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06x05 - Family Feud

Posted: 01/13/24 13:13
by bunniefuu
* Sometimes the world
looks perfect

* Nothing to rearrange

* Sometimes you just
get a feeling

* Like you need
some kind of change

* No matter what
the odds are this time

* Nothing's gonna
stand in my way

* This flame in my heart
like a long lost friend

* Gives every dark street
a light at the end

* Standing tall

* On the wings of my dreams

* Rise and fall

* On the wings of my dreams

* The rain and thunder

* The wind and haze

* I'm bound for better days

* It's my life and my dream

* Nothing's gonna stop me now *


Balki... Ah!

Look, you've been moping around
for two days now.

This secret thing
has gone on long enough.

Cousin, I have nothing to say.

and we are gonna talk about it

Right here right now.

Cousin, forget it. Wild pigs
couldn't drag it out of me.

And that's final.

Well, it doesn't matter
whether you tell me or not.

I know everything.

Well, you didn't think you could
keep something like this

a secret, did you?

Oh, cousin.

You're right.

A feud?

A five-hundred-year-old feud?

as the feud between
the Bartokomouses

and the Bauchelitises
from Skeptos.

A five-hundred-year-old feud

Well, who else
would you feud with?

Well, who else indeed?

So Zoltan Bauchelitis will be
here Friday to fight the duel.

A duel?
You're gonna fight a duel?

Cousin, for someone
who knows everything

you, you seem surprised
you, you seem...shocked.

You seem a person


Yes, I tricked Balki.
And it's a good thing I did.

'Cause Balki wasn't going to
tell me about this duel.

Well, cousin, Balki didn't want

You have Balki's Bartokomous
blood in your body.

Beating in your heart.

Coursing through your veins.

Balki, you can't fight a duel.

A duel is savage,
cruel, primitive.

Oh, not this one, cousin.

First we do the basic ritual,

Then, we do the standard ritual,
Dance of Danger.

And then, of course,
there's the puppet show, and...

Finally we kuzotski until
one of us gets his ears boxed.

That's it?

You don't try to
k*ll each other?

That would take all the fun out
of the puppet show.

Now...let me get this straight.

A man is coming over here
to make arrangements

to fight a duel,
so he can hurt you real bad.

And you're serving him food?

What do you do when you go
to w*r? Have it catered?

Now, cousin, Zoltan is our guest

so we have to treat him
with respect and courtesy.

And, cousin,
this is very important.

The Bauchelitises...

...are very,
very sensitive

about their appearance.

So whatever you do

Don't say anything
about his crow's feet

or those lines around his eyes,
and most importantly...

Okay, Balki, Balki.
Listen, listen, never, ever--

Cousin, listen--

The Appletons
have not fought a duel

for five or six
hundred years now.

Which would seem to indicate


Cousin, just to be
on the safe side.

Don't let him know
you're my cousin.

Greetings, you Bartokomous

Welcome, you Bauchelitis

Make yourself comfortable.

My home is infested
by your presence.

Snout puff?
Who you calling a snout puff?

I made them myself.

Your snout puffs are a little
on the runny side.

You always
were a picky eater, Zoltan.

Oh, uh, you two, uh,
know each other?

We were bandage boys at the last
Bartokomous-Bauchelitis duel.

The good old days.


Please, my sofa is soiled
by your sitting.

So, Zoltan, when would you like
to fight the duel?

Tomorrow, at sunset.


It's a done duel.

All right, now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Two grown men
fighting like children?

Why is this person here?

He's not related to you, is he?

Let me handle this.

Cousin Larry is just a friend.

What? A cousin.

He's a Bartokomous.

Well, just barely.

Much like Tito
is one of the Jackson 5.

but I'm sure if you talk it out

No reason?

Your thieving Bartokomous

sold my trusting ancestor an
anti-social near-sighted goat.

Who led the rest of the flock
over a cliff to their deaths.

I beg to quibble with you.

That goat was not near-sighted.

He was depressed.

And he committed su1c1de

because your insensitive
Bauchelitis ancestors

ignored his little goat cries
for help.

All right, all right, all right,
all right.

So, five hundred years ago

there was a horrible goat

It's time to let it go.

We will never reconcile
with a family

whose dishonesty stretches
as long as their noses.

We will not be insulted
by a family

whose honor is as small
as their loincloths.

Hold it.

Will you listen
to the two of you?

Your feud has become
nothing but silly insults.

You're-you're fighting
about how you look.

Now, I wouldn't fight a duel
if someone said I was short.

Well, of course not, cousin,
you'd be fighting every week.

And, Balki...

Balki, you wouldn't fight
a duel with me

if I said that, uh...

your feet were so big

they came into the room

five minutes before you did?


I have big feet?

No, no., no.

But if I said you had big feet

you wouldn't fight a duel
with me over it, would you?

Well, no.
Well, there you go.

There you go.


And, Zoltan, you wouldn't
fight a duel with me

if I said that your...

Your eyebrows look like
a fur headband.

Oh, cousin.

He didn't say your eyebrows look
like a fur headband.

He said he thought
he saw you before on Bandstand.

Yeah, that's it.

Oh, cousin.
Balki, I was just making...

You just don't know
what you did.

It was just a joke.
You're dead.

It was just a joke.
You're dead.

Now I said your eyebrows look
like a fur headband.

Oh, God.

Well, I guess it bothers
you a little bit.

Zakina boot.

Rak mordik inta.

Now, what was that all about?

Well, so?
You insulted his loincloth.

But, cousin, I told you the
Bauchelitises are very sensitive

about their appearances

and they're most especially

sensitive about their eyebrows.

Well, why didn't you tell me?

Because you wouldn't
let me get it in

Mr. My-family-hasn't-fought-

Well, the streak is over.

What are you talking about?

Cousin, Zoltan said, "Zakina
boot, Rak mordik inta."

That means...
Oh how do you conjugate zakina?

Zakini, zakino, zakina.

The duel is on, and I'm fighting
it with you, short, lipless one.

What do you mean, I'm fighting
the duel with Zoltan?

Cousin, he tweaked your nose.

Cousin, you have to.

No, I don't.

Cousin, if you refuse
to fight the duel

at the time agreed upon, then
Zoltan can attack you any time

any place without warning.

Zoltan didn't look
so tough to me.

Yeah, he may find out

Cousin, biting's against
the rules.

No, I mean I can
take care of myself.

Yeah, I might like
fightin' this guy.

Yeah, yeah, I'd like to
pay Zoltan back

for tweakin' my nose.

That hurt.

Well, cousin, since this is
your first Myposian duel

uh, maybe I should tell you
about it.

No need.
I know what to do.

I crow like a rooster.

Then we kuzotski until one of us
gets his ears boxed.

That is correct.

Here's the box
to put Zoltan's ears in.

What are you talking about?

What did you think boxing
his ears meant?

It's an expression. It means
to punch someone in the ear.

It is?

On Mypos it means
to cut off someone's ears

and put them in a box.

Oh, my lord.

Cousin, your worries are over.

Mama paid a visit
to the scroll mobile

and she sent me
Robert's Rules of Duels.

I'm sure there's something
in here to disqualify you.

It's not necessary, Balki.

I'm not fighting a duel.

Unlike Mypos,
this is a civilized country.

When someone threatens
to cut off your ears

you do the civilized thing.

You call the police,
and have them deported.

So it is "So long, Zoltan."
Let's go to dinner.

Cousin, cousin, I hope
you know what you're doing.

Just as I suspected.

Oh, yeah? Well,
if Cousin Larry was a coward

he'd be calling
the police right now.

9-1-1. 9-1-1. 9-1-1. 9-1-1.

Prepare to defend yourself,
Bartokomous pukiliki.

W...w...w...wait a minute,
wait a minute.

D...don't I have to crow
like a rooster first?

Zoltan, you're gonna love this.

Cousin Larry
does a terrific rooster.

Go ahead, cousin.


My blade thirsts for your ears.


As for the rest of
the preliminaries, I win them.

Balki, can he do that?

I'm afraid so, cousin.

Boy, you really
know your rules.

What about the puppet show?

Ooh, nice ear extensions
on the mask, Zoltan.

Thank you.

I'll give you a moment to gather
your puny Bartokomous nerve.

Cousin, cousin,
just stay away from him

until I can find a loophole.

Well, I don't know if I can.

Well, sure you can, cousin.

Zoltan might not be very good
with the kuzotski.

You think so?

but sometimes the skill
skips a generation.

Nice...nice slashing, Zoltan.

Balki, find a loophole.

Bauchelitis eterminiki.


Cousin, cousin, I think I found
a rule that can work for us.

Once you get your blood spilled
you get a free penalty hack.

Balki, that's not good enough.

Find a loophole
that doesn't require blood.

That's it.
Oh, thank God.

Well, Zoltan, good clean fight.
No hard feelings.

Cousin...that's just
the end of round one.

Round one?
Yeah, but don't worry, cousin.

After seven hundred and fifty
rounds it's declared a draw.

Round two begins now.

Can he do that?

Well, we'll appeal it, cousin.

En kuzotski.

Ha! Oh!

Oh, boy.

I do?

He's trying to disembowel you

and if you die before he cuts
off your ears he loses the duel.

Rule 27, paragraph 3.


Wave goodbye to your ears.

Back off, Bauchelitis.

You can't interfere.

This is my fight.

My name is Balki Bartokomous.

You scared my cousin.

Prepare to lose your lobes.


Balki, watch his left.
He favors his left.

Thanks, cousin.

Have you noticed his right
ain't too shabby, either?


Ready when you are, Zoltan.

There's something
I think you should know.

What is that?
I can fence with both hands.

I'm amphibious.


Bartokomouki ekaniki!


Your ears are mine,
Bartokomous swine.

Go ahead, Zoltan.
Make my day.

Bartokomous, you have prevailed.

I give you my ears.

I give them back to you.

This feud has
gone on long enough.

It ends here.

Mama says that the feasting
went on for days

and, eh, they were going
to k*ll the fatted calf

but everyone was so happy

they decided to put it
on a diet instead.

Well, the end of a
five-hundred-year-old feud

is cause for celebration.


Oh, cousin, mama says there's
talk of a Bauchelitis marrying

a Bartokomous and everyone
is hoping that the baby

gets the Bartokomous eyebrows.

And the Bauchelitis nose.

Well, I'm just glad that
everything turned out all right.

Cousin, thank you for showing
me how futile the feud was.

Well, thank you
for saving my ears.

Oh! Guess what mama sent us to
commemorate the end of the duel.

A box of ears.
Oh, Oh.

Cousin, vegetables
are your friends.