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09x03 - Gods and Monsters

Posted: 01/13/24 13:40
by bunniefuu
Let me get this straight.
You want 100 ounces, like, now?

Well, it's the minimum.

on this "gold rush"...

Hey, shut her down!


Like a chronic disease,
I can't shake this [bleep] guy.

Keep the buckets full,
don't break [bleep].

[ Loud thud ]

What the [bleep]
is that now?

How's your morning going?
[ Chuckles ]

Rick: I'm not going to
let you guys down.

I will have
a wash plant here.

That's a big trommel.

Holy [bleep], that's a monster.
I got $100,000.

$180,000 Or nothing,

You got to get your [bleep]




we've lost a ton of time.

We're a month away
from sluicing, at best,

But we can still have
a really good season.

Narrator: three weeks into
the mining season,

Parker schnabel
is still stripping overburden

And nowhere near ready
to sluice pay dirt.

Even with how far behind
we are this season,

I have every intention
of doing 6,000 ounces.

at the start of the season,

Parker tried to move
his operation

Away from tony beets,
to mine his own ground.

All right.
Here's the first push.

[Bleep] yeah.

Narrator: but after tony denied
him access to water...

what you're telling me right now
is to end my mining season?

...he was forced to shut down
and return to scribner creek.

So now we're back
in the last cut,

Mining for tony beets again.

I don't like
the royalty rates,

But I'm just going to
have to accept that.

It's the best ground
that we've ever mined.

Sluicifer at one end.

Big red at the other.

We're just going to strip
all the ground

In between the two plants
and make one big, huge cut.

There's no way
I'm letting tony beets

Find more gold than us
this year.

Narrator: after wasting 2 weeks
and $500,000

Stripping the cluster
cut, ground he owns,

Parker has now returned
3 miles east, to the last cut,

Tony's ground,
where he mined last year.

His new season plan --

Strip a massive area
of frozen overburden down to pay

Before he can start sluicing,
then continue to open up

The cuts between
sluicifer and big red,

Eventually creating
a monster cut,

Double the size
of ellis island.

What the [bleep]?


Mr. Beets.

Mr. Schnabel.

Hi, minnie.

100 Ounces, yeah.

And here we are.


Let me get this straight.
You want 100 ounces, like, now?

Well, it's the minimum.

But I've never paid
that up front.

I mean, I don't think we'll be
sluicing for a month,

To be honest with you,


[ Engine starts ]


I don't really want to find out
what'll happen

If we don't get him
his stupid 100 ounces.

[ Sighs heavily ]

This is like
some chronic disease.

I can't shake this [bleep] guy.


Narrator: parker has just 7 days
to find $120,000 worth of gold,

And the only thawed
ground available to him,

An old access road
that leads up to sluicifer.

Right now I'm just trying
to figure out

If we're going to
take this road out.

This is the side of the cut
that we did last fall.

Nowhere else is even
close to ready.

So what I'm trying to figure out
is if we can take this road out

Because it would be
pretty easy to take

That strip off that side,
you know?

And so if you could take
the loader

And just dig me
into that bank,

I just want to do
some panning in that bank.

parker gets tyson lee

To expose some of
the virgin gravel for a test.

you know, I'd like to have
a couple of pretty good pans.

I'd hate to strip
that whole road out

And there not be
any gold in there.

It'd be pretty hard to recover
from that.

That's a big dud.

That's a bad start.

Oh, [bleep].

Nothing in that.

Honestly, I don't even know

Why I'm bothering panning
this stuff.

If we're going to get
100 ounces for tony,

It's the only hope
we've got.

Never mind.
We'll do it anyway.

Hey, willie, can you bring
that 700 down here

To this access road
next to the last cut?

We're going to tear it up
and start mining here.

You betcha.

Narrator: the road is 656 feet
long and 16 feet wide.

Last season,
parker mined alongside it

And knows that 25 feet down
should be gold-rich pay dirt.

Willie duchesne brings
in the 700.

The pressure is on.

Tony is on us, so the dirt
has got to start flying.

The gold has got
to start coming.


[ Loud thud ][ bleep ]

Holy [bleep].

Oh, man.

Not good.

Coming down that slope,

A pin must have snapped,
lost my track.

Worst [bleep] possible time.

Oh, [bleep].

It's definitely not helping us
get a quick 100 ounces here.



We got to find something
and find it quick.

new mine boss rick ness

Is setting up his
mining operation from scratch.

My guys, they're going to be
down in pay gravel in a week.

As soon as they've got that
exposed, we want to be running.

He desperately needs a wash
plant to sluice his new ground,

So he and mechanic carl rosk

Are hitting the road
in search of a bargain.

This time of year it's going
to be tough, right...

-Yeah. get a plant?

So what do we have to play
with here, man?

What's our budget?

Rick: I've only got
$100,000 to spend,

But we can't compromise on
what it can do for yardage.

It's got to do 200 yards
an hour.

It's strictly
a numbers game for us.

Carl: oh, there's something
right there.


It says, "for sale."For sale. [ Laughs ]

There's a wash plant


I kind of like the idea
of a trommel.

There's nothing wrong
with a trommel.

Yeah, but, man,
there's no way

This thing could run
the yardage we need.

-Pretty small.
-This is, like,

Hobby-size stuff.

We got to find
something bigger.

Let's hope there's
something better.

I think our best bet is going
to be we find somebody

That went broke last year,


Narrator: the junkyards of
dawson are where failed miners

Fire sale
their used equipment.

Oh, there's something
over here.

Let's check it out.

It looks like
it's all there anyway.

Yeah, buddy. Shaker.

Let's check her out.


It's got a roof over it.

-How you doing?
-Not bad.

And yourself?

Is this yours?

I'm the one selling it

Oh, right on.

Why are you selling it?

Rough experience
last year.

I was lucky to get
the equipment out.

Wow. [ Exhales ]
that's scary.

All right.

So what kind of yardage
does it run?

It's doing anywhere
from 50 to 70,

Depending what your dirt
is basically.

Oh, okay.

How's she look, carl?

It's in really,
really good shape,

But it's just not
big enough, man.

Well, we are hoping to do

A bit more yardage...
-Yeah. we're going to look
around a bit more.

-No, understandable.
-But, man, appreciate it.

-Appreciate, no problem.
-Thanks, guys.

-Well, we wish you luck.
-Thank you.


You know, to find what we need,
a high-yardage plant

For [bleep] $100,000, I don't
know what I was thinking, man.

Yeah, I told you it's going
to be a struggle, buddy,

You know,
this time of year.

I think I just waited way
too late.

[ Bleep ]



We just got to take as much
as of that road out as we can

And hope there's at least
100 ounces in it,

So we can get
tony off our [bleep] backs.

Narrator: at scribner creek,
parker schnabel has just 7 days

To mine 100 ounces of gold,
after his landlord tony beets

Demanded a surprise down payment
on his royalties,

And his 700 excavator
is down.

Mechanic mitch blaschke
arrives to repair the damage.

Normally when a track breaks,
at least you can keep it

Underneath it
or somewhat together.

Here, everything is
pulled apart,

So this is about as bad
as you can get it.

Right now, we're just walking
the 700 back over the track,

Try and get it
all lined back up.


This is like our oar
because we're up

[Bleep] creek today.

So now it's just a matter
of getting this track

Wrapped back around this machine
and putting a pin through it.

How we looking, chad?
-It's coming.


Is it on the sprocket
or not?

-It's on it.
-Yeah, buddy.

And that's how you do that.


-She going?
-Not really.

For [bleep] sakes.

It's just so awkward.

We don't get paid enough
for this [bleep].

I'm [bleep] over this.

What's going on around here?

Your turn.

Lay some heat on it.


That's lots of firewood
experience there.

Just got one to the ear.

Oh, in your ear, man.

You're [bleep]
leaking pretty good.

Your blood must be thin.

Oh, it was just a piece of chip
off the [bleep] pin.

I'm too good
a hammer swinger.


That's it.

Let's go get some gold.

-Thanks, guys.

-You bet.
-Get them back to work.

the track is reattached.

The 700 can finally strip
the haul road

To get tony
his 100 ounces of gold.

We have to move this dirt
as fast as possible,

Get two hoes in here
baling up.

Back in business.

Parker: if there's one thing
I've learned this spring,

It's tony beets is the king.

We've got to try
to keep him happy.

This road should get us enough
pay to do the 100 ounces or so.

Well, we'll see
what's down there.


Narrator: at quartz creek,
rick's buddies from milwaukee

Are working
for a share of the gold.

We got to get down to this pay
dirt, start getting some gold

Because I have not seen
any money yet.

You know, I got to feed
my family, too.

Otherwise I'm not going
to be here too long.

Rick can't afford to pay us.
I mean, that's the gist of it.

If he doesn't make money,
none of us are getting paid.

Narrator: already
over $200,000 in the hole

And with his crew
hurting for money,

Rick's only solution --
start sluicing.

But without a wash plant,
they can't mine an ounce.

Who's this hippie
with a canoe?

-It's not even tied off.
-[ Laughs ]

-I know who it is.

-Oh, my [bleep].

What are you guys
staring at?

You, and you weird canoe.

That's about to fall off.

-How are you?

Mm, I can't believe
you made it.

-I know.
-I'm good. How was the drive?

-I'm sick of driving.

But that's going to be
my future, I guess.

Yeah, we're going to put you
in a truck, keep you driving.

-Oh, yay.

nice to meet you.

So this is karla. She worked
with us over at parker's.

She's got a lot of experience
in a rock truck,

On top of being
the toughest coolest chick

I know, so...
-Thanks, rick.

Don't ever expect me
to say that again.

[ Laughter ]

I figured she'd be a good one
to come in,

And if you guys can suck it up

And take a little direction
from a girl,

She might be able
to get us moving.

Let's do it.
All right.

Narrator: two years ago,
karla helped rick

Tackle the original gold
rush trail,

Over the infamous
chilkat pass.

engage your butt, rick.

This is so [bleep]

Push hard.

You just can't let
the weather get to you.

Oh, come on.

There it is.


The summit.

[ Cheering ]


Where are we
in the process?

Do we have
pay piled up?

No, like,
we're a good 10...

Probably 10 days of
stripping yet, yeah.

-[Bleep] yikes.

Do you have
a wash plant?


Not even --
don't even have one lined up?

Nope, no, not at all.
We're a little against it.

Rick, rick.

Um, dude,
we're a bit [bleep].

Yeah, I really don't know
what I'm going to do right now,

But it's not good, yeah.

Rick, I know you had
a super rough winter,

But you got to get your [bleep]
together pretty quick here.

Yeah, I know.

I know.
I'll find something.

Okay, good luck.

Terry: I didn't come
to the yukon to sit around

And chat
with people and make friends.

I came up here to find gold
and make money.

I can get down to pay dirt,
but it's all for nothing

Unless we have a plant
to wash it with.

Maybe rick has got a plan.

I don't know.


Starting the season without
a wash plant lined up,

Not a smart move, but I didn't
really have a choice.

I didn't have the time
I needed to plan for this.

You know, I spent all winter
spending as much time

As I could with my mom.

You know?

I don't regret that.

Narrator: rick nursed his mom,
judy, through brain cancer.

She d*ed just weeks before
the start of the season.

I've got ruby now,
which is nice,

But we got to make things
happen, you know?

I told my ma that, you know,
this was going to be a success

This year, and really that's
all that matters, you know?

Whatever I got to do
to make this work.

That's enough, you.
[ Sighs ]

I've got no pay dirt,
no wash plant.

That's going to change.


Kevin: what's up?


Narrator: tony beets has
two goals this season --

Mine a massive 6,000 ounces,
worth $7.2 million...

...and get his second dredge
rebuilt and mining for gold.

Oh, I think
it makes sense.

After running dredge one,

I really know what's going
to work for dredge two.

Well, we'll make it
[bleep] happen.


To help run his dredge,

Kevin trains up 66-year-old
operator bob scriba.

-Start her up?


Conveyer's running.

-Bucketline on.

Kevin: get the bucketlines up
a little bit.

Today is the first day,
so --

And she's a big
learning curve here today,

Lots of button
to play with anyway.

Narrator: bob must adjust
the speed and the position

Of the bucket ladder

So that the buckets come up
full, maximizing production.

a little bit higher.

You usually want it high enough
so that the bottom buckets

Can slide
onto the next junc.

Take it nice and slow.

That will
probably be good.

It always takes a few days
to get the feel of the machine.

So far we haven't
wrecked anything.

We'll see.

after 2 hours of training,

It's time for bob
to run the dredge solo.

I'm leaving them be,
and now all the pressure

Is on them
to keep the buckets full.

Don't break [bleep].


Bob: we set the bucketline down
another 6,

8 Inches or something like that,

Get it close to bedrock again.

[ Loud thud ][ bleep ]

[Bleep] is that now?

[ Growls ]

The bucketline is off.




[ Loud thud ][ bleeping ]

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Kevin's trainee
dredge master, bob scriba...

The bucketline is off.

...has knocked the 72-bucket
chain off the idler wheel.

My morning's going great.

Kevin: tony, can you meet me
at the dredge?

We've got a [bleep] up.

It's all over frost,
so it's [bleep]

Ground to begin with,
and she bounced off.

It's like driving over [bleep]
rocky ground,

And you get a flat.

Well, you can do it
and notget a flat.

How's your morning going?
[ Chuckles ]


So I got to get the bucketline
up over the idler somehow.

Hopefully it can lift it.

I'll [bleep] move it.

Buckets probably weigh 300
or 400 pounds each

Without any gravel in them.

They're all full of gravel,

So this is a pretty
heavy operation.

I'm going to do the hard part.

I'm going to run the radio.

every hour the dredge is down,

Tony is losing $1,200.

Okay, I'm going
to lift it up.

Once I've got it up,
back the line backwards,

And we'll see
if we can get it on.


Bob puts the bucketline into

Now it's up to kevin in the 245
to wrestle

The 24-ton bucketline
back on.




Nearly got it b*at.

Back up the line
some more.


Just got it on.

Piece of piss.

She's fixed.

Yep, we're good to go.


After 2 hours' downtime,
the dredge is finally back,

Mining for gold.



Rick and mechanic carl rosk

Are in search of
a $100,000 wash plant

That can run
200 yards an hour.

Rick: if I'm not running
pay dirt by next week,

I'm going to be broke.

Now is the time that we, like,
we have to find something.

There's got to be a high-yardage
wash plant around here.

We're about running
out of time.


There's another. Should we just
go look at that one?

-Let's check it out.

Carl: I don't see for sale
signs, but it's worth a try.

Looks nice anyways, one of the
nicer-looking ones we've seen.

-How's it going there?
-How you doing, buddy?

-How you doing? Will.
-Carl. Nice to meet you.

-Carl, nice to meet you.

-Rick, how you going, man?

Kiwi miner, will pilkington,
has a plant for sale.

-This is our latest project.

Rick: yeah.
That's a big trommel.

Holy [bleep].

Yeah, it'll do about
200 yards an hour.

Oh, really?
200 Yards an hour?

It's built solid.

It's built beautifully, so...
-Oh, man, that is...

... It's about 2 inch thick
on the barrel at each end.

-So it'll last.

We haven't quite finished
it yet,

But we are working
hard on it.

-It's huge.
-I don't know.

Do you want to climb up inside?
We can poke up inside there.

-Yeah, that'd be cool.
-If you want to jump up,

Up in here.

Narrator: will's huge
20-ton trommel is 42 feet long

And 8 feet in diameter,

Almost twice the size
of tony's dredge two trommel.

Rick: I've never walked down
the barrel of a trommel before.

-That is cool, man.
-This thing is huge.

I can start it up,
if you want.

-Let's check it out, buddy.

Yeah, I want to see
this thing move.

It's a monster.

Carl: it's what
we're looking for, right?




Trommels wash gold from the pay
dirt using a rotating cylinder.

As the pay dirt travels
through the drum, water jets

Wash the gold off the rocks,
through the tubular screen

And into the sluices, where
it collects in the riffles.

What do you think?

It's impressive.

Yeah, man.


So what are you looking at for
price on something like this?

All finished,
said and done,

It'd be around $180,000.

[ Groans ]

Uh, yeah, that's more than
I have to spend.

I've got $100,000.

No [bleep] way, mate.

Just the material alone
is $100,000 on that thing.

What's in it for me,
you know?

Yeah, I don't have an answer
for that right now

Because $100,000
is what I've got.

Or nothing, mate.

That's the way it goes.

And I don't have it.

[ Groans ]
back to the old drawing board.

Thanks for your time, man.

Yeah, no worries, man.

the only thing I can think of
right now is that parker

Never gave me my bonus
last year, my gold bonus.

What's that worth?

Well, going by previous seasons
and how much we did last year,

Probably $100,000.

-That's perfect, man.

I guess I'll see if I can
squeeze it out of him.

[ Bleep ]

Ah, there you go.
We've got another dreamer.

You see them come
and go all the time.

If you haven't got the money,
you haven't got the money.




Right now, we're completely
at the mercy of tony,

So, you know.

Narrator: parker is under
the g*n, after landlord tony

Demanded a 100-ounce
down payment on his royalties

By the end of the week.

So this is most of the pay
that's come out of this road

That we took
off this side here.

I mean, it's a pretty good
pay mountain,

But who knows how much
gold is in it?

And given the time we've got,

There's really
no margin of error.

the crew has a stock pile
of 12,000 yards of pay dirt

And just 2 days left
to sluice it.

we've got, what, 48 hours
to get tony his 100 ounces?

Better hope it goes 2 ounces
an hour at least.

Let's give her.

Let her buck, t.

Let's see if this old girl
remembers how to shake.

There we go.

Here she comes!


So this is the first dirt
of the season.

This year is just
about survival, you know.

We haven't brought in
a penny yet,

And this is
all going to tony.

-Shut her down!
-Our conveyor is all loaded up.

For [bleep] sake.

Our [bleep] tailings conveyor
is spinning out.

So over winter, we loosen up
our conveyor belts.

We tightened it back up,
but not enough.

Got the weight of the rock on
there, it started spinning out.

We made it all of one bucket.

It's like our first season

Narrator: after sluicifer washes
the gold off the rocks,

They're removed
by the tailings conveyor.

It's driven by a head drum,

But because the tail drum was
slackened off during the winter,

The belt is now slipping,

Causing the tailings
to back up towards the shaker.

The crew now needs to extend
the tail drum

To re-tension the belt.

A couple turns
of the wrench here,

We'll have it
back up and going.

Here we go.

Hey, let's fire
this thing back up.

Bypass is open.

Let's get some water
going to it...

-Yeah, we got...
-...see if she'll fire.

Narrator: the crew blasts
the tailings with water,

And the rock jam clears.

-Good job, guys.
-Yeah! Yeah, buddy.

Let's make some money.

now we just got to hope there's
some gold in this [bleep].

We'll find every little flake
of gold

That's in that road,
and hopefully it's enough.

If it's not, then we'll go raid
grandpa's safe,

Maybe there's
still some in there.



Well, the good news is that
I found a wash plant.

The bad news is it's way
over budget.

new mine boss rick ness

Has found
the wash plant of his dreams,

But he doesn't have
the cash to buy it.

I'm short by $80,000,
so I'm pretty [bleep] there.

But I do have a plan.

I mean, parker never gave me
my bonus from last year.

I just called him up.

If he does give it to me,

And it's the same amount
as last year,

Then I'll be able
to afford it.

We're in business.

His greenhorn crew have cleared
10 feet of worthless

Overburden from the cut

And are only a few feet
from pay dirt.

I'm actually learning
and finding out

The indicators of pay dirt.

You kind of feel it
in the joysticks.

I think this is it.

I can feel a big difference as I
drag the bucket through there.

Hey, rick.
You got a copy?

Rick: yep.

I think I just discovered
some pay.

Come on down.



What you got going on,

Well, I think I got us down
to pay dirt.

Yeah, man.
That's the stuff.

It's a bit of a color change,
that darker material,

This bigger rock,
like this.

All right.

So you were going to get us
a wash plant.

What's up with that?

Well, I do have a plan,

And I think I can actually
get it sorted out today.

-[Bleep] right.

It's pretty crucial that
we start getting things

Happening pretty quick
to be able to get that gold.

So if we don't get a wash plant
asap, we are [bleep].

These guys dropped so much
to come here for,

Like, such a gamble,

The lure of gold.

-Hey, boss. How's it going?
-Good. How you doing?

-Good. Good to see you.

There's a nice pond.

I know, right?

You guys
have been busy.

Spending a lot of money

And then praying
that a bunch comes back.

Yep, all for a hole
in the ground.

The one thing that
I'm trying to do

Is I'm trying to start off
with a decent-sized plant.

Right? And that's really
where you come in, man.

I need to talk to you
about that bonus.

The thing is, you know,

It's less than you made
the year before,

And that's a function
of just I'm spread so

[Bleep] thin right now.

You know, the money
that we put into dozers,

And then we put
$1 million into that.

We legit put $1 million
into our spring stripping,

Which we're not sluicing
any of that.

So I've had to do
that twice now, this spring.

I was kind of hoping
it wouldn't be less

Than what I'd made
the year before.

I was hoping for
about 80,000.

At the end of the day,
it is a bonus. Right?

I don't want there to be
any hard feelings about it.

Obviously, I can't help that,
if there is, but...

-But I brought you a check.

It is what it is.

I'll figure it out.

Thank you, sir.
-Thank you.

I'll just need an invoice.

Come on.

It's not quite what I expected.

But I was hoping for $80,000

I got about $52,000, so...

He could have just walked away
and gave me nothing,

So I'll take it.

It keeps me going.


rick heads back down to town
for one last roll of the dice.

Well, I did
the best I can.

I don't have $180,000,
and that's what will wants.

But I got $150,000.

All I can do is go
and talk to him,

Try and reason with him.

And if I can't make this work,
I'm [bleep].

I'll sell my gold ring
if I have to.


Hows it going out there?eh, it's going. Yeah, yeah.

So have you brought
the $180,000?

I have rounded up
some more money.

I did the absolute best
I could, man.

-Well, that's good.
-I've got --

Is what I've got.

That's still not
going to cut it, mate.

$180,000 Is my bottom line
on it. $180,000, Thanks.

Yeah, I know.

But, man, you got to [bleep]
help me out here.

If I get this on-site
and get it running, in 2 weeks,

I could have that $30,000
here for you in gold.

That's $30,000, man,
that I'm out of profit.


I know it's a [bleep]
gamble for you.

I understand that, man.
-Yeah, it is.

Have you got a cut

And everything opened up,
ready to go?

Yeah, man.
We've got a big cut open.

Like, we just got to get it
there and get it running.


Is a lot of money.

Well, I do know
where you're sluicing.

So tell you what, if I don't get
that $30,000 in 2 weeks,

I know where to come
and grab this,

And I'll take it
straight back here.

Understood, man.

So we can do that?

I suppose this time,

We can do that,
and we'll see how it goes.

-[Bleep], man.
-You're all right, man.

Whoo, rubes!

Ruby, we got a wash plant.



I got exactly what we needed --
a wash plant

That can run 200-plus yards
an hour.

Here we are, man.
It's all coming together.


Now it's time to get some gold.


Just in case anybody doesn't
recognize it, I'm the older guy.

He's the son.[ Laughter ]

Narrator: dredge double act
bob and mike scriba...

It's nice to have another
family member up here,

Especially with dad.

I'm still looking after him
out here.

I had to rescue his radio
this morning.

It's $400 if
it falls overboard.

He was a messy kid.

It's funny, you know?

After the kids left home,
the tools still went missing.

So I always accused them
of losing the tools,

But somehow they went missing
even when they weren't home.

So I don't know where they went.
I think it was the dog.

Little do they know, we still
come into the garage

There and grab tools.[ Laughter ]

Well, it's nice working
with dad.

It's nice to see him work

A piece of ancient history,
really good working together.

I'm really proud of him
and the work that he does.

Where he learned it all from,
I don't know.

Maybe it's from me
because I forgot it all.

I don't know
anything anymore,

So he's obviously picked it
up a good deal.

Here you go!

[ Laughter ]


Bob had his first run-in
with the dredge.

It's learning curves.

Everybody seems to lose a bucket
every once in a while.

There's only one idiot who can
put that line back on, and, hi.


at eureka creek, it's time
to find out how much gold

Tony's dredge
has mined this week.

10, 15, 20, 25...

To hit his 6,000-ounce
season goal,

Tony needs to find
260 ounces of gold every week.

90, 95, 97.1.

Worth $117,000,

160 Ounces less
than his weekly target.

Well, you falling
a little short for 5 days.

97 Ounces,
that's a little bit

Under an ounce an hour.

Things [bleep] up.
[Bleep] happens, right?

Like, you're still
getting gold.

a month into the season,

Tony has mined $560,000
worth of gold.

But he's already falling
behind his ambitious target.

If that's the case, how come
everybody is still sitting here?

-See you later, guys.
-All right.

You promised me
another 100 ounces.

Doesn't parker
owe you some?


Three miles east,
parker schnabel

Weighs up his gold to see

If he can afford the down
payment to his landlord.

it's 100 ounces.

I don't really want to really
come up short on this.

I don't know, parker.
It's going to be close.

Hey, tony.

How's it going, man?


Come to collect?

to pay his minimum royalty,

Parker needs to find at least

100 Ounces in his first
gold weigh of the season.

Well, tony, you sure put us
in a mad panic

To find
some thawed ground.

Yeah, we managed to pull
our old road out next

To the cut from last year,
and that's what we came up with.

It hasn't been
the easiest spring.


Yeah, let's see
what this is.



Halfway there.

-Oh, yeah.
-There we go.

There's 100.[ Chuckles ]


Narrator: worth $130,000.

So I guess I get
the short end of this stick.

There's your 100 ounces.

All right.
Well, you got your 100 ounces.

Hopefully you'll leave us
alone for a little while?

Nine ounces of that
is pretty bad.

You comfortable
with this?

Well, I mean, we were able
to pay him.

I'm not [bleep] happy.
He's a [bleep].

But, anyways,
he's out of our hair.


We can move on with
our 9 [bleep] ounces of gold.

[ Laughs ]

I christen thee
durt reynolds.

on the next "gold rush"...

Hit the bypass!

I expected growing pains,
but this is [bleep] outrageous.

completely frozen.

We're out of pay.
We had to shut sluicifer down.

It's making me want to sh**t
somebody in the head.

I don't know
what to say.

So that doubles our chances on
getting the dredge out of there.

Tight, gentlemen,
the rope, tight.

All right. Looking good.
Been a long time coming.