated
and rolled over this way.

So then it was just with
the intake being right here,

It just sucked right back in.

So that will definitely do it.

Can we just light everything
on fire and walk away?

I think it was trying
to do that on its own.

First thing we need to do is
get that exhaust straight up.

Get it back
where it belongs.

I think as long as this thing
will fire back up, it'll run.

[ Motor running ]

[ Laughing ]
that's why we love it!

Brennan: dude.

It's a good thing that brennan
caught that pump when he did.

Those are the little things
that when you catch in time,

It's not too big of a deal.

But if he wouldn't have
caught that,

It probably would have lost
a lot of time,

A lot of gold.

Fire it up!


brennan has saved the pump.

Now he can get back to
opening his tailings channel.

When I was younger, I couldn't
[bleep] work under pressure.

For a second, I'd just
get way too flustered.

The older I got, the more I
learned to work under pressure

And I love it because
it makes me want to

Go as hard as I can
and do way better.


Whoo [bleep] yeah!

It looks like it's flowing
pretty nice right now.

Looks like it should work.

Parker: brennan's had his
struggles down here.

But now he's dealt with
his fine tailing problems

And whatnot.

He's definitely stepping up
at a time when we need it

And doing a good job.



to keep his dream

Of a 6,000-ounce
season goal alive,

Tony beets is resurrecting
his 40-year-old pearson box.

I'm looking forward to
seeing the pearson box move.

It's almost idiot proof, almost.


Yes, we do.

[ Speaks in
foreign language ]

Broken clock is
right twice a day.

[ Both laughing ]

Kevin: all right.
We got the water going.

I haven't seen this thing
run in years.

Let's see what she does.


Y'all ready for this?

for the first time in 15 years,

The vintage pearson box is back,
running 250 yards an hour.

I haven't seen
this thing go

Since I was, like,
10 years old.

It's kind of cool.


I think tony is very happy

To have this [bleep]
going finally.

[Bleep] great.



[ Rock thuds ]

Kevin: what was that?


About yea big and,
like, this skinny?

I saw that one drop.

Our issue is that we have
a giant hole in the hopper here.

Well, idiot proof, yes,
physics proof, no.

Narrator: a large rock has
made a massive dent

In the rusted base
of the old hopper.

Yep. Yep.
We'll make it happen.

Put a new piece
of steel in there...


Narrator: two hours later...

Good, that should do it.
Plate is in.

[ Engine starts ]


between monica's wash plant,

Dredge one, and now
the pearson box,

Tony's running over 500
yards of pay dirt an hour.


You know, we kind of
might need this box.

We're two-thirds
into our season.

How many tonys
are around though?

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughs ]



Narrator: after a hard week
for brennan at big red,

It's time for parker schnabel
to weigh some gold.

So, brennan, you having
some fine tailings

Problems down there?

Well, didn't you come
and yell at me this week?

[ Laughter ]

All right, let's
start with sluicifer.

"S" stands for [bleep]

[ Laughter ]

Mitch: here we go.

70, 150, 180,

200, 230, 250.


Narrator: $345,000.

-Nice job!
-Hopefully that keeps up.

If it pays off like that,

We'll be hitting that
6,000 ounces, easy.

-Okay, brennan.
-Get in there.

to keep parker on track,

Brennan needs to produce at
least 70 ounces from big red.

50, 80,
100, 120,

Buck fifty.

You gonna break 200?

It's gonna be close.


That's a hell of a week.

Brennan's really been doing
great with that little plant.

This week, it gives us
a 487-ounce week.


Narrator: worth well over
half a million dollars.

good job, brennan.

Thank you for putting
in a good, hard week.

When it comes down to it,

You look at what we put
our effort into

And we have pretty damn
good follow-through, really.

Like, when we go into
something, we [bleep] go hard.

-Good job, you guys.

Let's keep that up.
All right, get out of here.

parker's now mined

Close to $4.5 million
worth of gold.

Brennan: you know, a bit
of a tough week with big red.

Dealing with fine tailings

And having to go down
and hot seat everything,

But those kind of numbers are

Gonna keep us on track
for 6,000 ounces.

Parker: yeah, I mean that was
a good week, like,

Definitely a lot
of gold came in.

If we can keep having
weeks like that,

We'll have a damn good season.


Karla ann:
once this table is dialed in,

I kind of get a chance
to walk away,

I can go take
a two-minute break.

So I've got everything
I need for this workout.

I've got some scrap
metal from over there.

I've got some gold concentrate
right here in my hands.

Keep a little pressure on myself

And add a little bit of weight.

Get a little, couple
of squats in there.

Oh, rick alert!

What are you doing?

I needed to take five
to do a little workout.

Is that my gold?

Yeah, I like a challenge.

It shouldn't be a challenge

To keep it in the tent
or in the safe.

You have to trust me!

She's out
of her damn mind.


Stay in there!


for the first time this season,

Tony's running
three wash plants.

Dredge one, monica's wash plant,

And the newly restored pearson
box could just help him catch

Parker and hit his
6,000-ounce goal.

oh, pretty good, I think.

Monica: yep. Pearson box,
dredge, and shaker deck.

Okay, well let's see what
the pearson box is bringing.

-There we go.

20, 30, 50
Is a bit better.


Narrator: $75,000.

10, 20, 30...

50, 65, 70, 85,



To stay on track,

Monica's wash plant needs to
deliver 293 ounces of gold.

100, 160, 190...

210, 220, 230...

[ Bottle tapping ]


A hefty $280,000

But still 60 ounces short
of what they needed.

Mike: hey, kevin,
on the bright side,

At least you didn't triple
your number.

One for both y'all.

So, right now, our total is
at 2,814 ounces and a bit,

So we're getting
closer to halfway.

Narrator: but two-thirds of
the way through the season,

They should have 4,000 ounces.


Narrator: at quartz creek,

Rick ness and his
mom's dog, ruby...

Rick: you finding gold? Is
that where the gold is?

...are hoping his newly
leased hopper feeder

Will increase the production

Of his wash plant,
durt reynolds.

What's up, nerds?

-Hey, richard!

-Ready for a gold weigh?

-Karla, you ready?

You got that?

Ooh, in a big pan.

Is it from croft
and barrow?

[ Laughter ]

Rick: you guys don't hang
around the gold room much,

But this is what
she dries it in.

Big, old specialty
gold cooking pan.

That I stole
from the kitchen.

[ Laughter ]

-Shall we weigh this up?
-Yeah, let's do it.

All right.

Narrator: to hit
his 1,000-ounce season goal...

Let's do this.

...rick needs
at least 37 ounces per week.

All right there,
we're over 10...

...20, 30, 40.

We're over 50, 60.

Get in there, all of ya.

[ Pan tapping ]

65.5 ounces.

-That's not too bad.


There's over 75 grand
in that pan right there.

Another 65 ounces in
the right direction.

and almost twice what he needs

To stay on track.

Yeah, our grand total
is 766.87.

$920,000 Worth of gold.

-Can't be upset about that.
-No, not at all!

65.5 ounces,
[bleep] let's celebrate it.


1, 2, 3.

All: ready!

well, I'm actually pretty happy.

We've got everything in place.

I mean, we've got
a hopper feeder

In front of our plant now.

And if we just keep
bullying our way through, man,

We're gonna hit that
gold, I know we are.


on the next "gold rush"...

Why would you only
hook one leg up?

Put the other three on.

[ Zee moaning ]

I'm not sure what's wrong, but
I've got a pretty bad pain.

This is not the [bleep] area
where you want to get sick.

Today is a celebration...

I now pronounce you married.

[ Cheers and applause ]