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06x08 - The Men Who Knew Too Much: Part 2

Posted: 01/13/24 13:19
by bunniefuu
And we have something
to celebrate.

The paper is sending me to
Los Angeles for the weekend.

Oh, my Lord!

That's Marco Madison.

He's very big
in the underworld.

Balki, tape this for me.


Get those guys.



Cousin, I videotaped the m*rder.

The tape will
prove us innocent.

All we need is to,
to find someplace

where we can play back the tape.

suspects are considered
armed and dangerous.

Hey, hey, wait, stop!

Balki, get in the car!

Get in the car! Get in the car!

Oh, God! God! God!

Balki, I think
they're getting closer!

Oh! Oh! Oh!


* Sometimes the world
looks perfect

* Sometimes you just
get a feeling

* Like you need
some kind of change

* Nothings gonna stand
in my way

* This flame in my heart
like a long-lost friend

* Gives every dark street

* A light at the end

* Standing tall

* On the wings of my dream

* Rise and fall

* On the wings of my dream

* The rain and thunder
the wind and haze

* I'm bound for better days

* My life and my dream

* Nothing's gonna
stop me now *


(g*ns FIRING)

I think they're getting closer!

BALKI: Oh! Oh! Oh!

Uh, cousin, Don't worry
about them, worry about that!


Oh! Oh!

I... I hope you know
where we are going

because the street map
was in the sun visor.

Balki, there's Jennifer
and Mary Anne.

Hey, Jennifer and Mary Anne!

Jennifer! Jennifer, Mary Anne!

Quick, get in the car.

Why has the top of this car
been torn off?

Please, get in the car first
and then I'll explain.

Now, what's going on?

It could have happened
to anybody.

We were at the wedding

Cousin, eyes on the road.

Well, suddenly I saw
Marco Madison big time gangster

and, and, and Balki and I

followed him and his pals
to the garage

Excuse me, cousin, we?

Anyway, the dead guy

turned out to be
an undercover drug agent.

So you're wanted for m*rder

because Marco Madison
k*lled this guy?

No. We're wanted for m*rder
because the guy died
in my arms

while I was holding
the m*rder w*apon.

It was the weirdest thing,

He looked up at me and said,

But, Larry, if Balki
videotaped the m*rder

why don't you just
take the tape to the police?

Because we have no idea
what's on the tape.

We've got to get to a TV
before Marco's men get to us.

Cousin, there's a TV!


Come on! Let's go
take a look at this tape!

Wait here where it's safe.


Welcome to Roy's Tattoo Parlor.

I'm Roy.
I'm Balki.

You want a tattoo
or did you just come in

to enjoy the ambiance?

He wants a tattoo. Uh, can I use
your TV for just a moment?


So which tattoo would you like?


Well, I don't know.
What's a tattoo?

Those are tattoos.


Hey, cousin, look at these.
These are beautiful.

Look, cousin,
He's got a, a snake

slithering through the eye
sockets of a human skull.

And, uh, and...

Oh, there's Regis
and Kathie Lee.

Hey, cousin, which tattoo
you think I should get.

One you can enjoy in prison
for the rest of your life.

'Cause we got nothing,
but static.

So which tattoo
do you want, pal?

What's that?
That's a tattoo needle.

Which tattoo do you want?

Well, I don't know.
What-what have you got?

I'll show you what I got.


Well, uh, do, do,
do you have the "Muppet Babies?"

Ooh, that's our second most
requested number.

Most people want a cobra
on their face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
there's something on the tape!

You don't lie to me.
I'm not lying.




That's, that's it!
You got it! It's all there!

Now we have proof
that we are innocent!

This isn't going to hurt, is it?

Oh, of course not.



Let's get this to the police!

Come on.

We're home free.
Balki got
the whole thing on tape.

It's perfect!

MAN: Hold it!


Come on, Balki!



I don't think they saw us.

Balki, I think we're safe.

You know...

There's something about this
whole thing that smells rotten.

It's us, cousin, we were
just sitting in garbage.

No, I mean,

why would
a respectable politician

invite a gangster
to his wedding?

If I can just
figure out the connection

between Marco Madison
and Commissioner Albrecht

I think I've got
a front page story.

Balki, I think things
might be looking up.

Well, think again.

Okay, okay.

Uh, here's my money.

Is that all of it?

Well, uh, to be perfectly honest

no, no, that isn't all of it

and you did ask
for, for all my money.

So, so, uh, fair is fair.

Here you go.

I didn't mean to lie.
I'm, I'm sorry about that.

So you want to take this?

This is a locket that...

This is an heirloom
in my family.

My, my, my mother gave me this

and she wept
as she gave it to me.

If you look inside--

How about you, shorty?

Oh, uh, uh, alright.

Here, here, uh, here you go.

Now, give me the VCR.

No. No, no, not the VCR.

No, no, here.
Here, take my watch.

Take my cuff links,
or-or-or give us your address

I'll send you a big check.

Yeah, I'll take that,
but I still want the VCR.

No, no, no, no. Don't-don't...
Don't take the-the-the VCR.

Bal-Balki, give him something!

Uh, can I, can I offer you
my shoes?

Now these are hand-made
of the finest goat bladder.

Look at the detail work on this.

I don't know what...
What size shoe are you?

The VCR!
No, don't take the VCR.

Take something else.
Take, take, take him.

Hold this.

Give me that!

Well, you're most welcome.

Nice doing business with you.
You forgot your shoes.

He took the VCR.

He took the evidence.

We're going to jail.

Oh, no, cousin,
we're not going to jail.

We're not?
Well, no, no, no.

Marco's men will k*ll us first,
you silly.

We were so close.

Another few minutes
and the police

would have had the tape,
our names would
have been cleared.

But no,
we had to get mugged.

We could've stayed in Chicago
and gotten mugged.

You know. You know, cousin,
I've been thinking.

Maybe that mugger
will play the tape

see that we're innocent
and bring it to the police.


And maybe pigs will fly.

No, cousin,
that don't usually happen

unless the pig
gets a good running start.

MAN 1: Seventy five dollars?
MAN 2: Yeah.

That's him.

This has an 18-day timer.

You can get yourself
like 32 tapes...

That's our VCR.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

Uh, that's our VCR
and we need it back.

It's the crazy men again.

You give us back our car

and our bike
and we'll talk about it.

We can't do that.

But that's our VCR.
It was stolen from us.

Who cares?

We never should have bought it.

Put a sock in it, Sheila.

This is the worst vacation
we ever had.

Gettin' this machine for $50
is the only good thing

that's happened
since we left the corn belt!

Okay, we don't need the machine.

Just give us the video cassette.

Hmm, that seems fair, Herb.

Oh, that is so very kind.
Where are you from?

Danville, Illinois.
Get out of the city!

We're from Chicago!

No, I'm not kidding you!
Is that a coinc...

We should exchange addresses
so that we can write.

Absolutely. Yes, I--


Give us that video cassette.

You're not getting
this machine.



I'll sell it to you for $10.




Alright, Balki, now we go
straight to the police

give them this tape,
and tonight we're at Disneyland

in time for the Main Street
Electrical Parade.

Cousin, now we are so happy,
we do the Dance of Joy!

* Dai-dai dai-dai da-dai

* Hey hey hey hey

MAN: Freeze!


Come on, Balki!
Coming, cousin.

I'm so sorry.

Will you come on?
Well, I was, he was...

Sorry, boys, It's out of order.


Mr. Madison will be
with you in a moment.

Oh, that's okay.

Oh, now, I'm sure
Mr. Madison is quite a busy man.

After all, we can't be the only
people he's trying to k*ll.


I'm so scared!

There must be some kind of way
out of here.

Cousin, cousin, cousin,
if we can get out here

we can jump out the window.

Balki, we're 25 feet
off the ground.

No, cousin, we can jump
onto that truck. See?

Right there. The one that says
"Rosebud Trucking Company."


Balki, just before the federal
drug agent died,
he said, "Rosebud."

He must have been talking
about Rosebud Trucking Company.

And that must mean
Marco is using

Very good.

You put everything together.

Now as soon as you
give me your videotape

you two will be
pushing up daisies.

I love daisies.

Especially the little white ones
or the little pink ones.

For some reason I'm not
that fond of the yellow ones.

I mean you'll be
sleeping with the fishes!

I love fishes,
but I've never slept with one.

Balki, he means
he's going to k*ll us.

And I'm supposed to figure this
out from fish and daisies?

You see, you two can link me
to the drug shipments.

And you saw the m*rder.

Well, I gotta k*ll ya.

Nothin' personal.


You know, we're, we're
very good at keeping secrets.

I heard a good one
in the sixth grade

about Mr. Potter,
the shop teacher.

To this day
I haven't told anyone.

Cousin, is that
the same Mr. Potter

that was also Mrs. Olsen,
the substitute home EC teacher?

What's going on here?


Cousin, this,
this is one special woman

taking time off from her
honeymoon to come and save us.

But no, Darla,
this is a dangerous place.

Save yourself.

Are you finished?

Yes, but I was wondering
why I never got

that autographed picture
that I sent for?

Although you have been busy
with the, uh,

the wedding and all.

k*ll him first.

No, Darla, you don't
want to k*ll us

It's your housekeepers
illegitimate son-in-law

who's been putting the poison
in your diet shake.

Balki, you don't get it.

She and her crooked
commissioner husband

are obviously in on this.

It's the last piece
of the puzzle.

Get the tape and then,
get rid of them.

Give me the tape.
Why should I?

Because if you don't,
I'll fix it so your knees
bend both ways.

Okay, happy viewing.

MAN: What's this?

That displeases me.
Well, it gets better.

You see, in just a little bit
the Road Runner gets away

and the Coyote
bashes into a brick wall.

Oh, look, look!

Balki, what did you
do with the tape?

Well, that's for you to know

and me to find out, bucko!

I may be a simple Mypiot boy

but I'm smart enough
to have switched the tapes.

Get the needle nose pliers
and some barbed wire!

Oh! Are we going
to make a goat pen?


He's gonna hurt us.

Oh, ha, I was really hoping we
were going to make a goat pen.


I'm so scared.

Just leave him to me.
I'll make him talk.


Tell me where you put the tape!


We'll take you to the tape
if you promise not to k*ll us.

Okay. That sounds fair to me.

But if you mess around with me

I'm gonna rip your heart out
right through your ear!

Balki, as soon as we give him
the tape, they're gonna k*ll us.

Well, cousin, Don't worry.
I have a plan.


What's the plan?

Cousin, remember I told you

Got it.

Move it.

Oh, hey, back up, man.
I just got my dis...

Get the tape.

Anyone for a musical?

Get it!
It's Doris Day.

Just... Just one moment.

Cousin, here we go

compliments of Ferdinand,
the Obese.

BOTH: What's that?

Get them!

Not them! Get them!

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Hey, hey, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

Ooh, watch it! Watch it, Balki!

Ooh! Ooh! Sorry! Sorry!


Will you come on?


Oh! Get down!

Seen 'em?

No, but I know
they came in here!

I saw 'em come in!

Keep lookin' around.

There they are, right there!



There, there! Go on!

Alright, give me the tape.

So long, Balki. It's been fun.



Hold it right there!

Don't move!

Larry, Larry!

Are you okay?

We were really lucky.

they found out
the police already had Marco
under surveillance.

So all they had to do
was close in and arrest him.

We were minutes away
from certain death.

But the exciting part
is after that

we bought maps
to the stars homes

and I got to shake hands
with Pat Sajak's gardener!

Well, what excites me
is that the story went national

and we beat every paper
in the country

including the Washington Post.

Nice work, boys.
Thank you, sir.

You know, Appleton, when I made
you an investigative reporter

everyone on the paper
said I was an idiot.

But you proved them wrong.

Well, thank you, sir.

Boy, cousin,
that was one scary weekend.

I hope we never
have to go through

anything like that again.

Well, you know, Balki,
as an investigative reporter

I'm gonna have to get used
to living on the edge.


I have to confess I,
I kind of enjoyed

mixing it up with men
who were trying to k*ll us.

They thought they had us
on the run.

Huh, they were lucky

those police closed in
when they did.

Yeah, they're gonna
have to learn

they're gonna do hard time.

Hit the deck!

You can come out now, cousin.

The book wasn't loaded.