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08x15 - Beyond the Open Door

Posted: 01/13/24 08:40
by bunniefuu
This is not the man
who m*rder*d those girls.

This lady is a psychic.

Out there is a maniac

who's either lucky enough or
smart enough not to leave any clues.

She's gonna help
us find the strangler.

So, you're gonna go along with
this charade, use a fortune teller?

The m*rder*r is free
and he will k*ll again.

Right now, it doesn't matter
whether she's guessing

or whether she is clairvoyant,

a young woman's life
may be in jeopardy.

I have to get you, Mrs. Jordan,
before your clairvoyant mind gets me.

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

the most fascinating
sphere of police work,

the world of forensic medicine.

I missed my school bus. Are you
going anywhere near Euclid Avenue?

I'm going right past. Hop in.

Great! Thanks.

You looked like you were in a
real desperate hurry back there.

Yeah, I am. I've got a softball
game in exactly 45 minutes.

My name's Cy. Cy
Powell. What's yours?


Why are you turning here?

It's a shortcut.

What are you doing?

I won't touch you, I promise.

Let me out! Don't you touch me! Let
me out! Stop the car and let me out!

Wait a minute!

You're a sick old man!
Sick and disgusting!

I wasn't gonna touch you.
I never touch anybody...

I'm calling the police.

You told me your name and I'm
gonna give them your license number.

I've got it and I'm giving
your license to the police.

- You wanted to see me, Quince?
- Oh, yeah.

Blow up the area around
the wound, will you?


Here's the particle
analysis on the Notter case.

Positive g*nsh*t
residue on both hands.

You know, I didn't think
I was gonna catch you.


I thought you'd be on
your way to Arcadia Park.

What for?

The hit-and-run strangler.

What are you talking about?

They said another
body was found.

Who said?

I just heard it on the news.

Another teenage girl.
They found her in the park.

What took you so long?

Don't you get cute with me.

You know none of your people
called the Coroner's Office.

Okay, so we're going
a little tight on this one.

The only reason it leaked out was that
some jogger happened to come by here.

What's that got to do with
us? Your office and mine?

Look, Quincy, it wasn't
me. It's Captain Bannerman.

He's getting so much
heat on this case,

he wanted the boys to secure
this area until they're finished.

Doesn't he know that the homicide
team belongs to the coroner

until the body's been
examined and taken away?

Oh, Quincy, I told
him that. Guess what?

He's asked, "Who
cuts my pay check?"

Now, come on, calm down,
let's work together on this

and see if we can
catch this maniac.

You're sure it's him?
What have you got?

Teenage girl hitchhiking, body
crushed by the wheels of a car.

What about the rest of it?

Oh, that's up to you to verify.

Well, there's no question
that she was strangled.

Oh, there's hemorrhage
where the tire went over her.

That shows she was alive
when the car ran over her.

You think she was r*ped?

That'll have to wait.

Seven innocent children.

Yeah. That's a terrific time
for the Police Department

to keep the Coroner's Office
away from the crime scene.

Monahan played badly
which is what he usually does...

- You're being
paranoid about this.
- What do you mean "paranoid?"

They didn't notify
the office, did they?

They notified you when they
thought you should be notified.

Oh, whose side are you on? When
I come to you with a complaint...

Listen, you know last
week because of you

I went to Bannerman and raised
a lot of fuss and you were wrong.

- What's that
got to do with anything?
- I can't do...

- I was the Reed case.
- Will you just cool it?

I am going to look
into it, right now.

You just don't trust
me. You never do.

Oh, sure you are.

- Look, Quincy...
- You are off limits!

You're not allowed on
this floor without an escort.

Oh, come on, Quincy, how
many times do I have to apologize?

Now look, the only
reason I came down here

was to share some
information with you.

Oh! You would do that? You
would share something with me?

Oh, come on now, stop
kidding. This is serious now.

I want you to know that
there's a discrepancy.

The plaster casts we
made of the tire tracks

don't match the vehicle he
used in the other murders.

That's not surprising.

So I just wanted you to know that
so we'll stay coordinated on this thing.

You want to stay
coordinated with me?

Well, wonders never cease!

Look, I gave you something,
you got something for me?

Oh, so the Lieutenant does
want something from me, huh?

All I wanted to know
was if she was r*ped?

We didn't find
any evidence of it.

Ah! See, that is
discrepancy number two.

The cars don't match and the
victim wasn't sexually assaulted.

You weren't listening, Lieutenant.
If you keep running over people,

sooner or later, you're
gonna damage your car,

or incriminating
evidence is gonna be left.

It shouldn't surprise you that
the m*rder*r changed cars.

Yeah, but what about the
fact that she wasn't r*ped?

She wasn't r*ped because
she's the only victim

that put up some
kind of a fight.

She had defense wounds
on both of her hands.

Quince, here, take a look.

- Wish us luck.
- Why?

While we were photographing the girl, we
found a tiny sliver of metal in her hair.

I analyzed it and its
almost pure titanium.

Looks like a metal
filing from a lathe.

It could be from machining
high-speed rotor parts.

- Like from
the aerospace industry.
- Yeah.

I'd say it's pretty likely she
picked it up from her assailant,

or even from the
seat of his car.

Quincy, you're a genius!
You really narrowed it down.

Look, I'm gonna get on the horn,

have them do a computer run-down
on all the sex maniacs in the city,

see if any of them worked
in that kind of factory.

Oh, am I allowed
to use the phone?

Leave a dime.

I'll bet you any amount of money
you're after the wrong person.

Listen, I have a bunch
of animals working for me,

but this guy Leon, I mean,
he's a beautiful person.

He's the kind of guy you feel lucky
to have running your equipment.

Why don't you tell me
what you're looking for?

Because, I told you we couldn't.

Tread matches. Is this the
vehicle Mr. Stimmel always uses?

He's got a four-wheeler
he takes out on weekends,

off-roading with his family
and his grandchildren.

That's the kind of guy he is.

Did you find something?

I think I've found blood, all
over the front suspension.

Leon Stimmel,
you're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak with an attorney

and have the attorney
present during questioning.

If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be appointed for
you without charge before questioning.

Do you understand each of these
rights I have explained to you?

Listen, I'm telling you Quincy,
if I had a bottle of Champagne,

I'd break it open right on duty
here and have a toast to you.

You can do that tonight at Danny's
and your Captain can pick up the tab.

Hey, listen, Bannerman should.

The weight you guys took
the heat off his shoulders.

Last time I saw him,

he was still taking bows
at the press conference.

Lieutenant? Mrs.
Jordan's here to see you.

Uh-oh, I'm sorry. But I have
something important to tell you.

Well, I am kinda busy now.

Maybe you can call
me back this afternoon?

Aren't you gonna introduce us?

Well, yeah, yeah.

Mrs. Jordan, this is Dr. Quincy
of the Coroner's Office.

- How you doing?
- He's the one that
made the breakthrough

that caught the strangler.

Yes, that's what I've
come to you about.

You've arrested the wrong man.

This is not the man
who m*rder*d those girls.

Oh, Quincy, this is, uh...
This lady's a psychic.

Working with the Police?

It was Bannerman's idea.

Oh! Why are you saying we
have the wrong man, Mrs. Jordan?

Because, you see, when
I read about the murders,

a face comes to me and
today it came very clearly.

I saw his face and his body,
even the clothes he was wearing.

And this isn't him?

No, this is not the man.

It was another kind of
face. It was an evil face.

Uh, Mrs. Jordan, I really
appreciate the help you're giving us

but you see, there's
something that you don't realize.

Leon Stimmel, he
signed a full confession.

Well, I don't know
anything about that

but I do hear children's
voices crying out

and the m*rder*r is
free and he will k*ll again.

Where? Where I mean?

Is there anything that's
specific coming through?

I mean, like the time...

A place? Whatever.

No, but I see his
face very strongly.

He will k*ll again.

Well, look Mrs. Jordan,

if anything else comes through,
well, you'll get in touch with us, right?

Of course.

Thank you.

- I saw her in Arcadia Park.
- Now, Quincy...

- You actually used a psychic?
- It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

What did you do, sit in a
room and play a Ouija board?

Listen, I told you, it was
Bannerman, it wasn't me.

That's why you kept me away
from the crime scene yesterday.

You were afraid I'd be
blinded by her crystal ball.

Quincy, if you keep it up,
I'm gonna toss you out of here.

You got a lot of guts...

Lieutenant, this is crazy.

- What's crazy?
- I don't know what
the hell's going on.

We just had something
out at Hansen Dam.

Something that looks exactly
like another hit-and-run m*rder,

done by our strangler.

I take it you've finished.

You look as bad as I feel.

The same MO the strangler
used on all his other victims.

He r*ped her, he strangled her,
then he crushed her body with a car.

That fits with what we've got.

Remember that sicko
that k*lled Nancy Wallace?

He kept saying that he didn't have
anything to do with the other girls.

He's just your good old-fashioned
garden variety flasher.

When Nancy threatened
to turn him in, he panicked.

Made it a copycat k*lling. Made
it look like the strangler did it.

I've never felt so
helpless in my life.

Out there is a maniac

who's either lucky enough or
smart enough not to leave any clues.

The autopsy didn't
help us one bit.

Uh, look, Quincy, there
is something you can do.


Um... Why don't
you tell him, hmm?

What is it, fellas?
What's going on?

We need a personal item
that belonged to the victim.


Like a ring or a necklace.


You remember that
lady, um, the psychic?


Well, she needs something
that belongs to the latest victim.

So she can help
us find the strangler.

You're still caught up in that
charade? Using a fortune teller?

Now, wait a minute, Quincy.
Now, wait, just calm down now.

After all, she did say we were wrong
in locking up that guy. Remember that.

She had a 50% chance of being
right and a 50% chance of being wrong.

Well, it seemed like
more than luck to me.

After all, what
options have I got?

Either I can take a flier with the lady,
or I can sit and wait till the next victim.

Well, what makes
more sense to you?

Mom, we're home!

I'm in here.

Mom, I need $12 and I
gotta go right back to school.

It's the last day for yearbook
sign-ups and I forgot.

My wallet's right there, honey.

I hate having my picture taken.

With a face like that,
I don't blame you.

Stop acting like a
spoiled brat, Andy.

Mom, tell her not to smile

or all we'll get for $12
is a picture of her teeth!

Bye, Mom.

You come home right
after you're finished.

See you later, comedian.

You get at your homework.

Oh, and Mom, you're gonna take
me to hockey practice tomorrow, right?

Oh! That is tomorrow.

Well, if I can get a replacement
at the counseling center, I will.

Otherwise, you're going
to have to hitch a ride

with one of the other mothers.

Andy, come here.

It's important to you, isn't it?

Well, I know you work hard and you're
busy but Dad always used to take me.

He never missed a practice.

That's why it's so important to
you, hockey? Because of your Dad?

I always felt good
when he was with me.

Yes, so did I.

I guess we all miss
him a lot, don't we?

I know this kinda sounds crazy

but sometimes when I score a goal, I
feel like there's some way he can see me.

Oh! That's not crazy.

There's lots of
times that I feel

that he's very
close to all of us.

Now, about the
hockey, it's a promise.

I'll take you and I'll
stay for the whole thing.

That's great, Mom.

Now, you get to your homework.

Oh, wait.

This apprehension.

It's sudden apprehension.

And sudden



You see, sometimes when
I work with personal objects,

the, uh,

feelings come from a
long, long period of time,

rage and resentment.


This is not like that.

It's sudden.


stark terror.

Are you describing the
emotions the latest victim

must've experienced
during her attack?

I'm describing the
emotions I feel from this ring.

Well, that's pretty surprising

because the ring you're holding
belonged to Lieutenant Monahan's mother.

Oh, I see.

It wasn't my idea, Mrs. Jordan.

I was hoping it would've
turned out the other way.

Lieutenant, is your mother dead?


May I ask how she died?

She was k*lled in an
automobile accident.

Her car was hit head-on.

Well, wouldn't you say that might explain
the emotions I sensed from this ring?

You could say that.

You could also say that those emotions
are experienced by millions of people.

Doctor Quincy, you may doubt me.

I mean, that's your
privilege. It's fine.

But don't come to my
home, plotting deception,

and expect me to justify
myself. I just won't do it.

Quince, you were
rude, rude, rude.

There's no other way to put it.

You were out of line
and she called you on it.

Called me on
what? What did I do?

Come on, Quince. If you ever
pull a trick like that on me, my friend,

then you'd better
be ready to duck.

It wasn't a trick,
it was a test.

Yeah, she passed and you failed.

You're beginning to
sound as bad as Monahan.

Come on, Quince. There
are fakes and fakers.

But both of us know there's also a lot of
well-documented para-psychological data.

Oh, come on, honey. That's
a whole different ball game.

You know what I
find hard to accept?

Gross generalities that are
presented as psychic revelations.

Oh, you're sometimes...

I think that scientific
brain of yours is

just locked up in a
bottle with a cork on it.

Why do you always
have to be such a purist?

So far the lady has been
right about everything she said.

You mean about Monahan's mother?

Honey, everybody feels
sudden terror just before they die.

See, that's the danger of
this. That's what I worry about.

Somebody comes along and
makes a couple of lucky guesses.

And people like you,
who ought to know better,

leap to the assumption that they're
dealing with strange supernatural powers.

You know what I find
strange and supernatural?


You've been back there almost an
hour and I don't smell anything cooking.

Well, you just sit down.

- Don't you do any peeking.
- Okay.

And you'll be wined and
dined before you know it.

Good Lord, who's this?

It's one of the most
disturbed faces I've ever seen.

Straight from the imagination
of Mrs. Edith Jordan.

This is the man she described?

The police artist's
sketch, yeah.

How frightening!

Well, after she described this, she
went into another inspired trance,

she came up with something new,
this jagged scar on his left cheek.

Now, doesn't that look like
something out of a comic book?

No. There's nothing
funny about this face.

Nothing funny at all.

Now, that was a workout.

I know. Sometimes, you know, I think
that Mr. Johnson's got a mean streak.

What is taking Gloria so long?

You know, I'll go
get her, I'll go get her.

Well, it's about time.

She was busy
talking to some guy.

Oh, I was beginning to wonder
what you were doing in there.

Are you sure you don't
want to go somewhere?

No, I gotta go. I got homework.

All right.


You ready, honey?

I'm ready, I'm ready.

- Ta-da!
- Oh, meatloaf!

Meatloaf? Honey, that's
Doctor Q's famous steak tartare.

Raw meat?

What are you talking about?
That's filet mignon, double chopped.

There's capers in there and anchovies,
and cognac and my own secret sauce.

Cook it.

Honey, you can't
cook steak tartare.

Yes, you can. You can
cook it and call it hamburger.

Oh! Yeah?

Quincy, I just got a
call from Edith Jordan.

She said the strangler's
gonna strike again. Tonight.

No, you check it out and let
me know what happens, will you?

Quincy, she wants you there.
You were part of her vision.

I don't know what that
means but you better be ready

because I'm gonna pick
you up in half an hour.


What's wrong?

Edith Jordan had
another strangler vision.

Evidently, she put me
in the picture this time.

Monahan gong on a wild goose
chase and he wants me to go along.

Well, aren't you gonna
change your clothes?

What for? I'm not going.

If she asked for you,
there must be a reason.

Honey, I'm hungry and I'm tired

and I don't feel like
racing around in the dark

for something as vague
as, "There must be a reason."

Look, right now, it doesn't
matter whether she's guessing

or whether she is clairvoyant,

a young woman's life
may be in jeopardy.

Are you gonna risk taking
the responsibility for that?

I'll change, I'll change.

And I'll cook the hamburger.

Mrs. Jordan, if I understand correctly,
I was part of a vision you had today.

Well, it was different tonight.
Tonight it came in a dream.

You see, I worked very
late at the Family Center

and I fell asleep
right after dinner.

Tell him what you
saw, Mrs. Jordan.

I saw what seemed like
rows and rows of chairs

in a huge room

and there was a stage with
what looked like a haunted castle.

Tell him the rest
of it, Mrs. Jordan.

The strangler was there with a
young girl about my daughter's age.

In a haunted castle?

Yes. I'd seen it before.

I took my son there for his tenth
birthday on one of those studio tours.

It was called
Frankenstein's Castle.



Nothing. It's a total bust.

We've been over
every inch of this place.

Nobody's been here since they
locked up after the last show.

I don't understand.

You said you were sleeping.
Maybe it was a dream.

No. I had a sense of this place.

Okay, Brill, maybe
we ought to pack it in.

Okay fellas, that's it.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

When you were here, did
you visit the Amphitheatre?

No. It was closed.

It has rows of seats,
a stage and it's huge.

You're right! I could
have misinterpretated!

Oh, yes, that could be it!

Hey Brill, let's go.
Amphitheatre. This way, fellas.

All right, men, spread out,
search every inch of this place.

Now, you two come with
me. Check every aisle now.

There she is!

Darling, darling,
it's all right.

It's all right. It's all right.

You're safe. You're
safe. You're safe now.

You're safe. You're
safe, darling. You're safe.

It's all right, darling.

What's the big surprise?
Why are you so upset?

I'm not upset, she is.

The media always has a
field day with a story like that.

The problem is, I promised if she
helped us, there wouldn't be any publicity.

Well, in all fairness, how can she
blame you when a story like that leaks?

I'm glad you see it so clearly.

That should make it easier
for you to explain to her.

Me to explain?

Why do I suddenly get the feeling
that I'm being sandbagged here?

Look, Quincy, I wouldn't ask you

but when I call her, she
wouldn't even speak to me.

What makes you think
she'll speak to me?

Well, because you figured
out about the Amphitheatre.

And because of this,

she's not gonna trust
me, maybe she'll trust you.


I still think I'm
being sandbagged.

Dr. Quincy! You're just about the
last person I expected to see here.

I want to apologize. I was very
rude at your house and I'm sorry.

That's already forgotten.

Especially after the way
you helped me last night.

Maybe I even made a
bit of a believer of you.

Then, you do care.

Well, I didn't but...

Yes, I do.

Which one's yours?

That one who's about
to be knocked flat.

If he is as good a skater as he is
a bouncer, he's gonna be a star.

I'm... I'm very grateful that
you were there last night.

I made a classic error.

You'll have to explain that.

Well, you see, um,
when you're psychic,

things come to you
in visions, dreams.

And sometimes, we try to
fit that into familiar places,

people, things we know.

The picture itself is
usually quite accurate

but the interpretation,
the personal interpretation,

sometimes can be not even close.

That error could've cost
that girl's life last night.

Mrs. Jordan, you saved
that girl's life last night

and I saw the compassion
you had for that child.

That's why I find it
very difficult to believe

that you're gonna close
down and refuse to help us.

How do I look, Mom?

Uh, like Wayne Gretzky.

Now, get your skates
off. We got to pack up.

Jenny's trying out for the play tonight
and I haven't even started dinner.

All right.

Don't they ever
heat these places?

Oh, no, that's against
the entire concept.

Do me a favor? Tell
me, is my nose still there?

It's turning a little blue.

Well, then, couldn't we
find a warmer place to talk?


I can actually feel
circulation in my fingers again.

Is he your only child?
The hockey star?

Oh, no, uh...

Jennifer, uh, is in high
school. She's a senior.


Dr. Quincy, I know you didn't
come here to watch me cook

or to have small talk
about my children.

You and Lieutenant Monahan want
me to work on the case again, don't you?

Yes, we do.

Mom, if we don't eat soon,
I'm gonna be late for my tryouts.

You're not gonna be late
and we are going to eat.

This is Dr. Quincy.
Jennifer, my daughter.

- How do you do?
- Nice to meet you.

I can see we're
having stew again.

I want you to know, Dr. Quincy,
that I am as disgusted as you are

at, uh, public displays
of clairvoyance.

I mean, It's very insulting to those
of us who are serious practitioners.

Oh, nobody can
think that about you.

Lieutenant Monahan had promised
me that there would be no publicity.

That headline made me sick.

"Psychic Saves
Girl From Strangler."

Oh, I can't blame
you but news people

have a way of smelling
out these stories.

It's something Lieutenant Monahan
doesn't have any control over.

Oh, I wish I could
make you understand

how much we want you to
feel good about what you did.

Well, it's not so simple.

You see, even my own father
hated me because I had the gift.

He even blamed me
for my brother's death.

He thought I was
possessed by the devil.

You see, I foresaw
my brother's death

and I begged Daddy not to
let him take that bus to Dallas.

My mother was visiting there
and he was going to see her.

And I begged him for three weeks. I
had this vision of a burning, flaming bus.

And when the train hit the bus

and there was a huge expl*si*n,

my father said,
"Your mind did it.

"You're a devil."

Well, needless to say,

I did not mention my
visions anymore to my father.

And even with other children,
it was difficult, you know,

because I'd see things that were
painful and hard to talk to them about.

So, you see, there's a reason
that my life is very private.

Believe me, I can
appreciate that.

But for some reason,

you keep having visions that
could catch a brutal m*rder*r.

You might be able
to save another child

from the most horrible
kind of death I can imagine.

So that's why
we're coming to you.

We've realized...

Mom, I forgot to tell you, Mrs.
Edwards wants you to call her.

Oh! That's about my fund
raising for the, uh, center.

Will you excuse me?

Mom, what about dinner?

Oh, we're going to have
dinner and I will help you.

Thank you.

You'd like to stay for dinner?

- Dinner?
- Yes.

Oh, sure. Thank you.

- You stir the stew,
make sure it doesn't burn.
- Okay.

- And,
uh, watch the, uh, rolls.
- All right.

Did you see me score a goal?

No, I didn't, I'm sorry.

That's okay. We're having another
practice at six o'clock Sunday morning.

Six o'clock, Sunday morning?

Yeah, but I think you'll enjoy it
a little bit more if your bring a kid.

Very funny! Watch the rolls.

Quincy, is it true?

- Didn't Brill
give you my message?
- She's back on the case?

She's trying. She tried
last night after dinner,

but for some reason
she's gone kind of blank.

So in the meantime, we're
doing everything we can.

This is that girl's sweatshirt.

He bit her right
here on the shoulder.

We're testing for
saliva on the fibers.

See if we can at least
get a blood type on him.

That ought to narrow it down

- to about 50 million people.
- Yeah.

Did Mrs. Jordan say why
she wasn't having any luck?

She said she may be trying too
hard. Maybe it's getting too close.

Sweetheart, I know you're
disappointed about this play

but, you know, usually there's
a reason for things like that.

The reason is, I was terrible.

- I stunk!
- Aw!

- I'm never gonna
try to act again.
- Now don't say that.

A part will come along
that you will be perfect for...

Gangway, I'm late!

Oh! I love you, baby.

Just think about the class picnic
and maybe you'll feel better. Huh?

- I will. Bye.
- Bye.

Well, whatever news you've
got, it doesn't look like it's good.

We looked at every fiber around
the bite in that girl's sweatshirt.

Either there wasn't any saliva
there or not enough for us to detect.

Call the police
crime lab, will ya?

Get all her clothes. Go
over everything she wore.

They've done that, Quince,
with a fine-toothed comb.

They're willing to let us try but
I think it'd be a waste of time.

Get them, will you,
Sam? Nothing's a waste

of time when you're
this far in the corner.


- Oh, hi, Mom. Bye, Mom.
- Hi.

- Oh, Mom?
- Huh?

Andy's at Dave Nicholson's
house. He's staying for dinner.

His mother said she'll call
you and make sure it's okay.

Okay. Jenny?

You look terrific.
Have a good time.

Thanks. Bye.



What are you so happy about?

Remember this?

Yeah. That's your artist sketch
from Mrs. Jordan's description.

- Right. We've ID'd him.
- How?

One of our guys recognized
him. His name's Raymond Pike.

He's wanted in Oregon for a list
of sick things as long as your arm.

- One of your men knows him?
- A new guy,
worked homicide in Portland.

They had a whole string of r*pe-murders
up there a couple of years ago.

When they went to
question him, Pike, he split.

Have you been in
touch with Portland?

Yeah, they're sending down
the whole package, Quincy.

Complete description,
the prints, everything.


Oh, not only that, he's
British, speaks with an accent.

So it's gonna make
things just that much easier.

Oh, good work.

Edith, this is Helena Nicholson.

Andy's here and I'd like
to have him stay for dinner.

If there's any problem,
please call me.

Mrs. Jordan?

Hi. This is Frank Collier. I'm
confirming my 4:00 appointment.

I'll be a few minutes late
but I will be there. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Jordan.

My name is Timothy Hale.

I understand from reading the morning
paper that you're a very skillful psychic.

I have a teenage daughter

who is giving me many
complicated problems.

You'll be able to
help with the situation

because I understand
you're a devoted mother.

I'm away from my
telephone right now, so

I'll call later on today
for an appointment.

This whole thing's a bore.

Not my fault, lady. I'm not
on the Social Committee.

Oh, Jenny, what are you gonna
do? Sit here and pig-out all day?

First, I'm gonna ride the merry-go-round.
Then I'm gonna take a walk.

Oh, gee, that sounds
like a thrill a minute.

Why come to the park if
you're not gonna use it?

I agree. Why come?

Dave? Hey!

Jenny! Jenny!

- Dr. Quincy.
- Oh, thank God!

It's Edith Jordan. You
got to help me, Dr. Quincy.

- Why? What's the matter?
- It happened all of a sudden.

What did?

Well, I heard this music, it was
like children's music and it, uh...

I saw this man sitting
on a glider drinking beer

and then I saw Jenny's face
and she was screaming for help.

And I know where she
is. She's in Griffith Park.

He must be on the carousel.

It's that man. It's that man!

Look, I'll call Lieutenant Monahan.
I'll get up there right away. All right.

Where's Jennifer Jordan?

Uh, she's not back yet.

- Back from where?
- Well, she went for a walk.

She should have
been back by now.

This is very important.
Jennifer could be in danger.

- Which way did she go?
- Up toward the hills. Why, what's wrong?

- Jennifer, are you all right?
- Dr. Quincy, what's wrong?

Your mom was worried about you. She
thought you were in some kind of danger.

I'm sorry I caused
all this trouble.

Well, thank goodness
it was a false alarm.

We gotta get to the
phone and call your mother.

Wait a minute. Last night at the

Amphitheatre, she was
right but she was wrong.

Who was?

Your mother interpreted her vision
and she sent us to the wrong place.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, she saw the strangler here
today in the park in a vision on a glider.

So she associated it
with the merry-go-round.

But I saw something at your
house that really looked like a glider.

Your front porch swing.

Oh, my God, yes!

Get down there as fast as you can. I'll
stay with a couple of men just in case.

- Okay, let's go. You two guys get running.
- Come on.

Mrs. Jordan? It's Timothy Hale.

I've come to have
my fortune told.

I know you're home, Mrs. Jordan,

because I've been
watching your house all day.

I know you're in there.

My goodness, we've
gotten cautious, haven't we?

Well, I'll tell you what.
The back door's open.

So why don't we play a game?

Let's see who
can get there first.

Well, I see you've won.

Yes, I see you have.

Thank you for making it
a very interesting game.

That's how I found you, my dear.

They make it very
convenient, don't they?

You see, I have to
get you, Mrs. Jordan,

before your famous
clairvoyant mind gets me.

So, do you want to open up or shall
we keep on playing hide-and-seek?

It's okay. Your daughter's
with the police, she's okay.

It's all right. Yeah,
she's fine. She's fine.


Mrs. Jordan, is there
anything I can do for you?

No, thank you.

Mom! Mom!


- Oh!
- Oh, thank God!

- I was so worried about you.
- Oh!

We got him, Mrs. Jordan. He broke his
leg trying to climb somebody's back fence.

- Oh!
- I'd like to call an ambulance

if I may, to get
him out of here.

- Yes.
- Thank you.

- I'm glad you're okay.
- I was so frightened for you.

- MRS.
- Oh, darling!

Dr. Quincy, I'm don't know
why you're taking me to dinner.

I owe you a celebration
for saving my life.

Oh, no, no. I owe you

for all the terrible things I said to
you before I really got to know you.

You know, when you first
walked into Monahan's office,

I thought you were a fraud
looking for a free spotlight.

But was I wrong!

You know Edith, you've done some
amazing things that I can't explain

but I'd be lying if I said I don't have
some doubts about psychic powers.

It's impossible for me
to believe in anything

that hasn't been verified by
absolute scientific methods.

Like test tubes and microscopes.

Well, if you're talking
about pure science? Yeah.

I mean, I chose that
to be my way of life.

See, results for me have to be

substantiated with
checks and double checks,

controls and balances.
Absolute consistency.

Not with feelings
and speculations

and mental pictures that can be
interpreted a hundred different ways.

Well, Edith, it looks like you've
struck out with Doctor Pure.

That's not true.

Because of this remarkable lady,

I'll never look at psychic
phenomena the way I did before.

I thank you for that.

Here are, the specialty
of the night, beef stew.

Oh! Edith, I told him how
delicious your stew was,

the other day he said
he was gonna match it.

-It's impossible,
Danny -Taste it.


Holy mackerel! That's terrific!

I'm sorry, Edith. That's as
every bit as good as yours.

I transmitted the recipe.

- That's right.
- She did? How?

By telephone. Monahan gave
me her number and I called.
