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03x03 - Only a Diamond Can Polish a Diamond

Posted: 01/12/24 18:13
by bunniefuu
[CHUUYA] I only have memories of one part of my life.

Unlike you, I didn't lose my memories from trauma.

My life only really started eight years ago.

Before that... everything was just...


[CHUUYA] Somewhere in that darkness,

I was floating aimlessly.

[CHUUYA] Eventually,

someone's hand broke through the outer edges of that void

and dragged me into the outside world.

That hand was yours, wasn't it?

[CHUUYA] Where did you find me?

To find the answer, I decided to follow this case.

Now, tell me everything that you know.

[RANDO] Very well then.

Of anyone, you have the right to be told.

[CHUUYA groans]

Why didn't his gravity powers work?

[RANDO] Unlike a b*llet, the subspace I control

doesn't abide by the laws of physics.

It is of another world entirely which has been

closed off from this one, and I alone hold the key.

As such...

...only if I allow you to, may you enter.

And only if I allow you to, may you leave.

[OSAMU] You left me outside of the subspace you deployed.

Then you must know what my ability is.

[CHUUYA] You son of a--!

That blast didn't k*ll you, huh?

Nothing less from Arahabaki.

[CHUUYA grunts]

Nice try, but it is of no use.

You cannot hope to reach me while I'm in this space,

while I, on the other hand, can strike you at will.

[CHUUYA grunts]

[CHUUYA yells]

Any kind of ability that touches that kid gets nullified.

If you try to quarantine him with your subspace,

you'll make a good opening for me.

[RANDO] His existence is truly heretical.

The ultimate, anti-gifted w*apon,

unrivaled, even back in the west.

The west?

But that's fine.

[OSAMU groans]

[BOSS chuckles]

It's been awhile, hasn't it?

[OSAMU] Yeah.

You look good for someone who's dead, Boss.

[groans] Well...

...former boss.

There's no way he could have hurt that idiot

with his special ability.

[OSAMU] You're right.

His giant scythe isn't an ability at all.

It's as real as you or me.

[CHUUYA] I see...

So there's a possibility it could really k*ll you, then.

The former boss is dead...

[OSAMU] What exactly did you do, Rando?

[RANDO] My ability can turn corpses

that reside in my subspace

into supernatural beings which I command.

The only draw back is that I can only control one at a time.

Quite impressive.

You've been hiding that ability from the organization

this whole time?

Just who are you really?

[RANDO] Before joining the Port Mafia,

I was a gifted spy from the west.

I traveled to this country to obtain a being--

one of incredible power

that the government of Japan had discovered,

or so they say.

And that "being" was Arahabaki.

[RANDO] The sole purpose of my plan from the very beginning

has been to k*ll you, Chuuya,

and then use my powers to control you and Arahabaki

from beyond the grave.


If the boss were to learn what you just have about me,

he would surely attempt to have me assassinated.

Because of that, you must die here, along with Chuuya.

[OUGAI] It's nothing serious.

You won't be in any kind of danger.

No big deal.

Danger's fine with me.

--[OSAMU] Hey. --[CHUUYA] Hm?

I say we k*ll them both.


Huh? You mean you actually wanna live now?

Believe it or not, I'm starting to actually like

working for the Port Mafia.

In the outside world, death is kept away from everyday life.

But in the Mafia's world,

death is an extension of, and even a part of everyday life.

I personally find more truth behind that way of thinking.

After all, dying isn't the opposite of living

like the majority of people think it is,

but a part of the experience of life itself.

Without observing death up close, one can't capture

the full picture of what it means to live.


You, the suicidal maniac, actually wanna live.

You serious?

I figure it's worth giving a shot.

I can't promise more than that.

You won't have to.

Time to die, children.

Oh, really?

[CHUUYA grunts]

You see it now, right?

What you need to do?

Don't you start giving me orders.

[CHUUYA grunts]

[CHUUYA grunting]

[RANDO] Eight years ago...

...I tried to take Arahabaki as my supernatural being.

But the moment that Arahabaki emerged,

it decimated its surroundings in the blink of an eye.

I won't make the same mistake twice.

This time I'll make certain to end your life,

then subsume you!


[RANDO laughing]

[RANDO] What?

You were able to absorb the impact

by increasing your density, using your gravity ability?


Wanna know why I've been keeping both my hands

tucked away this whole time?

It's a simple way for me to keep my cool.

It helps me stay rooted when I'm afraid I'm gonna lose myself.

But the gloves are coming off now.


Once I subsume you, perhaps the coldness I feel will disappear!

Let's go, Chuuya!


Better move your ass, Dazai.

You piece of shit.

[OSAMU chuckles, grunts]

This is the end for you!


[RANDO chuckles]


You ready?

Yeah! Let's go!

You can't!


[OSAMU grunts]

[RANDO groans]

[CHUUYA] It's over.

[RANDO growls]

Not even you can escape gravity.

[BOSS growls]

[OSAMU] If Rando's subspace vanishes,

naturally, so will you.



[OSAMU] I won't get another chance to say this,

so thank you.

[CHUUYA] You some kinda shitty magician now, Dazai?

[OSAMU] Really, Chuuya?

Did you think I was wearing a cast for no good reason?

You'll tell us everything we want now, won't you, Rando?

It was on that day, eight years ago.

I had infiltrated this country with my colleague.

And that is when it all happened.

What did?

[RANDO] We came here in order to steal a being

of remarkable power that was being housed

in a secret military facility.

But upon reaching our target, before I was able to obtain it,

my partner betrayed both me and our country.

He and I fought over the entity, and amidst the struggle,

we were discovered and apprehended

by the Japanese military.

In order to escape with my life,

I had no choice but to unleash you, the being I had stolen,

from your dark prison,

and I attempted to use my ability to take control.

But before I could react,

you blew up the facility in an instant.

Their records were lost, along with my memories.

[RANDO] My name isn't Rando.

Someone I met here simply mistook

the type of hat I wore as a rando,

and that became my name.

[OSAMU] What happened to your partner?

[RANDO] I k*lled him with my own hands.


[CHUUYA gasps]

[RANDO] I suspect you are not in fact Arahabaki itself,

but a human vessel that was chosen to keep it restrained.

You're very strong.

Not because of Arahabaki,

but simply your strength as a human being.

Sure, whatever.

[RANDO] Regardless of what's living inside of you,

you'll always be yourself.

That's solace enough, is it not?

Every human being, every living creature...

They go about their lives on this Earth

without knowing what they truly are.

[RANDO] How strange...

For the first time... body feels warm.

[CHUUYA] Even in death, you're a real pain in the ass.

Of course, the Port Mafia confiscated

all the records you'd collected on Arahabaki.

[CHUUYA] So I'm back to square one.

Well... even if you were alive,

you probably wouldn't have told anyone about that stuff anyway.

[CHUUYA] I'll be back.


[SHIRASE] There you are, Chuuya.

[CHUUYA] Shirase.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to come an' apologize to you.

We did some soul-searchin' after what happened.

[SHIRASE sighs] We have a good handle on

what the Sheep's problems are now.

So we all talked it over and agreed on what the solution was.

If you decided it together, I won't--

[CHUUYA] You...

[CHUUYA groans]

We'd wait until you let your guard down,

then go ahead and move in for the k*ll.

That way you wouldn't have time to use your ability.

That makes sense, right, Chuuya?

[CHUUYA groans]

What are you doing?

[SHIRASE] It's no use strugglin'.

I rubbed rat poison on the blade.

You'll go numb soon and you won't be able to move.

It's only because you're so damn powerful.

Otherwise we wouldn't have had to do it this way!

All of you?!

[SHIRASE] This is the answer we agreed on.

We're teaming up with the GSS.

We all came to realize the terrible truth--

that if you were really gonna join the Port Mafia,

it'd end up getting each and every one of us k*lled!

I would never betray the organization! [groans]

[SHIRASE] The GSS doesn't change its alliances on a whim

like you do.

They can be trusted as long as they make money.

This is the smartest thing that we can do!

It's the best way to wipe out the Port Mafia!

[CHUUYA groans]

It looks like...

...I was just a fool.

--Get 'im! Fire! --[KIDS gasp]

[SHIRASE] Go find him right now!

He may be weakened by the poison,

but it won't be enough to k*ll him.

So finish the job!

[CHUUYA groaning]

Their "leader" my ass...

All I was doing was holding the organization back.

[OSAMU] Hey there, Chuuya.

You look like you're in a bind.

[CHUUYA] Why are you here, you piece of shit?

You wanna join the festivities and k*ll me, too?

[OSAMU] Mori sent me with a message.

He wants me to officially invite you

to be a member of the Port Mafia.

[CHUUYA] In return for saving my life? Is that it?

[OSAMU] Uh, I don't really even care which you choose.

I'm just here for the bloodbath.

Mori is a pretty demanding employer.

The moment I joined the Port Mafia,

he put me in charge of the army.

Now that two of our enemies, the GSS and the Sheep,

have formed an alliance,

we have to shut them down

before they become completely coordinated.

If I do my job, by noon today...

...they'll all be dead.

[CHUUYA grunts]

You'd actually hurt those kids?

[OSAMU] Our policy never changes.

That said, there is another possibility.

If someone who was familiar with the enemy

asked me not to go through with it,

I would take that under advisement.

Someone on your team, you mean?

[OSAMU] Right.

A fellow colleague in the Port Mafia.

I could trust the suggestion of one of my own.

So you wanna make a deal.

You really are the devil.

Don't forget though that I won those games

we made bets on together.

You'll be working for me in this organization

and I have every intention of working you to the bone.

I'm gonna tear you to shreds one day.

[OSAMU] I like the look in your eyes.

Like a wild beast.

[CHUUYA] Just don't k*ll the children.

[OSAMU] Very well.

Listen up, everyone. As we discussed earlier,

none of the kids are to be harmed.

I see.

He knew this was gonna happen and planned accordingly.

It all started when he made that phone call at the arcade!

--[g*nf*re] --[CHUUYA groans]

[CHUUYA] He purposefully did that in front of my people

to spread doubt.

That damn son of a bitch.

[CHUUYA groans]

[CHUUYA] If that's how you wanna play it, I'm in.

[CHUUYA] What's up with this hat?

[OUGAI] It's tradition in the Port Mafia

that the person who recruits a new member

is responsible for their well being.

To symbolize that, they hand down one of their belongings.

In Dazai's case, I gave him my coat.

For you, it's that hat.

It's seen better days.

[OUGAI] Yes. It actually belonged to Rando.


[OUGAI] It seems that he'd been investigating Arahabaki.

Apparently the military facility he infiltrated

was researching the creation of an artificial gifted

by combining gifted and ordinary humans.

[CHUUYA] An artificial gifted...

[OUGAI] Those documents there are the ones

he collected on the subject.

Not so fast.


I regret to inform you, Chuuya,

but only executives have clearance to look at those.

What makes you think I won't beat the crap out of you

and just take it?

[OUGAI] I know you're not as foolish as that.

[OUGAI] Besides...

...I wouldn't be able to answer the question

that's most pressing in your mind if you did.

It was that easy to see through me, huh?

Tell me, then.

What's it mean to be the leader of an organization?

[OUGAI] A leader of an organzation

is someone who acts as both its king and its servant.

To protect the group, they gladly put themselves

through all manner of filth and tribulation.

They hone their subordinates and place them

where they are best suited.

Otherwise, if deemed necessary, they discard them.

They must take on any act of barbarism

without hesitation.

That is a leader.

It's all for the sake of the group,

as well as for the protection of this city we so cherish.

[CHUUYA] I see...

So that's what I was missing.

I've made my decision.

I'm dedicating my life entirely to you, Boss.

I will work to see that this organization is protected,

and decimate those who stand in our way.

Our enemies will soon come to fear the crushing weight

that my powers of gravity can inflict on them.

They'll think twice about opposing us.

Welcome to the Port Mafia, Chuuya Nakahara.

[CHUUYA] Hey, old lady.

Why are you taking me to this meeting?

[KOUYOU] I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me that.

I'm not elderly yet.

And you're going so you can be better informed.

The group we're meeting with today

is a front organization for the Mafia.

In the course of this meeting, even the smallest of actions

will affect the Port Mafia's future.

You sure you want me in on a thing like this?

What if I happen to piss 'em off or somethin'?

[KOUYOU] We'll cross that bridge if we need to.

If the boat is so easily tipped over,

the best course of action would be to destroy it now

in a blaze of glory.

[KYUSAKU giggles] Hi, I'm Kyusaku!

Hey, you wana play a game?

--[growls] --Please, please?!

[OSAMU] Now, now, maybe a little later, all right?



[OSAMU] Hey!

What do you think you're doing here with her, Chuuya?!

Don't forget that you're my dog!


[OSAMU] That means if my leg itches, you scratch it.

If I want noodles, you drag a shop owner to come here

and make me the best noodles in the world!

So what are you doing working under Kouyou, huh?

You think you're just gonna glide on up the ladder?

You gotta pay your dues before that!

Shut the hell up, you selfish, scheming bastard!

I joined the Port Mafia on my own accord.

Not to be your henchman, your sl*ve, or especially...

Was it really a wise decision

to have these two working under the same roof?

What happens next?

"Only a diamond can polish another diamond." Heh.


Master Natsume...

Those words that you imparted to both me and Fukuzawa...

I'm going to find out for certain

if you were right or not.

[keys clacking]

[ANGO] This concludes the summary of events surrounding

the recruitment of Port Mafia executives

Chuuya Nakahara and Osamu Dazai.

[ANGO] The Port Mafia's influence soon spread

significantly under Mori's new leadership.

[ANGO] Another year later,

Chuuya Nakahara discovered the truth of his own origins,

and went to confront the gifted spy

who had befriended and then betrayed Rando.

It turns out he wasn't dead.

[ANGO] I will provide a separate report on that matter.

Document Number I- C.

History of the Young Gifted

and their role in the Arahabaki Incident.

Report by Ministry of Internal Affairs

Gifted Special Operations Division

Assistant Counselor, Ango Sakaguchi.