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03x06 - Herurisu / Portrait of a Father

Posted: 01/12/24 18:15
by bunniefuu
[KYOUKA] I could use some more soy sauce.

I don't like abilities that act on their own.

It's all right.

Don't forget that Demon Snow also saved you before

when you really needed her.

[ATSUSHI] Except we can't forget Demon Snow

also k*lled Kyouka's parents.

If Demon Snow were human,

I could sever her third cervical nerve

so she'd never reach for anything again.

[ATSUSHI] The things Kyouka knows about really scare me.

[ATSUSHI] This is the Wanted List the military police

sends us every month,

and this is the document that shows

our regular bodyguard clients.

[KYOUKA] I know. I already memorized them.

Really? It took me a whole month to do that.

Welcome. Come on in.

[ATSUSHI gasps]

[ATSUSHI] Oh, yeah, I forgot.

She actually works here now.

You have any good specials today?

Yeah, dark-roasted muddy water!

[ATSUSHI] This is Lucy.

She's an ex-Guild member.

She's decided to work here full-time as a waitress now.

Listen, you.


[LUCY] Do you have any clue as to why I'm here now?


To take revenge. Revenge against you.

You'd better remember exactly what I'm talking about.

I remember you were the one who saved me

that day when we were on the Moby d*ck.

[KYOUKA] Hot milk.

--[LUCY] Mm? --[ATSUSHI] Huh?

With sugar please.

[LUCY] Hmph!

If you don't remember why I'm taking revenge on you...

...I will strangle you to death.


Don't worry.

If she tries something, I'll cut her with my sword.

[ATSUSHI] Gosh. I wonder what I did wrong...

[ATSUSHI] All this time, I thought we had

a good understanding of each other.

[LUCY] Oh, I almost forgot.

Some weirdo delivered this. It's for the Detective Agency.

I didn't say it was for you.

It's actually for this little shrimp.


It's for me?

[ATSUSHI] We are requested to pick up and deliver

a briefcase to a specified company.

The briefcase contains a large sum of money

and is supposed to be in one of the boats in this harbor.

[ATSUSHI] But which one?

Did they accidentally leave that out?

It doesn't say anything about which boat.

Then we'll just have to split up and start searching.

That's a good idea.


[MAN] Get out!

[MAN] You're trespassing, you little brat!

[ATSUSHI] Sorry, sir!

This totally sucks.

I'm bound to get reported

if I have to keep on searching like this.

[LUCY] In a bit of a bind, thieving kitty?


You pulled that page out on purpose?

Of course I did.

How would it be revenge if I gave you the whole thing?

What's with the stupid face?

And for heaven's sake, don't tell me that you still

don't have any idea why I'm angry.

[ATSUSHI] N-No, of course I do.

It's because... well... uhh...

You don't like how I cut my bangs?

[LUCY] Are you crazy?!

Stop joking around, you fool!

Don't you remember what I said

when I helped you escape from the Moby d*ck?

You can rescue me from this place someday.

I'll be waiting.

It's a promise.

And yet look what you've done!

Wait, hold on!

I know that you were evacuated off the Moby d*ck

and flown back down to the ground.

I couldn't've saved you.

Oh, give me a break!

Couldn't you have at least said something to me

when we first saw each other again?

If you really want this page, then you'll have to swim for it!

Stupid cat!

[ATSUSHI] That must be an old mooring chain.

What's taking him so long?

Hey, you're joking around, right?

[ATSUSHI coughing]

How could you be such an idiot?!

You're the gifted who defeated the Guild!

And you were about to drown right next to the dock!

Where am I?

I had to transport you out of the water

and into Anne's room, okay?

My ability doesn't work unless I'm very close to my target.

And now I'm a soggy rat just like you!

[ATSUSHI] Thank you.

[LUCY] Huh?

I owe you my life again.

[ATSUSHI] I'm sorry.

When I infiltrated the Moby d*ck,

I really thought I would be able to go back and save you.

I ended up being chased around by Akutagawa

and it wasn't long after that that the Moby d*ck crashed.

I tried my best to find you.

So you did look for me?

I was so glad when I found out you weren't there.

I used revenge as an excuse.

The real reason I started that waitress job at the café

was because I wanted to apologize to you

for not waiting like I promised.

And... another thing--

[ATSUSHI sneezes]

I'm soaked.

I won't be able to finish work wearing these wet clothes.

I know.

If you can transport a person's body from the water,

could you also transport the moisture from wet clothes?


Hear me out.

[ATSUSHI] First, you return the two of us to reality.

Then, re-transport just the two of us and our clothes,

but without the moisture.

That way, we'll have our dry clothes back on instantly.

[LUCY grumbles]

Don't blame me if it doesn't work out.



Another all-nighter, Ango? You look kinda beat.

What happened here?

[OPERATIVE] A Special Operations Division transport vehicle

was att*cked and our reports were stolen.

There was a single attacker dressed like a postal worker,

or so we're told.

One person ambushed an armed Special Operations vehicle.

Whoever it is must be pretty skilled.

Do we know which reports they stole?

They took Document Number... E-----A.

They took that one?

Do you know what that report's about?

It's got investigative data that would reduce her punishment.

It's about the ability Demon Snow

and about her parents whom she k*lled.

The ability's one thing,

but why would she wanna k*ll her parents?

All I know is that her parents were on our side.

And that she has their talent. That's for certain.

There's the boat from the missing page.

I don't trust you.

Well, that's just fine with me, 'cause I don't want your trust.

I see. So whose trust do you want then?

[LUCY] It's here.

[KYOUKA gasps]

[ATSUSHI] That's the briefcase all right.

[ATSUSHI] There's nothing inside.


Don't look at me! I didn't steal it!

[KYOUKA] There's something in the bottom.

It's an Employment Gift?

[ATSUSHI] The report contained a description of all the events

that happened on the day Kyouka's parents died.

Hey, Kyouka,

do you have any idea what your parents did for a living?

No, I don't.

What's the matter, dear?

Oh, nothing.

I'm just happy I didn't have to work too late tonight.

Dinner's delicious and I get to be with you and our daughter.

This is the greatest moment...

...of my life.

[ATSUSHI] Kyouka's father was a former spy for the government.

[ATSUSHI] Her mother was gifted with Demon Snow,

a murderous ability.

She and her husband were involved

in countless assassinations.


My arm's moving on its own!

k*ll me now!

[KYOUKA'S MOM gasps]

[KYOUKA'S MOM] It's an ability that uses blood

as a method for mind control.


[KYOUKA'S MOM] Demon Snow...


Protect my daughter!

[KYOUKA'S MOM] You must go now, Kyouka.

Your mother... will always be... your side forever...


[ATSUSHI] Her parents were struck down by a gifted

who had a score to settle with them.

Since the government was unable

to publicly acknowledge her parents,

they said Kyouka's mom had lost control of her ability.

Okay, but that doesn't make sense.

Demon Snow was my ability, not hers.

I've always heard there's a way

to transfer abilities to family members.

It seems your mother learned this technique from a gifted

who controlled black shadows.

Except it was a sudden attack so the transfer was partial.

Now Demon Snow can only be controlled

through using that cell phone.

[KYOUKA] A few days before my parents were k*lled,

Mother gave me this cellphone and told me

that I should never let go of it as long as I live.

[ATSUSHI] That's why Kyouka always had

her cell phone with her,

even after she joined the Port Mafia.

[KYOUKA] Now I understand what I saw that day.

Demon Snow wasn't responsible for k*lling my parents.

Kyouka, listen, if there's anything I can do-- Ah!

[ATSUSHI] Jeez, that really hurt.

[LUCY] You're so dense.

She resented her ability for k*lling her parents,

but it was actually the embodiment of their love.

I'd give her some time to herself if I were you.

Her parents' love, huh.

Well then, who do you think put that report in the briefcase?

[MOTOJIROU] I heard the news.

You used six months' worth of the budget

to get information from the Special Operations Division.

That's so generous of you.

[KOUYOU] I suppose it is.

[KOUYOU] It's her New Employee Gift,

and it was worth every penny.

[sirens wailing]

[JUNICHIROU] Atsushi! Over here.

Sorry I'm late. I'm filling in for Rampo on this job.

Filling in? What's going on with him?

Well, ya see...

[RAMPO] Hey, Atsushi.

I got a surprise for you!

Can you go do this job for me?

I can go if you want,

but the request has your name on it.

[RAMPO] I'm unavailable.

I cannot be separated from my fresh pastries right now.

Well, I guess you can't really argue with that.


[JUNICHIROU] So the victim is a male in his s.

He was struck by the truck and died on impact.

His face was destroyed, so we don't know who he is yet.

According to what the driver said,

he jumped out into the road.


He's holding part of a newspaper article.

Maybe the rest of it is still around.

Super mystery solver!


It's no good. I don't have Rampo's skills.

Speaking of mysteries, before I left,

Rampo said something strange.

The case is yours to solve from this point on,

but let me give you one piece of advice.

If you get stumped, find a flower shop.

Flower shop?

Yeah. That's what he said.



[ATSUSHI] A flower shop, huh?


They've identified the victim from his fingerprints.

Here's his picture.


[JUNICHIROU] What's wrong?

Why here? Why would you decide to come here?

Why, Headmaster?! Tell me why!

[ATSUSHI] I can't believe it.

The headmaster really is dead.

Are you all right?

You can take a break if it's too painful.

[ATSUSHI] Painful? Not at all.

I'm absolutely ecstatic.

That headmaster's finally dead!

The reason behind all the awful nightmares

that haunt me every night is gone!

[JUNICHIROU] Aren't you curious to find out the reason

your headmaster was in town?

[ATSUSHI] I don't even wanna know.

[ATSUSHI] Back then, I lived every day of my life abandoned.

Nobody expected anything of me.

I... I never even knew who I really was.

[HEADMASTER] Do you hate me for what I've done to you?

Do you have any idea why you've been locked up all by yourself?

[ATSUSHI] I'm here because you hate me.


It's because I became a tiger and wreaked havoc.

[HEADMASTER] Atsushi, resent me.

One day soon, you'll leave here for the outside world

and when you do, Atsushi, I want you to hate me.

But never hate yourself.


I have the rest of the article the victim was holding onto.

It was found on the other side of the road.

It seems the headmaster was actually here to look for you.

He came to Yokohama after he saw this story.

The paper even ran photos of the fight with the Guild.

Guess they must've slipped 'em past the Special Ops Division.

And I got more information from the orphanage staff.

It looks like the headmaster learned about

what you'd been doing from this article.

He probably came here because he wanted to wish you--

Lies! It can't be! No way!

He would... never...



So are you happy with the way things turned out?

Are you, Dazai?

[OSAMU] Does it hurt you to see kids with their parents?

Hey, Dazai, do you remember the first time

that you and I met each other?

Sure. We were looking for the tiger.

Lemme ask you this:

Why do you think the headmaster

didn't tell anyone I was the tiger?

Well, he must've had quite a good reason.

Maintaining that secret would've taken some serious effort.

Especially since he was trying to keep the truth from you.

"Find a flower shop."

Rampo was right all along.

The headmaster was walking to a florist.

He was going to buy flowers... and give them to me when we met.

And yet...

[horn blares]

[ATSUSHI] None of that matters.

I still can't forgive him.

I really...

I really suffered.

There's nothing he could ever do to make me forgive him.

[OSAMU] You don't need to forgive him.

No matter what his reasons were,

what he did to you was unforgivable.

Absolutely barbaric.

You were truly in the depths of hell.

But... living through that hell

shaped you into the person you are now.


[ATSUSHI] If I could save them...

If I could get all of the passengers on the train

back to their homes safe and sound...

...wouldn't that be enough?

I'll do it!

[ATSUSHI] I'll prove that I deserve to live.

[OSAMU] Because of that, you became someone

who understands suffering.

You resisted v*olence and evil and saved many people

who were in positions of weakness.

But, Dazai.

Right now,

I feel like there's something inside me that's about to burst.

I don't understand.

What am I feeling?!

[OSAMU] No one can fully grasp

another person's deepest emotions.

It's impossible.

Only you can understand what you're feeling.

But generally speaking, I can tell you this...

[OSAMU] Most people... tend to cry when their father dies.