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09x11 - The Resurrection

Posted: 01/13/24 13:44
by bunniefuu
[Bleep] thing, james.
Don't fall off this

on this "gold rush"...

-Whoa, whoa!
-What the [bleep].

-Turn this [bleep] belt off!
-Oh, jeez.

Really, we need
to shut down.

If I have to stay out
here all day and night,

That's what I'm gonna do.

I hope I make
the beets proud.

It's my head on
the chopping block.

We're running 24/7. It's sweet,
but it does come

With, you know, added stress.

It's a lot worse than I
It's filthy!

[Bleep] storm off.
You can't just

I've got a lot of stuff on
my plate right now, man.

I'm gonna have to
leave you here,

And I might not be
able to come back.

What do you mean?

I'm on my way to check in with
dean down there at sluicifer,

See what's what.

Narrator: at the midway point
in the season,

Parker schnabel has mined just
a third of the gold he needs

To hit his 6,000 ounce,
$7.2 million target.

Parker: it's been a tough year.

We've lost
a lot of experienced hands.

We've had to hire
new guys to replace that,

And they come with their
own whole host of issues.

The people problems
just grind me down.

We need our top hands --
brennan, mitch, doumitt, dean

To really be on the ball.

Narrator: recruiting skilled
operators in the remote

Yukon wilderness
is no easy task.

At sluicifer it's day 1 for
the latest bunch of hopefuls.

Foreman, dean tosczak,
is on the alert to make

Sure there are no screw ups.

If I teach these
people what I know,

They'll have a good head start.

I think example is the best
way to train somebody.

I'm from a small town
up north in yukon,

It's called old crow.

Not a whole lot of work
there, so I'm stuck in a truck

Here for a bit.

Just started working
here for parker.

Met him in a bar actually.

I don't think he was old
enough to be in the bar.

I know he had a little bit
of whiskers on his chin,

So that was about it though.

I've been around oil rigs
and stuff like that,

And that's all fine, but
working in a gold mine

You actually, you know, there
is something special about it.

Who doesn't love gold?

Narrator: sluicifer is catching
$2,400 worth of gold every

To stand any chance of
reaching their target,

Parker's crew needs to keep
the plant running 24/7.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, shut it off!


Those [bleep] screen ducts are
popping out.

Water, we ran out of water.

Not a good first
day on sluicifer.

-For [bleep] sakes.
-What do you think?

Is the shaker full?

Um, yeah,
it's pretty full.

Just pile up up top where
it comes into the plant.

Boss man's coming.


-What the [bleep]?
-Those screens come off.

Parker: you must be joking.

[Bleep] belt off!
Turn this

Problem is [bleep] when you run
out of water, all the material

Just builds up on that main
sluice run, until there's no

Gap between the dirt and the
screens, and it just pops them

All out and it's a [bleep]

Narrator: when sluicifer's
water supply stopped,

The conveyors kept piling
dry pay dirt into

The shaker den.

Without water to keep
it moving, a mountain of

Fine material piled up,

Eventually forcing the
screens out of the deck,

Up the conveyor,

And into the tailings pile.

Dean goes to check the
pump that supplies sluicifer

With water.

Dean: oh, [bleep].

Well, we've run out of fuel.

I seen them [bleep] take
the fuel trucks,

So I assume they fueled it,
so my bad.


what the [bleep], dean?

Nobody told me I was
running the plant. I just...

-You're running an operation.

What do you mean nobody told
you you were running a plant,

You're running
a mine site, dean.

I didn't realize that I was
taking care of the fuel.

Sorry, parker.
My fault.

I just -- I need you to start
being a foreman. All right?

You don't
think I'm doing it?

Yeah, well,
I take the blame.

I assumed
it was fueled, but...

My fault.

Leave me
the [bleep] alone!

Dean: I messed up.
I feel really bad about it,

And never wanted to succeed
more than I do this year,

But I've never had a harder
time trying to do it.

I have to go find
a new job, possibly.

Narrator: every hour
sluicifer is down,

Parker is losing

Alec, I wonder if we
should crawl in that front

With the hoses and see if we
can wash that [bleep] out.


Parker: ow!
These spray bars, hmm.

Narrator: before he can
replace the screens,

Parker has to wash out
all the material that

Has built up inside the plant.

Parker: all right, let's try to
get the screens in then.

Come on, you [bleep].

[ Hammering ]

Two, four, six, we're good.

All right, lets get
out of this thing.

the screens are back in place.

The crew can start
clearing out the pre-wash.

[Bleep] thing, james!
Don't fall off this

[Bleep] damn it.
Ow, [bleep]

Watch out!

[ Coughing ]

It's pretty
clear down here.

All right.
Good job!

dean's mistake has cost
parker four hours of

Precious run time.

Dean: it's been a [bleep]
day, I'll tell you.

Narrator: and $9,600
in lost gold.

So, what
do you want to do?

What do you
want me to do?

I'm not concerned about
this one thing, I just mean

From a
global standpoint.

Where's your head at?

I don't know
what to do, [bleep]

I need to be
in the cut.

But then, you're wanting
me to take care of this

Other stuff.

I don't want you to take
care of it, I just need to

Make sure that
it's taken care of.

-You know?

And, you know, as the
foreman that's on you.


Anyways, I just wanted to
see, you know, if you're still

Onboard and committed
to this or just [bleep]?

I'm 110% committed.


He's got to --
he's got to step up.

Can't have [bleep]
like this happen.

Come on.


Rick: right now, everything's
going pretty damn good.

I mean, we're running 24
hours a day.

All we got to do is keep our
heads down, keep doing the

Narrator: at quartz creek,
rick ness is running his

Wash-plant at 140 yards
an hour, day and night.

Rick: we've already had a lot
of pretty dark times

This season. A lot
of [bleep] go wrong,

But we've all stuck with
it, persevered, and you know,

Last week we had our
biggest clean-up so far --

131 Ounces so, it's
got to be working.

Narrator: halfway through the
season, rick's mined

Over half a million
dollars worth of gold.

And now has a chance of hitting
his $1.2 million season goal.

just got to keep dialin' it up,
dialin' it up, dialin' it up.

That's just how gold mining is.

Narrator: rick's picking up the
pay dirt from the new cut

He opened last
week with his dad.

We were running out of pay
and we've able to open up

And double the size of his cut.

Now, this is all pretty
second nature to me,

I mean, I've been operating
equipment my entire life.

Narrator: up at the pad, z's
feeding the plant.

You just got to keep moving,
keep pushing dirt through.

Hope there's gold in it.

Nah, [bleep].

We got no water in the plant.


Shut it down.

[ Creaking ]


-Rick, you got a copy?
-What's going on?

-I got no water in the plant.
-I'll be right over there.

thank you.


I'm sick and tired of
us losing gold, right?

at quartz creek, rick's
operation is at a

Standstill after his
wash plant ran dry.

All right, there something
wrong with the pump.

It's having fuel issues, it
ain't running right,

So it ain't good.

Narrator: mechanic, carl rosk,
steps in to fix the

30-Year old pump he's been
fighting to keep running

All season.

Man, [bleep] I've had
my fill of that thing.

Our filters
are probably full.

See that
filter's full, right?

So it's not letting it through.

See the rust in there?

Rick: so what do you expect?
It's ancient.

If carl can't get it going,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna change the
first filter in the row here.

Turn her on and fire it up.

Let's go see if it's sending
water to the plant.

It's running, but it
still ain't running right.

the motor fires up okay,
but there's air in the system,

And the pump won't prime.

All right,
we're back to work.

Carl: I'm [bleep]
sick of this.

I'm done with it.

I'm gonna explode, so I'm
just getting out of here.

Come on, let's go.

Rick: carl?



Hey, man.
What's going on?

I needed to get out of there,
'cause I wasn't gonna do

Myself any favors, right?

[Bleep] storm off.
You can't just

I don't understand, what was
so [bleep] bad that happened

Today, that you
just bailed.

I-i got a lot of stuff on
my plate right now, man.

I got [bleep] -- I got
doctors appointments,

I got [bleep], I'm gonna
have to leave you here,

And I might not be able
to come back.

What do
you mean?

I have a tumor inside me on
my lung, I got one on my spine,

And I got
to get it looked at.

-[Bleep] man.

[Bleep] [bleep] a tumor,
do you have cancer?

No, well, that's -- we got
to check it out, right?

I feel like I'm letting you
down, you know, we're so busy.

You shouldn't worry about
anything except making

Sure you're all right.

[Bleep] thoughts,
collect your

You let me know if
there's anything you

Need from me.

I appreciate
that, rick.

-All right, buddy.
-Thanks, appreciate it.


[Bleep] [bleep]

[Bleep] carl's my buddy, man.

I just hope he's all right.


Narrator: tony beets is losing
his attempt to beat

Parker to 6,000 ounces.

His second dredge is
years behind schedule.

Dredge 1 hasn't sluiced a
single flake of gold

For three weeks after hitting
frozen pay.

Now, monica's been forced
to shut down her plant,

With a torn tailings
conveyor belt.

Yep, lift it.

It'll take at least a week to
get a replacement.

Tony's only option, raid his
boneyard for a 15-year-old

Trommel he hasn't
run for four seasons.

With less than a third
of the gold he needs

And still 250 ounces
behind parker,

Tony needs to up his game.

Let's back up because if
that clevis breaks there,

Parts go flying,
people can get hit.

Narrator: with all his kids
up on other projects,

Tony's choice
to run the plant --

24-Year old ruby mahoney.

Monica's best friend
from elementary school,

Now in her second season
working for the beets.

It's a lot of responsibility,
but I'll do my best for you

Sounds good, boss.

All right.

Ruby: this is gonna be my
which I'm excited for.

I can start mining
for real.

It'll be nice to get some
gold coming in. [ Laughs ]

I guess this is the very first
time firing up

The new zealand plant,

Hopefully, fingers crossed,
it works.


[ Sighs ]

[ Engine roars ]

All right, let's get some gold!


I'm actually from dawson.
I grew up with monica

And hung out at their
mine way before I was

Running equipment.

I feel like there is
definitely a little bit

More determination on my
part because I do know tony

On a personal level.

I feel -- I want to
make him proud.



It's spooky not having
a mechanic on site.

If this [bleep] breaks down,
it [beeps] need to be fixed,

We're [bleep].

Timing couldn't be worse.

Narrator: at quartz creek,
rick ness is scooping up pay

In the new downstream cut.

Rick: now that we're running
24 hours a day,

Pretty much gonna have to
be truckin' pay to the plant

Every day to keep up with this.

Narrator: half a mile east,
ben opens up virgin ground

On the upstream
side of the plain.

We got to stay ahead of the
wash plant, make sure that

We've got enough pay dirt.

[ Engine roaring
and wheels squeaking]

I don't know what's
wrong with this machine,

I'm just losing power.

The tracks are just spinning.

Hey, rick,
you got a copy? Rick?

Yeah, I got you, ben, what's

Ben: I'm over here in
the 'dozer right now,

And I don't know
what's wrong with it.

[Bleep] me,
are you serious?

If it's running all [bleep]
weird, and I don't want to

Mess it up more. I'll see if
I can get a hold of my dad

And have him take a look at it.

Narrator: while mechanic carl
is in the hospital,

Rick's bets option -- a man
with 38 years of experience

Running heavy
equipment -- his dad.

What seems
to be the problem?

Well, it seems to have
lost a lot of power.


It could be a couple
different things.

-Good luck.
-All right, thanks. [ Laughs ]

That d9 is of the utmost
importance to keep rippin'

This frost and strippin'
this mud off of here.

Narrator: the owner of a
construction business,

Big rick, has his own fleet
of 'dozers and excavators.

Big rick: just looking at
the injector pump

And all the injector lines.

I don't see any obvious
like fuel leaks or anything.

I don't smell any fuel.

I'm gonna pop this off of here
and look at the air cleaner.

Yeah, that ain't a
good sign right there.

You see that kind of dirt
coming out of there?

We got a pretty
plugged up filter.

Holy [bleep].

Yep, it's dirty.

Narrator: a diesel engine draws
air through the filter

Into the cylinder.

The returning piston
the air, creating heat.

When fuel is introduced,
it creates an expl*si*n that

Drives the piston, which
then turns the crank shaft.

If the filter clogs with dirt,
the loss of air will result

In a loss of power.

Big rick: we're gonna need to
go blow this one out.

It has a paper filament in
there, so those pleats hold

All that dirt so you got to
really work it back and forth.

[Bleep] filthy!

I thought the thing was black
to begin with, but it's not!

[ Laughs ]

Rick was never a very
tidy person as a kid.

Well, that was
pretty quick,

What'd you
figure out?

We pulled the air filters
out. They were super dirty.

Okay, hopefully we
got enough power.

[ Engine roars ]

[ Laughs ]
oh, yeah.

Moving it like nothing.

So hats off to big rick.

Rick: that's awesome.

Thanks, dad.
You're the best.

[ Chuckles ]

You're welcome, son.

we got lucky with that one.

We live to fight another day.


at eureka creek, tony is
on all fronts.

But has put 24-year old,
ruby mahoney, in charge of his

Only running wash plant.

The thing with this guy is
that you can't overfeed it,

So you have to feed it
really, really slow.

As long as we can
get an ounce an hour,

That's more than we
were making yesterday.

Narrator: after running pay
non-stop for two days,

Tony decides it's
time for a spot check.


Little bit.



No, this thing's not
quite running right.

all the gold should collect

In the four short sluice runs
either side of the plant.

Gold in the runoff, means
tony is losing money.

Kevin: different locations have
different kinds of gold.

What we got out here
is a lot like flour.

The stuff out here is so
fine, it gets blown out.

the gold where the
new zealander is mining

Is so fine that it's failing
to settle and washing out

Of the sluice spots.

Tony's fix -- hydraulic riffles
that are three times deeper

Than standard riffles.

Jets of water then separate
out even the finest gold from

The dirt, so every
flake gets caught.



I'm trying to figure
out how these went in.

I feel like I was given
this plant as some

Responsibility, and tony puts
the pressure on me to make

This work. It's my head
on the chopping block.

Kevin: tsk, tsk, ruby.

At least it's doing
better than the dredge.

[Bleep] everything is doing
better than the dredge!

That's a dead horse right

-Down, down, down.


Now your plumbing water,
you'll be at

About 7-ish pounds of pressure.

Kevin: cool.
This riffles done.

okay, let's do this.

I hope these [bleep]
things work for us.



Dean: fillin' in
for a bunch of people,

Everybody's come down
with this flu bug,

Parker being one of them.

Major concern.

at the last cut, a virus
has brought parker's

Operation to its knees,
threatening to push his season

Even further behind.

Matt, you okay?

[ Vomiting ]

Oh, jeez.

Yeah, it seems like
we have some kind

Of stomach bug
going around camp.

Guys are dropping like flies.

I think we've lost six or
seven of 'em already.

Trey, you all right, man?

Trey: uh.

Here, that might help
you make it through.

Hope you're feeling
better, okay.

[ Toilet flushing ]


That's one of the
problems of camp life,

You know, just one
small community.

We share all hassles together,

And this is one of the
things that happens.

Poor parker,
he's down, too.

How you feeling,

Parker: I'm all right.
I puked in my bed.


I'll find you some
ginger for stomach.

Thanks, man.

Stay down.
Ah, sh**t.

Well, just like everyone else,

He's venting at both ends.
We're in real trouble.

We're running
short-handed as it is.

Really, we need to shut down.

[ Vomiting ]

11:00 p.m., Back at sluicifer.

Dean: our night shift guy,
tyson, got sick last night.

But, I don't want to
see the plant shut down.

Narrator: dean is making up for
his earlier mistake

With the pump.

Dean: I'm getting really
exhausted. Been out here

A long time, and really
starting to take a toll on me,

But I run that
pump out of fuel.

I wouldn't want
another shutdown on me.

he's halfway through his
second straight shift.

But by keeping
the plant running,

He's saving parker $24,000.

Dean: if I have to stay out

All day and night, to
keep these plants going,

That's what I'm gonna do.

I definitely feel
that parker's getting

His money's worth
out of me today.


at the end of a tough week,

Tony beets finally has all

Of his wash plants
back up and running,

But only one has
produced any gold

For the weekly weigh-in.

Minnie: so, what's going on
with your guys' plants?

Uh, the dredge
is fired up again.

And monica's is
back going again.

it's time to find out,
if ruby's managed to catch gold

With tony's 15-year-old
new zealander.


to hit his 6,000 ounce,
$7.2 million goal,

Tony needs a massive
385 ounces a week.

Ruby: 20, 30, 40,

50, 60, 70,




worth over $135,000,

270 Ounces less than
his weekly target,

But ruby's managed
a good return

From the low yardage
new zealand plant.

You are welcome.

I think we should pack it up,

And we should go get
to what we were doing,

Like work maybe.

Ruby: you're welcome.

Pretty great that tony gave
me that responsibility.

Proves to them that
I can handle this.

If I can help tony in any way,

Get that 6,000 ounce
gold to beat parker,

I'm pretty [bleep] happy.

We're a little bit short of
our goal, aren't we?


I was always told to judge a
by his shoes,

And judging by yours,
we're broke.


at quartz creek,
rick's crew takes five.

Looks like you found
'em in the ditch.

quit being so [bleep] judgey.

There's a story
behind these shoes.

I bought these shoes
seven years ago.

I went up to alaska
to start mining.

They're my lucky mining shoes.

So, you can judge these shoes,

But they've brought in several
thousand ounces of gold.

Plus, they get me lots of
when I go to town.

Chicks love these shoes.

No. Anyways, get the [bleep]
to work, you [bleep].


yeah, so my dad had to fill in
for you a couple times.

It wasn't too bad.
While you were gone,

But we did have
a few breakdowns.

Narrator: at quartz creek,
carl rosk is back

From the hospital where
tumors on his lung and spine

Were tested for cancer.

Dad, check it out,
carl's back.

-How you doing, man?

-How's it going?
-Good to see you.

Didn't expect you back.
How you doing?

-Good, I'm alive, yeah.

How'd things
go in vancouver?

They were good, I
just -- it's not cancerous,

Right, so I'm
good that way.

But I do got
to get it out, so.

That's good news,
though, right?

-It's great, yeah.
-Good to hear.

So, you're back
in the saddle?

Finish the season and then
get 'er out after that.

-Awesome, right on.
-It works out pretty damn good.

Yeah, for sures.

All right man, let's
grab some gold.

Welcome to the best
part of the week again.

Check it out, carl's back.

[ Applause ]

We sure are glad to
have you back, man.

It's great, yeah,
good to be back.

You guys ready?

Narrator: to reach his 1,000
ounce, $1.2 million

Season goal, rick needs to
mine 50 ounces every week.

let's see what we got.

That's a 10, 20, 30,
moving up fast.

50, 60, 70, 80,

And here we go.


[ Cheering ]

worth almost $140,000,

And more than twice
what he needs.

we just got to keep putting
those kinds of numbers up.

We're walking out of here
like kings this fall.

Thank you guys for
everything this week.


[ Laughs ]


-What's up, gentlemen?
-Hey, parker!

at the last cut, parker's
crew has recovered

From the flu virus in time
for the weekly weigh-in.

How's big red running?

been ticking along

Down there pretty nicely,

But hopefully the
numbers have stayed up.

Narrator: to stay on track,
for his 6,000 ounce,

$7.2 million season,
parker needs to mine

360 Ounces of gold a week.

-Ready for the pour?
-Have at it.

first up, big red.

20, 30, 50, 70, 90,

There's a 100,

120, 130, 140,


-Holy [bleep]
-not bad, junior.

-That's pretty good, hey!
-Right on.

-Good job.

worth $195,000.

Slow and steady's hopefully's
gonna win the race.

-[Bleep] big tortoise.
-[ Laughs ] I am, yes.

All right, you guys want
to see how sluicifer did?

Narrator: parker now needs
200 ounces from sluicifer.

Parker: we had a few issues at
sluicifer this week,

We ran the pump out of fuel.

Ultimately, it was kind
of dean's responsibility.

-We all make mistakes, right.

Narrator: dean's sleeping off
the double shift

He just pulled,
trying to make amends.

Here we go.


40, 50, 70,

80, 120, 140,

Keep coming, damn it.
-We got a lot more.

180. Maybe got 200? Maybe.

-[Bleep] yeah!

-We needed that.

Not bad.

worth over $240,000...

So together, you guys,
we got 365 ounces.

And now we're at 2,377.

for four straight weeks,

Parker's succeeded
in hitting his goal.

We had a few disasters,
but I think we pulled it off.

-All right. Thanks, guys.
-Thank you.

Parker: yeah, I mean, even
though we lost some time,

It was an all right week.

If we're gonna get anywhere
near 6,000 ounces,

We've got to have good people
that know what they're doing

And just keep those
plants pounding away.


Thanks, dad.

I don't know how I'm
gonna replace you.

This was a pretty full-on
trip, too, I mean...

Yeah, it was.

You're out in the
field every day.

after three weeks working
side-by-side with his son,

Big rick is heading home.

Like I said, I came
up here to help ya.

So, I mean,
I enjoyed it.

I obviously did
have my doubts

With you
running the show.

Moving from an employee
to a business owner,

With a gazillion different

-You are handling it very well.

You know, at this
point in the season,

You're already at
that halfway point

That you
wanted to be at.

with his dad's help,

Rick's finally on track to
hit his 1,000 ounce goal,

With 565 ounces, worth
two-thirds of a million

I'm impressed,
very impressed.

I think, as always,
you've proved me wrong.

Maybe that's why
I am successful,

'Cause I keep wantin'
to prove you wrong.

[ Laughs ]

It's great having you
up here, honestly.

Well, and I appreciate
you having me.


on the next "gold rush"...

-Ah, she's good to rock, huh?
-Parkie, here we go again.


Tony: last pieces out of
thistle creek.

There's this wide and ugly.

Height-wise, we'll find out.


What the [bleep] is that?

Hey, what's up?

Next time, it's gonna
cost you, all right?